r ?' sr . •• • . . . ' • $g. 4, Sec.l - Flaindealer - Fri., Sept. 13, 1968 * 7 ,'r Personals lira. Gertrude Krueger of Luneburg, Germany, is spending several weeks in the home of her sister, Mrs. A.M. Dohm. The sisters have just returned tfom a two weeks visit with their brother, Dr. H.W. Riggert, and wife in Metamora, HI. Mrs. Ethel Ronan and Mrs. .Ruth Warner of Elgin called on McHenry friends Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. ^Ogdahl, jr.; and sons, Glen aftd Bruce, of Livonia, Mich., went a few days the past week vjfth his parents, the Senior flerbert Engdahls. Their son. Hark, who had been spending me summer with his grandpafimits, returned to Livonia with -J51®-... [;Mike, son of the Ted Pitzens, Tuesday for Omaha, Nebiv, jghere he will enter his senior jpar at Creighton university. '*• Miss Gerry Restivo and Miss Adams were weekend Bsts in the home of Mrs. ifons Adams and attended the ller-Freund wedding on Sati,. Dr. and Mrs. James West md daughter Kim of Itasca were McHenry callers Saturday. Miss £nn Frlsby, who had been a guest in their home the past geek, returned to McHenry with tftem. j&Mrs. Ruth Channel of Oak, feawn was a guest in the Wil- Jordan home a few days st week. Mr. and Mrs. William Stuffing and daughters of Glen Elwh spent the weekend with relatives here and on Saturday Accompanied Itlr. and Mrs. §&bre Whiting and Mrs. Mallei Powers to Woodstock where they attended the wedding of the Matter's granddaughter, Miss Donna Powers, to Kenneth Jen- £n •i M-iss Cindy Nell entertained ffiiss Robin Gilligan of Augus- O, Ga„ Miss Sue Spring of $tock Island and Miss Jean |h"lockis of Naperville the first jftf the week. It was a farewell yet-together as the girls who ^£11 attended Alverno in Milwaukee last year will each attend a different school this in the Fred Bienapfl home the first of the week and attended the funeral of Joseph Benes in Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hayes and son, Gregory, ofHuntsville, Ala., spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting. Mrs. Alfred johannsen of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was a guest in the Robert Thortipson home a tew days last week. . Political Corner TESTIMONIAL DINNER A testimonial dinner is planned for Secretary of State Paul Powell, to be held Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Wing and Fin club. Hie event is sponsored by friends of Mr. Powell in Lake and McHenry counties. Tickets may be secured from George Thompson, 3812 W. Elm street. V Mr. and Mrs. Claire /Kinsey jfef. Bazelcrest spent a few days Musin' & Meanderin (Continued from page 1) servance of Veterans Day, and the next counter was heaped high with Pilgrim-designed napkins and large turkey cardboard decorations. But the highlight of the displays had every reminder that there are only about sixty-six shopping days remaining until Christmas. Cards, self-stick lables, Christmas tree assembly kits and an endless variety of other items were included. And so it will come to pass. Street corner PA systems will blare forth strains of "Pm Dreaming of a White Christmas" while ' most of us will find those dreams in the form of nightmares. Weary bodies will be guided by minds dulled to numbness as we recall all these early reminders of the merriest of all seasons, vowing that come another holiday, we will heed the come-hither invitation we are presently ignoring. K.A.F. in BIAPIY AND QUAWrY Of SCREEN DOOR F U L L 1 W T H I C K MADE OF ixm mvr txrmtD Msi/mm Unsurpassed in Beauty and Elegance of appearance-- the extra thickness creating a greater depth of the panel inserts--thus achieving a more massive exteior appearance in keeping with the modern trend in design of exterior doors. Vinyl weatherstrip for "no slam" quiet operation. Rugged construction with heavy reinforced corners--will not sag. Just on* look at the now Crown storm door will convince you ol lis suoariod&y is design, consiruclion, operation and appealmet. Sil MM now Crown-before you buy on alumfftvm storm and screen door. Alexander Lumber 909 N. Front Mchenry 385-1424 toy saw ^ news Educational Increase TROOP 131 The big weekend is finally here. Our father and son canq>- out will be held this Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 14 and 15. All boys of our troop and their fathers are to meet at the Community Methodist church at 9:30 a.m. this Saturday. Every? one (even dads) must be prepared for foul weather. This means a change of clothes, rain coat or poncho and boots. An inspection will be held before we leave. No uniforms are worn on this camp-out. We will camp ait Thunderbird Lake, which is located half way between McHenry and Crystal Lake, just east of Rt. 31. If some of you fathers have to work Saturday, send your boy in the morning and join him in the evening. You're welcome any time. We have another important date coming up, Monday, Sept. 16, court of honor at 8 p.m. All Scouts should be dressed in full clean uniforms. Remember the whole family is invited to attend. In fact, a Scout cannot receive an award unless at least one parent or guardian is present. (Late bulletin) I have just been informed that at this Monday's court of honor each Scout will be given a dozen packages of flare kits to be sold. This offer will last one week and will start at the close of our session. This is an excellent opportunity to make some money for our troop and at the same time provide someone with a warning device that can be used in any number of automobile emergencies. These flares also are suitable for emergency lighting, cooking, starting camp fires, etc. They should sell like (pardon the expression), "fire". Complete details and a demonstration will be given. Don McCracken Public Relations ' ^ Run 10 Percent & (Continued from page 1> v asked to replace her on this important assignment. Ifls de-v cision will be made at a latere date. - Approval was made of thi^ contract of Terry Whitney to teach physical education atVal* ley View and Edgebrook. It was noted that Mrs. Eleanor Foley would teach for a month for Mrs. Nancy Stilling. - • '-ic The resignation of Mrs. Vix£f ginia Anzinger from thecentral administration office was accepted, Mrs. Frances Zegarski was employed to work parttime in cafeteria in Valley View to>' replace Mrs. Dorothy Bonato,' who was released from con**, tract. A bid was accepted for Refrigeration Service of Wonder, Lake to install a walk-in freezer at Hilltop school for $5,» 885. This was the only bid received. Approval to provide bus, transportation for a five-year-* old to attend Cary Country Preschool in Cary four afternoons a week was approved. Mrs. Bess McDonald of Mc- Cullom Lake was employed as bus driver of the recently purchased school bus. It w&s noted that District 15 would need to lease another bus to accommodate more ptqrils, with $1,- 800 per year rental to be applied to purchase. FRANCIS PILLER NAMED TO HEAD WONDER LAKE UNIT (Continued from page 1) G. .Tronson os secretary. Other officers are Lewis Belshaw, park commissioner; John Ducey, road commissioner;_and Paul Aramentos, social commissioner. Other members of the board are George Halbauer and Dennis Galle. i * 'V 5s' ' 4 .. .hi*. SEPTEMBER 13-14 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573 C.D. of A. Annual Rummage Sale - St. Patricks Church Hall - Doors Open at 9 sum. • SEPTEMBER 19 McCullom Lake Conservation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House - 1717 North Sunset Drive. Columbus Day Dance - V.- F.W. Hall - Sponsored by McHenry Council, K. of C. " SEPTEMBER 21 - Rummage and Bake Sale *» 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mt. Hope Methodist church - Pistakee Highlands.' Autumn Tea - League of Women Voters of Woodstock- McHenry -- 4911 Orchard Dr., McHenry -- 1 p.m. - Speaker State Representative John H. Kleine. SEPTEMBER 23 Regular McHenry Senior Citizens <§Iub Meeting - 7:30 p*m. at the High School Cafeteria. SEPTEMBER 24 OJE.S. Advanced Night 8:00 p.m. - Acacia Hall. SEPTEMBER 25 McHenry Senior Citizens club Men's Outing-to Cubs - Los Angeles Game - Bus Leaves City Parking Lot 11:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER 26 McHenry Garden Club - Mrs. Fred Svoboda, Hostess - 1205 S. Broadway, McHenry Shores- 12:30 p.m. - Program, "Con- Con". SEPTEMBER 28 Guiding Star Shrine No. 109 Annual Card Party - 7:30 p.m. Masonic Temple, 1309 N. Court Street -- McHenry - Refreshments and Prizes - Public Invited. OCTOBER 8 O.E.S. Stated Meeting - 8 p.m. Acacia Hall, McHenry. OCTOBER 22 Q.EJS. Stated Meeting and Halloween Party - 8 p.m. - Acacia Hall - McHenry. Family Service Sets Assistance McHENRY PLAINDEALER MURL L. CLARK Murl L. Clark, 63, of 131 Valley View road, McHenry, wife of John Clark, died at 3:40 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11 in McHenry hospital. She was born Oct. 28, 1905, in Illinois. The only other survivors are a son,'Richard Molidor, of Zion and tw» grandchildren. Visitation*4 will be after 6:30 p.m. Friday. Rev. Donald Johnson ; of ShspSierd of the Hills Lutteran' church will officiate at last rites on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock in the George R. Justen & Son chapel. Burial will be in Grant cemetery, Inleside. EstsbUabed 1875 8818 West Elm Street McHenry, HBnoi* -- S0050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, HL Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor NATIONAL NEWSPA^H is 1 |A^£@T0. S U S T A I N I N G M F M B E S Starting theirj Famous Wed. Nickle Night Sept 25th 1 Year In McHenry and Lake County Subscription .. 57.50 1 Year 19.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County 2028 Rt. 120 A NEW FACE ED TO Granville Sornson Is Joining forces with State Item Agents Joe Podpora and Dennis Conway to better serve the car, home, life, amdl health insurance needs of Mo- Henry area policyholders. Each of these Family Insurance Men can provide yon with State Farm's It. moos combination of top-notch service and low-ooat protection. Stop by and get to know them. FAMILIAR FACES ii- GramrfUSe Soi 1212 Green St. 885-1627 JoePodpeie 1812 Gs-eaa St. 8815 W. Elm 885-7111 STATE FARM IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT tWHTTRA-Rflma Ask one of these S State Farm Agents about: MEDI-CASH . . . Modern State Farm health fiussie that pays you cash for each day you're In the Yon can use this tax-free mney for anything. MORTGAGE PROTECTOE . . . life insonssa flfea five your family a debt-fifes' home If yoaai? should hsppea to outlive you. « STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES/Home Office Bloomington, III, STATE FARfil NSURANCE Are you a mature woman who possesses homemaking skills and a desire to help other people? If you are, the Illinois Department of Children andFamily Services may have a job for you. Mrs. Jane Euring, homemaker coordinator for the department's Waukegan district* says she hopes to hire six homemakers to provide service to families in McHenry county by Oct. 1. Each applicant will be fully trained and be paid for attendance at training sessions, ^j^homemakerisjgl^^ Major Items Included In New Ordinance^ (Continued from page 1) ^ they have in the past. This year only $106,000 was refunded when the 1965 tax case was concluded. By contrast, $141,000 was returned as a result of litigation over the 1964 taxes and $159,- 000 was paid out because of the 1963 suit. The 1965 settlement was 33 percent lower than two years earlier. Since taxes have risen considerably since then, the one third reduction means that tax objectors are much less successful now than previously. However, although tax districts in general were better able%to satisfy objections made against their levies. McHenry county was not so fortunate. Theamount refunded from the general fund from 1965 taxes was $28,727.98 against $7,774.43 for 1964 and $1,714.06 in 1963. ZONING APPROVED In zoning requests, the board approved a petition for Paul Jessup and heirs of Elizabeth Kennebeck for reclassification with limitation, on property east of the city. The Wonder Lake Fire Protection district was granted its request for a conditional use permit in Greenwood township to construct a new fire house. A plat to the second addition to Hiller subdivision, Jak-Anna Heights, was shown and approved. A Health department report included findings in the first motel inspection undertaken because of a series of complaints. The pool was found to be operating in an unsatisfactory condition. At another motel it was necessary to close three of the living units. A ,she£tfCS Tepoirt d|eclosed •investigation ?ofsixteenhttrglaries, thirty-seven personal property thefts and thirty-six cases of vandalism. Richard B. Ogilvie, GOP Candidate for Governor, was present to address the board briefly Tuesday morning before continuing on to keep other commitments in the county. home when illness or another emergency causes the mother to be absent or unable to carry out her responsibilities," Mrs* Euring said. "The homemaker works closely with a department caseworker who has the responsibility for determining the exact nature of the service in the particular home situation." DEFINE DUTIES Duties of the homemaker may include cooking, caring for the children, perfor ming light house keeping activities and -- if the mother is in the home -- furnishing instruction that will help her better organize and perform her homemakirig tasks. The homemaker is not expected to perform heavy seasonal housekeeping or do extensive bedside nursing. Homemakers usually work eight hours a day, five days a week. In unusual circumstances twenty-four hour service may be provided for a limited time* Applicants must be in good health and have a high school education or equivalent skill and knowledge. They must also have at least two years of successful homemaking experience and be able to drive a car. _MrSjJEuringj^ gan cHstrict, made vp of Lake and McHenry counties, serves ;i approximately 470 children eac" - month. Of this number, aboi half are in institutions, fostei homes, or adoptive homes, the other half are being serve in their own homes or the hoi of relatives. "Many times a homemakei| makes it possible for a family to remain together and prevent? the need for foster home br institutional placement of the children," Mrs; Euring emTj phasized. "Thatfs why we are eager to make this service available to McHenry county fa-j milies." , , , Women interested in becoming homemakers should call oy write Mrs. Euring, Illinois Department of Children and Fa^ mily Services, 4 South Geheseie street, Waukegan, phone 312- 244-0595. , FRANK BROUCEK Frank Broucek, 76, a resident of this community fer only a short time, died Tuesday, Sept. 10 in McHenry hospital. Her came here to reside with his daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Fis-i cher, at 2018 W. Oakleaf drivel Hie body was removed to the Becvar chapel in Chicago, for arrangements. WILBER HILLMAN Mlber Hillman, 60, of Glenview died Sept. 11 in McHenry; hospital. M giant frozen food gtoiage ...fast fast ice! Frost 15' 14.7 cu. ft.o Model TBF-15SD Giant zero-degree freezer. Holds up to 147 lbs. frozen foods! • Exclusive Jet Freeze ice compartment. Sub-zero air blown over ice trays first for extra-fast freezing! • Separate temperature controls for each section. • Twin vegetable bins >hald<% buu. .•* ... . - • GE colon'or white - CAREY Appliance 1241 N. Green St. McHenry Only Serviceing GE Dealer In McHenry »«* AFg White ttmue m M What It likes Wliii It C©§nes • • Experienced Management Protects Your Money Guarantees it's Safety Savings Insurance Maximum E a r n i n g s . . . . . . . P a i d l i k e C l o c k w o r k Tttfy SdXie fa* *&eM? Current Dlwitod Rate: ii^SMigs accounts i% 5!4% @ii ©©rtifieites^ "^^NGO federal savings and loai association 200 East Grant Highway • AAwengo, Illinois 60152 m 815-561-7258 A $26,000,000 mytoaB gissaso^iora servisig Northern Illinois since 1925