'-Mia FRI.f FEB, 14, 1968 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices effective through February 17th. Be sur§ of the meat you're buying! Shop at National. You'll be dolncjyourself a favor. . . because National combines top quality with low, low prices. See for yourself! You'll find a large variety of meat ... all Valu-Way trimmed so that you pay only for the meat you can eat, not excess fat or bone. So, buy the best, for less at the meat department of National Food Stores! SMOKED HAM SALE! Colorado Brand Corn-Fed Beef Butt Mali Colorado Brand Corn-Fee/ Beef ' Colorado Brand Corn-Fed Beef English BEEF ib ROAST CAMARO To Be Given Away Each NdtjonpH • '• •ft *25,000 IN CASH Play Double Money Bingo . .. and you could be the Giant Sw--p«tqkoftWtnwf of $25,0Q0iCo»h. ON B.EGANT GLASSWARE OCOMA White and Dark Meet mm 10AST #«n«!eij Lb. W/ Solid** lean Colorado Brand Corn-Fed Beet Round Bone Shoulder "Corn Country Pork--Cubed < m CUTLETS Lb. $20D0-M000^200 V* J100-'50-s25-s10-s5 Win up to $1000 H you bingo! Win up to $3000 if yaw Ml tK« four corncn of lb* $1000 gam*. Four goiw to ptayl And with oock gam* Heist you g*t TWO Numbori to giva you mora cboncMjMwinl / Com Country Porl*~fre*h AH Pork 0)f"( Fresn Loan *' jr- •: Cor n Coynfry Pfcrk^Btaton Baft 6th Week--Feature off the Week BONE-WHITE DINNERWARE DINNER PLATE 29? With Each S3 Purchase WIN AT NATIONAL! SAVE CASH SAVE ^STAMPS Regular or Drip Grind DUNCAN HINE'S 18'/2-or. Pkg. LAYER CAKE MIXES SAVE CASH SAVEJttSTAMPS CATSUP 14-oz. Bd. Northern Bathroom NORTHERN TISSUE STAMPS GROCERIES VEGETABLES 100 EXTRA S&H GREEK STAMPS^! ^ With Thii Coupon and o 1)0.00 or More Purchase of l MEAT, GROCERIES or limit One Coupon Per Customer One 150 Count R<5M VANITY FAIR JUMBO TOWELS Coupon Expire* February 10 DAWN-DEW FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES U. S. No. 1 IDAHO POTATOES Red or Golden Washington DELICIOUS APPLESi Gn IPPERS kLb. • • • Fresh INACH Greert 1-tt. lack Leaf Lettuce .29$ w. SAVE CASH-SAVE