f Great for the \\ \\i "cut'iip & paster" set "CbI-hb Pri *1.98 Box of MPERA COLORS SANFORD'S, opaque water colors. a TEMPERA COtORS Your talent demands the $1.00 Box of 6.• .83c best! The "starter set"! u >1.111 M of 8 Semi-Moist 105 COLORS With camel hair brush. 79* aitii I® Assorted sizes. With pencils, eraser and ruler. Washable, non-toxic, "Rolled-Down" Price 29c Value Ball Bearing Action COMPASS With PENCIL For "bullseye* makers* * " ' *9" 9*1i" LIPBOMD Laminated hardboard for hard use. Ideal for "desk diortage" schoolrooms timaif &SSi3s£Z& LAUNDERS OUT BtSWVUW* 'Botdin qujeau ft