THE McHENRY PLAlNDEALEiEt FR!., SEPT., 27, 1968 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted MODINE PART TIME SHIFT MEN NEEDED TO WORK from G P.M. to 10 P.M. Apply In person OP call Personnel Manager 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday thru Friday rr CALL 653-2841 or 385-3964 MODINE 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS "an equal opportunity employer" 9-25/9-27-68 INSTALLERS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Communications or telephone company experience required. • Top Union Scale • Free Insurance • Car Allowance SCAN-AM COMPANY 4108 W. Crystal Lake Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS 815-385-3499 9-25/9-27-68 SHOP IN MCHENRY WANTED Man with farm background to supervise farmer dealers in this area. Be your own boss and have your own protected business territory. Training at company expense. Write or Call PAT HUEUEY pox 1£SE' DeaMoines, Iowa Tel.: 815-262-8609. Mate HelpWanled Male Help Wauled Male Help Wanted PHARMACISTS OPPORTUNITY IN CHICAGO OSCO DRUG STORES We are seeking registered pharmacists who want the challange of operating a pharmacy. We feel, these ingredients are compounded in our successful pharmacists. Are they inherent in you? .... CONCERN .... In fulfilling the needs of the public. DEDICATION .... Gained through mutual satisfaction and identity with your Company's goals. UNDERSTANDING.. . . D e v e l o p e d t h r o u g h s h a r ing your profession with others. INVOLVEMENT With community's health, ' civic and family activities. Our top-notch salary for a 45 hour week is coupled with the nation's only Partnership Incentive Plan. Other benefits include,. Company Profit-Sharing and Health & Life Insurance coverage. Interested candidates are requested to Call 385-7030 to arrange for a personal interview with CHARLES FULLER, Manager, Chicago Osco Drug Store, 3720 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois -- Or Contact: CHICAGO OSCO Male Hel_ p*1 .W anted Male Help- -W - anted H Male Help --W anted Female Help Wanted AA MODINE MEN Clwdc Yow OpportMftta Investigate Your Earning Potential. Find Out About Our Benefits. What Are You Looking lor? We are open 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday thru Friday or 8 AM. to 11 AM. Saturday CALL 653-2841 or 385-3SS4 MODSNE 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS "an equal opportunity employer" SWITCHBOARD posim|l| Part time and full time. Experience preferred but will, train. We offer good salary, interesting varied duties and pleasant working conditions. For tall details contact ^ PART TIME WAITRESS. Het-. WOMAN wanted for part e. Inquire One tinizing in Market Place. DESPERATELY need woman, for light housekeeping. Children. Completely 5 day week. $1.50 hour. 385-3463. 9-25/9-27-68^ MeHENRY HOSPITAL tSl@ W. Wmktgan Bf©®emryp HL QAJLL §83-2200 ext. 645 @•35/9-27-68 Age 21 to S5 NTOSE'S AIDES Will train. 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 pjn. DISHWASHER 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Male Help Wanted • SHEETMETAL MMf • 'ELECTRICIAN • PLUMBER Experienced only, for expanding shop. See or call TBI H&BPWABE Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 9-4-68T.F.1-2 1515 Harlem Oak Perk, Dlmois 311-383-5833 9-25/9-27-68 LUM TWO iS to call WideScope Personnel NOW! 312-236-5843 1. YOU 2. WE are Booking have Just for a better the position position, for y©u22 PROJECT ENG. Handle various special company projects. Salary to $12,000. SALES TRAINEE. McHenry Cty. area. No exp. necess., Co. will train. Diversified public contact, unlimited earnings. Salary $100 wk. plus commission. MECH. LAB. TECH. Assist in phyiscal testing of Company's Prodis ducts. To $610 Mo. DISTRICT MANACEIL Experience in food brpkerafe mdustr^gualifiej. Salary JR. APPLICATION ENG. Answer inqui rles, resolve customer programs, etc. Salary to $ 180 per wk. L/O DRAFTSMAN asst engr. in development of new co. prod. To $750. JraS^oRt!5E necesS^^Qo *•£&&&&& COMPOTW.^^e^ ^»^it,8.5ryWVour0tg ties on a corp. $14 .0°0 LAB. * chefnica< anal|» ^ SiBr0"* EtecW>- icdom Three other locations to serve you. Des Plainer IE. 298-5021 Hillside, HL 449-8070 "PERSOKIMEL, INC. Lombard, 111. 629-6770 815-338-3200 &85 Benton St. Woodstock, HI. Call anytime 24 bonis a day. A rotunelor wUl be available to ^ Mechanical Engineer Company growth has created this excellent opportunity as a plant M.E. Fractional horsepower, electric motor and gear reducer background would be helpful, but not essential. A degree is not required if qualified by background and experience. Either apply directly or send resume to RAE MOTOR CORP. 5801 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois 9-20/9-27-68 ONE OB TWO HITI.TAWT.F AND CAPABLE KBLJULJ ESTATE SMZSMEM Experience Helpful But Would Consider Training The Right Person. Wleser & Associates 1S20 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. 885-4880 9-20-68TF 1-2 Female Help WrnSsd TYPIST for Industrial Engineering Department. Variety of general office duties. Will consider bright, young high school graduate. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday Excellent employee benefits including profit sharing. Aeroquip Corp. BARCO DIVISION 600 N. Hough, Barrington, HI. "an equal opporunity employer" 9-27-68 SHOP IN McHENRY Female Help Wanted EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS for PLAYGROUND DUTY short hours McHenry Elementary Schools Applications may be obtained from: Mrs. A. M. Candella 8926 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois 815-385-7210 9-27-68 16 Hours per week - hours optional. REGISTERED NURSE Wednesday and Thursday, 3:00 p.mi to 11:00 p.m. , DIETARY MBE 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Check on our newly increased salary schedule. Good fringe benefits. Valley-Hi Nursing H@sne 240S H^rtland Boad WOODSTOCK. ILL. 9-27/10-9-68 WAITRESS WANTED. Experience preferred but not necessary, will train. Fun or part time. Good tips. Apply Al's White House, 2028 W. Rt 120, McHenry. Call 385* 9892. 9-25/9-27-68 WAIT1ESSES -WANTED" FULL & PART TIME EVENINGS Apply In Person CZECHO LODGE Rt. 14 Crystal ILake, HI. 459-0121 9-27/10-4-68 Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED TRUCK MECHANIC, WITH Some Supervisory experience, wanted for all phases of truck repair. Company Benefits Include: Group Insurance, Paid Vacations, Furnished Uniforms. HERS CHBERGER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT COMPANY 812 N. Lake Street Mundelein, Illinois 812-566-6895 9-27/10-2-68 CLERK-TYPIST (Part Time 9:30 A.M. to7 3P.M*) Main duties will be in personnel office -- testing, record maintenance, typing, etc. Registered nurse would be desirable. SEC1ETA1Y We atfe *'mature Individual for this fulltime secretarial position. Inquires shorthand and the ability to meet the public. Excellent starting salary plus fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Department McHENRY HOSPITAL 8516 W. Waofeegan Rd. McHenry, HI. Call 385-1200 ext. 643 9-27-68 • REGISTSED NURSE • LPJt.'s -- Apply to Persoa -- Woodstock Residence 809 McHenry b Woodstock, m. 938-1700 9-20/9-27^8 Immediate Openings For FULL-TIME . Nurses Aide No experience necessary. '1 . Housekeeper . Kitchen Help: - -- Apply In Person -- WOODSTOCK SIDENCE 809 McHENRY -- 388-1700° * 9-20/9-2T-68; LADIES: work for major dis-1 ^ tributor. $2.00 an hour, p&if' or full time. Taking orders * and delivering catalogs. Car'12 necessary. Flexible hours. •' Call 338-453(5 ^20/10-4^68 . • AEROQUIP BARCO DIVISION 500 N. Hough. Barria.gSon. IU. CALL DU 1-1700 "an equal opportunity employer" Secretary-Bookkeeper for Central Administration Office of the McHenry Board of Education. Must have experience in bookkeeping machines and office work. Applications may be obtained from MRS. A. M. CANDELLA or MISS LEE LOKAY 8926 W. Main McHenry, 111. 815-885-7210 9-13-68TF1-2 9-27-68 SHOP IN McHENRY Fsmalo Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted SHIPPING No experience necessary. Starting rate $3.04 per hour, plus paid benefits. Third shift only. APPLY HOSTESS CAKE 1813 Pearl St. McHenry, Pltaols "an equal opportunity employer" 9-27/10-2-8 OUTSIDE, construction workers. Preferably men who can arc-weld. Call 385-1802. 9-18/10-11-68 I FULL TIME service station attendant Experienced. Call 385-0533. 9-25/9-27-68 I BUS BOY WANTED. Apply in person or call The Breaker's, Rt 14, Crystal Lake, 459- 9-25/9-27-68 I I COIL AND TRANSFORMER WINDERS AND ASSEMBLERS WOMEN • Experience desired but will train qualified applicants • Day Shift 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. 9 Excellent working conditions. 9 All standard benefits. 9 New Incentive System. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY *4>iq 1 WAITRESS WANTED. ai or part itjine; kitchen hel_,r part time. Call Club Alabi, 385-9836. 9-27-6$ :q in MATURE, responsible womani to care for 3 children while mother works nights. Will give full transportation. Call 385-3676. 9-27/10-4^68 WAITRESSES wanted, full or part time. Call McHenry Country Club, 385-1072 9-27/10-4-68 EXPERIENCED sewing machine operator for drapery work room. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call 385-7531. 9-27-68TF 1-2 BABY SITTER wanted for J' children, days. Preferable in McHenry Shores area. Call 385-1837. 9-2T-68 BOATS & MOTORS 519 W. SHERIDAN McHENRY, LAKEMOOR ILLINOIS 9-25/9-27-68 33 FT. RIVIERA CRUISER Houseboat Equipped with 20. h.p. Evinrude engine. Sleeps (k Sink, fresh water tank, stmfQ, Icebox, dinette. 30 gal. fu®l, tanks. Spotlight, running lights many other accessories. Shown by appointment. Call 385-2718. 8-21-67TF 1-3 WINTER STORAGE. §35.00 5 up. Triton Marine Service, M©» Henry, 385-1076. 9-4-68T.F.1-2 Si i -- 14 FT. MOLDED plywood boat, fully equipped. 75 h.p. Johnr son motor. $450 for quick sale. Call 385-2770 after 6 p.m. 9-25/9-27-6& 16' Widebeam outboard runabout, Mahogany deck. Excellent condition, 40 h.p., Fully equipped including ski tow bar, with storage trailer and cover, $800. Call 385-5530. 9-25/9-27-$$ --TP! 3 USED | BOAT HOISTS5 HANSEN MABINE SEWSCE fiig W. ILtocoln Rd. McHenry, BUoois . 9-27-68 IM ESSMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY of myi friend, Louise B. Olsen, wfadi passed away September s.:29j; 1967. Marie Espey 9-27-68 SHOP IN McKEKXTT