PG. 2, - PLAINDEALER - WED., JUNE 19, 1968 • * i Plan 1969 Wedding mzm ; wm w r.'• '» ^ 57?p'.C 'yi'ifffi Nursing School Graduates Senior Citizen Club Pot-Luck The McHenry Senior Citizens club, with a membership of 163, is planning a pot-luck dinner on Monday evening, June 24, at 6 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Each member is asked to bring his own table service and the food designated by the refreshment chairman. If anyone has not been notified of the food item to bring, he may call Helen Strandquist or Lyda Radisch. Those attending for the first time may also secure information from either lady. Plans are also in progress for a picnic to be held at Veterans Acres July 13. At the last meeting, Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton of Los Angeles, Calif., and Lillian Smith of Chambersburg, Pa*, attended as guests, as well as several from neighboring communities. Home made cakes, coffee and iced tea were served. Some of the members played cards, while others visited. KATHLEEN GALLAGHER Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gallagher, 54 Elmhurst avenue, Crystal Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Ann, to James E. Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Morris, 5010 W. Park View McHenry. Miss Gallagher, a 1967 graduate of Marian Central high school, is now employed as a secretary in Crystal Lke. Mr. Morris, a 1964 graduate of Marian Central high school, is also employed in that city. A June, 1969, wedding is planned. WOMAN'S CLUB LUNCHEON The Pistakee Highlands Women's club will hold a luncheon at noon on Wednesday, June 19, at the Pistakee Highlands Community center. There will be a special showing of unusual creations. Everyone is welcome to attend, with tickets available at the door. : wmmm MCHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. James Culbertson of Woodstock are parents of a daughter June 11. A daughter was born June 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Anthony of Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Glosson announce the birth of a son June 11. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keyfauver, are parents of a son June 13. A son was born June 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson. On June 13 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. AlvinSchaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McFarland became parents of a son June 13. k son was born June 14 to Mr. and Mrs. William Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holloway of Round Lake welcomed a daughter June 16. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bruner of Crystal Lake on June 16. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. David Moore announce the birth of a son June 12. Richmond Club Presents Flower Show This \ fe\ niicti Week McHenry Couple Observes Silver Wedding June 9 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess celebrated their silver wedding anniversary June 9 at an open house in their home. The couple was married June 12, 1943, at Sjt. Francis Epis-N copal church, North Thorndale, Chicago, with the late Rev. R. Everett Carr officiating. Guests who helped them celebrate included their children, Linda, Robert, Michael, David and Lisa; Mrs. Hess' mother, Mrs. Sue Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. James Reid and son, Ken, of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. John Hess and Mr. and Mrs. John Ahlin of Park Ridge; Terry Reid of Fontana, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reid of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meyer, Miss MaryleeChristansen, Alan Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Power, Bob Santino of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon and children of Glen Ellyn; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Misiak and children and Miss Marlene Carlson of Wonder Lake; Mr. and Mrs. George Boehlke and children of Ingleside and Joey Landis of Vermont, Wash. .Engagement Announced MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Master Mark Fluger, Mrs, Martha Lange, McHenry; Mrs Barbara LaGreca, Wonder Lake, were patients during the past week in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. W&Wi ^. Three Graduates Are Honored By Freund Family Debbie Smith, daughter of the Elmer Smiths, Allen Freund, son of the Irvin Frieunds, graduates of the "Marian Central high school, and Mary Brown, daughter of the Volney Browns, who received her diploma at St. Mary grade school, were honored recently at a family gathering at the Irvin Freund home. Helping them celebrate were their grandmother, Mrs. A.P. Freund; Mrs. Evelyn Petitclair and Carol of Waukegan; the Ralph Freund family of De- Forest, Wis.; the Del Freund family of Wauconda; the Donald Freund, Richard Frett and Marvin Rooney families of Crystal Lake and the William Herrmann family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tonyan. Other callers during the day were Mr. and Mrs. Herrmann, Sr., and daughter, Ruth, of Crystal Lake. "June Is\ Busting Out All Over" is the th,eme of the flower show to be presented by the Richmond Garden club June 22 and 23 at Memorial hall, Route 12, Richmond. Mrs. Paul Stewart is serving as general chairman for the event. Participation in the show is open to anyone who wishes to enter in either the horticultural or artistic division. Entries must be placed and ready for judging by 10 a.m. Saturday, June 22. Visitors are invited to view the show Saturday, June 22, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, June 23, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. The horticultural division will contain many classes including roses, perennials, biennials, annuals, bulbs, tubers, shrubs, house plants, vegetables and fruits. In the artistic design division there will be nine classes for artistic arrangements and four classes of artistic table arrangements. The table arrangements are placed by nei-. ghboring garden clubs through invitation. There will also be a junior horticulture and junior artistic competition, as well as an educational display on conservation. Tickets for the show may be purchased from club members or at the door the days of the show. in V •' HEADS MARIAN HIGH Bishop Loras T. Lane has announced the appointment of Rev. Philip L. Kennedy to be superintendent of Marian Central Catholic high school and administrator of St. Patrick church, Hartland. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS JOYCE ADAMS "I solemnly pledge to live... as a nurse." With these words Miss Joyce Ann Adams, daughter of Mrs. Alfons Adams and the late Mr. Adams of1 3406 W. 1st Avenue, McHenry, Miss Caryl Ann Lima, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Lima, 4319 Riverdale drive, McHenry, and Miss Nancy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, Richmond, will be graduated from the St. Therese ^chool of Nursing, Waukegan, "on June 23. Miss Adams was graduated from Marian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock in 1965. For the past three years, she, along with her thirty-two classmates, has been educated in theory and practice to join the nursing profession. While attending St. Therese Miss Adams was active during her junior and senior year cm the yearbook staff and served as class secretary during her junior year. She received a scholarship from the Women's auxiliary of McHenry hospital, Her future plans include working in a hospital near her home. ST. AGATHA MEETING St. Agatha Court, No. 777, National Catholic Society of Foresters, was scheduled to meet Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at Johnsburg community club hall, with initiation and reception for new members and transfers from junior court for the past year. Kathleen Moehling was chairman. /--A CARYL LIMA Miss Lima was graduated from Marian Central Catholic high school in 1965. While attending St. Therese, Miss Lima has been active on the yearbook staff as its business manager. Miss Lima's future plans include working on a medicalsurgical unit at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, and continuing her education. COSTANZA ACCEPTS NEW POSITION Victor Costanza, M.A., clinical psychologist of the Mental health Center for McHenry County, will be leaving to accept a position in Maine township. Costanza has been with the Mental Health center for two years. He will be located at the Maine Township Learning and Diagnostic center as a psychologist. Costanza will be working under an W.S.E.A. Title HI federal project to aid education. He joins the Learning and Diagnostic center June 17. SHOP IN McHENRY NANCY SMITH Miss Smith was graduated from the Richmond - Burton Community high school in 1965. While attending St. Therese, Miss Smith served as freshman representative to the Student Council, co-editor of the yearbook for two years, president of the disciplinary court and class president her senior year. Her future plans include work at McHenry hospital. HOLIDAY HOME BENEFIT / The annual rummage salexfor Holiday Home will be staged at Horticultural hall on Wednesday, June 26, at 10 o'clock in Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Kenneth J. Porter and Mrs. Robert G. Ferris, the hard working chairmen, have been collecting rummage all winter long to make the sale most successful and attractive. It will feature some outstanding values in furniture, treasures and antiques as well as every day necessities in clothing and household needs. For Boys Ages 6 to 12 Supervised Daily Program Swimming -- Baseball -- Hiking Indoor games and a wood working shop For Further Information Call 385-2499 Fantasy Farm Handicapped Benefit From Tour Of Home The beautiful Waterfall House in Johnsburg, owned by John Behmiller, will be open for a public tour Sunday, June 23,with hours from 12 to 5 p.m. There will be a receptacle at the desk for donations. All monies realized will be used in the classrooms of the handicapped children in Crystal Lake. The open house is sponsored by the McHenry County Parents Group for Physically Handicapped Children, Inc. Helen Chereck and Dorothy Fennel are cochairmen. The shovvplace home features Jamaican pagoda styling, has two indoor waterfalls, tropical vegetation and pool. Signs are posted in .Johnsburg which will lead to Dutch Creek 'Woodlands, where the home is located. SHERR1.SCHRAMM Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Schramm of 605 S. Hilltop, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter. Sherri. to Derek J. Egerstaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Egerstaffer of 5306 W. Fountain lane, McHenry. A fall wedding is planned. Sherri is a graduate of McHenry high school with the class of 1968. Her fiance is stationed in San Diego with the Marine corps. MARRIAGE LICENSES Pamela Averyt, McHenry, and Raymond Riemland, Crystal' Lake. Lester Maxwell and La Verne Wozniak, both of McHenry. Charles W. Heinmiller, McHenry, and Frances Riley, Woodstock. r/ BASS THE WORD! ! : O.f. S. iS HAVING IT^ ? SMORGASBORD Buick m « - is- 'J ^4 jK > Mw> I'i :WM Wfy I V* '« V % '*"v * *' * ' . v , ^ iTHe New SING-IN FOR L A glorious new You'll wish yoi Pink for legs! had more than two! Yellow Orange Bone Brown Navy White ISlack GEN STREET MALL McHenry 385-0182