Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1968, p. 5

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'•I' 36 Present Portrait To Church This lovely religious portrait was presented to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilhelm. It is entitled "Christ Standing at the Door Knocking" based on Revelation 3:20. Pictured above with the portrait are Don Williams, vice-president and Building committee chairman; and Lori Wilhelm, local artist and member of the congregation. PLAINDEALER PHOTO MCHENRY SHI BERNICE WILSON 38S-4S80 PLAN ANNUAL STEAK FRY FOR SAC AUG. 24 The time for the SAC Club's annual steak fry is rapidly approaching, in fact it will be Aug. 24. As usual,there will be free beer and an orchestra for dancing and a delicious steak dinner with all the trim- . ming. It has been suggested that some of us bring down our card tables as seating space is always scarce at these afairs. Get your tickets from Zeimet, Hattan, Wilson, Crouch, Burke, Olbinski or any of the other members. Remember, only a certain number are sold each year and they go fast so don't detay.. BEACH WORK A big hand to Mr. Skala who cut part of the grass at the beach On Friday and to Herb Clausen who raked up all the sand on Sunday morning and has a big blister to prove it. We do not intentionally try to miss any of you boys who have done clean up duty at the beach but it is impossible to find out just who is down there during the week. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Best wishes for a wonderful birthday to Sim Santilli, Sr., and Julie Kunzer on the seventeenth and Dennis Camasta on the nineteenth. dUNDERS* VACATION George, Donna, Gail and Pami Gunder had a 15 day camping trip to the west and visited the Tetons, Glacier National Park and Yellowstone. They saw buffalo, bear and elk and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery. While at Yellowstone Pami got a real thrill when she and Amanda Blake, of 'Gunsmoke' series came face to face in one of the rest rooms at the park and had a nice chat. HERE AND THERE Quite a group of our residents took in the picnic at Portens subdivision last Saturday, played the fun games and tested all the many goodies which had been prepared by the fine folks in that area. The affair was named "Here come Da Judge* and the large gathering seemed to be having a great time. The Hinzes had a busy week entertaining three of John's sisters who stayed here. On Sunday another batch of guests came from Chicago for the day. Marie is feeling some better after her recent illness. Jess and Ruth Ramage drove up from Dolton to spend the weekend with Charlie and Loretta. The Pogors went to Chicago on Sunday to see Barb* s parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaffrath and then spent the rest of the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Poplawski and their son, Johnny. Sam and Julie Zeimet along with many more happy relatives helped Chuck Whitney, Sr., celebrate his birthday on Wednesday evening. Julie's mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Franks from Chicago are in the Shores for a few days of fishing and relaxation. Happy to be able to report that Pearl Paulin is home after spending some time in the hospital and taking life easy. Anne Gruner is also coming along very well and has hopes that she will be home this weekend. END OF THE COLUMN? After several months of trying to find someone to take over the McHenry Shores column the bofyrd of directors have decided that it will just be discontinued at the end of this month. If ,°by some miracle, you would like to take over this task you can call me or Bob Harper and give him the good news. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC "The Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will be withhold from them that walk uprightly." 1 These words from Psalms are the Golden Text of this week's Christian Science .Lesson - Sermon titled "Soul". The Lesson-Sermon is the same in all Christian Science churches throughout the world. In Christian Science Society, Lincoln road and Eastwood lane, the Sunday service begins at 10:30 a.m. One of the related passages to be read from the denominational textbook is the following:," Knowing that Soul and its attributes were forever manifested through man, the Master healed the sick gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, feet to the lame, thus bringing to light the scientific action of the divine Mind on human minds and bodies and giving a better understanding of Soul and salvation. Jesus healed sickness and sin by one and the same metaphysical process" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy). COURT BRIEFS Appearing in Branch I court Mary Einspar was granted a one-year probation and must Day court costs. She was found guilty of DWI in a case transferred from Branch HI court. LADIES, have summer fun ideas Begun to run oul? Here's a real fun idea. Have a wig party. You'll be amazed at the response from your friends and relatives, and you will have the opportunity to earn a free wig, just by having a party. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 312-356- PRIEST SENATE MAKES REPLY TO LAYMEN LETTER The senate of the Presbytery of the Rockford diocese met and issued the following reply to the letter of the Northern Illinois Conference of Laymen regarding the vacant See of Rockford: "The published letter of the Northern Illinois Conference of Laymen indicates a great desire to be of service to the Church through controlled experimentation. Although they are a group small in number and self constituted, it must be said that their letter generally reflected a continual increasing interest on the part of the American Layman in his church and his desire to share in decision-making as a responsibility and the desire to be of service. "We see in this letter the hope of the laymen to have a voice in the selection of bishops, which hope is also shared by many priests. . "The NICOL letter explores the possibility of more democratic methods in the selection of bishops. Similar reaction has occurred in almost every See where a vacancy takes place. There is good scriptural and traditional precedence for lay and clerical collaboration in the selection. The NICOL letter outlined from the grass roots the qualities especiall: needed by the ordinary of thi diocese of Rockford." News About Our Servicevfren boutj icenke LAWRENCE BRUSSO Lawrence D. Brusso, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brusso of 4215 W. Crystal Lake road, entered the Army on July 22 and is now stationed at Fort Leonard Wood , Mo. Friends may write to Mm as follows: Pvt. Lawrence C. Brusso, B- 3-2, RA 68034794, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., Bravo, 65473. Army Private Nick G. Lichard, 19, son of Mrs. Mae Gerstung, 7619 Ashbury court, Spring Grove, was assigned as a combat construction specialist with the 3rd Infantry division near Schweinfurt, Germany, July 20. WHISPERING OAI Gertrude Disney 1385-7515 • FLOWERS BLOOM;T, GRANDCHILDREN p ROAM AMID OAKS Whispering Oaks is in fill) bloom, e flowers everywhere. Beautiful roses and wonderftil vegetable gardens. Many grandchildren are visiting their grand parents out here. Sherry and Wende Johanson of Mount Prospect are staying with their grandparents at 4508 Sussex* They will also visit their other grandparents in Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. HarrySymonds of Sussex had their little angels f r o r s M w i f w s f TROOP 131 Last issue, I mentioned campinig activities being all over. I stand corrected and should have known better because camping, as far as scouting is concerned, is year 'round. The Northwoods campout was a huge success. Five boys and three fathers went as a contingent to Troop 160 of Cary, They were Kurt Kreimier, Jim my Bacon, Gary Reinwa# Jack Weichmann and Kevin Hr ak, Fathers were Les Ba0». Bill Reinwall and Scoutmafpr Stu Hoak. " Some of the main eventeenjoyed were camping (of corse) canoeing, boating, swinging, and cooking. I understa^ Mr. Hoak and Mr. Bacon ipnaged to row all the way acres the lake without turning orer once. I also learned Mr. learned how to swim. Troop commendatins were received for practicing Scout craft learned duritf the year and the economic withdrawal and use of supplies The following icouts also earned some deerved merit badges: Gary Renwall, camping; Kurt Kriemir, swimming; Jimmy Bacon, s/imming, cooking and gampig; Jack Weichmann and Kevfl Hoak, conservation and nsural resources, Congratulations on a job well done; also toicoutmaster Hoak and Adviser Bacon as they were indup&d into the Order of the Arrt*. Now for3 peek at the schedule: * Aug. 17 and 18 are important ;*tes for Scouts Phil Russell; Clayton Patzke, Allen Holmqu&t, Kenneth Betts an& Terry Brendle to jot dowtfc These fine Scouts are candi| datestfor the Order of the AH row otd this is the weekend, they lead for Camp Lowden for the ceremonies. Exact time of departure will be announced later/ lug. 26 is a board of review fa* the Court of Honor schedulei Sept. 16. If you are working <n anything for the September x>urt, you must have all of your requirements in and prepared for the Aug. 26 board of review. Finally, your troop scoutmaster, Explorer advisor and Outdoorsmen committeemen have been extended a special invitation by the Blackhawk Area council to a special dinner meeting on Aug. 21 at Camp Lowden to provide us with the latest tools and materials to help us put the "outing" in Scouting. Our 1969 camp reservation will probably be decided at this time so we can plan accordingly. Tom Russell out. The granshild at Mr. and Mrs. F. Smytfis joining therti. WHISPER5 ABOUT FOLKS Mr. and ffs. Leo Drzynski from Rivei&rove, visited the Crawfords'f 4615 Sussex and Mr. and Vs. Lee Obiths from Canton air came. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford»ok a trip up to New Glarus, As., saw places of interest, iiluding a lace factory, Mrs. Ciwford bought some materif and laces to make some fetty dresses for herself. ney also had the tree trimn rs at their place giving the ties a grooming. Mr and Mrs. M.B. Arden of 4407 Front Royal spent the weednd at Sauganash. San R. Helmlin, a retired raj road engineer, who has been viiting with the Skoogs„ of 4403 Sisex, is returning to Sweden,, Ag. 14. He will come back aain in the spring, ton voyage, arl Skoog, who has been ill, i feeling better everyday, It is JO good |£» see him on the streets agaih. Janet Messnick visited her folks for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, of 4606 Ashley. Janet brought flowers for her little girl's grave. She passed away two weeks ago and would have been a year old on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Huson of 4711 Ashley went to the funeral of their brother-in-law, in Chicago. He died so suddenly, at such a young age. The Husons also have visitors from Ohio, their daughter, Patricia, was in South Dakota, at different Lutheran camp sites, and she also saw many places of interest, Mt. Rushmore, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman's daughter ( Alice), Mrs. Hayden and her new husband visited them on the weekend. They like our fish fries also. Mrs. John Friedland of 4405 Sussex is home after surgery. She was at the Sherman hospital in Elgin. She is recovering nicely. Newcomers, Mr. and Mrs. James Engle, of 1123 Cumberland Circle. They love their new home in the wooded area where the deer peek through the trees. They are formerly from Arlington Heights. Mrs. Kauthfs mother is in the McHenry hospital. She is Mrs. Anna Racky, formerly of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Liby of Elmwood Park came out to see the Arthur Libys at 1208 Manchester Mall. FIRE DESTROYS WINTER ATTIRE AT GOODWILL The , need for winter clothing will be felt at Goodwill Industries during December, January and February as a result of a fire which gutted a 40 by 100 warehouse at 1907 Kishwaukee street, Rockford, according to Norman K. Dasenbrook, executive director. The fire, of undetermined origin, destroyed over 100 tons of clothing, shoes and miscellany. This represented at least 30,000 bags of materials and a potential of $20,000 in future sales, which is the backbone of the Goodwill rehabilitation program, Dasenbrook reported. Harold Acker, president of the Goodwill Industries board of directors, said: "We have complete confidence in the people of the Rockford area to respond Want a top freezer Frost-Proof? . Mak® your choic® sun hbs Per. Month FROST-PROOF MODEL FPD-166TN-16.6 cu. ft. with 154-lb. size freezer section. 65}?' H. 32" W. 29 7/8" D. Avocado, Colonial Copper, Snowcrest. White. USE foood RAY EUGORK *1005 N. FRONT ST. DIAL McHENRY, ILL. Free Parking 385-0882 WED., AUG., 14, 1968 - PLAINDEALER- PG. 5? Rev. Doeneck# Guest Speaker At Two Churches Aug. 18 and 25 the Rev. Christian J. Doenecke will be guest preacher for Mount Hope s and Spring Grove United Methodist churches, duringthe pastor's vacation. Doenecke family served as pastor to the Mount. Hope church, 1963-65., coming from Park Ridge. Last winter he was minister of visitation in Hollywood, Fla. He and his wife reside in Whispering Hills. His sermons will be heard Aug. 18 and 25 during the 9:30 a.m. worship at Mount Hope and the 11 worship in Spring Grove. favorably with needed contributions of material, as they have in the past, to carry out a capacity program of service throughout the year.'V Most of the material destroyed had been collected by the Boy Scouts during the spring Good Turn Day drives. This reserve stockpile of raw materials has always been reserved as a buffer during the slow collection periods of late summer and winter and the plans were to tap this source of supply in August. The hopes of the Goodwill administration is that fall drives and collections will provide enough raw material forthet116 handicapped clients of the agency to continue the learning and earning program throughout the year without interruption or layoffs. < STATE ACTS ON DRIVER LICENSES OF EIGHT IN 'AREA Two driver licenses in McHenry county have been revoked by the office of Secretary of State Paul Powell. They are the licenses of Charles F. Froula, Jr., of 3316 N. Rocky Beach in McHenry and Arthur F. Janecki, Algonquin, both for driving while intoxicated. Suspensions were ordered for William D. Hammond and Terry B. Schultz of Crystal Lake, Bryan W. Klontz of 3603 W. Waukegan road, McHenry, John B. Lynch of Woodstock and Reinold W. Pegelow of Algonquin, all for three violations; and Edward A. Mass of 4525 W. Lake Shore, McHenry, for violation of curfew. Any person who drifts along with the current will soon be in deep water. TO Off What? / $l?-$2?-$5?-$10T Are you getting a discount on your prescriptions? If so, what kind of a discount are you receiving .... or are you paying "extra" to compensate for somebody else's "special discount" . . . WE OFFER NO SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO SPECIAL INDIVIDUALS . . . Only the fairest prices in town . . . Every customer receives the same, individual attention and interested assistance that your family deserves. Prscription service is our business . . . We assist your family whenever you need us . . . Our pharmacy staff is highly qualified and trained to provide the exact medication your doctor has prescribed . . . May we suggest you try NYE'S next time. PATRO-NYE'S J 385-4426 3 N. RIVKS; Diew HAS W f f i Y f F O R . . . SHOES - PAPER - PENCILS - BAGS - BINDERS - DRESSES - BLOUSES - SKIRTS - HOSE - LINGERIE - BOYS' PANTS SHIRTS - SOCKS - UNDERWEAR - JACKETS

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