PLAIN DEALER - FRI., FEB. 16, 1968 WCOFvCourt Observes Anniversary m Charter shown above. bara Althoff, ,'4^4- * tfa:,i.« * members of St. Agatha's Court, W.C.O.F., are May; standing, Mrs. Ben (Rose) Tonyan, Katherine Seated, left to right, they are Julia Stilling, Bar- Mrs. William (Susie) Hiller and Mrs. Jake (Nora) Mrs. John (Emma) Freund and Mrs. Steve (Dena) Althoff, Miller. r'4, • «*. Inr* mm w J*- in uincers and guests attending the fiftieth anniversary celebration were the follbwing: Seated; Delores Rogers, national secretary; Rev. John Dording; Marie Oeffling, Court 777 presidqpt; Lucy Domino, national president; standing, Kathleen Moeh- St. Agatha Court 777 of the '* i %r.*- r ?-' * J.-' Hng, court financial!, secretary; Virginia Pitzen, recording secretary; Florence Welsh, national treasurer; Evelyn Diedrich, trea£ surer; and Catherine Dehn, vice-president. National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg observed the fiftieth anniversary of the institution on Sunday Feb. 11. Holy Mass was celebrated at noon in St. John the Baptist church. A dinner and reception were held in the Community club hall. Mrs. Alfred (Marie) Oeffling, St. Agatha Court president, welcomed the attending members, husbands and guests. Rev. John Dording gave a short talk and extended his congratulations to the officers and members. The court history was read by Mrs. Paul (Virginia) Pitzen, recording secretary of court 777. Lucy Domino, national president, in her short talk commended the court on its fine growth during the fifty years. She was joined by Deloros Rogers, national secretary and Florence Welch, national treasurer, in presenting the charter members with their fiftyyear membership pins. Receiving pins were Mrs. Ben (Rose) Tonyan, Mrs. Wm. (Susie) Hiller, Mrs. John (Emma) Freund, Mrs, Steve (Dena) May Mrs. Jake (Nora) Miller, Misses Katherine and Barbara Althoff, and Miss Julia Stilling. Unable to be present to receive their pins were Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and Mrs. Christine Stilling. They will be presented at a later date. Another charter member unable to attend was Mrs. William (Margaret) Meyers, who received her pin in 1965, having been one of the members transferring from McHenry when the new court was instituted. A short memorial service for the deceased members was led by the past chief rangers, Mrs. Ben (Hilda) Thelen, Mrs. Joseph (Alvina) Miller, and Mrs. Arthur (Veronica) Klein. It was followed by the singing of "Ave Maria" by Miss Jo Ann Freund. Mrs. Anna Guyser played a piano selection which was followed by closing prayer and the singing of "Holy God" (in German) by all present. ORGANIZED IN 1918 St. Agatha court was instituted by Anna L. Downs and Anna E. Walsh of the high court on Feb. 6, 1918. Mrs. Joseph (Lena) King and Mrs. Joseph (Catherine) Freund, the local/organizers, obtained twenty-six ' new members and twelve transferring members from St. Clara court 659 at McHenry to begin the new court. The first officers were chief ranger, Emma Mertes; vice-chief ranger, Eli- ' zabeth Smith; recording secretary, Helen Pitzen; financial secretary, Dena May; treasurer, Barbara Althoff; trustees, Barbara Horick, Katherine Althoff and Susie Baer; conductors, Delia Miller and Katherine Hiller; and sentinels, Catherine Michels and Johanna Smith. The membership has increased through the years and now consists of 264 active adults. The Junior department was started in 1932 with four members ahd now number 246. St. Agatha court is active in N.C.S.F. Rockford Diocese association, having been host court for the fifth and twelfth annual conference. Marie Oeffling and Virginia Pitzen are past presidents and Kathleen Moehling and Dorothy Hughes have served as secretary. Present officers are president, Marie Oeffling; vice president, Catherine Dehn; recording secretary, Virginia Pitzen; financial secretary, Kathleen Mcighlirig; treasurer, Evelyn DieftHch; trustees, Lou LaBay, Elseda Fuchs and Dorothy Himplemann; conductors, Clara Tonyan and Dorothy Hughes; sentinels, Patricia Weber and Barbara Pierce; Junior direc-^ tors, Lou Ann Smith, Pam Hiller and Joan Freund. Also present for the observance were members of St. Clara court 659 of McHenry, St. Anthony court 674 of Rockford and the director of sales for the National Catholic Society of Foresters, John Weber and Mrs. Weber. National Beauty Salon Week February 11--17 Shown above is Mr. Nick creating the trend for his model Pat Borcovan. 3428 W. Elm, McHenry 385-9717 MR. NICK SAYS: "Hair is back! Looking healthier, happier, youngger, than it has for many years." Styles are young, cut close to the face, made elegant for evening with hairpieces, as long as if has Curl! Curl! Curl! Stanley Grover To Perform For AFS Gala Ball Graphologist Woman's Club Guest Speaker ^McHenry Woman's club members gathered at the Zion Lutheran church on Friday, Feb. 9 for their monthly meeting. • Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Frances Allbright, graphologist, of La- Grange, who gave an interesting and informative talk on the science of handwriting analysis, Mrs. Allbright pointed out that the writer's personality and character are revealed through the mind-directed movements of his hand as he writes. His responsiveness to others, his depth of feeling, his thinking ability, his aptitudes and hidden desires are quickly identified in the strokes of his pen. As his attitudes change over a period of time, corresponding changes appear in his writing. During the business meeting a committee was selected to nominate the officers for the coming year. Heading this committee is Mrs. G.T. Snively. Members of her committee include Mrs. Frank Blake, Mrs. Richard Anderson, Mrs. Arthur Hafer and Mrs. Vincent Weyland. Mrs. Peter Justen, membership chairman, welcomed three new members into the club. They include Mrs. Walter Frank, Mrs.-LaVonne Grover and Mrs. Irene Heide. Each new member was presented a red carnation corsage by Mrs. Elmer Stange, first vice-president. Mrs. Ray Murphy was on hand as tea hostess for the social hour following the program. The executive board will meet at 9:30 ai.m. on Monday, March 4, at the home of Mrs. Robert Thompson, 3803 W. Main street. Present Spring Fashion Revue Bridal Couple M3. AND MKS„ KENNETH KIER Miss Carola Viehweg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mondry of 3116 -*W. Still Hill drive, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Kier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kier of 4003 N. Parkside, Chicago, in a lovely wedding solemnized on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 1 o'clock in a double ring ceremony performed in Immanual Lutheran church. Attending the couple were Kathy Dahl, a college roommate of the bride, and Katherine Kier, sister of the groom, Peter Viehweg, brother of the bride, of Joliet, and Joseph Becker, brother-in-law of the groom. The bride, an MCHS graduate, is also a graduate of Valparaiso university, now in dietetic internship at the University hospital, Madison., Wis. Her husband is a Valparaiso graduate and will teach in Edgerton, Wis. The couple will reside. in Madison. ANN VARESE The Lecture Luncheon club will present "Rhapsody of Spring Fashions" on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 1:30 o'clock ami for the first time the public is invited since the event will be h§ld in the Lake Theatre, Crystal Lake, where seating capacity permits a large crowd. ; A former vaudeville house, the theatre has been restored to its original brilliance and will accommodate Jean McCarthy's professional models and the lovely spring fashions in the dressing rooms located under the stage. Ann Varese, who has been modeling professionally since the age of 3% will be the commentator. She has served in this capacity in many large style shows inthe Chicago area. Tickets will be sold at the door, from Lecture Luncheon club members or at Mrs. Varese's place of business. Present Program At Johnsburg PTA February Meeting The February meeting of the Johnsburg PTA will be held Feb. 20 at 8 p.m. in the multipurpose room of the Johnsburg school. Featured will be a student physical education program. Following a short business meeting, a tumbling show will be presented by the sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys/and girls selected from the physical education class by then\ instructor, Harry May. Refreshments will be served and a prize will be given. OPEN HOUSE Open house honoring Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz of 5218 W. Fountain lane, McCullom Lake, will be held starting at 1 o'clock Sunday, Feb. 18, at their home in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. On Monday evening, Feb. 19 the couple Everyone is invited to the Gala" Ball, Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Timers. A smorgasbord will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. followed by dancing and entertainment. During intermission, the featured entertainment will be the well-known musical star, Stanley Grover, known from coast to coast. He graduated from Woodstock high school and from the University of Missouri andthen went into the Navy. Just out of service he was asked to substitute at last minute as emcee at Chez Paree in Chicago and this "temporary" assignment lasted over a year. His first appearance in a Broadway production was inthe original cast of "Severjfc^en", followed by "Wish You Were Here" at the Music theatre and then on.tour. He was with the National company of South Pacific for over two years, giving over 2,000 performances, in seventy cities. He emceed the the popular NBC show, "That Was the Week That Was". He has appeared in Chicago area summer stock theatres such as Melody Top, Hillside; Tenthouse, Highland Park; Shady Lane Farm Playhouse, Marengo; Mill Run Playhouse, Highland Park; Drury Lane and many others out south and west of~~ Chicago. The Golden Straw awards given by Manorama, Chicago Daily News, 1964, cited him "for best performance by a man starring, whose first time appearance in this area in " Brigadoon" at Tenthouse was an electric job, full of romance and song; dramatically and musically flawless." The Gala ball is being sponsored by the Adult chapter of the AFS (An^prican Field Service), Woodstock. will be honored at a social gathering held by the McHenry Choral club in the regular meeting room. Former members interested in honoring Mr. and Mrs. Pyritz are invited to attend. A waiter in a famous San Francisco restaurant took his son to the zoo. At feeding time they saw an attendant throw a big slab of meat into the lion's cage and walk away. "Daddy", said the boy, "why did he throw the food instead of serving it nicely, the way you do?" "Confidentially", replied the waiter, "lions are rotten tippers." For studying, playing and growing, eggs and children go well together. % OIMI eOMi AU. E.S. Chepf®r #547 ANNUAL George Washington.*^ Birthday Dessert Card Party & Bake Sale Wednesday, February 21st TICKETS - $1.25 1:00 P.M. ACACIA HALL 1309 N. Court Street McHenry, Illinois PRIZES $21.00 5 to 13 Black or brown printed on white Dacron Polyester-cotton. Sleeves are sheer enchantment ... THE FASHION SHOPPE Route 31 (1007 N. Front Streef ) McHenry, III. Free rark mg . 7.^ ~Open FrrT 'ti l 9 Pm