mtS cJ*enty goe4 Jftf Tragedy :;y;y -«S Hold K^idewatL f / UQU»I - Sat' iKASH Kills Waa* t art a GIRI A Better Newspaper Every Issue! That's our policy . . and our constant endeavor. It's a large order, and we don't always make it. But we try hard . . . and many times we do make it--a better newspaper for you than ever before. How Do We Do It? First, we plan the completest possible reporting of the news of this area* To you,, the news is • * 1 r ^ 1 »f . •. t 'A i" ' j i . " j ' l i the most important thing in your paper . . . and therefor^, it has first place in our efforts. We also plan for better pictures every issue . . . and more pictures when space permits. And we look for interesting feature stories for each new issue. On the editorial page, we try to do a continually better job. Then... What Else Can We Do? That's next in our planning. Can we make the paper more attractive to look at, and easier to read . . . better type . . . larger type . . . different width columns? We can't change these things every issue, of course, but still we are always thinking of new ways to improve our product . . to produce a better newspaper issue to issue . . . for better service to you, the reader. Scbscribo Now To Tho McHeiry Plaiadealer DON'T MISS A SINGLE ISSUEI • * SAVE $2.70 ovor newstand price ONLY Per year in Mc Henry and Lake Counties $9.00 outside ' Mc Henry and Lake Counties