.PG. 14, - PLAIN DEALER - WED., JULY 31, 1968 Need A Home ',•i »>;-i:•;• >.#r5^: i'• ':; *>> S OR ARE Looking For Their Master At a public terries ©? She MeHtmy PUdnd--to? Ql ads wm under "Pats ftet Need A Home" art Fte?. Tfce «aSy reqvdremeats ©re: TRe ntffflwwlB #*» t© M SSrvn away to good homes without ete?g© or you •re toying to find tit© omier of a pet foil s&agroti iafe® gssaMrion. TO m Qwmz AWAY TO BB GIVEN AWAT MIXED breed pups to be given away, 6 weeks old. Call 385-4373 after 6 p.m. 7-31-68 1% YEAR OLD female spayed Collie. Call 385-48T4. 7-31-68 5 weeks old. Must have big yard. Call 385-2516 7-31-68 Wanted To Rent 6 MONTHS old male Labrador. Housebroken. Loves children. Call 385-1397. 7-31-68 WANTED HOUSING FOB TEACHERS McHenry and near by areas. Furnished or unfurnished rental apartments and homes. Rooms with private families. -- Call -- Mrs. B. Cummlngs 2 FEMALE, black mixed breed. Call 385-3434. 7-31-68 2 PART LABRADOR, male, 6 weeks old. Call 653-4641. 7-31-68 4 DELIGHTFUL kittens, 4 weeks old. Call Wonder Lake 653-5151. 7-31-68 MIXED COLLIE and Shepherd, 6 weeks old. To a good home. Call 385-4639. 7-31-68 3 HEALTHY kittens, 6 weeks old. Half black Persian, hall tabby, 3 females, Call 385-3666. 7-31-68 WANTED WANTE1> place to pasture 2 horses close to McHenry. Call 385-1620. 7-26/7-31-68 WANTED: Customers for Little League Rummage Sale. East firehouse in Wonder Lake. August 2nd and 3rd. Refreshments available. 7-31-68 WANTED: Horseshoe pitching set. Usedjjrotary mower. Reasonable and good condition. Call 385-6427. 7-26/7-31-68 WANTED: 3 room tent or any camping equipment in good condition. Call 385*7860. 7-31-68 ANIMAL Welfare League Resale Shop needs clothing and household goods to help maintain animal refuge. Call N07- 0088 for pick-up. 7-31-68 HELP ANIMAL'S: Donate old clothing and household goods to Animal Welfare League Resale Shop. Call N07-0088 for pick-up. 7-31-68 NOTICES . TOSBAY WOMEN'S LEAGUE Open to-all at. ' .-CHAPEL iIIOj COUNTHYCOJB LADIES GROUP GOLF LESSONS by the Chapel Hill Golf Staff For information Call 385-0333 7-3-68TF1-2 INTERESTED in doing sOme* thing worthwhile. Help operation Heart. Need useable clothes, small toys, etc. for sm^ll Viet Namese children. Direct to the children. Please call Paul. 385-2052. 7-26/7-31-68 SPECIAL $20 (new) oil of turtle permanent wave $15 on ^Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Call us for an appoinment. Pin Curl Beauty Shop. 385-7112. 7-26/8-2-68 LOANS up to $800 for that much needed vacation, a better car or home repairs. McHenry Personal Loan. Call 385-5312. 7-26/7-31-68 CARPETS a- fright? Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 7-31-68 NOTICES ANTIQUES bought and sold. Helen. I. Dobyns. Call 385- 0263. 7-31-68 NEED back to school clothes? Wonder Lake Little League Rummage Sale has bargains galore. August 2nd and 3rd. East Firehouse. 7-31-68 HELP!! We're snowed under with clothes, games, furniture, radios, toys, purses, shoes. Wonder Lake Boy's Baseball Rummage Sale. August 2nd & 3rd. . 7-31-68 NOTICES NOTICES Notice To All Clothing Dealers The McHenry High. School announces that Gifis' Physical Education outfits will no longer be purchased through the school. Girls should contact local clothing stores where such uniforms may be purchased. Clothing stores desiring to sell these uniforms are to contact. Mr. Royce L. Marble Business Manager 815-385-7210 for specifications of these uniforms. 7-24/8-9-68 We are pleased to announce that VIRGIL R. POLLOCK has become a Registered Representative of David Sherman Company, Chicago, Illinois For information on Slocks, InvesimeraS Securities, Mutual Funds 385-2500 7-31/8-2-68 Wanted To Rent t yr SMALL year round house* .Furnished or unfurnished by semi-retired reliable couple In vicinity. Call after 3:30 p.m. 385-3306. 7-26/8-2-68 FAMILY of 3 wants to rent house or apartment. Good references. Call 385-3052. 7-31-68 2 BEDROOM house wanted with option to buy. 2 adults will sign lease. Call 385-5707. 7-31-68 WANTED: An apartment or small house for wife and 2 children, 1 and 3 years. While I am in Viet Nam. Call 653- 9262. 7-31-68 SITUATION WiUCTED WILL DO baby sitting. Lakeland Park area. For working mothers. Call 385-2865. 7-26/8-16-68 The Trail Ridge Road in the Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, is the highest paved road in the world, running for 4 miles in one stretch above the 12,000 foot altitude. Some 42 peaks are visible from this 4-mile strip. UeMenry Public Schools ili-385-7210 7-31/8-2-68 FAMILY DESIRES to live in their 60'xl2' mobile home and needs farm land area, with facilities, for parking mobile home. Call 312-244-8164. 7-19/7-31-68 ROOM in private home in McHenry with kitchen priviledges. Employed young lady. References. Call 385-7550 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. 7-31/8-2-68 Ei & RAY ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRI SPECIAL with trade FROST-PROOF MODEL FPD-166TN-16.6 cu. ft. with 154-lb. size freezer section. 65#' H. 32" W. 29 7/8" D. Avocado, Colonial Copper, Snowcrest White. STOP AND SEE OTHER MODELS LEE and RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT ST. DIAL ' McHENRY, ILL. F*ft? Parking ,385-0882 enwievei ^ Having k m tm m F IF PROPERTY of Cozette Beecher left at 5213 W. Or chard Dr., McHenry, 111. is not picked up by August 1, the property will be sold for storage charges. 7-31-68 YE OLDE CORNER TAP, 3901 Main St. 3 quarts Olde Milwaukee or Blatz's $1.00 plus deposit. 7-31-68 FISH FRIES every Friday McHeniy Moose Lodge. 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Men waiters Salad bar, perch, haddock, 9125. 7-31-68 MAN! Are We Pooped! Come and haul the bargains away. PLEASE!! East Firehouse. Wonder Lake. August 2nd & 3rd. Thanks, Baseball Moms. 7-31-68 M MdlDIIY Fri., Sat. - Aug. 1,2 & 3 All SPRING AND . • . V SUMMER MERCHANDISE DRASTICALLY REDUCED BARGINS GALORE - Hours: THURSDAY 9-6 FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 9-6 All sales final- - No exchanges or refunds GENEVIEVE'S . 9-6' Fri. 9-9 - Sai. 9-6 1315 Riverside Dr. --NOTICE-- Since the city water shortage problem had eased, residents will be allowed to sprinkle lawns on a limited basis until further notice. The schedule is as follows: » .; - r Even house numbers on Wednesday night. Odd house numbers on Friday night. No sprinkling allowed before 8 p.m. / .CITY OF MCHENRY | EVERT TiMEl I MEETA FIRE DESTROYS SHACK A shack back of the Hester service station on Rt. 120, near the railroad tracks, was completely destroyed by fire Monday evening about 6 o'clock. It was believed to havie r been started by children playing in the building. The only item saved was a disc, taken from the stock by a neighbor, Charles Herdrich. Fishing Near Visitors can fish practically from the doors of their motel rooms, at some Coral Gables, Fla. motels. They are located on deep waterways leading into Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic. .THE WEEK'S LETTER: "I have been reading your articles and I have a serious problem. I am 14 years old. I seem to get shy and nervous every time I meet a boy. I just can't seem to make a good conversation with them. In fact, that's one reason why I have only gone $eady one time. I like a boy at a church I am going to, and we speak to each other. I am a real good friend of his sister. What can I do to help myself? I make good conversation with girls, but with boys I am just too shy. I hope you have a good answer." OUR REPLY: Do you know how to.swim? If not, you are probably very much afraid of the water. If you do swim, is it so long ago that you cannot remember how you were frightened the first time you ventured into water more than ankle deep? It is a natural thing to be hesitant, to be shy, when one ventures upon unfamiliar; ground, when one is faced with! a new situation. There is only: one answer: experience. Youj did not -- or cannot -- learn to J swim in-a single day. Youi must learn, and you learn through practice and experi-: ence. There is no advice to giveyou, there is no formula you. can devise that will make you suddenly completely at ease, around boys. Or that wilT make a brilliant conversationalist of you overnight. This is something you must do for yourself. In getting along with boys, as in learning to swim, you must expect to get off to a slow start. With experience, however, you will wonder why you were ever so worried about it in the first place. H you hove a ttonogo problem you wanf to ditcuis or an observation to rnota, oddros* your lottor to FOR AND ABOUT TEENAGERS. COMMUNITY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICE. FRANKFORT, KY. 'IsS 1 I I McHENRY'S FOREMOST HOLIDAY LIQUORS 4512 w. ROUTE 120 Phone 385-3200 McHENRYi E WED i OPEN I dayl 9 A.I to 11 P.M. I • • " -- a we-eft Advertised Beers and Beverages not iced. ® I I I I I Hamm's Beer 24-12 oz. Bottles 59 3 plus dep. look Matches 9< 50 count Imported Conodiii ilend Whisley 19 3 FIFTH Imported Spanish Dinner lg. bottle 1 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES REG. KING OR FILTER your choice 2 89 carton 2 Pebbliford 86 proof Bourbon 2 79 5th r Draft or Reg. .12-12 oz. T.A. * 59 Bottles 1 8-10 oz. Bottles plus dep. Imported Glen Mavis Scotch 98 fifth barton Reserve Blended Whiskey 1/2 gal. _ _ 64 Michelob 6-12 oz. T.A Bottles Popular Brand GIN or VODKA 23i I I ! I I K I 1