PG ^VPLAINDEALER - WED., JULY3, 1968 : • 0 • ^ ^ # •.'ffitraw or Panet catches dirt] .** . covering SSMOOaigl srrrs *%$?«# Gravel or Broken Stone \ "" " J X • \ lumois STATE * C? IVIEWS SECTION OF SEEPApE TRENCH WATER FROM THE SEPTIC TANK IS STORED IN SPACES BETWEEN GRAVEL UNTIL IT HAS A CHANCE TO SEEP AWAY. CLEANOUT--"3 /"^-CLEANOUT s=z Qionhole FLOATING SOLIDS SETTLES DIGESTING SLUDG THE SEPTIC TANK SHOULD BE CLEANED WHEN FLOATING SOLIDS BECOME APPROXIMATELY 1* THICK OR THE SETTLED DIGESTING SLUDGE BECOMES ABOUT 18" THICK. THIS CAN BE CHECKED WITH A POLE. THE BOTTOM OF THE FLOATING SLUDGE LAYER CAN BE FOUND WITH A HOE OR GARDEN RAKE. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A SEPTIC SYSTEM SECOND ARTICLE OF A SERIES PREPARED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY THE MCHENRY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Contrary to city living where municipal crews Inspect and maintain the sewer systems, the Homeowner of a septic system must inspect and practice proper maintenance of his System himself, and must learn to conserve water. To properly handle this problem, the homeowner should understand a little of how a septic system is constructed and how it operates. Basically, a septic system consists of a pipe connecting the house to the septic tank0 the tank, and a series of underground seepage trenches. Three processes take place - the separation of solid and fluid wastes, •" bacterial digestion of solid wastes, and the seeping out and soaking up of the liquid drainage. The separation process occurs in the septic tank. The solid wastes settle to the bot- 8 torn of the tank and the floating scum is held back by a baffle or tde. The fluids then run out the loosely laid tiles into gravel trenches. The bacteria in the solid wastes then digest the waste material held in the septic „tank. (See sketch of septic tank) It might be well to note here that these bacteria cannot digest cigarette filters or match sticks, so these should not be thrown down a drain. Since human wastes contain bacteria, sufficient bacteria is present even in a new septic system anijl the Addition of dry yeast or bacteria compounds is not necessary. The key to a well functioning system lies in the absorbtion of the fluids by the soil. The liquids need to be spread out just below the surface of the ground and sufficient time should be allowed for it to soak into the surrounding area. An average depth below the surface of the ground for a drainage field is six to ten inches which allows for a lawn to grow oyer the area. The object is to have the sewage spread qjjt as widely as possible in shallow trenches so that it has a chance to soak away. (See sketch of trench) If the septic tank is of adequate size, it should be pumped out by a professional, reputable firm every 7 to 10 years in order to remove the indi- -- . IS THIS ANY WAY TO TREAT YOUR HIGHWAYS? ... Keep your home beautiful -- Keep America beautiful! You use America's highways to get to work on weekdays -- Tor travel and pleasure on weekends and vacations. You spend a lot of time driving along them-- they're part of your home. Why litter your home? Why litter your America? Litter is ugly and unhealthy and dangerous. Cleaning it up costs millions in taxes you help pay.'- Every litter bit hurts you. Litter doesn't just happen. People cause it -- ana only people can prevent it "People" means you. KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL. JFmki&sntd Flavor - Come To \ Smmg* Cm:<2fxmy • S5 V®irte£fc23 of SuKaagt? • True Style Flavors • Eij|e£3efy Smoked Bmn • Coamtry Made Saouge • Delicious Hickory Smoked Hmm hone 385-6260 Route 110 Jost East mt Rt. V«lo» llllnoie ILLINOIS STATE FAIR -- SESQUICENTENNIAL YEAR In this Sesquicentennial year the Illinois State Fair is expanding the tractor pulliiig contest, originated last year, into . an Illinois state championship event with a total of $2,600 being offered in prize money. About 150 tractors are expected to be entered. State Fair,.Manager Franklin Rust declared that "tractor pulling has become most popular and hence we decided to sponsor the state championship pull on Aug. 13 and 14 during the fair." The Illinois Tractor Pulling association was formed last year. Philip Elsasser of Edelsteiri, who was elected president, said all rules and regulations are available from the County Fair Associations of Illinois, or the Illinois State Fair. In order to compete in the state meet, an entry must have qualified at a county fair or an independent contest and be certified eligible by the county fair secretary, he added. Two of the association directors, Don Nolan of Owaneco and. Jack DeClerck of Edinburgh met with Rust during the winter and completed plans for this year's championship event. Nolan explained that home- 5;.r.v; remade tractors -- "hotrods," as he termed them -- are welcome this year. He said, "Last year, one entry had a V-16 Allision airplane engine. He didn't finish in the money, but last year's RPM8's were limited. This year they won't be.." 1 ----- 1 A "step into space" is the title given the newest U.S. Air Force exhibit Which will be on display at the Illinois State Fair Aug. 9 through 18. The exhibit is an actual Titan missile shell containing a walkthrough space showroom. Included is a full-sized model illustrating a new concept In atmosphere re-entry vehicles, the liftiife body, attached to the Titan's nose. Space exhibits will range from a scale model of the Titan IIIC, the Air Force's most powerful space booster, to a sample of space food consumed by astronauts. MINERAL PRODUCTION UP The Geological Survey, Urbana, lists the value of each county's 1966 mineral production in their new publication, "Illinois Mineral Production," by W.L. Busch. The report shows that the combined value of fuels produced in 1966 amounted to 66.8 percent of the value of all minerals. Total mineral production was valued at $644 million, four percent above 1965. Skeletons of prehistoric man show that tuberculosis found its way into cave homes jus|,,a; it invades our most moder, homes and apartments today. 1 f Members of the McHenry Council, Knights of Columbus, attended Mass at St. Patrick's Catholic church in a body last week PLAINDEALER PHOTO and then enjoyed their annual breakfast. Pictured in front row are members of Bishop Boylan's Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights. gestible solids. The tank should be checked (see sketch) and pumped when sufficient solids have collected. Many septic systems contain special components such as distribution boxes or pumps located in a sump which should be checked periodically to see that the sewage is being properly distributed to the seepage bed. How the homeowner can Inspect his own system for possible failures will be discussed in the next article of this series. FANTASTIC SAVIN@S THIS WEEK AT OSCO DRUG'S PAUL SCHWEGELS ATTEND BELOIT PARENTS WEEKEND Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schwegel, 4301 W.vClearview street, McHenry, were among the more than. 200 persons attending the June 22-23 Parents Weekend activities at Beloit college. Their daughter, Paula, will enter the college in the fall. Thegprogram featured discussions on the field term, an off-campus work, service of research situation taken by every student for at least one term during the middle of the college experience. mrmkilA 14 OZ. *1.25 SIZE BTL CRIME ANTISEPTIC & MOUTHWASH Listerine EXTRA I>K| mil . aiUHwrcpircl 89c SIZE PKG. OF 50 PAIN RELIEF TABLETS Antiseptic ^ ei«i5 Qn S0RTMT, QV 0lUl1^ «OM*iS| ""EATM, COLDS and ,*«eCTi20aT3*K11KOR CUTS.SCR6TC ^ •ITE®, INFECTIOUS y " • ST LOUIS MO. • HADE •" E«- PRICES GOOD ONLY THRU SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1968. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 6Lco«otai* mm Dry ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT $1.79 8.8 OZ. CAN CREME FORM Miss Uairol PURE WHITE OR ULTRA BLUE PURE WH CREME'" &CVELQf«i I sa> , • , ,,; ? % ** '> ,, fr «u(uwtj>n| NEW SUPER SIZE Colgate TOOTHPASTE *1.19 x SIZE TUBE CLEAR, NON-GREASY HAIRDRESSING FOR MEN 89* SIZE Only Contac 12-HOUR DiCONSISTANT anus osco c%kug , i tvm* u mum . Qyif f-y.-y "Umt »<!!:>" ,tf >«;>!:<">' . jfvw> p rvviswi im *<• <;(»*' Ccoz m--imnzo n © tm fntauupmtnto. /. . rmtjfngh i-fpszi J•iiiie-seiit-', ) mm; ' - &, fkm. 1 PKG. OF 10 Only Hours Daily 9-9 Sun. 9-5 Thursday, July 4»h 9-2 3720 W. Elm McHenry 385-7030 ^I