Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1968, p. 3

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Interest Grows In miss f McHenry County Pageant DAR Elects Officers FRI., JUNE 14, 1968 - PLAIN DEALER - PG. 3 Several McHenry county communities have indicated plans to enter a candidate in the Miss McHenry County pageant held in conjunction with the McHenry county fair. Don Peasley, coordinator for the contest, said local contests are scheduled in some cities, while some are choosing a candidate in other ways. The McHenry Chamber of Commerce,, in conjunction with the McHenry VFW and auxiliary, chose Miss McHenry, Wednesday evening. Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce selects Miss Crystal Lake on June 23. Woodstock Chamber of Commerce has its Miss Woodstock contest schedule for June Elmer Sange Named To Head Friendship Club Elmer Stange was elected president of the Friendship club which met last Saturday evening at the Community Methodist church. Other new officers are Clyde Bailey, vice-president; and Mrs. Lyda Radisch, re-elected secretary-treasurer. Leonard McCracken, president during the past year, expressed his gratitude to all for their cooperation. Hie club enjoyed a delicious pot-luck dinner on Saturday, " after which a short business session was held. ft was an evening of fun, with Mr. and Mrs. John Godtfredsen presenting one of their musical programs in which they asked the crowd to participate. New Members In OES Chapter At the regular meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star, No. 547, McHenry chapter, Tuesday evening, two new members were initiated. Taken into the order were Mrs, Dorothy Weichmann and Mrs. Joyce Schultz 26 at the Woodstock Opera house. In addition, entry plans have been received from Marengo, Fox River Grove and Harvard, Peasley said. Deadline for official entries is 5 p.m. Sunday, June 30. Entry forms are still available, in cases where community organizations need a new blank. For the fourth year, Mrs. Delta Kappa Gamma Outlines 68-69 Program The executive board andiiewly appointed committee chairman of Alpha Theta chapter, the Delta Kappa Gamma society, met at the home of the president, Mrs. R.G. Ullrich, the evening of June 10. In attendance from McHenry were Carolyn Bauer, Eleanor Foley, Dorothy Gibbs, Helen Jurac, and Dolores Krueger; from Ingleside, Helen Curran; from Crystal Lake, Nita Cherry, Bertha Fyfe, Edith Newcomer, Marie Patton, Dorothy O'Connor, Ethyl Raue, Ruth Vestling, and Marcia Wright; and from Woodstock, Leta Clark. The program for 1968-69 was outlined. It will stress the theme of the international organization: Critical Analysis of Values, (in contemporary society) - a Basis for Action. To quote Mrs. Loretta Halek, international co-ordinator of program services for this society, "A deepened sense of personal commitment wiL lead to improving the quality of daily living through education". Mrs. Halek, a former assistant superintendent of schools in Boone county, conducted the Lambda State Leadership workshop at Springfield, June 8-9. Alpha Theta members present for the sessions were Dorothy Gibbs and Dorothy Ullrich, of McHenry, Marie Patton, Crystal Lake; and Leta Clark, Woodstock. Dorothy olbrich Dleckner will serve as chairman for this event, the twentieth to be sponsored by the county fair as a feature attraction at the fourday event. ^ Plans call for the candidates to meet with the judges July 10 for preliminary judging. Final judging is at the fair before the grandstand audience on Aug. 1, opening day of the fair. Verita Froula, Miss McHenry County, is the present queen and she will attend as many of the local contests as possible. LIZ ABET H BOYD IS GRADUATED ATCARBONDALE Southern Illinois university's Carbondale campus June graduating class of approximately 2,500 students received degrees in afternoon and evening exercises at the SIU Arena last Friday. Among the graduates was Lizbeth Boyd of 8412 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, associate in art degree. GaMrndkut j 9 ' JUNE 14 Rummage Sale - Community Methodist church - 8 9 p.m. - Bring rummage to Church - June 12-13. JUNE 15 Fun Dance - Sponsored by Cullom - Knoll Association - Spojnia Club - Flanders road Off Ringwood Blacktop - 8:30 p.m. 9th Annual Smorgasbord - Lakeland Park Woman's club Community House - 1717 N. Sunset drive - Serving 5 and fi:15 p.m. JUNE 19 Guiding Star Shrine No. 109, Initiation - 8 p.m. - Acacia Hall, McHenry. JUNE 24 Senior Citizens • Supper. Pot-Luck Pictured at the county chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution luncheon meeting in McHenry are new officers: Beatrice Peterson, registrar; Floribel Vogel, recording secretary; Alice McConnell^ regent; Mrs. Marian Ed- The Kishwaukee Trail chapinger, past regent; Anita McDonald, vice-regent; Amy Ennerson, second vice-regent; Viola Stock, chaplain; and Helen Wright, corresponding secretary; Another officer, Rachel Rossmann, was absent when photo was taken. " PLAINDEALERPHOTO SHOP IN MCHENRY MCHENRY PLA-I-NDEALER McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 S812 West Elm Street Phone 385*0170 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, 111. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor \isSIi- 19 6 8 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER aiM Ias§,c6t,8j 1 Year $5.00 6 Mos- $2.75 3 Mos $2.00 In McHenry County Subscription Rates 1 Year $5.50 6 Mos $3.00 3 Mos $2.25 Outside McHenry County dir ¥@ir tractor. .Jiffis liW 9 See Us First compere these prices on car tires Full 4 ply - Fully Guarantee! 6:50 x 13 7:00 x 13 7:35 x 14 7:00 x 14 HUM 118.25 $1121 $19.0® tan Whitewalls J.50 more, plus tax We carry, all sizes in Truck, Tractor, and Passenger ' Tire.Mart 8:25 x 14 pa 8:15 x 15 JlMU 7:75 x 14 7:75 x 15 8:55 x 14 8:45 x 15 VALPARAISO GRADUATE Miss Carol Ann Booster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L,A. Booster, 1409 Chapel Hill, McHenry, was graduated with a class of some 600 graduate and undergraduate students from Valparaiso Ond.) university on Sunday, June 9.j Commencement speaker was Dr. Robert Bertram, Concordia seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Degrees were conferred by Dr. O.P.Kretzmann, president who was also the speaker for the Baccalaureate service in Memorial chapel. The American flag received its first salute from another country on Feb. 14, 1778, when French vessels in Quiberon Bay, France, saluted John Paul Jones and his ship Ranger. ter of DAR culminated a very successful season with a spring luncheon at McHenry Country club recently. Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., Mrs. Henry Tomlinson, McHenry, and Mrs. Henry Vogel of Woodstock served on the decorating committee as well as welcoming members and guests as they arrived. Regent, Mrs. Lester Edinger, Woodstock, asked for reports from officers and committees. She concluded with her report which indicated accomplishment in every endeavor undertaken by the chapter receiving the silver ribbon Award, which Mrs. Edinger presented. The following newly elected officers were installed: regent, Mrs. A.B. McConnell, Woodstock; first vice-regent, Mrs. Grant McT onald, Crystal Lakej second vice-regent, Mrs Arthur Enerson, and chaplain, Mrs. George Stock, both from Woodstock; registrar,Mrs.K.C. Petersen, McHenry; treasurer, Mrs. Lester Edinger; recording secretary, Mrs. Henry Vogel; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Charles Wright and historianlibrarian, Mrs. Harry Rossman, all of Woodstock. Following installation of officers, Mrs. McDonald presented to retiring regent, Mrs. Edinger, a past regent's pin from thfe chapter in appreciation of her leadership. Mrs. McConnell, as the newly- elected regent, stated that her primary goal for the coming year is to promote and encourage earlier education of youth in patriotism and American History. Following luncheon, Mrs. McConnell introduced Mrs. Max Kiwanis Aids "Exceptional" EI When the need arose for a school bifs for the retarded children of McHenry county, who was the first to volunteer? The Kiwanis. Five surrounding Kiwanis clubs banded together and purchased a school bus for the Pioneer Center for the Exceptional. The school is located on Edgewood road between Crystal Lake and Woodstock and the bus will serve transportation for their students both to the school and work. In this area these students are called exceptional, even though they are of the retarded group. The work that Robert Lanbourn and his fellow workers have done in special education has been outstanding. Some of the students work 3921 W. Main, McHenry 385-0 Thermo King Custom 500 Sleek, trim, and rugged as a custom-built "Indy 500" racer! Cools faster, quieter, better . . . costs less to operate! JiPSEN 3331 W. Elm St. THERMO KIN@ ir auto air conditioning Why should you swelter in your car when you can enjoy Thermo King Auto Air Conditioning for just pennies a day? Easily installed, movable from car to car when you trade, your Thermo King will give you many years Of driving comfort at surprisingly low cost. From 199.50 ire & plus installation m Cent© Phone 385-0426 Walton of the Martha Ibettson chapter of Elmhurst. Mrs. Walton, who had attended continental Congress in Washington, D.C., said that due to conditions prevailing in the Capitol at the time, attendance was not as lar- MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Shirley Chapman, Michelle Brown, Albert Tejcek, Marie Tejcek, Paul Stasiewski, Dierdre Levesque, June Fisher, Harry Dehne, Jeannette Hocin, Edward Kleeman, Elizabeth Smith, Antonie Ehredt, William Herbes, Anna Thelen, Barbara Spencer, Joseph Miazga. Rev. Dumas Mc Cleary, Eugene Miller, Marie Kosick, Carl Weiss, David Hall and Barbara Sindler, all of McHenry; also James Hermle, May Boss and Joseph Smith, Wonder Lake; Frances Sheets and Denise Aubert, Spring Grove. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL During the past week, patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included David Brough, Steven May, Georgette Sobiesk, and Catherine Ryan, McHenry; William Hartung, Viola Foy, Walter Cox, Oscar Booker and Marlene Malo, Wonder Lake; and Rose Marks, Spring Grove. HARVARD HOSPITAL During the past week Mrs. Rudy Becker and John Walulis were patients. ge as usual; however, reports indicated steady and far-reaching progress. Democratic Rep. John Warrick, speaking to the members, regretted a vacuum of strong leadership in the country in these critical times and reaffirmed a heritage of constitutional government. Mrs. Walton read the resolutions agreed upon in Washington. Resolutions present DAR views on many vital national issues. In conclusion, she cited the DAR motto as follows; "One Country, One Constitution and One Destiny", Guests of the chapter were Mrs. Edwin Nolan, Woodstock, and Mrs. R.L. Tazewell and Mrs. Maynard McCullough, Harvard. OBITUARIES MINNIE MAYER Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Minnie M^rer, a summer resident of Wc subdivision, McHenry, years. Services were < from the Kelly-Carroll chapel in Chicago on Saturday. JACK KEENAN A funeral Mass was read in St. Coleman's church, Pompano Beach, Fla., on Thursday for Jack Keenan, 67, of 727 N.E. First street in that city, who died Monday, June 10. Burial was in Pompano Beach. Mr. Keenan, who moved to the southern city eighteen years JUNE 25 O.E.S.Past Officer's Night 8 p.m. - Acacia Hall. O.E.S. McHenry Chapter No. 547, Annual Smorgasbord Dinner, Serving 5 to 7:30 poin.f Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court, McHenry. JULY 9 O.E.S.Stated Meeting-Special Film strip to be shown - 8 p.m. - Acacia Hall. JULY13 Senior Citizens Picnic - Veterans Acres - Crystal Lake. ACCIDENT IN STORM Henry Lawniczak of Bay road, McHenry, escaped unhurt when his car was struck by a tree which fell during the storm and came to rest on the hood of his pick-up truck. He was travelling south on Rt. 31, near Ringwood, at the time of the accident. Raymond Piel of Wonder Lake was injured slightly when the leaves from the tree obscured his vision as he' approached the other earf driving north. His auto skidded and turned around in the road. ago from McHenry, owned and operated his own furniture refinishing company. The deceased was the first commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 4600, of McHenry. He was a member of St. Coleman's Catholic church and of the Elks lodge in Pompano Beach. Survivors are his widow, the former Olivia Hettermann; one son, Tom, of Middlesex, N.J.; one daughter, Betty Lou Dowe, of Lincoln, HI.; five grandchildren; one brother, Earl, of Marshalltown, Iowa.; and two sisters, Mrs. Odella Mill of California and Ethel Clemens of Marshalltown, Iowa. in the school house on projects jobbed to them through local industry, others are placed in industries when they obtain a certain skill rating. The work of the people there has been most rewarding. Shown above in the picture are, left to right, Ed Ketter, Wonder Lake; C.W. Coons, Woodstock; John Flint, McHenry; Bob Lanbourn, director of McHenry County center; Ambey Thillman, Crystal Lake; Tom Hanson, McHenry; and Marks Jones, Crystal Lake. Absent was the Fox River Grove representative. Kiwanis is proud to have done this for McHenry county. Suction "HIGH" for lonparrow rooms "LOW" for average areas Air thrust system opens into wider air flow pattern and lower air velocity. Jets air deep into the room ... or beams it down a hall to more distant rooms. GET MULTIPLE AIR DIRECTION, TOO! 4- up and down t --- 3 left and right' : * r straight out \-- d combinations • New G-E air direction system -- gives wide choice of cooling air patterns. • New G-E Air Thrust Selector -- plus two-speed fan and air exchanger. • Popular walnut colored trim conceals easy-to-understand controls. "I}' • Operates on 115 volts. Model AGFS61%A 12,000 BTU/H*. *259 Other models from 8,500 to 24,000 BTU/Hr. cooling capacity. 95 CAREY Appliance, Inc. 1241 N. Green St. Phone 385-5500 Only Serviceing GE Deealer In McHenry GREEN STREET MALL

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