THE McHENBY PLAHTOEALEB AUG.; 9, 1968 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 13 * Male Help Wanted Male H«ln Waril.d PHARMACISTS CHICAGO OSCO DRUG seeks the registered pharmacist who wants the challenge of operating his own business. Our pharmacy incentive program provides a unique opportunity to substantially increase annual earnings through personal and direct operation of a given pharmacy. Our top-notch salary for our 45 hour work week coupled with our Partnership Incentive Plan has an earnings potential of $15,000 per year. Our continued growth provides excellent potential for advancement in all areas of our operation. . * Interested candidates are requested to call 385-7030 to arrange for a personal interview with Charles Fuller, Manager. CHICAGO osco DRUG STORES 3720 W. Elm McHenry, Illinois 8-7/8-9-68 FREE RENT - FREE HEAT - FREE ELECTRIC To live in my farm house at 1732 Crystal Lake Road, six rooms, bath and a half, in exchange for general maintenance and feeding small herd of beef cows. Prefer couple without children. This is a value equal to about $250. a month. Ideal set up for school teacher or any couple that wishes to increase income. Be glad to exchange references. Write to: M. L. MAGEE 415 W. Toughy Ave. DesPlaines, 111. (312) 763-6767 FACTORY MANY JOB OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Work your way up the ladder of success . . . begin as an Assembler, advance to a Foreman. Hard workers earn good wages, learn Tiew skills and advance quickly. AT J, SHIFTS -- SOME PART-TIME We will train you at no cost to yourself to become: Macfcis® Operators affid Welders We also have immediate openings for men experienced in: * Machine Shop * Welders * Turret Lathes * Drill Press Contact; MR. WHINERY INTERVIEWS DAILY UNTIL 4:30, SATURDAYS, 9 TO 12 NOON. BROWN MANUFACTURING CO. 610 E. Judd St.. Woodstock, 111. 815-338-1070 8-7/8-9-68 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS FOR Qualify Control 81 Test Lab Work Good Starting Rate and All Compariy Fringe Benefits APPLY ?! ADMIRAL CORPORATION "7. rei™ Street McHeasry, Illinois 385-4020 8-2/8-9-68 3903 FREE RENT - FREE HEAT - FREE ELECTRIC bachelor who enjoys own home and privacy to live in my five room cottage, 1732 Crystal Lake Road, in exchang for general maintenance and feeding small herd of beef cows. This in an opportunity for a man to supplement his income by over $100.00 per month jjpr a few hours of work a week or a retired iman to relax. Be glad to exchange references. ftVRITE TO: I M. L. MAGEE 415 W. Touhy Avenue DesPlaines* Illinois i (312) 763-6767 8-9/8-21-68 Male Help Wanted JANITORS V • NEEDED TO WORK from 4 P.M. to MIDNIGHT 5 day week. No Saturday or Sunday work. Steady employment. Excellent benefits. Apply in person to MR V. J. GRIMM 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday MORTON INTERNATIONAL. INC.. RESEARCH COSTER Woodstock, 111. 8-2/8-14-68 We are loosing a good man and want you to replace him, if you are a reliable, young, married man and experienced with feeder cattle and general farm work, this is an opportunity foi^you. Ideal working conditions, SUITABLE WAGES, house and utilities furnished, paid vacation and other fringe benefits. References required. Contact VERN SCHILLER, Manager SHAMROCK BEEF CATTLE CORP. 532 N. Draper Rd. McHenry, HI. 385-4148 8-2/8-14-68 PRESS MEN FULL OR PART TIME To run business form presses. Night shift. Overtime available. For information call 312-695-2300 SEE Don Hill Press, Inc. 1751 Fleetwood Dr. Elgin, Illinois 8-9/8-14-68 Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN for position as service representative. Position will be servicing and handling service related questions on industrial equipment. Technical interest necessary. We will train qualified man in our equipment. Good starting salary and benefits.' 815-459- 7733. 8-7/8-9-68 YOUNG MAN interested in renting or leasing small tavern and dining room or cocktail lounge in vicinity of Lake area. Will do own decorating. Write to Box 154, c/o McHenry Phundealer, • 7-31/8-9-68 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALES PEOPLE Full or Part Time McHENBY REALTY 3918 West Main St. McHenry# 111. 385-5922 7-26-68 BARTENDER WANTED. Full ; or part time, weekends. Apply in person at Tomasello's Bowl, 3312 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry, 385-1475. 8-7/8-9-681 ATTENTION JOB COMMUTERS Here Are A Few Local Employment Opportunities Available To You: HELP WANTED Machine Operators Assemblers Coil Winders (JReginnera & Women Welcome) • Steady Employment • Air Conditioned Factory • Employee Benefits GEARMASTER, INC. 1809 S. Route 31 McHenry, 111.* 8-9-68 I Retired Couple To do caretaker duties on grounds. 4 room, private cottage in very attractive surroundings. Rent and utilities free, plus mcidest salary. Call 815-385-0967 8-9-68 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS $800 - $1000 Mo. ' JR. TIME STUDY $650 - $800 Mo. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS $800 - $1200 Mo. Q.C. TECHNICIANS $550 - $650 Mo. CHEMICAL LAB TECHNICIANS $550 - $700 month MECHANICAL ENGINEERS .. $750 - $1400 Mo. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS $500 - $700 month MANAGEMENT TRAINEES $450 - $600 Mo. DRAFTSMEN $600 - $700 month PROGRAMMERS $650 - $900 month ACCOUNTANTS $800 - $1200 month COMPUTOR OPERATORS $500 - $700 month • Women • SECRETARIES $450 • $550 Mo. TYPISTS , $350 - $450 Mo. BOOKKEEPERS $400 - $500 Mo. All Positions Are No Charge To Applicant •Wide Personnel, Inc. PHONES: 815-338-3200 Chicago 236-5843 235 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois •7:00 BUS DRIVER wanted to drive bus for Johnsburg Public School. In the former Ringwood School District area. Morning, noon and after school run required. Apply in writing, giving experience, etc. to Johnsburg School, 2117 Church St., McHenry, HI. 8-2-68T.F.2 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted WANTED . YOUNG MAN TIME AND MOTION STUDY TRMMEE Degree not required, some experience desired. Salary commensurate with ability. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. Sheridan Lakemoor McHenry, Illinois 7-31/8-9-68 2 MECHANICS Experienced. Top working conditions. Hospital and life insurance plus fringe .benefits. ONLY QUALIFIED apply in person to JIM WALLACE or CLAUDE BASELEY OVERTON CADILLAC CO. 1112 N. Front St. McHenry, Illinois 8-2/8-9-68 TbOL makers' 2ND SHIFT Excellent positions available for men capable of building and repairing miscellaneous dies, jigs, fixtures, etc. Must have ability to assist Production Set-up personnel. We offer top wages, job security, shift preium, plus many other Company benefits. INTERNATIONAL BEGISTER COMPANY Route 12 Spring Grove, Illlnofe 815-675-2321 8-9-68 CAR POLISHES or BUFFER CAR GREASER Experienced. Top working conditions. Hospital and life insurance plus fringe benefits. ONLY QUALIFIED apply in person to JIM WALLACE or CLAUDE BASELEY OVEETON CADILLAC CO. 1112 N. F?ont St. McHenry, Illinois . 8-2/8-9-68 Production Machine Set-up 2ND SHIFT Excellent opportunity for a man experienced on set-up of small, high speed sub-assembly machines. Should have ability to read blueprints. We offer a good starting rate, job security, plus many other Company benefits. INTERNATIONAL REGISTER COMPANY Route 12 Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 8-9-68 Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00 -5:00 Wed. & Thurs. 9:00 Sat. 9:00 - Noon also located in O'Hare Office Bldg., Des Plaines, Illinois 312-298-5021 CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANK our relatives, friends, the Knights of Columbus, and especially Father Baumhofer and Father Rudden for spiritual bouquets, flowers, cards and other kindnesses shown us during our bereavement. We shall be always grateful for your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy. Mrs. Anton H. Freund Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Fuchs Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Freund CARD OF THAMES I WISH TO THANK my neigh bors and friends for the birth day cards and get well cards while I was in the hospital. Harold J. Peterson 8-9-68 Wanted To Buy 6 TO 12 PIGEONS. Call 385- 0290. 8-7-68 HELP WANTED OAK MEN TOOL & DIE MAKER with /fii-grade progressive die ex- | perience. Nights, 4 p.m. to I 12:30 a.m. TEST EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN to build, maintain and repair production test equipment. Days 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. WOMEN Need full time assemblers and light machine - operators. Days 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., nights 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Bright, clean, air conditioned factory. Full range of company sponsored benefits. Apply in personnel office Monday through Friday. 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.' Saturday 8 am. to 12 noon OAK MAeS(!PAef@SIN« CO. O OMO>ON OS COB CLCCTHO/NETICS COM »»tfc KtaSo SffgooO PIWM«1MM* CaYSTAl UKI, IUHMII 4* rOu4 0^ 8-9-68 FOR RENT STORE OR OFFICE space, suitable for either. Located on a main street. We will dec orate. Call 385-7312 after 6 p.m. 8-2-68T.F.1-2 FOR RENT '1 I FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM HEATED apartment in Richmond. Gitt 815-678-2861. 8-7-68TF 1-2-^ SECOND FLOOR apartment |f Middle age couple only. No* pets. Gas heat and air conditioned. Call 385-1589. 8-9-68 WAREHOUSE area in center41 of town. 50'x50\ Suitable for storage, warehousing, etc. Electricity furnished. Available Sept 1. McHenry Plaindeal- , er, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, m. 8-9-68TF1-2 5 ROOM brick ranch, 2 bedrooms, utility room, attached garage, screens and storms, 70 ft. frontage, carpeting. Gall. 385-6141. 8-9-68 CORNER lot 86' wide. Edgebrook Heights. Call 385-4543 8-9-68 :r. Wanted To Reni WANTED HOUSING FOR TEACHERS McHenry and near by areas. Furnished or unfurnished rental apartments and homes. Rooms with private families. -- Call -- Mrs. B. Cummingt McHenry Pnbllo Schools 815-385-7210 8-7/8-30-68 'V HALL | I I I 1 fl I ALL OCCASIONS UP TO 200 CASEY'S 2601 S. River Road Grlswold Lake McHenry, Illinois CALL 885-2487 I KWs:;i KSIfeMl M SMALL year ' r o u n d h o u s e . ' ' Furnished or unfurnished by semi-retired reliable couple '* in vicinity. Call after 3:30 p.m. 385-3306. 8-7/8-9-68 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO baby sitting. Lakeland Park area. For working mothers. Call 385-2865. 10 YEARS on I.B.M. experience tab computer, key punch, j selectra typist. Also qualified for programming. Reply Box n 152, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. .< 8-7/8-9-68 . EXPERIENCED tool and die / maker d e s i r e s employment i n r' local area. Call 414-279-6602 * after 5 p.m. 8-9/8-16-68 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED KELP WANTED HELP WANTED COME GROW WITH IS OUR LARGE NEW ADDITION HAS CREATED THESE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FEMALE Kit Packagers 1st shift Machine Operators 1st and 2nd shift Assemblers 1st shift (1st shift 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. -- 2nd shift 4:30^P.M. to 1 A.M.) MALE Lab Technician (experience in rubber industry) Set-up Men 2nd shift Machine Operators 2nd shift WE WILL HAVE A BIG OPEN HOUSE THIS FALL. WATCH THESE PAGES FOR DATE. OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 7:00 ajm. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday. 8:00 a.m. to Noon B P JlBTS A Good Place To Work 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENBY (Behind The McHen^j Market Place) 815-385-7000