1- PG. 2, - PLAINDEALER - FRI., MAY 31, 1968 u Hear Reports At Valley View .School Holds May Ceremony 'i -1 OES Worthy Matrons, Meeting Of PTA Patrons Night Tuesday A large attendance of members and visitors alike was observed Tuesday evening at the Masonic temple for one of the most enjoyable evenings of the year in the calendar of events for McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Easter Star. On Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons night, current worthy matrons and worthy patrons from other chapters, both near and far, are asked to fill all the stations normally filled by the officers of the home chapter. At this pleasant evening, there were eleven chapters represented. Officers for the evening were as follows: Edith Weaver, Lounsbury chapter, worthy matron; George Gulbrandson, Lounsbury St. Paul Church Presents Class In Confirmation At St. Paul's Episcopal church. McHenry, on Sunday, May 26, Bishop Charles L. Street made an Episcopal visitation. At this time, Rev. Arthur D. McKay, vicar, presented the following people to Bishop Street to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation: David Chudik, David Hess, Michael Hess, DavidKroucke, Katherine Kroucke, Howard Siepman, Heather Siepman, Mitchell Siepman, Kenneth Briedenfeld and Fred Wachter. The class of new communicants will make their first holy Communion next Sunday, June 2 the Feast of Pentecost or Whit Sunday "the birthday of the church". At the coffee hour, a church birthday cake will be blessed and then eaten. It will be made in the shape of a fish, an ancient symbol of Christ. chapter, worthy patron; Marise E.C. Lackey, Richmond, associate matron; McCoy Lackey, Richmond, associate patron; Samuel, Keptner, Edison Park, secretary; Donald Rickard, Noma; treasurer; Sally Buck, Woodstock, conductress; Jane Tschantz, Algonquin, associate conductress; Lyle Kleckner, Harvard, chaplain; Marjorie Richard, Noma, Marshal; and Janet Wolworth, Algonquin, organist. Altar-Rosary Will Install New Officers On Friday night, June 14, the 1963 graduating class of Marian Central Catholic high, school will hold its fifth year reunion, as announced by the class president, RobertStrohm. The Timbers at the intersection of Rte. 14 and 47 in Woodstock will supply a party room for the affair, and there will be a well-known band for dancing and entertainment. The party will begin at 9 p.m. with refreshments being served. All members of the Class of •63, their family, friends and faculty are invited to attend and to make this, their second reunion in five years, as much of a success as the last. Tickets will be sold at the door or may be bought in advance from Cheryl Smith, 4320 Doty road, Woodstock. To assist in keeping the address files up to date, (the only available list is from 1961) we (the officers) would appreciate if members would send any new addresses to Cheryl Smith. This will assure everyone of being notified of any activities the class may sponsor in the future. Also, Erna Keptner, Edison Park, Adah; Betty Wright, Skokie, Ruth; Nellie Morgan, Day Star, Esther; Mary Taylor, Nunda, Martha; Dorotby Kleckner, Harvard, Electa; David Buck, Woodstock, Warder; William Wright, Skokie, Guest Sentinel; Robert French, McHenry, sentinel; Robert Morgan, Day Star, color bearer; Walter Mueller, McHenry, soloist; Pearl Pearson, Nunda, Grand Lecturer Emeritus, Guest of honor and Mildred Greener, Nunda, instructress. After the meeting, everyone enjoyed the delicious dessert prepared by Frances Vycital, chairman of the refreshment committee, and her staff. TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS Nearly 400 Northern Illinois university students are presently completing student teaching requirements for state certification for teachers among them Ronald J. Wagner of McHenry, history in Crystal Lake school, Christine Oleszczuk of 7104 Chippewa drive, Wonder Lake, history, Cary - Grove school, and Lillian Forsberg of 4120 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, special education, Freeman, Rockford. Bobbie Gentry, the darkeyed, dark-haired beauty who took the world by storm last summer with her unprecedented smash hit, ode to Billie Joe, is back with her second Capitol LP - a sweet is a suite is a sweete - The Delta Sweets ... Of the 12 songs on the album, eight are Gentry originals: Okolona River Bottom Band, (lead cut and followup to her chartriding last single), Reunion, Mornin' Glory, Sermon, Penduli Pendulum, Jessye' Lisabeth, Refractions and Courtyard . . . Jimmie Haskell and Shorty Rogers arranged. Indian names usually do not honor people, but refer to geographic conditions. The second meeting of the Valley View Parents and Teachers was held Wednesday, May 22, at 1 p.m. in the school library. Rotating officers this month were Toni Pearson, chairman; Myra Murray, secretary; Anna Wheelock, publicity; and Jean Schiller, hospitality. After the pledge to the flag and the reading of the minutes, reports were heard from the by-laws committee and the name committee. A name for the group was voted on and upon receipt of the tabulation of the teachers' vote it will be announced. Mrs. Hollander, the music teacher, spoke about the musical program and asked for volunteers to help the children get ready for their appearance on stage. A book drive to help add to the Valley View library shelves was suggested by Jean Schiller and a committee of Mrs. Schiller, Anna Wheelock, Sylvia Cooper and Marjorie Burton was formed. The August picnic, planned for the twenty-first of that month at McCullom Lake was announced. Mr. Anderson, fifth grade teacher, suggested a nature study area by taking advantage of Valley View's acreage. Mr. Wald then reported on several topics discussed at the first meeting; the bus discipline situation and the babysitting service for parents who wish to attend the meetings but cannot secure child care for their preschoorchildren. The pros and cons of afternoon versus evening meetings were discussed and it was suggested that the first meeting in the fall be held in the evening so fathers and working mothers can attend also. Then came the highlight of the meeting when Mr. Wald introduced a film strip with recording concerning sex education and how it is presented to the various grade levels in different areas of our country. The film was so well received it was decided to bring it back in the fall and present it at the September evening meeting so many more, parents and teachers would be able to attend. Plan Events Senior Citizens Club Popular , This picture was taken at a recent meeting of the newly bers on Monday evening, May 27. formed Senior Citizens club, which added fifty-six new mem- PLAEMDEALER PHOTO yj\+ This was the scene at St. Patrick's school beautiful May crowning ceremony honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, held Friday, May 24. Shown, left to right, are Kim Freres, left, Elaine Bottari and Kris Weyland, all seventh graders, with Sister Mary Kathleen. JUNE 1 Annual Bake and Rummage Sale - Sponsored by Ladies of the Lake - McCullom Lake Beachhouse - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. "Mod Mod Whirl" Sunny - side Estate Woman's club - Annual Dance - Johnsburg Community Hall - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. JUNE 4 , Fox River Valley Camp - R.N.A. No. 3251 - Regular Monthly Meeting - Home of Mrs. Harold Wildhagen - 2515 N. Orchard Beach road. ° JUNE 7-8-9 Rummage Sale - Christ the King Church - Wonder Lake - Friday, 9 .m. to 9 p.m. - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. JUNE 10 American Legion Post 491- Regular Meeting - Annual Election of Officers - 8 p.m. Preceded by Dinner - 7 p.m. JUNE 11 O.E.S. Stated Meeting and Initiation. There will Also Be a Special Film Strip Shown. Acacia Hall, 8 p.m. JUNE 14 Rummage Sale - Community Methodist church - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Bring Rummage to Church - June 12-13. JUNE 15 Fun Dance - Sponsored by Cullom - Knoll Association - Spojnia club - Flanders roSd Off Ringwood Blacktop - 8:30 p.m. 9th Annual Smorgasbord - Lakeland Park Woman's club Community House - 1717 N. Sunset Drive - Servings 5 and 6:1.5 p.m. . JUNE 25- • • O.E.S. Past Officer's Night 8 p.m. - Acacia Hall. JUNE 29 O.E.S. McHenry Chapter No. 547, Annual Smorgasbord Dinner, Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street, McHenry. w Can SI Marian Class Plans Reunion The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's Catholic church will meet Monday, June 3, with Benediction at 7:45preceding the meeting in the church hall. At this time, during an impressive ceremony, installation of officers will take place, Kay Luing, post president, will be installingofficer. Officers are Vicki Bottari, president; LaVerne Lamz, the vice-president; Laura Martin, treasurer; and Gertrude Murphy, secretary. A note of gratitude has been extended to El? eanor Freund, outgoing secretary. Mary Kantorski and her committee will serve delicious refreshments at the installation meeting. A large crowd is anticipated to welcome the new officers and extend wishes for a successful year. Q. How can I remove perspiration stains from fabrics? ' A. On washables, sometimes only dry-cleaning is the answer. But first you can try sprinkling some water-moistened cornstarch on the area, brushing off when it has dried. On washables, if ordinary laundering fails, sponge the spots with vinegar. Q. How can I "stretch" a can of soup? A. By adding a can of bouillon or consomme to any canned soup, then diluting as usual with water or milk. You'll enjoy the added flavor, too. Q. Is there anything I can do about a marble surface that has become etched by acids from fruit or other causes? A. Try smoothing with the finest grade of sandpaper obtainable, then polishing with putty powder or jeweler's rouge. Q. How can I repair a hole in a rug? A. Stitch burlap to the wrong side of the rug, then with a crochet hook pull matching material through this to match the surrounding weave as closely as possible. To secure the yarn further, press some gummed carpet-binding over the underside. Q. How can I improvise a shoe horn when putting on a closefitting shoe? A. By laying one corner of a handkerchief into the shoe, gripping the remaining portion of the handkerchief firmly, and using the same as a shoe horn. Q. How can I clean my foam PLAINDEALER PHOTO Three hundred children from St. Patrick school participated in a beautiful May ceremony honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary last Friday. Father Guzzardo preached the homily and performed the Benediction service. Beautiful banners were carried into the church and placed in the sanctuary by Mark Hoffman, Cary Fenner and Ronald Miller. They were designed and made by the seventh grade class under the direction of Sister Mary Kathleen, with the assistance of Sister Mary Thaddeus. The readings from the Bible were delivered by Thomas O'Brien. Mary Ellen Deja and Steve Doherty. Eighth grade altar boys participating in the ceremony were James Dario,' Thomas UttSch; William Callage ' han arid Michael McCormick. Music was under the direction of Sister M. Rosary and Mrs.t C., Weber. The Biblical service . honoring Mary was planned by Sister M. Paulina, principal of St. Patrick gradfe school. rubber powder puffs? A. Try "washing" these with cold cream instead of detergent. Not only is this an easier method, but it will also make the puifs softer and fluffier. Q. How can I repair cracked patent leather? A. There's no mend for this. Just conceal the cracks as best you can by dyeing the fabric underneath. In future, prevent this cracking by rubbing the leather with petroleum jelly and avoiding exposure to heat. Q. How can I camouflage small nicks and chips in painted surfaces? A. Ordinary wax crayons do a creditable patching job. Rub a crayon of matching color lightly over the marred area, and this will both fill in and color the damaged spots in painted surfaces. Q. How can I peel beets more easily? A. Beets will "peel more easily if you cover them with cold water for a minute after they have been boiled. Many other such cookery tips are included in my household book. At the last meeting of the Senior Citizens club, held this week, a pot-luck dinner was planned for June 24, to be held at the high school. A picnic July 13 at Veterans Acres, in Crystal Lake, is also in the plans. With fifty-six new members accepted Mond^ evening, Frank Giel was named new membership chairman. It was announced that Mr. and' Mrs. Ernie Haglund of Island Lake will observe their fifty- Hold Rummage Sale June 12-13 At Local Church A rummage sale will be held Friday, June 14, at the Community Methodist church, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. sponsored by the WSCS Rummage should be brought to the church Wednesday and Thursday, June 12 and 13, or a call to the church office may be made for a pick-up of large items. Coffee and doughnuts will be available for those who bring items. second wedding anniversary on June 1. The club has no affiliation and will conduct its affairs entirely independent of any organization. Its purpose will be to provide, to the extent possible, activities of interest to all members, the aim being social, educational, recreational and with civic concept. The next regular meeting will be June 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the high school. - Prottsman Prottsman Prottsman Prottsman Prottsman TREES - SHRUBS EVERGREENS • fertilizers INSECTICIDES WTEF.B TTCTTf.TT.F.re. •• GROUND COVERS - STONE BARK • SHELLS - PLANTS • ••PATIO STONE - FIREWOOD WOOD ROUNDS • • • • • 3SES - PERENNIALS ANNUALS wm SMAN NURSERY & LANDSCAPING South US 12 Richmond, III. Hours: Open 7 days a week - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. N1W FACILITIES AT Janta4u J? CHILD CARE COMPLETE CHILD CARE For children of working*mothers or while you go shopping. NOW OFFERING TRANSPORTATION SERVICE • AH new equipment larger indoor and outdoor play areas. • Qualified Staff. • Story telling, reading and inside play. • Hot meals-morning- and afternoon snacks • Napping facilities. • An opportunity for your child* to play with and get along with others. CALL 385-2499 for daily and weekly rales you can afford. 9 HOURS: 7:15 till 5:15 • State Licensed Located % miles south of McHenry on Old Crystal Lake Blacktop Girl's TCSSGS matching Kerchief Permanent Press sizes 3-6x reg. 3.00 NOW '•'O&i Mc Henry 385-0182 GREEN STREET MALL m r V/