Ill; <9 m &Kf> THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER « "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875" VOL. 91 - No. 42 Wednesday,^February 7, 1968 T2 Pages-10$ .. 'COUNTY KiLLEB, AME A .MOTORISTS HURT David Crain, 21, of Wood- . 'stock, son of the former Lucille Esh of Spring Grove, was ^'killed last Friday noon, Feb. / •2, when he lost control of his f§car and it crashed into three ffparked autos in a drive-in res- \ taurant parking area on Clay street. He was pronounced dead || on arrival at Memorial hos- |fpital. In other accidents, Peter Nay Vish of Fern drive, Island Lake, |i was taken to McHenry hospital $ in serious condition following a § collision on Rt. 176, west of f Island Lake, on Saturday. |; He was a passenger in a car |dr iven byvhis wife, Rosemary, | which Collided head-on with af nother vehicle driven by Wil- £ liam Hutchens of Crystal Lake ! after the latter lost control of ;2 his auto. Mrs. Narish also was I admitted to the hospital and | was still confined there on | Tuesday. I Jeannie Jo Benoche of Circle | drive, McHenry, was taken to I McHenry hospital for treatment i of injuries sustained in an acjj- dident on Johnsburg-Wilmot j road Friday. She was a passenger in a car driven by Eugene Stilling of Riverside drive, McHenry, which was struck by another vehicle driven by Christiana LaBouve of Johnsburg-Wilmot road. The latter, who was ticketed, told ' deputies she was pulling onto the road from the „ditch. Stilling told deputies he saw the car coming into his path but was unable to avoid the collision. Both drivers were treated for ; minor injuries. A two-car crash earlier in the week injured Marie Sladeck of Parkview, McHenry, who was taken to McHenry hospital for treatment. The accident occurred on Rt. 31, north of Rt. 176. Her vehicle collided with another driven by George Stelljes of Shorewood, McHenry, who was unhurt. He was making a left turn into the Commonwealth Edison plant and told deputies he thought he had time to complete .the turn. Rita Oeferle, riding in the Sladeck car, was only slightly hurt. Janice Matheson of Pleasant drive, Wonder Lake, her passenger, Susan Olson, also of Wonder Lake, and Arlyss Karlson of Lake Shore "drive, Wonder Lake, were injured in a two-car crash last week on Rt. 120, near Ringwood road. The Karlson auto had stopped to make a left turn into a driveway when her car was struck in the rear by the other vehicle. BOY SCOUT WEEK Boy Scout Week is being observed from Feb. 7 through 13, marking the 58th anniversary. HOSPITAL HOLDS AHNUAL MEETING i -vV ^ w iiH sissi tmmm Nominate Youth For Academy Congressman Robert Mc- Clory (R. Lake Bluff) has an- • nounced the nomination of David Harry Dowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowell, 2640Sutton court, McHenry, for appointment to the United States Air Force academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. David's excellent academic record has resulted in his membership in the National Honor Society. He is a senior at McHenry Community high school, where he is a member of 4-H, Science and Latin clubs. David has served as safety officer and vice-president of the school Visual-Aids club. During his freshman year, he was a member of the wrestling team. The McHenry youth hopes to participate in this nation's space program and has directed his academic studies toward that end. This young man is competing with five other aspirants for the one appointment which Congressman McClory is authorized to make this year. In photo at left, Mayor Donald Doherty (right) is shown after he had pledged 100 percentsupport of city officials to aid the McHenry hospital in its health care responsibilities. He is pictured Anthony Corcoran, the well liked Scotsman who heads McHenry hospital as its administrator, set the theme for Saturday night's annual meeting of the McHenry Hospital corporation. "People make it go", he said in tribute to the men and women who work at the 132-bed hospital. "We have those who know fitalking with Tony Corcoran (left) administrator, and George P. Freund (center), president. They were seen by the photographer during an interlude in McHenry Hospital corporation's annual meeting Saturday night, where Mayor Doherty extended the city's cooperative efforts. In photo at right, two of the three members of the board talk with Jo Conerty, secretary (shown at right) following Saturday evening's annual meeting. From left, Dr. Peter Griesbach, Sylvester Tonyan and Conerty.1 Mrs. Bertha Stange was absent from photo. Peasley Photo SPEAKER BUREAU FOR BOND iSSUE To make information available concerning the March 9 bond issue, speakers are available through the school board and administration of District 15. In the previous unsuccessful campaign, administration and board members spoke at various organization functions throughout the school district. They described in detail the bond issue and what it entailed. The presentations this time will be basically the same, but they will also be willing to answer any questions presented them in these meetings. , Any organization wishing to have speakers explain the needs, of District 15 and describe how these needs will be satisfied through the $2,000,000 bond issue can schedule talks through the central administration building at 3926 West Main street, McHenry, phone 385- 7210. nances and maintenance and how to care for patients and many others who work as members of our staff of 293 full and parttime employees. "In the final analysis, what really counts is how these people care for patients as individuals -- as persons with problems and concerns coming tous for medication, treatment and understanding." Corcoran summarized succinctly: "The only way any hospital can advance and gain achievement through excellence is to struggle and work as a team -- in this respect I pay tribute to our employees, and members of the board and our medical staff." AUXILIARY LAUDED He added the support of the Woman's auxiliary in providing hands to aid the employees proved most valuable. "We all know their other contribution, raising funds through projects and hard work, is a vital asset too," he concluded. In the election of directors, Sylvester Tonyan was re-elected for a three-year term. Dr. Peter Griesbach was elected for a one-year term, and Mrs. Bertha Stange, president of the Woman's auxiliary was elected for a one-year term. George P. Freund, president of the board, announced a surprise award, given* to Dr. George Alvary for years of de- (Continued on page 11) Pipe Rep ? f'L, - ' k Supt. of Public Works Fred Meyer, left, and a workman for the city of McHenry are shown viewing, the repair, project .now in progress on- Riverside drive. When a broken sewer pipe caused difficulty at the intersection with Pearl street the major task of pumping sewage to Elm street, throiigh the business block, was undertaken. In right, lower corner, can be seen the sewer grating which might have been utilized if the city had riOt used evfcry precaution to prevent the sewage from contaminating the river nearby. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Transportation Policy Okayed By District 15 Board Lists Priority Rating For New Purchases At the Monday evening meeting of the board of School District 15, a transportation policy was approved in which Districts 15 and 156 will purchase all additional busses* needed and will buy all busses necessary to replace contracts given up by present owners for vehicles they are now operating. No new owners for bus contracts for the school year 1968- 69 or thereafter will be recommended. Next fall, District 15 will purchase three or more busses to give a specific beginning to a program of learning more about bus operations. The priority for £he purchase of these three busses will be in this order: 1--All additional school busses need to operate the system for 1968-69. 2--All contracts that are given up by the present owners for busses they operate. 3---In the event fewer than three busses are needed from the above two priorities; then District 15 shall not offer contracts to the oldest busses now in operation. EXPLAIN PRIORITIES A note of explanation concerning the priorities states that in the event only one additional school bus is needed to handle the increased enrollments in both districts, District 15 would purchase that bus and two others. If no contracts for school busses are given 15), then District 15 would not issue contracts for the two oldest busses. By May 1, a decision will be reached concerning whether or not some of the oldest bus contracts shall be removed. During 1969-70, both districts will jointly purchase all additional busses needed. All contracts will be given up, with a minimum of six busses being purchased which would eliminate the oldest busses in the priorities referred to above. PILOT WINS AWARDS FOR AERIAL SUPPORT Army Warrant Officer Edward M. Fisher, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher, 502. W. Armitage, Chicago, received the tenth through twelfth award of the Air Medal recently at Lane Army Heliport, Vietnam. WO Fisher earned the award for combat aerial support of ground operations in Vietnam. The warrant officer, whose wife, Joyce, lives in Wonder Lake, is a medical evacuation pilot in the 498th Medical company at Lane Army heliport. The annual "OnGuard" colorguard contest will be held in "McHenry on Sunday," Feb. 18,~ at 1 p.m. in the M.C.H.S. gymnasium.. « - Missing Former Area an Dies In M©«itaii§ The body of Edward Doran, 74, formerly of McCullom Lake, ASK INDUSTRIAL ZONING ON LAND AT SPRING GROVE - A petition has been filed by Anton Meyer, Hilda Meyer, William Cline, Violet Cline, Gustave Soltz and Jeannine Soltz, asking a hearing before the McHenry county zoning board of '•appeals. They request a reclassification from "F" farming, to "I-L light industrial. The property for which a change is sought is located south of Spring Grove in the southeast corner of the intersection of Rt. 12 andMeyer- Blivin road. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m. in the village hall of Spring Grove. was fouftd in a wooded, mountainous area last Saturday afternoon in Hot Springs, Ark. He had been missing from his home since Tuesday, Jan. 30. According to the report, Mr. . Doran was on an errand to a bank near his home and extended his walk for purposes of sight-see- . ing. He was forbidden to take unescorted hikes because of a leg injury and his state of health. Immediately after his disappearance, all :law enforcement agencies joined in the search, including the F.B.I. Evidence showed that he arrived at an observation tower and gained access by using an elevator. It was al§o determined that he came down from the pre carious place. As nearly as can be determined, he decided to enjoy the fresh air and wandered far from his home, across town (Continued on page 11) rr@g@nts Winter Concert The - McHenry Community high school band, under the direction of John L. Leighty, will present its annual mid-winter concert on Thursday evening, Feb. 8, at 8 o'clock in the high school gym. The program will feature seniors in band-accompanied solos and ensembles. Featured will be a, piano solo by Libby Stinespring, "Slaughter on 10th Avenue", as well as a baritone duet by Tony Wagner and Cheryl Patterson; a flute, ensemble consisting of Andrea York, Diane Dimon, Sue Lundy, Barbara Kidd and Kari Ehlen; a trumpet trio, "Trumpets Wild" played by John Zimny, Cathy Bolger and Bob Mauch; a "Glen Miller sound" ensemble with Pat Cook, Libby Stinespring, Debby Sturm, JeanPetrov and Jim Vyduna;. and Bill Krater, tuba soloist. A special feature at this year's concert will be an intermission program demonstrating the Modern Music Masters initiation ceremony. OFFICIALS OF TOWNSHIP TO HOLD WORKSHOP The McHenry County Township Officials association will hold a workshop for all officials on Wednesday, Feb. 14, in the Court House Annex, starting promptly at 6:30 p.m. Arrangements for the meeting were handled by President William A. Ward, Chemung Township supervisor and Town Clerk Celia Feldt, Dorr Township. The general "paper-work" of the Town Clerk will be studied from 6:30 to 7:30, such as annual budget for both the Town fund and Road fund."All Town Clerks, Supervisors, and Highway Commissioners should be present. From 7:30 to 8 p.m. the new General Assistance requirements in the state of Illinois will be explained by a representative of Illinois Public Aid. At 8 p.m., a general question and answer period for all officers including Assessors, Town Auditors and Assistant Supervisor will be held. The meeting will adjourn at 9, with refreshments for all. The question and answer panel will be lead by Troy Kost, executive secretary of T.O.J. C o MCA Meed] Pictured at the fifth annual meeting of the Lake Region, Y.M.C.A., held at the McHenry Country club last Thursday evening, are, left to right, Rev. Donald Johnson, pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, who was guest speak- The most memorable annual er; Earl Nehring, past board president, who was master of ceremonies; Bob Fleck and Marge Webber, both board members from McHenry. (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) meeting of the Lake Region YMCA's five-year history was held on Feb. 1 at the McHenry Country club. Sixty persons turned out for the evening's program of smorgasbord, fellowship, a rewarding business meeting, and a thought-provoking keynote speaker. The evening's master--of ceremonies was Earl Nehring of Crystal Lake, who ably handled the duties of warmly welcoming and amusing his audience with his delightful anec-, dotes. t The Rev. Eugene Baumhofer, pastor, St. Mary's Catholic church, McHeriry, began the evening with the invocation. He was followed by the McHenry Community high school boy's choir, which was responsible for creating the mood of complete relaxation with their fine -performance, - Mayor - Donald- Doherty of McHenry followed the evening's entertainment with a welcome. Tne sndwingTtf some deiighiful home movies' taken of the Lake Region Indian Guides on wiirter and spring father-son cairip-outs was a rewarding experience. * YOUTH NEEDS HELP The keynote speaker for the evening was Rev. D.D. Johnson pastor of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenryHe chose as his ttxiic for the evening, " Youth Needs Your Help". He explained that there is no limit to the help that yuuttrneeuatouay. All young people from all walks of Jife need what the adult world can provide in the way of concerned and interested assistance. He pointed out when every youth in the country can be given .this "help" with the growth of mind, spirit and body, our society will begin to improve. "When fathers are at the head of the family, where parents deserve respect for their behavior and attitudes", he s<§ud, "and when we have provided the best homes, schools, churches and • YMGA-Sj--wc--hsvc ed the help, love and discipline (Continued on page 11)