PG. 4, - PLAINDEALER - WED„ JUNE 19, 1968 rivers ice At Sycamore Wednesday Bob-Jo Speedway, Sycamore, 111. - Thirty-five or more of the driving stars of the United States Auto Club of compact sprints will be on hand at the Bob- Joe Speedway in Sycamore, Illinois Wednesday night June 12, for a full program of midget auto races. Among the field will be many drivers who race in the Indianapolis 500 Mile Classic. Mel Kerry on of Davenport, Iowa, who finished third at Indianapolis this year and is the current driver champion of these mighty midgets, will lead the field of driving stars. Bob Wente of St. Louis, Missouri and Mike McGreevy of Heywood, California are other champions who will be in the Eeld. v At least four sons of former ^00 mile drivers will be in the field too and these young men are every inch the great drivers their famous racing fathers once were. ; ^Hgading this list will be Billy Vukovich Jr., whose father won •the 500 mile race on two occasions and crashed to a firey ^death while leading a third time. "^Others are Roger Branson of "Champaign whose father Dai -died in a sprint car race two -years ago at the Ascctt Sta- *:dium in Los Angeles. Merle "Bettenhausen of Tinley Park, ^the father of the late and great -Tony who was a former national ^Champion and died testing a car ;«€or a friend at the Speedway, ; twill probably be the only one of •Ithe two sons in the field. Gary, '2a brother, was hospitalized '•following an accident at the £ McHenry : Sportsman's : Club y The McHenry Sportsmen^ ^club will close out the month's Ishooting schedule with a Prize "Shoot on Sunday, June 23rd on •ttheir trap range on the west •~side of Pistakee Bay. Shooting '^starts at 11 a.m. and continues '-until dark. Included in the prize list are vtJopat tender-aged steaks and *3iome smoked butts, chickens, <rock cornish hens and loading ^components. I On the days program are the *ever popular Hi - Lo Shoots, 'double, triple, and quintuple * White Bird Shoots, Winner- ^ take-all, Protection and Annie C Oakley contests, plus 5 pairs of * doubles. Club officials have opened ;the club's picnic grove to families of shooters, to be used > while the head of the house- ;* hold is engaged in shooting up • 1 a passel of meat for the lard- •? er. There is no charge for this, > but accommodations will be '•limited to attending shooters on 1-scheduled shoot days. Club officers hope this will tend to keep these families together v while pursuing a favorite sport. • A practice session will be held I on Saturday 22nd, from 1 to 1 4 p.m. and another on Satur- ; day 29th. ; Trap chairman Len Huhn posted the July schedule with - prize shoots on Sunday 14th and - 28th. from 11 a.m. til dark. . Practice sessions will be held % on Saturday 6, 13, 20, and 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. A business meeting is set for Thursday 11th at 8:30 p.m. Members will shoot before the opening gavel. Union Grove Auto ; Races On Weekend Beginning this weekend, there ; will be drag races every Saturday night and Sunday after- - noon through Labor Day at the - Great Lakes Dragaway, Union 1 Grove, Wisconsin. Saturdays will be the usual full program that was formerly held on Sun- ^ days, with cars in all divisions " competing. Sundays will be de- - voted solely to stock cars, mod- > ified stocks and motorcycles, ;7 allowing them two days of rac- ;* ing eacjr week. Being the only •1 one racing Sunday they will I; have ample opportunity to race > as often as they wish. Hales Comers Speedway in Wisconsin while racing midgets on June 8. Johnnie Parsons Jr. is the fourth driver of this set and the only one whose father is still living. There will be a full 7 event program getting under way at 7:30 with time trials and the first race at 8:30. FLAGSTONE • Fine Quality • Low Prices 312-742 Call for delivered prices POX JIIVER STONE CO. South Elgin, 111. mMcHENR McHENRY, ILL. i NOW ENDS TH-JRS. Super Mother Superior VS Groovy Sister Georpe Co^mt>a K-Vei -Rosalind iN0 _ Stella RUSSELL STEVENS t "Miere Angeis Go... Twjubjle Fbuows" LAGIMAN COLOR g, BlilNw THE FAMILY SHOW AT 8 P.M. LeprNine lilts WHiir Lii 8-3 For Fifti IS®! Canada Pro Signs With Rifle Football Teari Dan Kaufold, 6'4" - 250 lb. linebacker has been added to the Rifle defensive roster. Kaufold, who played his college ball at -the University of Tulsa from 1959-1964 also played for the Ottawa Roughriders of the Canadian League during the 6^ 66 seasons. Kaufold, who played both offensive and defensive end at Tulsa also was on the kickoff return team. His outstanding play at defensive end led to his nomination to the All Missouri Valley Conference defensive team in his senior year in 1964. In 65-66, Kaufold played linebacker for Ottawa in the Canadian professional league. Kaufold, a native of New York City, played football at Erasmus High School, now resides in Winthrop Harbor. The Rifles, who held their first organizational meeting on June 6, will start their official football camp on July 1. Coach Gene Cichowski will be starting the season with a squad comprised of players mostly with college and professional experience. Commenting on Kaufold, Cichowski said, "TTie presence of a player with Dan's versatility can help both on offense and defense at end and linebacker. We expect great things from him." The Rifle's first exhibition game will be August 10 at Weiss Field, Waukegan, which is the 2nd annual Shrine benefit game. Season tickets may be purchased by calling 336-1970 or writing to the Rifles office, 1801 Washington St., Waukegan, ni. WALLY HUNT HONORED AT WILMOT RACES Wilmot. June 15 - Tom Anderson of Antioch, Illinois WOT a thrilling 10 lap heat race here tonight to honor his chief mechanic, \tyally Hunt of McHenry who leaves for the armed > forces mi Wednesday. Anderson raced hard to make it a second win in the feature race but managed only a secon place finish to a former Kenosha County Speedway Champion, Don Sorce of West Allis. Wally Hunt was honored with a surprise interview at driver interview time. It marked the first time a mechanic received the recognition of the crowd at this time. A special modified and late model stock car race date was announced for Wednesday night, July 3 at the Wilmot oval. Earl Walsh SO I HEAR Fathers9 Day was a success. King for a day! On that one day of the year and on St. Patrick's Day we always issue a proclamation as to whom is boss around the ranch. Now, mind you, we aren't bragging that it always works out that way; but we let it be known when we arise in the morning. Sports Editors Country Club -- swinging his putter like a baseball bat. You can take the boy out of baseball, but you can't take baseball out of the boy. AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL Ken Reed, County Chairman of the American Legion baseball league, furnished your sports department with a complete schedule of games for the season. Because printed schedules have a way of getting lost, we plan to print a current schedule each week. June 19 - Wednesday Harvey Nye has a new patent. He mixes molasses with paint to make it stick. He thinks of everything. McHenry C. Lake W. Lake Woodstock LITH, Algoiw Cary Marengo Harvard The American Legion baseball team wen their fifSi straight game without a loss Sunday as they beat Wonder Lake 9 to 3. The win was very costly to the team though, as Don Remboldt suffered a broken jav/0 He was pitching v/hen a solid line drive struck him. Don pitched two and one -third innings, allowing 3 runs and 3 hits. Mike Freund came on to pitch shut-out ball the rest of the way. McHenry had their hitting clothes (m as they collected 13 hits. Mark Camasxa had 4 singles and Steve George had 3 hits, including a home run. The next game will be Wed. nite at Lake-in-the- Hills, then Sunday we travel to Woodstock. MCHENRY June 22 - Saturday Our nephew, Jo Britz, came up from Moline for a short visit. He isn't a White Sox fan either! Sometimes we feel so all alone. Where are those Divot Dolls," Verona? We miss you. When we take people outback to show them our garden, they look kinda funny when they see consists of two tomato plants, start, isn't it. If things work out, we may have four plants nextyear. l^UA IVI it\:ons It'SN^ Our calendar lists "1st baseball game June 19,1846 Knickerbockers vs. N.Y. Nine." So we dug up our history bode on the game. Many dates are listed as first, but the book records show; "this first recorded ma'ch in history was for a side bet of a dinner per player." The Knickerbockers were trimmed 23-1 in four innings. One New York player was fined six cents for swearing at the umpire. W. Lake Cary June 23 j) Woodstock j) LITH, Algon. Sunday W. Lake @ C. Lake LITH, Algol® Harvard Marengo @ Cary McHenry @ Woodstock June 26 - Wednesday We have \ so many untrue stories in our small community. Add 'em up abound the universe and it is no 'wonder the world is in trouble alithe time. Our neighbors, the Ford Hanfords, are way up in Wisconsin at Bob and Helen's resort whire ( a little bird told us) the fl^h are biting so fast they have1 head for shore for fear too mar will jump in the boat. iafK came througghh it he mail in, shape from Dave Kent. Lates bulletin is that mc AND father are just CITY SIGHTS -- Alan Meyer on the practice putting green at McHenry The Northern Illinois Conservation Archers club will have their first "Breakfast Shoot" on Sunday June 23rd starting at 8 a.m. Breakfast, consisting of pancakes and sausages will be served from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Shooting fee inclujJes^breakfast. The regulation range is open all week except Mondays and Wednesdays, during the daylight hours. The Northern Illinois Conservation club is located 3 miles!£ West of Antioch on Rte. 173, Woodstock @ Marengo Cary @ McHenry LITH, Algon@ C. Lake Harvard @ W. Lake Starting time for games: Wednesday - Managers: Crystal Lake McHenry - Harvard - Marengo - Wonder Lake Woodstock - AB R H Camasta 2B 5 1 4 M.Janik SS 4 0 0 T.Janik LF 4 0 0 Antonicelli LF 0 0 0 Bottari 3B 3 0 2 Stahlman IB 4 1 2 Preztacznik RF 4 2 1 George CF 4 3 3 Fairchild C 3 1 1 Reinboldt P 1 0 0 M. Freund P 1 0 0 33 8 13 WONDER LAKE AB R H Miller CF 3 0 0 Sullivan LF 3 0 2 Ingram 3B-P 3 0 0 Jamieson P -3B 3 0 0 Sard C 3 1 2 Greidanus SS J3 1 1 Haak LF 3 0 0 Marke 2B 1 0 0 Cristy IB 2 1 0 Richard Vance Bud Johnson • Terry Haak McHenry John Widmaher 3 5 Lake-in-the-Hills-Ray Hansen Cary - Ed Gruner This league is well organized and on the way to a fine season. Dr. Edward Trudeau had tuberculosis in 1870; he went to Adriondack Mountains to die. There he recovered and established a sanatorium, the forerunner of modern hospital treatment of the tuberculous. Wonder Lake WJTAE. GUILD AWARDS Ruth Ann Wenk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guenther Wenk of, Woodstock, and Thomas Pajek, l:on of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pajak, of Woodstock, have EVELYNNE WALTER RECEIVES DEGREE AT ELGIN COLLEGE Among the 130 graduates of Elgin Community college at its eighteen® anntfial commencement e.xescis^ held June 4, Mrs. Robert ($yVlynne) Walter of McHenry received an associate arts degree in nursing. Mrs. Walter was graduated with honors, having been named to the dean's list each semester' by maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5. Present for the ceremony was Mrs. Walter's proud family, her husband, Robert, children, Debra and David, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Reichardt, of Woodstock. "Y" Swim Awards To 49 sQpmrninntgr s^winiimmrmnevrr*s the two awards presented yjBarly by the Women.s g^id of At the conclusion of the Lake Region YMCA's Spring swim instruction classes, conducted at the Elgin Academy poorancfthe Woodstock Community hign^ school pool, forty-nine of the two hundred participants were awarded badges in recognition of their successful completion of test requirements in the Y*s National Aquatic Program. Participants receiving awards from this area were: From McHenry: Steve French and Ann Gardner - Minnow badge; Sue Olbinski-Fish badge. From Wonder Lake: KathyPitt- . man-Flying Fish badge; Kim Brandt - Shark badge. A few spaces remain in the deep water swim instruction class, which will begin at 9:45 and 10:45 a.m. at the Thunderbird Farm pool on Tuesday, June 25, for eight days, and in the tiny tot program, which begins on the same date, Rae H. Goss pool in Crystal Lake, 12:45 and 12:15 p.m. ae Woodstock Fine Arts association. Chosen by a membership committee, the awards were made at spring'graduation to the Woodstock Community high school student and the Marian Central high school student having shown the greatest interest and aptitude in the arts during high school. The award was personally made at the graduating ceremonies by Mrs. Joseph Gitlin, president of the Women's guild. 9DIE the EDUCATOR says m Surveys Indicate that schools should provide more emphasis in teaching students how to think. Illinois Education Association MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Curtis P. Fair, Bethany Lynn Conrow, Terry A. Englert,. Marie R. Ewert, Jill Driscoll, Richard B. Sade, Ann Rose Wren, William A. Henk, Valeria L. Kaden, Pamela J. Dollen, Crystal Lake; Robert M. Lunak, Irma M. Matz, Wonder Lake; Also, Mary C. Busse, Celia A. Bucek, Chicago; Sadie L. Hokison, Lucille Hady, Marvin F. Rau, Wauconda; Carol J. Lewey, Linda S. Wartell, Shirley A. Pridemore, Franz G. Nelson, Fox Lake; Mark C. Majewski, Park Ridge; Virginia Batchelor, Mary A. Dierker, Daisy K. Siminak, Helen Snow, Dorothy P. Swansori, Round Lake; Pauline Kretschner, Ingleside; Scott P. Norman, Salem, Wis.; Raymond E. Kuemmel, Waukegan, Elizabeth Erbe, Harvard; Patricia M. Schmidt, Wauconda; Also, Betty A. Br da, George J. Mann, Herbert W. Rowe, Sr., Erik R. Braenne, Bernard J. Jung, Kristann G. Wegener From The Form Adviser's Desk OAK ANTHRACNOSE White colt and sycamore trees are beini^ severely attacked by Anthracnose Fungus. White oik free leaves have the outer edges lolled. The trees look as if thsy were frozen" or sprayed with chemicals. Sprays are of no value at this time. Specimen trees should bs fertilized and watered. Burn all dead leaves and branches. Anthracnose Fungus was caused by the cold wet weather the latter half of !fti«y. FLOWERS FOR SHADE To make best use of shady areas one can plant at least a dozen flowers well suited for shade. Coleus is an attractive colorful foliage growing to a foot or to a foot-and-one-half high. Caladiums have large white to green leaves with red veins. The small flowered fibrousrooted begonias make an attractive pink or white border.1; The tuberous-rooted begonias have a wide color selection except blue. Ageratum varieties are in blue, pink and white. Balsam and Impatiens are fast-growing. Plants are mounds of color. Browallia is mainly for hanging baskets or flower boxes. Sweet alyssum grows well in sun or shade. Colors are purple, white and pink. Lobelia, Pansy and Torenia are other flowers you may use in shade. GUN LAWS Do we need gun laws? Will they be of value? Before you decide, take a look at these figures. The National Safety council figures show that the 1967 traffic toll was a wholesale slaughter of 53,000 people killed - along with 4.4 million injuries. Traffic deaths were nearly ten times the gunshot deaths. The National Safety council goes on to say that Ethere were 103 million register- 1 ed drivers and 100 million reg- 5istered vehicles in the UJS. Some noted authorities say that registering guns, and registering people with guns, will not decrease deaths any more than registering drivers and motor vehicles. Gun laws may need to be enacted to keep guns out of the hands of the irresponsible. Weigh the facts and think before you decide. Panacea laws may be poor ones. Perhaps the court system, along with some judges and lawyers, should net coddle the criminal who deliberately shoots down our honored police or high-ranking officials. DISTRICT IS EXPLAINS BOND INDEBTEDNESS To kesppace with ths increased school population, McHenry School District 15 has built three elementary schools and a Junior high school and has added four additions to these schools in the past twenty years. It has been necessary; for the board to sell bonds to finance construction of the buildings. A percentage of the total amount of these bonds is retired on a regular schedule. McHenry School District 15 has a current bonded indebtedness of $1,665, 000. In Illinois, state law puts a limit on the bond sales of 5 percent of the assessed valuationof the real estate within the school district. The 1967 assessment of real estate in McHenry School District 15 was valued at $68, 545,185. This would limit the current bonding power to $3,427, 259. When the current bonded indebtedness of $1,665,000 is deducted, this gives a current bonding power of $1,762,259. By Dec. 1, 1968, the district will have made bond payments that will reduce the obligation and bring the bonding power up to $1,887,259. The board of education of District 15, announces that it has always attempted to be prudent in financing school buildings. Cheryl Louise Worzala, Edna S. Phillips, Dennis M.Summerkamp, Bradley V. Adams, Angela M. Sexton, Clarrisa H. Hagen, Joseph F.Selefski, Jr., Herbert Simon, Josephine Giosa, Claire K. Traina, Raymond L Chappel; Also Rondi E. Cunat, Constance P. Jablonski, Isabelle E. Strama, Celia T. Mercado, Petra Rangel, Theodore Rothaus, Harry V. DyWr Richard M. Rabbitt; Louise R. Franz, Robert Nixon, John W. Kilday, Frank E. Neja, Charles Wieck, Karl Kaser, Marjorie S. Moore, Patricia M. Schmidt, Anthony Steadman, Star A. West, Donald P. Reinbold, and Helen Kobus, all of McHenry. KILLED IN ACTION Army Sp/4 Walter B. Grove, Jr., of Cary, formerly listed as missing in action in Vietnam, has been reclassified as dead. HOMEOWNERS Can Bennis Conway) 3315 W. Elm St. Phone 385-7111 low-cost, package policy Stata Farm Fire & Casualty Company V USAC MIDGET AUTO RACES INDY "500" DRIVERS Night Jne 19 SOB-JO Speedway Sycamore, III. Rt. 64 See Champions Mel Kenyon - Mike McGreevy - Bob Wente - Plus - Bettenhausen - Parsons - Vukovich - Tattersall And Many More Time Trials 7:30 -- Races 8:30 PM me Fix that now....we have all the supplies including SAKRffS BLACK TOP For patching macadam, black top or bituminous driveways, parking areas and walks. Just pour from bag and tamp. Available in 66 lb. bag. Covers 6 sq. ft. 1" deep when compacted. SS@@k Top Sealer 5 Gal. Other Sakrete ^Products Sand Mix Concrete Mix Mortar Mix •rfc| • _ i «i iQ See us first, we'll be glad to JL 13.1111111^ to DU11Q* recommend a reliable contractpr ALEXANDER Highway 31, south of Main St. LUMBER CO. 385-1424 DRIVER LICENSE REVOKED; FIVE OTMEHS SUSPENDED Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the revocation of the driver license of Quentin T. Belke of Rt. 1, Algonquin, for driving while intoxicates. Suspensions were ordered for James A. Bredthauer of Rt. 1 Algonquin, Terry S. Schilling of Lake-in-the-Hills, Ernest D. Stading of Huntley and Frederick V. Vogelsberg of Woodstock for three violations and Garry L. Eickstaedt of Harvard, for violation of curfew act. Probationary permits were issued to Lester C. Laufer of Crystal Lake and Larry R. North of 116 N. Lily Lake road, McHenry. Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the Drivers License division of his office has rescinded the revocation of the license of William. J. Nolan, 8419 Shady Lane, Wonder Lake. The revocation was rescinded because of evidence received from the Circuit court of McHenry county which indicated that he was not found guilty of the charge listed on the ticket, and the case was reset for trial at a later date. Doctors in private practice see more patients suffering from respiratory diseases than from any other single group of ailments. Acute respiratory infections are the most frequent causes of sickness. fA FAMILY © OUTDOOR Wi^Rts. 120 il 21, Grayslake KIDDYLAND i BA .'-8155 ENDS June 20 "BlackbeaTds Ghost" & "Ballad Of Josie" FRl. - THUR JUNS ?l-28 'PLANET OF THE APES' IS A BLOCKBUSTER. FASCINATION --Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan 20TH CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS CHARITON HESTOW in an ARTHUR P JACOBS production PLanet AMINES RODDY McDOWALL MAURICE EVANS KfM HUNTER JAMES WHUMORE Plus Co-Feature llll: ING Ijiry Merrill - Jan Sterling \l>o Lite Show Friday & Satur day