THE MeEimY PLMSmEMJm WED., FEB. 7, 1968 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 lE^L ESTATE T.P. • "" RE<0BS Wonder Lake A RARE FIND: 3 bedroom home for under $10,000. 1% !1 baths, 2-car garage, gas heat, d WHITE PICKET FENCE: inside is a large double lot I and 6 room home. Nice kitchen, good size closets, fully j tiled bath, 1-car garage, nam tural gas heat. $10,000.00. 1 McHenry Area 2 JUST LISTED - WONT Last LONG! Want to Swim, Fish, Boat or just plain loaf? Come see this all brick 6 room Ranch home on 50* waterfront. 12x18 living room with fireplace, 10x22 cabinet kitchen, 9x10 enclosed heated porch. Natural sand beach. Concrete drive with 2-car attached garage. Gas hot water heat. This bargain has more. Call Soon! PRICED AT JUST $29,995 T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone: 385-6341 OPEN 7 DAYS WEETk TIT. DARK 2-T-68 REM, $450 Down Payment Here is a real buy for a young couple. This 2 bedroom ranch home has & spacious kitchen loaded with extra cabinets, dinette area, 1 bath, living room with a picture window, alumiman attached garage, lovely landscaping on 170 ft lot. F.H.A. and V.A. financing available. Monthly payment* ooij $SSo3® Including prMsilpSs ft Interest ASKING ONLY $15,000 LADD PiEALTY CHOICE COUNTRY BUILDING SITE Almost 2 acres. Best area. Paved road, electricity and' gas. All Crystal Lake schools and transportation. R. BRUNS Call 459-2239 1-24/2-16-68 AUCTION Coventry Oi Crystal ILcfs©, HL CALL 458).<3406 2-7-68 McHENRY cmd LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms, Vacant, Home Sites, Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, HI. Phone 385-0037 1-20-67TF-J IT P T AWCTIOM FARM SERVICE WAT INSURED AUCTION LOCATION: 7 miles North of Woodstock, or 5 miles South of Hebron on Route 47, to Allendale Road, then East 2 miles to Miller Road, then North % mile. (1% miles Northwest of Greenwood). WATCH FOR ARROWS. REASON: Quitting farming. LUNCH ON GROUNDS Sale io Start At 12:30 P.M. Tuesday. February 13 Morris Hall. Owner 5707 MILLER ROAD - RINGWOOD, ILL. 46 HEAD HI-GRADE HOLSTEENS & GUERNSEYS -- 18 Holstein cows, 15 Guernsey cows, 6 Holstein heifers, 1£ to 16 months, 2 Guernsey heifers, 14 to 16 months, 4 started heifer calves, 1 cross bred steer, 6 months. This is a young herd, sired by N.I.B.C.O. and A.B.S. sires. 10 cows will be close springers or fresh by day of sale. Herd has been T.B. and Bangs Tube Tested.. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: There are many outstanding Holstein and Guernsey cattle in this herd, and we are sure you will be pleased with any purchase you make. FEED -- 1,500 bales mixed hay, 200 bales straw, 25 ft. of silage in 14 ft. silo, 150 bushels ear com. MILKING EQUIPMENT--3 Surge units - pails & strainers. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT -- J.D. 70 with PJS. and Roll-amatie (good rubber); Case D.C. (recently overhauled); A.C. WD with 2-row Cultivator; J.D. 4-14 in. mounted plow with cover boards; Case 3-14 in. plow; Oliver 2-14 in. plow; I.H. 10 ft. Tandem Disc; 4 Section Drag; J.D. No. 490 Corn Planter; Oliver 10 ft. Grain Drill with grass and fertilizer; NX No. 254 Mower with conditioner hitch (2 years old); N.I. Hay Conditioner; J.D. No. 14 T Baler (P.T.O.); I.H. 4 Bar Side Rake; J.D. 50 ft. Elevator with motor; A.C. No. 60 P.T.O. Combine; Grain Blower; N.I. 1-row Pull Type Corn Picker; 2 Gears with Flat Racks; 1 Gear with Barge Box; N.H. Manure Spreader; 1946 Dodge 1 Ton Pick-Up with 4-speed; Starline Silo Unloader (3 years old); Trail Type Sprayer; 2 Wheel Trailer; Feed Cart; Small Tools; Pile of Iron; Stock Tanks; Many Articles Too Numerous To Mention; Hay Feeder; Snow Fence. LIBERAL TERMS Auctioneers:/Gordon Stade, Grays lake, I1L William Stade, Jr., Mundeleln, HL Cashier: Wally Van Egmond, Clinton, Wis. Clerk: Ronald Uplnsky, Union, Illinois Farm Auction Service, Inc. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin AUCTION The farm having been sold, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located at 801 N. Draper Rd., or 2 miles West of McHenry on Rte. 120, then 1% miles South on Draper Rd. on Sunday, February 11 at 1:00 P.M. TRUCKS: 1956 Chev. Cab-Forward with 13 ft. grain box (260 bu. cap.); 1947 Chev. 1% ton truck with combination rack. FARM EQUIPMENT: Case 800 Diesel tractor with 3-point hitch, power steering, front & rear weights, engine recently rebuilt; Farmall "H" tractor & cult.; Case Model MTA 36 3-16 trip bottom plow; Case 12 ft. wheel disc, very good; Case Model 800 self-propelled combine, 14 ft. header, 2-row com head, Variable speed cylinder, Tachometer, power steering & straw chopper; Kewaunee 10 ft. culti-mulcher; 10 ft. Van Brunt grain drill; McC. 4-row planter; Int. 27V mower with 3-point hitch; New Idea 12A tractor spreader; Case 9 ft. wheel disc; in good cond.; New Idea No. 7 one-row corn picker; Farmail F-20 tractor on Rt.; New Holland 77 baler; J.D. 10 ft. wheel disc; J.D. 2-16 plow; Allis 3-14 mounted plow; Allis 2- row cult.; 3-point hitch subsoiler; New Holland semi-mounted mower; 4 section 24 ft. steel harrow; 2 section 12 ft. harrow; Case gear with 8x16 rack & airplane tires; 8 ft. cultipacker; 300 gal. overhead fuel tanks; 2-wheel trailer with flare box; platform scale; elec. fencer; posts & wire; drill press; many other items. FEED: 400 bales straw; 300 bu. oats. John Herdrich, Owner - Anntionoo»«:. Gordon Ill - 312-223-5155 Wm. Stade, Jr., Muirdeleln, m. - 812-566-8555 Clerics: McHenry State Bank. Credit available. Not Responsible for Accidents Louie's Lunch on Grounds 2-7-68 Male Help Wanted INDUSTRIAL ENGIHEERS We are seeking industrial engineers for our expanding operation. This is a real opportunity to get in on the ground floor from these newly established positions. We manufacture wheel and master brake cylinders and rubber components for the replacement market field. Candidates must have predetermined time standards and methods experience with a background in other activities related to industrialengineering. BRAKE PI "ForaaaFiy Autcmattv© C^mtrols" 1600 N. XndtaSm!' Dr. McHenry 2^7/2-9-68 FCffi SEWT H FOB B ALL OCCASIONS UP CAE MM. USSver Road • Grlcrc7®Ea! Lake McHenry, CALL 2-2-1 OFFICE. McHenry, excellent location, off street parking, air conditioned and all utilities furnished. Reasonable. Call 385-1327. 2-2-68TF1-2 MODERN 2 bedroom apartment. Stove, refrigerator, air conditioning, newly decorated. No pets, references required. Call 385-2260. 2-2/2-9-68 3 ROOM house. Adults only. Call after 4 p.m. 815-653-9052. 2-7/2-9-68 SECOND FLOOR; 5 room apartment, heat 1 furnished. 1 year lease. No pets. 3942 W. Main St. Mrs. Elmer Jensen, Call 385-1119 after 5 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday. 2-7-68 Male H©lp WoM©d Carpenters, Exp. only. Year around employment - vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861. 2-2-68TF1-2 PAINTERS, exp. in commercial and residential need apply. Year around employment - vacation and other company benefits. See or sail Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861. 2-2-68TF1-2 OAK FURNISHED apartment. 1 bedroom above Ruck's , Hardware. Immediate occupancy. Call 385-5700 or 385-1098. 2-7-68TF 1-2 5 ROOM house, gas heat. Suitable for 2 adults, no pets. Call 385-3257 after 7 p.m. 2-7-68 WAMTEB TO HEWT $50 For anyone finding young executive and his 5 children, 4 bedroom, 2 baths and prefer fireplace on long term lease or with option to buy. Like immediately. Write,to BOX 105 c/o McHenry Plalndealer 2-2/2-9-68 RETIRED teacher desires first floor apartment. 2 or 3 rooms. Call 385-5595. 2-2/2-7-68 LAUNDROMAT 1404 N. ESvarside Dr. - - McMemry, ID. Will sell on contract $4,000 down payment Call 385-9743 before 4 PJML After 4 P.M. 385-4483 JAMES WOLF 2-2-68TF2 TEST EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANS Day Shift MACHINE REPAIMMJLM DAYS For Screw Machine • __ . .Department Must be experienced on Brown & Sharpe. Top wages to qualified man. Full range of * company paid benefits. Apply In personnel office g®. OAK electro/netics eo»» S««Nk mmia GGtc** Phono «S9«SMt CBYBVAG. 0.AKI, ILLINOIS Wanted HESS RS A good place to work. Modern plant, profit sharing plan, liberal insurance plan and other employee benefits. Apply § aon. to 4 pan. JOHW STERLING CORP. 11600 Sterling Parkway RlcBninmoffitf, CD. *18-678-2081 Follow U.S. Rt 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H - turn left on Sterling Parkway. 2-7/2-9-68 GENERAL Airport help. Aircraft fueling and general maintenance. Apply in person. Crystal Lake Airport, Crystal Lake, IlL 459-0151. 1-31/2-9-68 FULL TIME MAN. Apply in person. Holly's Service Station, 3307 W. Elm, McHenry, 111. 2-7/2-9-68 AIRCRAFT mechanics. Need several A&P mechanics or exmilitary experience. Apply in person. Crystal Lake Airport, Crystal Lake, HI. 459-0151. 1-31/2-9-68 PART TIME help. 6 p.m. to 1<0 p.m. Warehouse work. Apply- in person. McHenry Eby Brown, 3923 W. West Ave. McHenry, HI. 2-7-68 Psts That *cn-n., Meed A Home X. HELP WANTED OR A Looking For Thslr Master As. a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The nrrfmnig are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BEVGIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY 4 MONTH OLD part Dachshund, female puppy. Call 385- 2562. 2-7-68 BASSET HOUND to a good home. Call 385-3318. 2-7-68 Mai® Help Wanted WE HAVE EXPANDED <=> and have an immediate opening for a p©smanent good reliable MAM for beef cattle and general farm work. Good wages, fringe benefits, paid vacation. Contact VERN SCHILLER, Manager SHAMROCK I CATTLE CO! 582 N. Draper Rd. McHenry. IlL 385-4148 2-7/2-16-68 BASIC ELECTRONIC knowledge or cable running experience may qualify you for a position in our Progressive Sound Diagonal Music Communication department. This job will take you into the field, as well as offer you beneficial shop time. Exceptional fringe benefits. Please call 385-3499 to arrange a personal interview. 2-7-68 STUDENT with car. Earn $30 to $50 a week answering calls to take orders. Call Mr. Shaughnessy 385-7080 or 774- 5353. 2-7/2-16-68 HELP WMSD COIL CRAFT, INC. NOW HIRING for day shift and night shift production work. Apply 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 6 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. Call 312-639-2361 Cary, Illinois 1-31/2-9-68 PETS SALE GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy, 8 months old, A.K.C. Call 385-4837. 2-2/2-7-6® BLACK and silver grey miniature poodle. 3 years eld. A.K.C., $35.00 Call 385-1781. 2-2/2-7-68 WHITE toy poodle. $50. 4714 Parkview, McCullom Lake. ' 2-T/2-9-68 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 4 puppies, 2 months old. Mother registered Toy Rat Terrier, father ? $5.00. Call 385- 7839 after 6 p.m. 2-7/2-9-68 Mai© Holp ^osSed » IQVH IMftQil vp 2-T-68 MAN with knowledge of tools, small engine repairing and counter work. 40, 50, 60 years old. Full time or part time. ED'S MENTAL 904 Front McHenry, HI. 385-3232 2-7/2-9-68 Employment Agendas Empi©jm©n£ Jkgoaeies PkAMlMB l™imf HKJllr PERSONNEL COUNSELOR If you are a High School graduate or have practiced experience in the personnel field and ehjoy meeting people, this may be that golden opportunity that you have been looking for. Easily earn up to $9000 your first year. For a personal interview call 338-3200 or 312-236-5834 WIDE M-T-W, 9-5, Th • F 9 Sat. 9 - Noon 285 BENTON STREET WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 60098 Personnel Inc BRAKE PARTS CO. "Formerly Automotive Controls" TOOL DESIGNERS Expanding operation requires individual to design variety - jigs, fixtures, gauges and develope equipment. We manufacture wheel and master brake cylinders and rubber components for the replacement market field. Excellent growth opportunity from these newly established positions. BRAKE PARTI CO "Formerly Automotive Controls" (815)385-7000 1600 N. Industrial Dr. McHenry 2-7/2-9-68 Fm^lovmeiaS Agencies Empl©ym@a£ Ag©acl©s Emp!@ym©a£ VUMMfMB A Most Important Name In Your FUTURE! Product Eng. - Do design & development of Co. products to $10,000. Programmer - 360 model 30 equipt. Co. win take 1400 exp. - $700. Production Foreman - Will supervise 30people in light assembly op-" eration - $700. Application Eng. - Electrical design background qualifies to $12,000 Cost Accountant • Utilize standard cost system, asst. to controller to $15,000. Elect. Tech. • Basic elect, skills. Co. will train. $450 to $550. Design Eng. - Design & redesign of"new & existing products to $11,000 Auditor - Do both internal & external auditing. Will travel 1st class $700 to $800. Chemist - Develope coatings & finishes with aerosol prod, to $12,00Q. Q.C. Manager - Organize new dept. Responsible for entire operation. $600 to $700. Personnel. Lift. M-T-W 9-5, Th-T 9-7, Sat. 9-Noon 235 BENTON STREET WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 60098 BRAKE PARTi 10 "Formerly Automotive Controls^* See our display of brak® ySSureS a* SScHeiijrjr IBGBlk, tlSSEL G33 tE3 abOtSS fescomtag a msnfflJber ©2 crencsfl orders remit In graatai? opportunity for ye®. MALE MOLDERS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shift MACHINE OPERATORS 1st Shift STOCK MEN 1st & 2nd Shift Maintenance Electrician TOOL & CUTTER GRINDER 1st & 2nd Shift Maintenance Men (experienced in electrical and machinery repair) FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shift TOP BENEFITS INCLUDING: • Insurance Package Includes mfijos- imedlcal plus life lmsmFsace • Holiday Pay • Liberal Vacation Pay • Progressive rate rangeo, • Choice of shifts, • Plus shift premium • Promotional opportunities, comMme oteady employment and offer real opportaaMes without coE&fflssstSaf. OFFICE HOUBS Mon. thru FrL 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - noon (815)385-71 "Formerly Automotive Controls" 1600 N. Industrial Df. " J McEEMlT 2-7>2-9-68