O Where May I Find A Safety Deposit Box in ret In the lower level of the McHenry State Bank You just take the elevator down or use our convenient stairway PS Next time the weather bureau issues a tornado alert; slop in and visit our Safety Deposit Vault Department. C)ur vault is the safest place in town. nHEsffffis Shown above is vault cusfodian Edna Olson presenting Mrs. Francella Christiansen her Safety Deposit Box. Note: Box owner must always be present. ate loan ^ "Always Serving You Always - Since 1906 McHenry * 385-1040 Where? Behind these steel V doors weighing tons alerpp Fireproof.- Theftproof Losstroof Personalized steel boxes that require two keys to open; the box owner's key and the McHenry State Bank's key. The bank cannot, under any circumstances, open your i Safety Deposit Box with just the bank key. It takes both keys and your presence before your box can be^pened. SERVICE W*mk\