lURG News BETTV HETTERMANN' 385-1296 BOY SCOUTS Willi CONDUCT PAPER DRIVE If you have any old newspapers and magazines that you have saved for a lengthy period and now want to get rid of them, please call either Dolores Roberts at 385-4636 or Sally Sergerstrom at 385-0964 between May 4-11. The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of Pack 452 will be collecting them in the Johnsburg -Sunnyside area during that time. They will gladly make the pickup at your home. A SHOWER OF GIFTS About fifty ladies were in the Community Club hall last Sunday afternoon to witness Sandy Hettermann open her many, many lovely gifts at the pre-nuptial shower. Prior to the gift opening, games were played. Sandy "ohed" and "ahed" at everything she opened knowing these articles will prove most useful to her in her future days as Mrs. Richard Bowe. Dick and Sandy will repeat their wedding vows in St. John's church on May 11. A delicious chicken salad lunch, complete with all the other goodies was served towards the end of the afternoon. The shower was given by her bridal attendants, Ann Hansen, Jackie Hooker, Jackie Bowe, Annette Hansen, Pammy Homo and Jean Hettermann. COMPLETE REMtAi SERVICE Proms Weddings Summer forma Is Phone 338-4030 on the Square Beanla Interval I Famous Brands - Woodstock NEW RESIDENTS FOR JAKANA HEIGHTS We brush off the welcome mat and say a hearty "hello" to the Kostner family who moved into a home on Hillcrest Place. They formerly resided in Arlington Heights. We all hope their days ahead in our town prove to be filled with lots of health and happiness. HOSPITAL PATIENT Sorry to say that Bill Martinec ended up in the hospital unexpectedly, last week. Tests are being taken at the Mc- Henry hospital to determine the cause of his trouble. He will be there several more days so why not drop him a message of cheer. CELEBRATIONS GALORE Michael, son of A1 and Lu Oeffling, was host to a family party honoring his First Holy Communion last Sunday. Present in his home for the day were the families of Frank and Jim Oeffling, and Bud Schabow along with his grandparents, the George Oeffling seniors. His cousin, Douglas Oeffling hosted his own party in honor of the same occasion in his home on Dolores Drive. Enjoying the pleasant Sunday evening which started out with supper were the Bud Lieser family, the Tom Fowler family, and the Bud Schabow family. Also present were his grandparents, Lawrence Cook and Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Sr. Douglas is the son of the junior George Oefflings. Cindy LaFontaine was a very happy girl when she*received a long distance telephone call, from her brother, Jim, who is stationed at Fort Leonardwood, Mo. to wish her happiness on her First Communion day. Dinner guests in the Cleatus La- Fontaine home for this day were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michels and daughters, Barbara and Marilyn. Later that day, the Gene LaFontaine family, the Terry Tvaroh family and the Joe Jacques family came to extend their best wishes to Cindy. Sherry Pechous was another happy young girl when she greeted about forty-five people at her home on Sunday who shared in her happy day. Sherry was guest of honor at a breakfast in a local country club at which her parents, grandparents, brother and sister also attended. Jeff Roberts was feted at a celebration in his home on Sunday as were John and Jeff Meyers. They arethesonsofEmitt and Dolores Roberts and Si and Bonnie Meyers. TWO BIRTHDAYS OBSERVED Mr. and Mrs. Jeppe Jepsen of N. Spring Grove road, were really surprised on Sunday, April 28 when their daughters, Wanda Palmer, Lola Freberg and Betty Christensen, and families came in with food galore. Along with their daughters and families, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and friends from Libertyville, Glencoe and McHenry were present to celebrate Mrs. Jepsen*s eightieth natal day which was that day and Mr. Jeosen's birthday, Ms eightythird, I might add, which was on April 15. Another daughter, Marie Tracy, was unable to attend because of her work. Grandson Robert Tracy, and his wife couldn't make it also as they are in the process of moving. Robert is leaving soon for duty in Vietnam. The- happy couple received many lovely gifts - one of these was a beautiful new mail box, painted by granddaughter, Linda Palmer. What a talented young lady. ANOTHER BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Wayne Kollenkark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kollenkark of Hillcrest Place, had a "big 2" birthday dinner on April 23. Guests were his great-grandparents, the Jeppe Jepsens, grandparents, the Harvey Palmers, godparents, Linda Palmer and Dennis Petersen, his sister, Tammie, plus aunts, uncles and cousins. What a big time for Wayne because on the twenty-first he hadapre-birthday dinner with his grandparents, the Kollenkarks with more aunts, uncles and" cousins in attendance. LUNCHEON REMINDER Ladies, do you have May 15. circles on your dates to remember calendar? You should. This is the date of the St. John's Blessed Virgin Sodality smorgasbord and card party. It will be held in the Johnsburg Community club hall starting just before noon. Plan on attending and treating yourself to an afternoon of enjoyment. NAME OMITTED The name of Joyce Pitzen , was inadvertenly omitted from •/ the list of laides who made the trip to Aurora recently to attend the fourteenth Diocesan Conference of the National Catholic Society of Foresters. Sorry Joyce. SUCCESSFUL FUND DRIVE Betty Christensen, who had a large area in the rural territory to cover for the recent Cancer Crusade, felt it was sincerely rewarding to have people respond as they did to such a worthwhile cause.' She cannot say enough thanks to each and every person who contributed to this drive. Her hat as well as ours, is off to all who were so generous. CONGRATULATIONS CORNER Belated greetings are sent along to Lawrence Cook (Sarah Oeffling* s dad) who observed his eighty-second birthday on April 19. Anniversary wishes to Phyllis and Wally Kalemba, Patti and Don Weber, and Janet and Dick Huemann, who all celebrate this month. Happy, happy birthday to that "ever-young" gentleman, Bill Meyers, who is among the early May celebrants. Mary Ellen Freund turns 18 in the merry month of May. May 13 is shared once again by Patsy Meyers and Buddy Smith. She turns 17 and he will be 18. Ed and Dot Hettermann celebrate anniversary number 30 on May 11 and Jim and I come along with 18 years of marriage on the thirteenth. Marcella Wakitsch celebrates a natal day in this beautiful month and she and Gerry will be completing 27 years of "togetherness". Happy days to all and any others' who have reason to celebrate. Let me know if you do and I will be most happy to mention it. HOW ABOUT SOME MOD, MOD FUN? Sounds interesting? Alright then get your tickets for the forthcoming dance sponsored by the Sunnyside Estates Women's club. The date is June 1 and it will be held in the community club hall. The theme is "Mod, Mod Whirl" and the DOLORES RRENNAN 653-9045 FRI., MAY 3, 1968 - PLAINDEALER "V7 FURS CLEANING - GLAZING REPAIR & REMODELING Otto Heinz FURS 3018 W. Crescent Ave McHenry, 111. Ph. 385-5315 GET THE PARTS YOU WANT - WHEN YOU NEED THir.liC from Community Auto Supply Phone 385-0778 FOR SERVICE 5 COUNTERMEN Mike Kalfus Frank Meisner Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Drive in anytime, and see your car shine .... fast! lakeland Park CAR WASH Next to Phillip's 66 BARBER SHOP o Hair Coloring ^ • Hair Styling ^0 •- Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts by appointment 385-7771 Lawn Mower Sales & Service Adams Repeir 385-0434 SllOp 3102 N. Chapel Hill Kd. 1AYCRAF General Contractors McHENRY Phone 385-7851 or 5584 Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns In stock McHEMRY GUN CENTER Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9 • 6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 Home Cooking Good Food • Fine Drinks Hettermann's Package Goods Edwin Hettermann Johnsburg - McHenry 385-1787 McHenry m i i __ •riumueuier Now Twice Weekly PHONE 385-0170 for news, sports, adv. Farm Equipment Georgs P. Freund, One. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 W! Complete Selection Also Register In Our Bridal Register Agatha Gifts Candies 1242 Green St. 385-0097 CATERING u •Banquets "Parties * Weddings Meeting Room Phone 385-1475 3312 Chapel Hill Road PETERSON FAMIL Y NEW RESIDENTS IN HEPBURN HOME Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peterson, who are moved into the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home May 1. The Peterson family are formerly of McHenry. We do hope you enjoy your stay in Ringwood. JOHN HOGAN HONORED AT PARTY John Hogan was surrounded by his family on Saturday night in honor of his sixthy- seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jogan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan and son, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parsley and girls Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson and family, Mrs. EarlSonnemaker and family all attended. CHRIS HOPP MAKES FIRST COMMUNION Christopher Hopp, son of the Vic Hopps, made his first Holy Communion on Sunday in St. John's church, Johnsburg. His folks entertained his aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins for dinner in their home following the service. BIRTHDAYS ' Happy birthday to Charlie Brennan, Sandy Brennan and also to Jack Pearson all on May 5 -- and on the tenth, happy birthday, to Wangla Bruce -- and on the eleventh - a special happy birthday to our Uncle Ed Vogel in Solon Mills. AROUND TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soddy and Mr. and Mrs. John Madison of Kenosha were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. They also attended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blackman on Saturday, with the reception held in the Legion home in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charle Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan also attended. The Soddys and Madisons also entertained Mrs. Hepburn for her birthday, on May 2. dress will be in keeping with its title. Tickets can be obtained through the committee chairman, Mary Ellen Wickman, 385- 3258 or at the door on the night of the dance. WEEKEND GUESTS ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bugner "^jLnd Mr. and Mrs. Don Noga of Fostoria and Cleveland, Ohio, spent this past weekend in the home of Araie and Clara Michels. The foursome helped the Michels celebrate their twentysecond wedding anniversary. Happy wishes to them from all of us. Td like to take this opportunity to send along our wishes for healthy days ahead for Arnie. He has had quite a siege of it, being in and out of the hospital three times in the last few months. Our prayers are with you, Araie. And so I must close for this week. Please stay well and be very kind to one another. See you right here again next time. Mildred Hawley of Park Ridge and Mrs. Eleanor Howe of Crystal Lake were Friday callers in the L.E. Hawley home. Miss Linda Low and Gloria Godonich of New Jersey, former roommate of Linda's spent the weekend with her folks, the Walt Lows* Mrs. Ina Wingate and Mrs.' Smith of Crystal Lake were Sunday callers in the Mrs. Ruby Shepard home. Mrs. L.E. Hawley spent Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago. That's it for this week. Closet on Wall Make room for closet overflow by building a shallow utility closet along the wall or in a hallway. Conceal the closet with folding louver doors of ponderosa nine. ITEM: Food costs less than medicine, which makes good meals a wise investment. If you cut down on activities, cut down on calories. But, if you diet, drink two daily glasses <, milk or include cheese, ice cream, custards or similar foods in your eating plan. Youth Plant Trees The Tillamook Burn, one of the worst forest fire disasters of •modern times, is being reforested with substantial help from grade school students in nearby Oregon cities. Since 1950, Portland students alone have planted 793,000 seedlings. Quality Radiator Repair Job Flo-Tested for your added p?o £@gSlon by factory-trained radiator specialises ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Camplete Stock of Kstoullt and New Radiators Complete Stock off Ordinal Equip. Hester Copteal Valves mBMB 81©S. Slit, IS TEARS EXPERIENCE Next to V.F.W. Phone 885*0788 3004 W. Route 120 \ McHemury, III. ight blue i Spring Jackets dacron polyester & cotton men 's 36-46 $7 boy's 14-18 $6 boy's 4-12 $5 tan 385-0182 In the Green Street Mall McHenry explosive! • Chevrolets special savings bonus now adds more value to ears already giving you the most. Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life Fire Auto Homeowners Liability Plate Glass Bonds Marine Workmen's Accident &, Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Custom Made Cabinets All Kinds Kitchens by Yorktown Phone 385-3929 entr SchiliK 3607 Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg, 111, Any size any style. Complete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize In room additions. DUKl CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph. 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake Fronkie Randall and Jennie recording Chevrolet IMPALA CUSTOM COUPE Anyone can offer you just about anything with a fancy paint job, special trim, a few gadgets, and call it a 1 'sale." But see what your Chevrolet dealer is coming up with during his '68 Savings Explo! Check these Bonus Savings Plans. 1. Any Chevrolet or Chevelle with 200-hp Turbo-Fire V8, Powerglide and whitewalls. 2. Any Chevrolet or Chevelle with 250-hp Turbo-Fire V8, Powerglide and whitewalls. 3. Any regular Chevrolet with 250- hp Turbo-Fire V8, Turbo Hydra- Matic and whitewalls. \ , 4. Now, for the first time ever, big savings on power disc brakes and power steering when, you- buy any Chevrolet or Chevelle V8. 5.' Buy any Chevrolet or Chevelle V8 2- or 4-door hardtop--save on vinyl top, electric clock, wheel covers and appearance guard items. H