< ll PARK fas Carol© Human® 385-1605 REGULAR BOARD MEETING SET FOR MAY 15 The regular board meeting of the LPPOA will be held on Wednesday, May 15, at which time they will have a vote to elect the officers from among the board members. The board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the community house at 8 p.m. Anyone wishing to attend a board meeting is welcome. Any problems you may have which should come up to the attention of the board may be aired at this time. The billing for dues and garbage service has been mailed and are due on May 1 and payable before May 31. The amount is $28 if paid for the entire year at this time or is payable in two installments of $16.50 each due on May 1 and Nov. lf. ««. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancellations for the community house are to be made in advance by calling Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Tuesday, May 7 - Boy Scout meeting - 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 8 - Girl Scout meeting - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11 - Tri-County Five Watters - 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 13 - Lakeland Merry- Makers 4-H club - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 14 - Boy Scout meeting - 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 15 - Girl Scout meeting - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. LPPOA regular Board meeting - 8 p.m. LAKELAND MERRY-MAKERS 4-H CLUB You're missing the fun of a lifetime if you aren't a 4-H member! We go on project tours have clean-ups, parties, skits, meetings, and other exciting things. Join 4-H and get in on the fun. If you are between the ages of 9 and 20 you are eligible. We have meetings the second and fourth Monday of each month. They are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Community House. If you have any questions pertaining to 4-H, please feel free to contact the leader, Cindy Schultz at 385-6208, 1800 N. Sunset or the president, Larry Fergen at 385-5656, 1904 North Avenue or call one of the junior leaders, Carol Curran, 385- 4216, Linda or Kevin Schultz, 385-6208 or Jan Harris, 385- 5395. Monday, April 22 the Lakeland Merry Makers 4-H held a meeting at the community house at 7:30 p.m. The president, Larry Fergen, called the meeting to order. Sharee Holas led the pledges. Carol Curran gave the secretary's report. The treasurer's report was not given because the treasurer and the books were not at the meeting. Carol Curran read off the roll call, Kevin Schultz gave the federation report. There was demonstration training there. The next federation meeting will be May 20, 8 p.m. at the Farm Bureau in Woodstock. April 23 there was a Junior leaders meeting at the Farm Bureau. The next Junior leaders meeting was April 29 at Cindy Schultz's home. May 6 is the county demonstrations, 7 p.m. at the Farm Bureau. May 13 is public speaking at 7 - a four minute speech at the Farm Bureau. June 18-21 is 4-H week. All sewing projects are to be finished by June 26-27. There was no new or old business. April 27 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. a scavenger hunt and clean-up combined. Record books are to be caught up. Kevin Schultz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dianne Miskovic se-- conded. Demonstrations were given by Kevin Schultz and Virginia Grey. Your reporter, Karen Fergen. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 We opened our meeting with a flag ceremony given by patrol 3. Mrs. Bierman passed back our cookie cards and reminded us about Saturday. Then we learned how to have an outdoor flag ceremony. Tammy Hafer then ^showed us her pictures for the drawing and painting badge. Rae Dee Beno and Nancy Nyman had to sing for the things they had forgotten at the last hike. Patrols 2 and 4 told us about the great time they had on their last hike. We then had a short patrol meeting. The meeting was closed with the friendship circle. Respectfully submitted, Rae Dee Beno, troop scribe. Eighteen girls hiked with Mrs. Bierman, Mrs. Stilling and Mrs. Brunow from the community house, down Ringwood road past Route 31 and out to Pioneer road where they finally reached their destination. They had sloppy joes and chips and kool aid to revive their energy and then played volley ball. Mrs. Stupey, Mr. Revak and Mr. Brunow picked them up and took all the girls home. They had a terrific time. BROWNIE TROOP 464 At the last meeting of the troop the main topic for discussion was day camp as many of the girls have never attended camp. They played Here We Go Round the Mountainside and were served treats by the hostess, Linda Humphries. After the magic tunnel the girls were dismissed. LITTLE LEAGUE Late registrations are still possible for interested boys between the ages of 8 and 12. For forms and further information contact Ed Choate at 385-7566. About fourteen more boys can be added to the roster. Practice will be announced later. THE BOWLING ALLEY The bowling banquet will be held tomorrow evening. May 4, at a steak house in Crystal Lake. The cocktail hour will begin at 7 p.m. I don't have to say that this is award night! BIRTHDAY GREETINGS A very happy day to Dorothy Humphries who celebrates on May 4. Jean Hahndorf is the birthday girl on the fifth. Suzanne Faunt will be four years old on that day and Keith Stokes makes it an even ten years. Sherry Koehl will have nine candles on her birthday cake on May 6 and Gary Braun will be fourteen and Jim Grey thirteen on the sixth. Paul Brushaber celebrates on the seventh. Louis Mazzon and Frank Sweeney share the ninth and Betty Walker and Susan Ludwig share the tenth. Susie will be eight years old. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jensky are celebrating their forty-seventh wedding anniversary on May 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks are celebrating 57 years of marital bliss on the sixth. Our very best wishes to both couples and hope we can tie their records. STORK GRAM A beautiful little daughter was born to A1 and Mildred Thorson last Saturday, April 27, at 7:40 a.m. at the McHenry hospital. They named the little lass Linda Sue. She weighed 7 lbs. and 7 ozs at birth and was 20 inches long. Mother and daughter returned home on Wednesday where they were greeted by big brother, Jim who is four years old. The maternal grandparents are Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Shea of Shawneetown, Ell., and Mrs. Kathryn Thorson of Crystal Lake is the paternal grandmother. Our congratulations to the happy family. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK From the looks of the city truck collecting all the loot last week, there sure were a lot of busy people cleaning out their treasure piles. Just makes room for this year's accumulation of goodies. Toni and Don Pearson gave a dinner party in honor of Toni's birthday and also honored two of the couples present who were celebrating wedding anniversaries. Rich and Joan Klier of Northbrook celebrated their twelfth anniversary on April 14 and Bill and Joan Schramm of McHenry were celebrating their eighteenth anniversary on the sixteenth. Carl and Jean Scramm of Arlington Heights and Chris Demas of Elmhurst completed the list. All the men grew up and went to school together in Budlong Woods in the "good old days". Sharon Wagner appeared at her parent's doorstep last Monday morning to surprise them. And boy, she sure did! She's home for three weeks before returning to Hawaii. Davey Druml announced during a long distance call from Hawaii that he's slowly rotting away. Would you believe peel- Rotary Mower Attachment 36" or 42" Mower With Purchase Of 8,10,12 Horsepower Cheif-Prices Start At$498.00j W 0 MODEL ILLUSTRATED LT 750 Herd's the newest compact lawn tractor from Jacobsen, the lawn care people. Brawny 7 h.p. engine makes lawn mowing POWERFUL EASY. With rugged attachments you tow--even clear snow. Speed through yard chores--cushion comfort seat and back rest make for easy going. The LT 700 and 750 are the newest additions to the Jacobsen Chief Tractor line. With 7 models to choose from there is one Just right for you. So, LOOK CLOSE--TAKE A RIDE. You'll sit proud on a Jacobsen LT. SERVICE AFTER THE SALE ADAMS REPAIR SHOP Lawn Mower Service Center 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry 385-0434 GROVE EVA PHOME 675-2135 WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL SPRING MEETING Members of the Lotus Country Woman's club who attended, the annual spring meeting of the eleventh district held at Aurora Thursday, April 25, were Mrs. Leo Karls, president, Mrs. Frank Heineman, Mrs. Russell Rudolph, Sr., and Mrs. Gordon Sergant. The Aurora Woman's club were the hostesses. Coffee and rolls were served from 9:30 to 10 o'clock. Business meeting started at ten. Mrs.Frank Heineman, who ing? Oh to be four years oldx again. Guess that's all the news for this week. Hope that all you bowlers have fun at your banquet. We're very happy for a certain young lady from Florida who enjoyed her first snowfall last week, but hope sincerely that she has to wait about seven more months for the next one. was chairman of their nominating committee, presented the slate of officers. First Vicepresident, Mrs. John T. Babbitt of Hinsdale Woman's club; second vice-president, Mrs. Thomas C. Renner of Naperville Woman's club; Recording secretary, Mrs. Raymond W. Arnold of Marengo Women's club; and Junior Director, Mary E. Carlson of Joliet Junior Woman's club. This slate was accepted and nominees were installed. The program for the afternoon was a musical given by various choral groups of the Aurora Junior Woman's club. The LCWC was one of the Ave clubs receiving a ten dollar scholarship for conservation. One other club received the same scholarship and three received art scholarships. These were avvarded to the clubs with the most percentage of attendance. The next meeting of the Eleventh District Board will be held at Orsolini's, Richmond, on May 23 with Richmond Woman's club as host. V The Lotus Country Woman's club is Sponsoring two summer parties. An afternoon lawn party with cards at the home of Mrs. John Horak on July 17 and a swim party at the home of Mrs. Gordon Sergant in their beautiful swimming pool. SPRING GROVE DEPOT • CLOSES Effective May 3, the station of Spring Grove, on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad company, will be discontinued as an open agency station and will be thereafter operated as a non-agency prepaid carload only station. The business of the station of Spring Grove will be conducted by the agent in Fox Lake, whp is on duty at Fox Lake from 8 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. daily, except Sundays and holidays. All station accounts will be handled by the agent at Fox Lake and any member of the shipping public desiring service at Spring Grove or information pertaining to the service from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad company may obtain such service or information by calling the agent at Fox Lake, telephone number 312-587-7515 and the Railroad company will assume the toll charge, if any, for such business calls. PG. - PLAINDEALER - FRI., MAY 3, 1968 w Can Q. How can I remove perrffuumn e stains from fabrics? A. These are usually very difficult to deal with, but you can try this: Wet the spot with water, then work on it with gly - cerin and cheesecloth, then CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to Jens and Anna Agger cn their golden wedding anniversary which they are celebrating this weekend. Norb and Nora Klaus are having open house on Sunday honoring th$ir fortieth wedding anniversary. Best wishes are extended to both happy couples. CLUB MEETS Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Fannie Prosser in Fox Lake on Thursday evening. Strawberry shortcake and coffee were served and cards were playe<|. Prizes went to Mrs. Marie Lewis, Mrs. Dolores May and Mrs. Fannie Prosser. The club will meet next on May 23 ar the home of Mrs. Dolores May. rinse out with water. If traces still remain, work on it some more with a 20 percent solution of vinegar, and flush it out with water. Q. Is there any way I can make use of the juice in a jar of pickles? A. You can use it in salad dressings, in place of vinegar, for a unique and delicious flavor. Many other such tips for the kitchen are contained in my household-hints manual. Q. How can I waterproof leather shoes? A. With a mixture of twotablespoons of beeswax and one of mutton fat. Rub this dressing on at night, and in the morning wipe with a piece of flannel. Another waterproofing treatment is the application of hot ski wax to the leather, rubbing briskly in with a stiff brush. Keeps the leather rainproof and resilient. Q. How can I remove water or rain spots from suede shoes? A. Usually by rubbing with an emery board. MOKXfii MONTECO CYCLONE STORMS TO 1st PLACE IN DAYTONA 500! 1968 Montego Cyclones stormed 1st and 2nd in America's toughest stock car competition... proof twice over that Montego's got it...the competitive edge! Road test Cyclone...in fastb'tl* or hardtop...with power options right to the top with a raging 390 V-8 power plant! Specially priced now to celebrate our Daytona twin victories! Cyclone 302, V-8, Merc-o-matic, High Percision Axle# Whiiewall Tires, j^M. Radio, Antenna* Wheel Cheers* ST. LOW AS $2595.05 WE ' sesa mi* ei K0* eve successful sorts Big Spring savings on the most completely equipped car in its class. Standard equipment includes a brawny 289 V-8 power plant, hidden headlights, sequential turn signals, bucket seats, plus much more! • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • POWER STEERING • ALL VINYL INTERIOR • DEEP LOOP CARPETING • WHITEWALL TIRES • DELUXE B COUGAR WHEEL COVERS • AND DOZENS OF EXTRAS YOU DON'T PAY EXTRA FOR $286329 • I I IM DINAH 3 or a & ^Mercutu Phone 587--2541 90 S. ROUTE 12