I PG. 2, - PLAINDEALER - FRI., MAR. 1, 1968 Church Dramatic Offering 1: X ' P -f, *» ; !• j' * ii Itttei IK wmc<. :f0| SCENE AT BAPTIST CHURCH " Who Cares Anyway" was the dramatic presentation of the young people of First Baptist church Sunday night, which began their week of Special worship and fellowship. The presentation, involving more than twenty young persons, called attention of the church to their great opportunity to become involved in ministering to people and to identify with their needs. "We wish to awaken the church t6 its responsiblity to become involved with those who may be somewhat different than we are, whether socially, economically or racially," was the observation of Mrs. John Lynch and Mrs. Clifford Wardle, codirectors of the dramatization. Highlighting the presentation were two young men, played by David Bauspies and Ronnie Chappell, who would obviously be out of place in most modern churches. "Who Cares Anyway" was David's feeling, "they simply use us as objects of pity and then forget us until time for yond Vietnam" To Be Reviewed March 22 the next project of 'concern', whether at Christmas or some other time." " Our objective here at First Baptist church for the week is to establish communication with the young people of our community and to let them know that our churches do really care about them", stated Rev. Virgle Chappell, pastor of the church. Participating i^ the youth emphasis are many who are not associateckwith the local Baptist church. Special appreciation is extended by the church and its young people to those who participated in the programs. All young persons are encouraged to attend any of the service^bf the week. Rev. Laurence Justice is the guest speaker and leader for the crusade. Book reviewer Rev. H. H. Duenow will be the featured speaker at the 1968 tea sponsored by the W.S.C.S. of the McHenry Community Metho- MARCH 1 Rummage Sale - St. Mary's Parish House - 210 McHenry Avenue - Crystal Lake - Sponsored by McHenry County Association For Retarded Children - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. MARCH 2 Mil Is tr earn Campers -- Open Meeting -- Films -- Refreshments -public invited. M^RCH 6 Fox River Valley Camp, R. N.A. Birthday Celebration -- McHenry Country Club - 6:30 p.m. -- Call Mrs. Ray Murphy for-reservations. MARCH 7 Court Joyce Kilmer, C.D. of Social Meeting -- 8 p.m. - K. of C. Hall. MARCH 19 * Riverview Camp 6818 - R. N.A. - Pot-luck Supper - K. of C. Hall - 6 p.m. -- Anniversary Celebration. MARCH 20 Rummage Sale - Sponsored by Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran church - Social Hall - Rt. 120 W. - 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. MARCH 21 Court Joyce Kilmer, C. D. of A., Business Meeting, followed by White Elephant Sale - K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. dist church. The public is invited to hear Rev. Duenow's review of "Beyond Vietnam" a best seller by Edwin O. Reischauer. The tea will be held Friday, March 22, at 1 p.m. at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. Mr. Duenow makes it apractice to review the best sellers after the literary critics have accepted a particular book as legitimate literature. "Beyond Vietnam", written by a former U.S. Ambassador toJapan, analyzes the conflict in Vietnam and offers some important proposals for U.S. future policy in the Far East. Plan now to hear the talented Rev. Duenow give hispresentation of this most provocative Aitar*And Rosary Meeting Monday There will be a meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church on Monday, March 4, in the church hall at 8 o'clock. Benediction at 7:45 will precede the meeting. The committee includes Lillian Bolger, chairman; Mary Dean, Lillian Anglese, Vera Ward, Vadis Charrey, Emily Drucker, Marie Vales, Mary Frett, Florence Foran, Margaret Dent, Evelyn Aim and Nellie Doherty. Plans will be discussed for the St. Patrick's day family pot-luck dinner. book. Men are encouraged to attend because of the nature of the subject matter. The program will be presented, first with refreshments following. NIU STUDENTS QUALIFY FOR DEAN'S LIST Nearly 800 Northern Illinois university undergraduates have been honored for academic ex-; cellence. Dr. Ernest E. Hanson, vice-president of student personnel services, has announced the names of those students qualifying for the deans' list for the first semester of the 1967-68 academic year. In order to qualify for the Deans' list, a student must be enrolled in twelve or more semester hours and must achieve a 3.5 or above academic average . Northern's grading system is based on a 4.0 scale. Among those receiving academic honors were Daniel P. Blake, 2212 N. Richmond road, Susan C. Farr, 505 N. North Blvd., Catherine A. Knaack of 3609 W. Idyll Dell road and Linda Lou Larock of Rt. 9, all of McHenry. Carol Ann Atkins' Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Chester Atkins of 331 W. North Lake, Lakemoor, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carole Ann (Pat) to Harold David Acred, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Acred of 423 Lily Lake road, Lilymoor. Miss Atkins is a student at McHenry high school, where Mr. Acred graduated in 1966. No wedding date has been set. Pers< § Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Jr., Mrs. William Rothermel, Mrs. Martin Wegener,-and Mrs. Emma King visited in the home of Mrs. Earl Paddock, Sr., in Aurora last week. They also called on Father Richard Paddock. assistant pastor at St. Joseph's Catholic church inthat city. SHOP IN MCHENRY CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE Dennis L. Marshall, 3617 W. Maple avenue, McHenry, is a candidate for a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering at Marquette university's College of Engineering. More than 250 students will receive degrees from Marquette at midyear graduation. Jane Weber New Bride Miss Jane Weber was a lovely jt ~ J bride last Saturday Feb. 24, §§ when she exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Thomas J. Lanagan of Milwaukee, Wis. The ceremony was solemnized in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry, at 1:30 o'clock by Rev. Fr. Leonard Guzzardo, pastor. Miss Weber is the da'ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weber of 3708 W. Maple ave- -nue, McHenry, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Lanagan of 1518 West Acres, Joliet. . The attractive bride selected an ivory satin, A-line dress with scoop neckline, lace bodice and a train falling from the shoulders. A bouffant veil with pearl crown served as her headpiece and she carried a white rose bouquet with drop peafls. Grace Weber acted as maid of honor and two other sisters, Janet and Mary Jean were bridesmaids. They were attired in moss green crepe dresses fashioned with empire waistlines. Their headpieces were of net veiling. Each carried a bouquet of yellow pom-poms. The bride's four-year-old sister, Jackie, was the charming flower girl, attired similar to the other attendants. A1 Beaudoin of Joliet served the groom as best man and groomsmen were Mark Lanagan, his brother, and Berry Bodack of Joliet. Mrs. Weber chose a pale green, three-piece knit suit, with which she wore a yellow tearose corsage. Mrs. Lanagan wore an aqua dress and white tearose corsage. A reception for 100 guests followed the ceremony, held at Chapel Hill Country club. Later, the couple left on a trip to attend the Mardi Gras in New Orleans, after which they will return to make their home at 4549 N. 39th street, Milwaukee. . The bride is a 1966 graduate of Marian Central high school and attended Northern Illinois university for one year. She has been employed as secretary for the U.S. Gympsum Co., Chicago. The groom is a 1961 graduate of Joliet Catholic high school and received his degree from Purdue university in Lafayette, Ind., He is a contracting sales engineer for Powers Regulator, Milwaukee. Springmaid Finalist r : - v . t .i • • A- • Christi Chelini, 902 N. Allen avenue, McHenry was recently named finalist in the Springmaid contest in search of the "Springmaid of the Month" for the August issjie of SEVEN^)EN. In addition to a $25 gift certificate, Christi also received a robe. Shown presenting Christi with her gift are (L to R) Kurt Schmidt, director of Lincoln Sqftarfe, Ui-bana, Harold Dooley, manager of the firm providing her gifts, and Miss Chelini. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL On Feb. 25 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shipman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nieman became parents of a son Feb. 26. MCHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks announce the birth of a daughter Feb. 17. A daughter was born Feb. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Butler of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogers of Wauconda are parents of a daughter Feb. 17. On Feb. 18 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vejvoda of Lake Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dreher became parents of a daughter Febi 19. A son was born Feb* 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bauer. An Island Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Collett, welcomed a daughter Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. John Robb of Crystal Lake became parents of a daughter Feb. 21. On Feb. 21 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Verne Jobst. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rootes of Ingleside are parents of a daughter Feb. 25. Mr. and Mrs. DaviHFerrigan of, Ingleside announce the birth of a daughter Feb. 26. MCHENRY HOSPiTAL During the past week patients admitted to the McHenry hospital included Arkley Firth, Alfred A. Trevino, Burroughs T. Coffin, Gladys I. Garman, Doris J. Coffin, Robert Blazier, Patricia Krukar, Crystal Lake; Anthony P. Muto, Ramona Malmberg, Linda L. Radosh, DOnald Zoll, Homer Boling, Jr., Jean L. Sims, Letty P. Lauterer, Ioma E. Schwankl, Christina L. Anderson, Ingleside; And, Ji^lia Lachman, Laurie R. Woodell, Duane J. Fick, Becky A. Barnas, Steve J. Boehmor, Anita Mitzo, Cary;Mark C. Majewski, Morris M. Jaranson, Sophia N. Barnowich, John L. Breitbach, Catherine A. Trinchitella, Fox Lake; Conrad Wolfgram. Richmond; Colleen C. Kane, Antioch; And, Charlotte C.Ames, Lake Villa; Harold D. Hady, Gertrude Rucker, Harold Hady, Steve A. Nelis, Helge Kleist, James J. McGrath, Jr., Wauconda; Georgia Dickinson, Lake In the Hills; Donald W. Brownq, Northbrook; Dorothy W. Franks, Earl Sutton, Cecilia Muszynski, Marie A. Straka, Debra Quick, Spring Grove; Kyle D. Hileman, Gurnee; Elaine Gafford, Stephen T. Marczenia, Lee Passmore, Richard Fehling, John Martin, Carl J. Hallstrom, Cheryl Spencer, Kasper Ehlen, Jacqueline J. Crook, Frances B. Freeman, Robert Kiddell, Wonder Lake; Also, Miche|le R. Hyde, Anna M. Rowe, Karen L. Evans, Woodstock; Clara Reitz, Bensenville; Louis Guzzo, Esther Busch. Joseph J. Sedlaced, Round Lake; Debra Holz, Milwaukee, Wis.; Lea J. Ludwig, Edelgrade Benson, Barrington; Milda Krunfus, Carpentersvilla; Kenneth Far man, Island Lake; John A. Kastning, Union; Leslie A. Huerth, Scott M. Smith, Lake Zurich; Arthur Klein, Wheeling; Mamie Mc- Lemore, Grayslake; Laurie S. Fregd, Elk Grove Village; Paul Racz, Lyons; Also, Arthur P.Johnson, Flo- FAT OVER C0LDETT \ \yf sqss cftQum® ProvM^U \jf single TRUSS Patented ^rv $11.95 LUXURIOUS Design Double RUPTURE COMFORT New cool, washable 3-ply miracle materials! Unexcelled relief and comfort. Flat foam rubber groin pad. Padded leg strap. No fitting. For reducible inguinal hernia. BolgerDrug Store 1259 N. Green 385-4500. Available to yoir without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrinex. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallow/d. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, jus; return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by? Bolger Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street. - Mail orders filled. THURSDAY. FRIDAY......SATURDAY 29th - Mar. 1st & 2nd Fashion Shoppe EAR Year Clearance - All Wieter Apparel $]00 $50© EAR Year Bonus 10% off any regular priced Dress or Suit . Route 31 (1007 N. Front St.) McHenry, III. hours: 9 to 5:30 Friday 'til 9 P.M. rence L. Scripture, Howard E. Wagner, Helen K. Schmitt, Edward O'Rourke, Christopher Corzine, Robert J. Gerambio, William H. Althoff, Thomas G. Peterson, John A. Lavin, Mark V. Meyers, William Tonyan, Margaret M. Shay, Mary E. Dowell, Frank C. Cuda, Kenneth S. Beckelman, Glenda J. Wiech, Leonard D. Halcom, Jr.; And, Henry Hansen, Jo Ann Cooper, Amy C. Howell, Edna S. Phillips, Margaret Plnkonsly, Martin L. Palmer, Neva I. Best, Glen E. Rada, Peter J. Oefflirig , Denise L Thomas, Sandra K. Justen, John Korner, Sophia R. Jernberg, William Goodman, Jr., David Coleman, Dale W. Schweikert, Kenneth Schuerr, all of McHenry. , HARVARD HOSPITAL Robert Scholz and Mrs. Henry Nordmeyer of McHenry were patients in the Harvard hospital during the past week. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Sandra Bensen, Catherine Smith, Judith Homo and Gertrude Anderson of McHenry; Joseph Tompkins, Eugene Smola, Bernice Beyer, Leonard Crago and Helen Asmus of Wonder Lake. LUNCHEON - FASHION SH&W Whether you are strictly 'Vogue' or just interested in new style trends, everyone will find it interesting and pleasurable to attend the Clipped Wings annual benefit luncheon-fashion show Thursday, March 28, at the grand ballroom of the Sheridan -Chicago hotel. Proceeds from the benefit will be given to the Austin Special school for Mentally Retarded children and the Florence Crittenton Anchorage. For reservations and further information, contact Mrs. Walter Gehlaar, 1332 W. Bay, McHenry. Nothing is a waste makes a memory. that This man has a check account here because-- He has a modest income but wants to enjoy all the convenience, safety and prestige our bank's checking account service provides. His is one of our popular special, pay-as-you-go checking accounts--ra> minimum balance is required! Why don't you open one here soon? NOW! Mchenry mte iank A Full Service Bank "Where Family Money Matters" McHENRY,- JLU