:LAND Carole Humann sss-ieos Annual Smorgasbord At ( Community House June 15 problems in getting your do- and Sharon Wagner arid Bill nation over in time, please Seifert al&o share the day with . call Mrs. Johnson, chairman of her. June 18 is a popular day ! the smorgasbord, and she will with Fran Clark leading off arrange transportation. Don't the festivities. Patti Arient will forget to come .though, or you* 11 be that magic 13 and Thpmas miss the treat of the year. Koch will have 5 candles. Laura Tomorrow, Saturday, June 15, is the big day we've been waiting for. The ninth annual Smorgasbord will be held at the Community House. Each year the ladies of the Lakeland Park Woman's club surpass themselves to bring a more delicious meal than ever. Serving times are set for 5 and for 6:15 p.m., with children's tickets specially priced so that the . entire family can enjoy a treat. A wide variety of salads, of hot dishes and of just plain good food will be prepared by members. The cooks are asked that their dishes be at the Community House kitchen by 4 p.m. unless other arrangements have been made for you. If you find COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE .All arrangements for the Community House are to be made in advance by calling Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. This includes bookings and cancellations. Saturday, June 15 - Lakeland Park Woman's Club Smorgasbord, serving time 5 and 6:15 p.m. Monday, June 17, Cub Scout meeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, Boy Scout Meeting 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 19 regular board Meeting 8 p.m. Saturday, June 22 Tri-County Five Waters 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 24 Lakeland Park 4-H club 7:30 Lindquist turns, 11 and Krista Lynn Taylor will be a cuddly 2. Wade Dowell isn't telling way out there in California. Carole Knor and Sharee Lynn Holas share June 19 for birthday day with Sharee turning 11 and Carole ? Barbara Osmon will be 14 on June 20, with Bobby Baseley celebrating birthday no. 5 on the twenty-first, along with Roy Meineke. Happy day to all. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Judy and Rich Janczak will be celebrating their wedding, anniversary on June 21 with Keep It Beautiful If America hired people for the job, it would take the largest sort of army^o keep our country free of litter. But there's no need to hire anyone. It's a job we can do for ourselves. All of us. Every family that spreads a picnic lunch. Every boatman who cruises the lakes and waterways. Every motorist who uses our roads and highways. It is the pleasure of the U. S. Brewers Association each year to give its fullest support to the Keep America Beautiful Campaign. Remember: Every Litter Bit Hurts. This is our land. Let's treat it right. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. p.m. Tuesday, June 25 Boy Scout appropriate fanfare and our meeting 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, wishes for many more years June 26 Little League oppn together. meeting 8 p.m. \ LITTLE LEAGUE SCHEDULE Major League. Friday, June 14 - Pirates vs. Tigers. Monday, June 17 - Braves vs. Orioles. Wednesday, June 19 - Pirates vs. Braves. Friday, June 21 - Pirates vs. Orioles. Minor League: Friday, June 14 - Cardinals vs. Twins. Monday, June 17 - Twins vs. Dodgers. Wednesday, June 19 - Cardinals vs. Dodgers. Friday, June 21 - Cardinals vs. Twins. Scores from the games played during the previous week will be included in next week's column, with the standings, we hope STORK GRAM Our very heartiest congratulations to the Hester family on Highview. Dick and1 Linda became the parents of a beautiful baby boy on May 10 so we can write this on his first month birthday. He arrived at Memorial hospital weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces and measured 21 inches long. The little guy has been named Daniel George and joins with sisters, Carol 5, Mary Ann 3, and Susan, 2 years old to round out the family. Our very best wishes to all of them. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Many happy returns of the day to Patrick Durfee who will be 4 years old on June 16. Mike Crabill will have twelve candles on his favorite cake and Joanne Mai is a birthday gal also on the sixteenth. Shirley Meurer will be 11 on June 17 CENTER Ornamental " I¥ ron ^ °J and Structural Steel ADAM Bros. Repair 3004 W. Rt. 120 385-0783 <;kt tiik parts voi WANT WIIKN vol NF.KI) Til KM from Community Auto Supply Phone 385-0778 KOK SKKYK'K y .*> ( OI NTKKMKN Mike Kalfus Frank Mcisner Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Drive in anytime, and see your car shine .... fast! Lakeland Park CAR WASH \ > \ t t o P h i l l i p ' s 6 6 BARBER SHOP • Hair Coloring ^ ^0 • Hair Styling £ • Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts JAKE'S by appointm«*nt 385-7771 Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case - \«>w Holland 4102 \V. Crystal Lake Hd, M<'Hf'iir\ Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 RAYCRAFT* & PATZKE IUILDERS General Contractors McHENRY Phone 385-7851 or 5584 Buy?Sell-Trade Illinois most complete <iun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns In stock McHENRY , GUN CENTER Daily 9 - 9, Sat. & Sun. 9 - 6 m> \V. Elm Ph. 385-7320 Home Cooking <iootl Food - Fine Drinks Hettermann's Package <ioods Kdwin IIctt<>rmann Johnshurg - McHenry 385-1787 -- Factory trained mechanics Full stock ot genuine factory replacement parts Engine tune-up and complete safety check Fast precision sharpening-- • Complete selection of '68 Jacobsen lawn mowers Phone 385-0434 Adams Repair Shop 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry Complete Selection Also Register In Our Bridal Register Agatha ^ 1242 <ireeii St. 38.>-(t0<)7 CATERING FOR •Panquets "Parties^ Weddings Meeting Room Phone 385-1475 3312 Chapel Hill Road Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Compensation Fire Homeowners Plate Class , Marine Accident & Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3-129 YV. Kim Street McHenry. Illinois 600541 Custom Made Cabinets All K'nds Kitchens by Yorktown Phone 385-3929 3607 Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg, 111. Garages Any size any style. Complete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize in room additions. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO Ph. 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake HIPw -i •c ' e Fri., June 14, 1968 - Plaindealer - Sec. 2, Pg.3 J -STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK 9 The name of the game during the past week was "pick the graduation ceremony". It seems like half the subdivision had at least one graduate and some hit the jackpot with more. Lucky them! From the Junior high class of 1968 are Donald Arient, Clark Bierman, Gabriell Braem, Gary Braun, Diana Crab- ,ill, David Dawson, Ronald Fernstrom, Kris Flannigan, Joseph Foreman, David George, Michael Grothman, Donald Kaminski, Hollis Koehl, Edna Krupinski, Lance Kuhns, Shirley Lamberg, John Licastro, Alan Meurer, Joseph Meyer, Alan Moll, Melvin Morgenson, Susan Pankiewicz, Howard Parth, Donald Prazak, Lois Raiford, Pose Shillace, Kelvin Schultz, Cameron Viita and Robert Wickenkamp. The graduation ceremony was held at McCracken field on Thursday evening. St. Mary's graduation class included William Barwig, Karen Foszcz, Mary Johnson, Ronald Kamp and Marion Nicolai. We don't have the list of Marian graduates, but offer our congratulations to them. Sure there are lots of doings as the car population of the area increased immensely over the weekend but didn't hear so can't pass it on. Could use a little help in the news department for next week! Don't forget to attend the smorgasbord. * FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 14, 1928) A pretty June wedding uniting Miss Viola Stilling of McHenry to Mr. Elmer Albert Jurgens of Chicago took place at the home of the bride June 9. The ceremony took place under a bower of yellow and white flowers with Rev. Charles Nix officiating. The Orient oil station at the east end of the Fox River bridge is now open for business under the managem&nt of John Fay. A lunch stand is being built this week where lunches &nd refreshments will be served by Mrs. John Fay. Mrs. Angeline Stock,88years old, passed away at her home on Pearl street June 8. Miss Lena Stoffel was guest of honor at a bon voyage party given by Mrs. Lester Page at her home on Main street. Miss Stoffel will leave this week for New York city where she will sail on the Leviathan for Europe. The pupils of the school taught by Miss Genevieve Knox of this city won first place in the athletic events at the annual spring festival held at Deer Grove forest preserve. The school received more points than any other of the twenty-five schools of division one. Cook county, which were entered in the contest and was presented with a banner. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff are the proud parents of a ten pound boy born June 9. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 17, 1943) Miss Dorothy Mae Scroggins, 16, will sing on the Morris B. Sachs amateur hour June 27. Dorothy is the daughter of the former Pauline Justen and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Justen. Several farewell parties have been given for Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Miller during the past week. They will be leaving for Graettinger, Iowa, where he will be pastor of the First Mothodist church there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson and daughter have moved from the upper flat of the apartment building near the high school to the Noonan house on John street. Miss Maud B. Curr of this city is the very proud owner of a letter written in behalf of Winston Churchill of England. Leaders in the favorite serviceman or servicewoman contest are in this order, George Freund, Jr., Tom Harrison, Jerry Hettermann, Eleanor Althoff, Jimmy Steinsdorf, L.B. Murphy, Norman Smith and Dominic Schiavone. Vote for your favorite today. Two young people from this community in the-service in the southwestern Pacific zone discovered they were only fifteen miles apart so they were able to hold a reunion. They are Second Lieutenant Carmel Wiser Maynard of the Army nurses corps and her brother, Edward A. Wiser, in the army. Another long time resident of McHenry, Mrs. Math Baur, passed away June 13 at her home after a short illness. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 5, 1958) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barry of McHenry, who reside in the territory known as B&lly 0' Greg, southeast of town have just recently returned from a world trip which took them to such ports as Casablanca, Tangier, Tunis, Malta, Alexandria, Bierut, Cyprus, Istanbul, Athens, Crete, Venice, Cannes, Barcelona, Gibraltar and Lisbon. One of the first boating accidents- of the season occurred Friday afternoon when two motor bo.ats collided on Pistakee Bay, causing injuries to three and shock and bruises to several others. The boats were being operated by J.B. Staggs and Gregory Snowpek, both of Chicago. Fill is being brought in and the property is being levelled on the North side of Elm street in preparation for the construction of a new store for the Jewel Tea company. A surprise anniversary charivari for Mr. and Mrs. Urban Bauer in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary was held recently. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milinac of Lilymoor are the parents of a daughter born June 3 at Memorial hospital. Robert A. Hartford has graduated as a registered medical technician from the Chicago School for Medical Technicians with a "cum laude" djegree. He has been attending the school for the past year and is now employed in the laboratory of the McHenry hospital. Rita M. Wolbert has been selected as one of the city students from an eleven state area to attend the General Electric company fellowship program in mathematics at Purdue university this summer. She is a teacher of mathematics in the local high school. RECEIVE GRANT Nearly $40,000 in federal funds has been awarded in traineeships to 42 Northern Illinois university students majoring in special education. The grants, awarded by the Bureau of the Handicapped of the U.S. Office of Education, will be used during the 1968-69 academic year for study in the areas of the physically, visually, and mentally handicapped. One has been awarded to David Gaub, 3229 E. Lake Shore drivp, Wonder Lake. There are about 500 varieties of flowers, ferns and shrubs native to the Yukon. COUNTY WINNERS : OF SCHOLARSHIPS : ARE ANNOUNCED Winners of University of 111- inois scholarships in McHenry county have been reported to Richard L. Tazewell, County. Superintendent of Schools, who accepted application for these scholarships last December. Three scholarships are available in McHenry county, awarded on the basis of scores made on the ACT examinations given on May 13, Aug. 5 and October May 13, Aug. 5 and October. 21. They exempt the winners from tuition fees for a period of four years. The scholarships for McHenry county are as follows: Agriculture - Charles William Ruth, Huntley Child of Veteran of World War I - Norman Gust Kallner, Harvard Children of Veteran of World War n - Paul Carl Leslie, Marengo. These scholarships can be used only at the University of Illinois and are in addition to the General County Scholarship winners previously announced who can use their scholarships at any of the eight state-supported universities in Illinois. USE THE CLASSIFIED For Your Information Dear friends, When displaying the American flag on Flag Day, June 14, and on July 4, keep in mind that the blue field must always be at the top. When the flag-t is hung vertically, the blue field should be at the upper left, as seen by the viewer. The flagi. should be displayed only from sunrise to sunset, not overnight. Show our American flag its proper respect. Respectfully, .& SON FUNERAL A/VHenry, Illinois 383-0063 Cadillac Motor Car Divi::cn •*' Make a date to enjoy a "Command Performance:' Right now, your Cadillac dealer is inviting you to discover the most exc iting motoring you've ever known--a "Command Performance" test drive of the li)(>8 Cadillac. The excitement starts with the smooth, quiet, spirited response of Cadillac's 472 V-8 engine -the largest V 8 engine in any production passenger ear. In the stop and gq of city traffic or in cruising the open road, you experience an agility .totally unexpected from a car of Cadillac's stature. But Cadillac's performance encompasses much more than the liveliness of a great new engine. Its many power conveniences, variable ratio power steering, ancJ remarkable balance and stability make driving a Cadillac sheer pleaswjy^e every mile of the way. And when you consider that a Cadillac returns a greater percentage of its original cost at trade than any other car built in the land, you'll see* why your Cadillac dealer is so proud of the car he represents. why not call him and make a date for your personal "Command Performance" test drive before the week is out? He's ready to talk business--in your favor. Ask your dealer for a "Command Performance" test drive soon.