mi-"- it' ^ * f* g: iiM.\':' Women volunteers contribute significantly to the quality of service and volume of patients handled at the McHenry County Easter Seal Therapy center. Members of the Easter Sear woman's auxiliary plan a fund-raising benefit Hie need for another physical therapist at the McHenry County Easter Seal Therapy center confronts the board of directors now, Mrs. Del Kistler, newly- . elected president, observed . Mrs. Kistler reviewed developments at the annual meeting held late last month. They reflect a growing number of patients at the county-wide organization. The Easter Seal Therapy center has a policy of treating patients whether or not they have an ability to pay--although those who can pay part or all of their cost for treatment are asked to contribute. However, the Therapy center is supported wholly fay donations with no tax money or government assistance of any kind. Robert Steffi, executive director and a professional physical therapist with an outstanding record of service and administration at the county organization, said one reason another physical therapist is needed is to include home and rest home visits by staff members. MWe have several people in the county who cannot make it to the center be cause of their age, health, or transportation difficulties," he explained. Physical therapy treatment increased 10 percent in the past year with more than 2,600 patient visits. In addition, a speech therapy program is proving quite successful and the board has given some consideration to expanding this beyond the summer. A swim program and a summer camping program are among other outstanding achievements at the Therapy center, Mrs. Kistler noted. During the past year, the Therapy center board was able to make certain building improvements, including completion of a canopy and blacktopping the parking lot. Inside the building, new physical therapy booths were completed and several new pieces of equipment were added. They also sponsored an informational to aid the work of the center with a dinner and theater pary at Marengo on Thursday, Oct. 24. Frdfih left: Mrs. Eugene O'Brien, Mrs. Carlton WolP- and Mrs. Hazen Arnold, Woodstock; and Mrs. Vaclav Ryba, Cary. (Don Peasley Photo). booth at the McHenry County fair. In the election of officer, Mrs. Del Kistler, Harvard, was elected president; William Baker, Crystal Lake, president-elect; Howard Fiedelman, Woodstock, first-vice-president; Dr. B.B. Neuchiller, Woodstock, second vice-president; John Eggum, Woodstock, third vice-president; Mrs. Louis Duddleston, Crystal Lake, recording secretary; Colonel Carlton Wolf, Woodstock, corresponding secretary; and Ray Wolf, vyoodstock, treasurer. At the annual meeting, awards were presented in recognition of contributions to the 1968 fund drive. Jay Thomas, personnel director for the Admiral corporation, Harvard, and Donald Wilkerson, personnel director at Woodstock Die Casting, were presented awards to recognize the outstanding support given the Therapy center by these companies and their employees. Mayor Louis Goossens, Crystal. Lake, participated in the program and issued the welpome to the community. New board members include: Mrs. Eugene O'Brien, Woodstock; Bert Dehlin, Crystal Lake; Don Justen, McHenry; and Don Johnson, Richmond. The outgoing board member is Mrs. John Jolly, Barrington. Six women who work at the center on a regular basis as volunteer workers were also recognized. They include: Mrs. Robert Emery, Mrs. Carlton Wolf, Mrs. John Schmidt, Mrs. Eugene O'Brien, Mrs. Vaclav Ryba, and Mrs. Bert Dehlin. Featured speaker was Tom Shrewsbury, state executive director for the Illinois Easter Seal society. He said local therapy centers are striving to achieve quality services for those who need it. He stressed McHenry county citizens are fortunate to have a Therapy center rated as "one of the top ones in the nation." Board members applauded this Meet the Quick and Easy Way to Delicious Casseroles y f Crisp fall weather signals an end to the helter skelter habits of casual summer dining. Back in your kitchen, on an orderly s c h e d u l e , y o u ' r e p r o b a b l y dreaming up all sorts of ways to put excitement and imagination into fall meals. While you're collecting ideas, clip this recipe for Autumn Sausage Casserole, an easy-do dinner in a d i s h . C r i s p l y browned sausage balls, cut green beans, and chopped onion blend flavors in a caraway sparked base of canned condensed golden mushroom soup. Chock full of tender mushroom slices, and laced with the robustness of fine Burgundy wine, tfyis expertly seasoned, double rich soup has a very special way with casseroles. It's great, too, as a sauce for skillet beef or pork dishes. Top this hearty, family pleasrecognition and praised the work of Steffi in organizing and directing the local Therapy center. ing casserole with a border of fluffy mashed potatoes. To go along, pass crusty French or sourdough bread, a crisp green salad, and poached pears topped with whipped cream for dessert. AUTUMN SAUSAGE CASSEROLE 1 pound bulk sausage V., cup chopped onion Iran (10 Vo ounces) condensed golden mushroom soup \± cup water 1 package (0 ounces) frozen cut green beans, cooked and drained U> teaspoon caraway seeds 2*cups prepared mashed potatoes Form sausage into 16 meatballs. In skillet, brown meatballs and cook onion until tender; pour off fat. Stir in soup, water, beans, and caraway seeds. Pour into IV2-quart casserole. Bake at 350°F. for 25 minutes. Stir casserole; spoon potatoes around edge. Bake 5 minutes more. Makes 4 servings. THE LAW SERVES YOU ty Illinois State Bar Association LOCAL OPTION LAWS HAVE SOBERING EFFECT Anyone who attempts to convert a "dry" community in Illinois into a "wet" one-orvice versa - will find that the law offers little to encourage him in his efforts. According to the Illinois State Bar Association, the wet-or-dry question must be decided by local option -- which means it's up to the voters in the affected community. However, the legal procedures for bringing the issue to vote are formidable. The law provides that in any city, village or incorporated town of 200,000 population or less, the issue must be decided by the voters, as a unit. In the one city of more than 200,000 population, Chicago, the voters of any precinct can decide whether that precinct shall prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages or not. In unincorporated areas, the decision is made by the voters of a township or road district or portion of a township or road district outside an incorporated area. In every political unit, the steps required to bring about a vote are the s&me. First, a petition must be circulated requesting thatthe issue be submitted to the voters. The petition to be valid must contain the signatures of at least 25 percent of the legal voters registered in the political unit. Secondly, the petition must be filed in the office of the clerk of the municipality, precinct, township or road district as the case may be, at least 60 days before the next ensuing election for choosing local officials. No special election can be held. Submission of the question to the voters is mandatory when a petition is filed in the proper form with the clerk. The law allows for both total and partial prohibition and specifies three ways a petition can be worded: (1) Shall the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor be prohibited in ( )? (2) Shall the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor othery than beer containing not more than 4 percent of alcohol by weight be prohibited in ( )? (3) Shall the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor containing more than 4 percent of alcohol by weight except in the orignal package and not for consumption on the premises be prohibited in ( )? The law provides that if alternate petitions are submitted for the same election, the one How Can WED-> OCT.-9, 19<S8-_PLAIND£A1.ER - PG. 15 Q. Is there any way I can remove stains from plastic dishes? A. If conventional detergents and soaps fail, soak the dishes for twenty minutes or so in a gallon of warm water to which a cup of bleach has been added. Wipe with a dishcloth, then wash in the usual manner. You might also try rubbing the stains with dry baking soda or with salt. Q. What is an effective method of punching a neat, new hole into a leather belt? A. By using a heated needle or punch, and by holding the belt firmly on a wooden board while you bore through it. " Q. What is a good way to baste barbecured meat or fowl? A. You can make an efficient basting tool by tying a bit of clear white cloth to a long - handled fork or stick .. .makes aperfect swab. submitted first shall be given preference. The wording used on the petition selected is also used on the ballot. Thus, in order for apolitical unit to become wet or to stay that way, a majority would have to vote "no" on the question in the election. No matter how an election comes out, the issue can't be submitted to the voters again for at least 47 months. spatters that have been allowed to harden on my floor? A. Moisten the® spatters with fingernail polish remover, allow to soak in for a few minutes, then rub off with a cloth, and wash with warm suds. Hie paint usually disappears, no matter how long it has been there. Q. What can I do when the fudge I am making hardens in its bowl and cannot be poured? A. Add a tablespoon of milk and two or three tablespoons of corn syrup, and beat at fifteenminute speed in your mixer until smooth. Pour immediately. Q. How can I keep my fingernail polish in first-class condition? A. If you'll keep your nail polish in the refrigerator between usings, it will stay in better condition, and can be used to the last drop. Q. How can I do a really effective cleaning job on the inside of a vacuum bottle? A. By filling the bottle with warm water to which a heaping teaspoon of cooking soda has been added, and letting stand overnight. If you use the vacuum bottle reguliarly, give it this treatment once a week. Q. Is there an easy way to make paint adhere more readily to tinware? A. If you'll first rub the tinware thoroughly with rough pumice stone or a coarse sandpaper, then apply a thin coat of; shellac, then the tinware will take your paint readily. Q. How can I add a criqgi shine to straw hats? * . A. Try using hair spray. Ma* ny other such tips on the car$ and cleaning of hats and cloth*;, ing are contained in my house* hold manual. * Q. What can I do about mil* dew stains on leather? ? A. A little petroleum jelly) rubbed well into the leather will usually chase the mildew away. Follow this with a po4 lishing with a clean chamois, Q. What is a good method of cleaning chrome? • A. (tee simple, effective method is by using baking soda OR' a dry cloth, or kerosene on a damp one. "Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to be free. The wretched refuse of your. teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The New Colossus: Inscription for the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor PENCIL DAY FOR CHILDREN'S HOME OCT. 18-19 Rev. Clifford Redding, executive director of the Woodstock Children's home, has announced plans for the home's annual "Pencil Day" scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18 and 19. This will be countywide, except in the Crystal Lake and Cary areas, which conduct "United Fund" drives. "Pencil Day" was established last year to replace the previous tag days. The home has obtained permission from towns within McHenry county to have solicitors on their streets asking for contributions on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18 and 19. For each contribution to the Woodstock Children's home,the solicitors will offer the donor a pencil imprinted: "Woodstock Children's Home, Woodstock, , Illinois -- serving children since 1886." In commenting upon this, Mr. Redding said, "This is only a token of appreciation to the many friends of the home for their generous support in helping to provide care for the fifty-six boys and girls now living at the home." Rev. Clifford Redding, and his associates in the operation of the home are deeply appreciative of the growing number of people who are interested in, and are sharing in the services the home is providing for the fifty-six boys and girls now under its care who come from northern Illinois. Such support and interest is tremendously important not only to the children but also to the workers involved in the operation of the home. Their task is made easier and more satisfying knowing that many other people are also sharing. ..Readers who are eager to express their love and concern in order to provide a better way of life for these fifty-six unfortunate boys and girls in the home's care may do so by making a generous contribution in the coin boxes or by mailing it to Box 508, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098. Assistance is also being sought, in the form of solicitors to help man the many key locations on these "Pencil days". Teenagers (8th grade or o'tfpr) and adults who are willing to assist for a few hours may volunteer their services by phoning 338-2433. Your help will be appreciated. Miracle Prices STORES hi M Stamps ENJOY TOTAL SAVINGS WITH THE BIG CHANGE" AT NATIONAL! Wo r«scrv« th» right to limit MMtitfoS. friui offtctivo Ttiurs. thru Sat., Oct. 12th. The Big Change at National is REALLY Big. Enjoy TOTAL SAVINGS for the first time in any food store. The Total Savings of famous Miracle Prices plus the Extra Bonus of S&H Stamps So, join in the Big Change today .. . where else do you save 2 ways? NATIONAL FAMOUS FOR FINE MEAT Colorado Brand Corn-Fed Beef--Valu Way Trimmed STEAK Lb. 09 Wab Way Trimmed > ROUND STEAK Lb. 89 1 • • • • • • • Detergent SURF... Detergent ^ BREEZE For Dishes ( SILVER FFIW? HUE. Detergent SUNSIH i!i§§.. Detergent 79*+83 Corn Counfry Fr»th QUARTERED PORK LOIN Colorado Brand Corn Fed Beef OSCAR MAYfR EXTRA SAVINGS Ui04 HOtlY FAPMS CKEL6ERRY Rigid Pock MICKELBERRY pickle & Valu-Way Trimmed ORTERHOUSE STEAK $119 Lb. V Grade ROASTING CHICKENS 49 i ^"SAVE CASH _ SAVE^WSTAMPS TOP TREAT Popular fla. ici mm "59 BOLOGNA .. 79 DUTCH LOAF. 79 \ SWIFT'S Premium Skiftleu J.Lb fL " WIENERS../'© SWIFT'S Premium Sliced l.Lb "T?iff* SWIFT'S Pr.mixm Brown «ol./Z BACON SAUSAGE £. Pks © CROTON'S SHRIMP SCAMPI SAVE CASH S A VE^W STAMPS BALLARD or PILLSBURY BISCUITS CADIS Irregular 8-oz. Roll :U Or riLLoaun i cuits SLM \?mm 8 . 2^45 Detergent PliPFY Ml Detergent E>OSEMAM ALL For Your Oishes For Your Dishes miSM LBtQIBD.... Fobric Softener . I I TOUCH All Purpose Wu uK U e yMa m • • • • « • • • • • • • For lovely Skin LUX BEAUTY SOAP. liiffiwoY Deodorant HMSE III Detergent €©U>WATER ALL.. Detergent BiWE LIQilD GENERAL MILLS fflllWS Window Cleaner a E • • • • • • • • • 82'+60 73' H-flS \t 57s 57'+63 79/+B 73' -II M-DIWI'®R1$H FRUITS.&tV/iCITABIilS U.S. No. 1 Size A Red CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." This verse from Romans is the Golden Text of the Bible Lesson-Sermon titled "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" that will be read in all Christian Science churches this Sunday. At Christian Science Society, Lincoln Rd & Eastwood lane, services will begin at 10:30 a.m. Among related passages to be read from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by the denomination's Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, is the following: "Be watchful, sober, and vigilant. The way is straight and narrow, which leads to the understanding that God is the only Life. It is a warfare with the flesh, in which we must conquer sin, sickness, and death, either here or hereafter, -- certainly before we can reach the goal of Spirit, or life in God." i POTATO! 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