Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1968, p. 2

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PG. 2, -PLAIN DEALER- FEBRUARY 2, 1968 Married Fifty Years • ,(4 ife 1 S- if- A't v I f" - f*. & ~» v.. * ?J &C*tt Mil. AND MRS. MAGNUS NELSON Open house honoring the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson of 531 W. Woodstock street, Crystal Lake, is planned by their fam- Altar-- Rosary Meets Monday The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's Catholic church will meet on Monday, Feb. 5, at 7:45 & clock for Benediction, followed by a meeting in the church hall. The committee in charge includes Arlene Guzzardo, chairman; Bertha Huff, Emma King; Leona Estis, Florence and Evelyn Carey, Carrie Kurth, Jean Niska, Carrie Sesko, Mrs. James Sharkey, Marie Corso and Marion Longfield. Cards and visiting will follow the meeting. A large attendance is anticipated. County Women Learn "Keys to Excellence" A delegation of eight Mc Henry county women attended the annual meeting of the Illinois Home makers Extension federation, Jan. 25 and 26 at the University of Illinois, Urbana. "Keys to Excellence" was the theme of this year's meeting that opened in the U. of I. auditorium. Dr. Charles Merrill Smith, pastor of the Wesley Methodist church, Bloomington, spoke at the banquet on the subject, "So You Want to Write a Book". Dr. Smith is the author of the best-seller, "How To Become a Bishop Without Really Being Religious". The banquet program also included entertainment by a group of Grundy county singing homemakers, "The Uniters." The Friday morning session was devoted to a series of workshops covering these five program areas: Membership, safety, public information, citizenship and recreation, and internal programs. Membership goals were announced and awards presented during the membership workshop. Visitors To Church Will Show Slides Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Neice of LaGrange Park will show their, colored slides and read scripture of the place where Jesus walked on Sunday, Feb. 4, at 2:30 o'clock at Mount Hope Methodist church, Pistakee Highlands. The trip was made by the Neices about three years ago. A pot-luck dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m., followed by community singing at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Neice are the parents of Richard Neice of 1104 W. Bay, McHenry. BISHOP TO SPEAK The rare honor and privilege of a personal visit by the Bishop of the Rock River Conference of the Methodist church will be bestowed on the Ingleside Community Methodist church next Sunday morning, Feb. 4. Bishop Thomas H. Pryor will deliver the sermon at the worship service, which begins at 10:15 a.m. and he and his wife will remain for a noontime pot luck dinner in Fellowship hall. His personal appearance at a local church is rare simply because his jurisdiction covers 467 Methodist churches throughout Northern Illinois. Dachshunds make poor house pets. They keep the screen door open too long. Announce Engagement CAROLYN REESE Mr. and Mrs. Seymour R. Reese, 20310 Hebron road, Harvard, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn, to Bruce Toussaint, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Toussaint, 3013 W. Emily lane, McHenry. Carolyn is a graduate of Harvard high school and now employed in that city. Bruce is a graduate of McHenry high school and is employed at Ringwood. An April wedding is planned. Woman's Club To Learn "Personality Inklings" ily. The observance will be held Sunday, Feb. 11, from'\2 to 4 p.m. at the Legion home, 406 Woodstock street, Crystal Lake. The Nelsons moved to the Wattles farm west of McHenry after their marriage in Chicago fifty years ago. They resided here until moving to Crystal Lake about ten years ago. Mr. Nelson, a retired farmer, and his wife are in quite good health. Planning the open house are their four children, Harold of Sterling, Leonard of McHenry, June Oxtoby of Ringwood and Nancy Butler of McHenry. The Nelsons have nine grandchildren. FRANCES ALBRIGHT The regular monthly meeting of the McHenry Woman's club will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 9th, at Zion Lutheran church. The afternoon's entertain- Historical Society Sets Annual Meeting At the regular monthly meeting of the McHenry County Historical society, the date for the annual meeting was set for Mondiy, April 29, which is the fifth Monday of the month and should be an open date for most people. It will be held in Crystal Lake. ft was voted for the society to become affiliated with the Illinois State Historical society, which is operating and sponsoring a congress of local historical groups. In. accepting their affiliation agreement the society is asked to hold three or four meetings a year. If, as in this case, the field is county-wide, it is suggested that district meetings be held ' and notices sent to members of the particular area. Programs can be built around more localized history and it is hoped members in the various communities will become interested in gathering material and reading papers at the meetings. Another requirement of the affiliation agreement is that the State Historical society becomes the trustee of any assets of the local groins in the event they ever dissolve for want of officers to carry on the local unit. The board has queried owners of property adjacent to the fairgrounds and the log cabin, in the hope that an acre or two might be available for a future museum, but to date no "donating" angel has been found, or even the possibility of purchasing a small piece of land. According to the by-laws, those who have not paid their dues, which were due last May 1, are being dropped from the membership list. Due to the increase in postage, printing and mimeographing, it is necessary to carry only paid-up members. Dues for current year will come due at the annual meeting. Donations of artifacts continue to come in every week and the big problem is to display them properly. Some of the larger items such as the interior of the old West McHenry postoffice, shelving from Stone's drug store, with counter showcases, the 110-year-old square rosewood piano, a 70 year old organ, marble top dresser, and other bulky items are in storage awaiting the proper setting. Volunteers are needed who are interested in tracing family records for the out-of-town requests received almost weekly. Most of these inquirers donate to the building fund inasmuch as the society does not ask a flat fee for time spent in looking up the county records. ment will be provided by Mrs. Frances Albright, a graphologist, who will discuss, "Inklings of Your Personality". Handwriting analysis has developed from a hobby into a stimulating and time consuming business for Mrs. Albright. She is a consultant to people with problems involving personality and character. She searches handwriting specimens fdf the answers to such questions as : "Who stole the hundred dollar bill"?; "Can this man sell real estate?"; "Why does this child have an ulcer?" "Can these people work well together?"; "Which'of these people will function best in a supervisory position?*' Mrs. Albright has traveled widely throughout Illinois and neighboring states to fill engagements on the lecture plat-, form. She has appeared on TV shows in Chicago and Ohio recently. Mrs. Albright teaches elementary classes at Lyons township adult evening school and West Suburban YMCA informal classes in LaGrange, as well as advanced classes in her home. She is affiliated with the American Association of Handwriting Analysis and is secretarytreasurer of the Mid-west Ana- FEBRUARY 3 Millstream Campers at Freind's Campers -- Pot-Luck - 6:30 p.m. Bring Dish to Pass -Card Table-Chairs - Table Service - Film to be Shown - Bring the Kids. FEBRUARY 6 Fox River Valley Camp No. 3251 - R.N.A. -- . Home/ of Mrs. Ray Murphy -- 4517 Mc- Cullom Lake road, - 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 7 Home & School Association- St. Patrick's - Luncheon Card Party - Church Hall - Serving 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 9 Monthly Meeting of - McHenry Woman's Club - Zion Lutheran Church - 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 13 v. O.E.S. Stated Meeting and Valentine Party -- Acacia Hall 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 14 Valentine Card Party and Dessert Luncheon - 1 p.m - V.F.W. Clubhouse - sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club - Proceeds to benefit McHenry Public Library. FEBRUARY 15 Catholic Daughters of America - Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573 - Business Meeting, K. of C. hall - 8 p.m. / FEBRUARY 17-18 Third Annual Ice Fishing Derby - McCullom Lake - sponsored by Xullom - Knoll Association - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. FEBRUARY 19 McHenry Garden Club - Home of Mrs. Herbert Rothering - 315 Timothy Lane - Edgebrook Heights - 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 21 McHenry Chapter 547,0.E.S. -Annual Washington's Dessert- Card Party and Bake Sale - Acacia Hall - 1309 North Court Street - 1 p.m. Public Invited. FEBRUARY 27 O.E.S. Stated Meeting - Acacia Hall - 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 28 Style Show - Lake Theatrk- Crystal Lake - 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by Lectyre Luncheon Club -Benefit Project Concern, lysts of Chicago. She is also a member and past president of the Northern Illinois chapter of the International Graphoanalysis society in Chicago. Other affiliations include the Sixth district of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, of which she is a past president, president of the Past Presidents* club, Sixth District, IFWC.past president of the West Cook Girl Scout Council, member for thirty years of the Legion auxiliary and a member of the Community Memorial Hospital auxiliary. Mrs. Albert Barbian will be on hand as tea hostess for the social hour following the program. Galena Talk Presented DAR Kishwaukee Trail chapter, D AR, members and guests met recently at the home of Mrs. Ernest Reinwall in McHenry. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Kenneth Petersen, first vice-regent. Chaplain Mrs. George H. Johnson gave a prayer. Salute to the flag and the American's Creed were participated iA by everyone. Various committee reports were, given with the nominating committee to give their report in March. National Defense Chairman Mrs, John Mc- Connell gave a detailed report on "Castro to Use New Treaties to Force U.S. to Quit Guantanamo". Following the business meeting, a 12:30 luncheon*-was served by Mrs. Reinwall, with Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake and Mrs. John K. Tornow of Woodstock assisting. Mrs. Gary Barthell of Win- ' netka presented an interesting pr6gram *' "entitled ""Glamorous Galena and Her Generals". Mrs. Barthell's Galena background qualified her to speak with knowledge and enthusiasm on her subject. Her slides emphasized the many jchanges which have taken place in the Illinois historic old city since General Grant and other Civil War generals resided there. Mrs. Gary Barthell has had an international background. She was born in Havana, Cuba, and during her childhood had many world capitals as her schoolroom. Her father at that time was military attache to various American Emtassies. She grew up in Germany, Holland, Mexico and Jugoslavia as well as Cuba. For three years during World War n she served as a lieutenant to the U.S. Army corps. Her duties took her to Casablanca, Oran, Algiers and Bizerte. She served also on detached duty with the British Forces. In Italy she served for twenty-seven months, three of which were spent on the Anzio Beachhead. After VE Day she wasuane of those in charge of a prison camp for women in Italy. Following this she went to Berlin serving as an interpreter. She was awarded the Bronze Star and has eight battle stars. ^ At the present time Mrs. Barthell is regent for a second term of Kaskaskia chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and is the new chairman of American Heritage for the Daughters of American Heritage. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS McHenry Couple Wed Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Berry are postponing their honeymoon until the groom completes his advanced infantry training for the United States Army and before h6 enters O.C.S. The former Miss Barbara Diane Murphy and Mr. Berry exchanged vows at St. Patrick's church at 1 p.m. last Saturday. ltie bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Murphy, 1720 N. Knoll avenue, McHenry, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berry, 2717 Orchard drive, McCullom Lake. Father Leonard J. Guzzardo officiated at the double ring service and special music was offered by Betsy Fossum. TKe young bride was slim and lovely in a floor length gown of white peau de soie which featured a sabrina neck and long sleeves, tapered at the wrists. Pearl buttons secured the sleeves and the back of the dress from neck to waist. Rose appliqued flowers adorned the bodice. Her floor length bell skirt featured inverted pleats on each side and a detachable train with a small bow. Brocade lace leaves with iridescent rhinestone teardrops formed the headpiece which held in place her fingertip, silk illusion veil. She carr ied a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis in cascade and a handkerchief from her mother-inlaw, and wore her aunt's necklace and a blue garter, carrying out the theme of something old, new, borrowed and blue. Her complete bridal outfit was made by her mother. Bridal attendants included Mrs. Kathy Kacsprowicz, a bride of only six weeks, Wonder Lake; Betty Danko, Lakemoor; and Joyce Carey, Nor ridge. Kathy and Patty Brown, Carpentersville, the bride's cousins, were junior bridesmaid and flower girl. The women and young girls wore floor length gowns of red velvet which featured an empire waist, elbow length sleeves and three bows in the back. The skirts were slit to just below the knee. Their matching headpieces had a short veil in back, and they all wore white cut ivory necklaces, a gift from the bride. They carried white fur muffs with a red rose in front. The floWer girl's dress was also made by the bride's mother. " Peter Murphy, the bride's brother, was best man, and John Davies, Johnsburg, and John Heaivey Algonquin, were groomsmen. Sonny Meyer and Thomas Maenner, both of Chicago, served as ushers. For her daughter's afternoon nuptials, Mrs. Murphy chose a two-piece ensemble, coat and dress of brocaded roses on gold satin, brown shoes and matching handbag. She also wore a brown mink trimmed hat and matching gloves. Mrs. Berry wore a blue sheath dress for the wedding, with matching accessories and blue lace coat over a silver sheath and matching accessories for the reception. Both women wore corsages of white carnations and roses. One hundred and fifty guests gathered at the V.F.W. home for the reception. Kathy Brown, one of the attendants, passed the gift and guest books. r. In eight weeks, the newlywedded c:tuple will be living near the Army base in Virginia where Mr. Berry will be attending. Officers' Candidate school. He graduated from McHenry high school, class of '63 and received his degree from Lewis college, Lockport in June, 1967. He entered the Army last fall. The former Miss Murphy is an alumna of McHenry high school, class of '65 and is employed at Tri-Wec Mlg. Co., Lakemoor. ST. PATRICK'S HOME & SCHOOL ASSN. Annual LUNeHIOl & CARD PA Fur and Wig Fashions Shown WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1968 -- 1:00 p.m. St. Patrick's Hall -- Washington Street Serving time 11:30 a.m. .to 1:00 p.m. DONATION $1.50 Models will be in the audience starting at 12:00 noon DEAF MAN PERFI0TS TINY liARINi BID-- OFFERS FREE iQDEL A remarkably tiny all-in-tha-ear hearing aid has been perfected by a man who has been hard of hearing for nearly ten years. This small device has no dangling cords. No separate transmitting units. Just slip it In your ear and hear again as nature Intended. Due to the use of transistors, the user cost is extremely low. The instrument weighs only % ox. Hardly noticeable, yet very powerful FREE. Actual siie, replica of ttie new hearing eld is available to you. No cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours to keep. THESE 0G3ELS JUE FBEE WHILE THE LIBITEJ SUPPLY LASTSWBITE FOR YOURS TODAY TO: Mr. Art Crosby, e/o TELEX, a/i u !• W n. •IWIiKMI HI.. Meose tend jne FREE, actua s>ie mode/ of fh» new TELEX all-m-thtear hearing aid. NAME ADDRES& CiTY Family Honors Bernard Bauers On Anniversary Twenty-eight brothers, sisters and spouses gathered to celebrate the forty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bauer on Sunday, Jan. 28, at the home of their daughter, Doris Andreas^hfttwelve grandchildren also attended later in the afternoon, Bernard Bauer married Catherine Freund on Jan. 31, 1923 at St. Mary's church, McHenry. The ceremony was performed by Msgr. Chas. Nix. GOODWILL PICKUP Every householder can help the handicapped to help themselves by contributing clothing, shoes, housewares and other items to Goodwill Industries. The Goodwill Industries will be in McHenry, Friday, Feb. 9, to collect materials for the sheltered workshop, according to Mrs. Agnes T. Adams, local Goodwill representative. i ii uviuj \>i Year Baptized Brian Andrew Peters, the first McHenry County baby born in McHenry hospital this year, was christened Jan. 28 in St. Mary's Catholic church by Rev, Fr. Rudden. The baby, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Peters, wore the christening dress also worn by his older brother and sister. Sponsor? for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malbert of Nice, France. Dinner was served later at the Peters home, 3717 Idyll Dell road, for eleven members of the family. They included the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Faber, of Morton Grove, the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Peters of Charles City, Iowa, were unable to attend. Brian has a brother, Timothy John 5, and a sister, Julie Ann, 4. The world's most efficient check-writing machine is still called WIFE. Plans Wedding f MARY BETH LUTO Mr. and Mrs. George Luto of 2909 Knoll wood drive, McCullom Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Beth, to Gary Beiers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beiers of 1132 Queen Anne street, Woodstock. Both young people are 1965 graduates of Marian Central high school. Miss Luto is employed in McHenry. Her fiance attended St. Joseph's college in Indiana for a year and is now employed in Chicago. No wedding date has been set. TELLS CANDIDACY William G. Stratton has announced he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of Illinois. Stratton at a press conference here, pledged an intensive statewide, county-by-county, "people-topeople' ' campaign. Bdtex>...atowi,FUU-SER{/lGE bank! What a wonderful way to spoil you! Just dunk, at any hour of any day ... in any kjnd of weather... -whether you ate at home or the office, or many miles away; you can bank quickly, by mail. Write or ask lis for free Banking-by-Mail forms today I Veil* MCHENRY STATE A Full Service Bank "Where Family Money Matters" McHENRY, iLL.

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