c., LAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR UflRLEY SCHUERR' 385-2645 MMUNITY DEATH OF IUAN WIJAS tar community has said its goodbye to one of its most known and wcill loved resident, Lil Wijas. Lil was laid to rest last Wednesday from St. Mary's church., She and Steve operated the Lilymoor Steak house, better known, as Club Lilymoor.. for the past 23 to 24 years. • Lil served as vice-president [I of the Woman's auxiliary for the past six years and was on the board of directors for the first two years. When anyone needed a friend Lil was always there. Whether it was illness or anything Lil would comfort those who were ill or helped out in any way she could. All through her illness whenever you saw her she had her beautiful warm smile on her face. It is with a heavy heart we ex- Troubles? Let us FLO-TEST it! Our Inland Flo-Test Machine Will quickly determine if your trouble is in the radiator. Most radiators over a year old are partly plugged--some seriously. This can cause heating and costly damage to your engine. We specialize in "Factory Method radiator cleaning, repairing and -- coring. WORK GUARANTEED Adams Bros. Repair Serv. Next to V.F.W. ( * 3004 W. Route 120 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE t M ilUliD Test can Be made without removing radiator from your car V 'A Pfione 385-0783 McHenry, HI; ' '"I. . tend our deepest sympathies to her husband, Steve, her parents, Walter and Michaleana Malecke, her sons, Bob and Chris, and daughter, Arlene, her son-inlaw Jim Ground and daughterin- law Norene Wijas and her five grandchildren. GET-WELL Wishes go to Herman Crawley who is a patient at the McHenry hospital. Here's hoping you are now home and are just fine, Herman. * I am very sorry to report that Murl Clark is back in the McHenry hospital and is very seriously ill. BRIDAL SHOWER A bridal shower was given in honor of Micki Morrison Sun- BRING YOUH PRESCRIPTIONS TO NYES. [Your prescription i s l I worth 50 extra S&Hl I Green Stamps at Nyes.] I Offer expires July 7th. day, June 23, at the V.F.W. in McHenry. Hostesses for the shower were Pat Zabroski and her co-hostesses were Sandra Schulz and Irene Antonelli of Chicago. The three girls are members of the bridal party. ^ The tables were decorated in the colors of the bridesmaids outfits, green, yellow and white. Other decorations were a beautiful centerpiece made by Pat's mother, Myra. The centerpiece was of an altar and staircase with the bride and groom at the head of the stairs with the bridal party coming down the stairs. The bridesmaids were dressed in the exact colors the girls will wear at the wedding. This centerpiece will be used at the wedding reception. "There were guests from the community, Chicago and Niles who helped Micki celebrate at her bridal shower. Micki received many many lovely gifts. Micki will become the bride of Gene Bolda on Saturday, Aug. 31. Micki is the daughter of Norman and Pat Morrison of Lakemoor. Gene is the son of Edward and Ann Bolda of Lakemoor. BUNDLE OF^JOY Sheryl Zabroski presented her husband Mike with a beautiful baby boy Sunday, June 23. Wee-one Richard Allen weighed in at 6 lbs. 3 oz. The proud grandparents are Stan and Myra Zabroski of Lakemoor and Mrs. Jones of Island Lake. Congratulations and best wishes on your blessed event. ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Walter and Michaeleana Malecke who celebrated their fifty-third wedding anniversary, Saturday, June 22. Congratulations Walter and Michaleana and hope you celebrate many more together. BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Peter Gruedel who became 97 years young Monday, June 24. Peter's family helped him celebrate his birthday with a party Sunday, June 23. WEDDING BELLS Rang out for Barry Bake? and Margaret Wagner in Grayslake Saturday, June 22. Fred Schmidt was best man. Barry is the son of Mr. and Mr*}. Baker of McHenry. and Margaret is the daughter of Mr« and Mrs. Wagner of Grayslake. Congratulations Barry and Margaret on your marriage. RECEIVES DEGREE Saturday, June 15, was a big WED., JULY 3, 1968 r PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 A MEMORABLE FOURTH... National Tea Store at 3750 W. Elm St. will be open July 4th 10 a.m.to3 p.m.' wi nurvt right to llntf Qoantitits. Mill Qffoctivo thratfli July 6th TOP TASTE Light Meat CHUNK TUNA SO FRBSti Margarine Colorado Con-Fed Beef STEAK HAWTHORN MELLODY SO FRESH U.S.D.R. Inspected 6-12 lb. Avg. 9 White Paper AMMOUBS Hard Satomi, Go Ihufingor, Popporoni. Summe AGAR P COON KING Porif So'om CANNED smms WIENERS K.0 one7fesis | r d SnoMite Town Squarje ARMOUR TURKEY ROAST SWIFT'S Premium CREAM PIES Colorado Brand Corn rod CHUCK mm light and Dork MtOf Boneless DAWN-DEW" FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES $ Souihem Exha Fancy Refreshing Tongy FLORIDA LIMES... Crisp 24 Size «MS... •- Crhp GR S to #"V fxlrorancy 10/ VINE RIP Fancy California STIAWBIRR Urge Bunch imuMW.iv STAMPS lAtr IIFI PINK DETERGENT E*oir«i Jumfco loll VANITY PAIS TOWELS Coupon July 6, I960 IUi. Jar NAZIl PEANUT BUTTER Coupon July 6, 1961 FitilB or Souioq ROCKET PIZZA II^l, Am«rl«a»i or Plmlenfo KRAFT SINGLES July 6. 1968 TFTFfFFf. c7wmwa Coupon E SAVE CASH-SAVE U SIMPS day for Eunice Tobey. On that day she received her degree into the College of Regents at Mooseheart. Eunice was escorted fay Marge Fernstromand Mabel Thomas. Eunice also' received a beautiful corsage and a College of Regent doll with red hair. Congratulations, ^Eunice. -THE LAW SERVES YOU jbgr Illinois State Bar Association HAPPY FOURTH OF JULYHH OR IS IT JULY SECOND???? /Traditionally and by law July 9 is celebrated in America as the Day of Independence but actually the historic decision to break from British rule was made on July 2, 1776. According to the Illinois State Bar association, the delegates to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia decided the issue of independence when, on July 2, 1776, they passed a resolution stating"...these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States." The resolution was one of three introduced to Congress on June 7, 1776, by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. The other resolutions which were subsequently incorporated in the Declaration of Independence were that the colonies1"...are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown," and, "that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." Three days after Lee introduced his resolutions, Congress appointed a five member committee chaired by Thomas Jefferson to prepare a declaration of colonial independence. Jefferson drafted the declaration and sent it to the pther committee members for changes and approval. The voting on the Lee resolution was originally scheduled for July 1, 1776. Its proponents, however, secured a day's delay which enabled them to engage in additional political activity. ^ As a result, delegates who opposed independence were persuaded to stay away from the July 2 session, while others who favored the resolution were encouraged to come to Philadelphia posthaste. One such delegate, Caesar Rodney rode all night from Delaware in order to cast an affirmative vote for independence. The result was that the Lee resolution was passed on July 2 without a single dissenting vote. The next two days were spent discussing the Deqlaration which was unanimously adopted on July 4, the date now set aside, both by Illinois and federal lawsy for celebrating American independence. "CONSERVATION FAMILY OF YEAR? IN AREA NAMED The Gary Martin family--Of p' Chemung township was selected by the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation district ;: as the "Conservation Family of : the Year*VRunners-up were the Stanley Jctfinson, Jr. family of Hart land township and the Bruce Schilat family of " Greenwood township. Each county SWCD selects its winner. These winners win then be entered against all the winners in each councilorarea^ McHenry county is in the North- * Illinois Land council. Eally eight winners will be I , Most of New Orleans lies a few feet below the level of the Mississippi River - pumps lift sewage and run-off water over the levees. T H E TCg World I Of Pharmacy ©oseald Potoeirty BJPh. Robert Schultz, fLPtk BEDLAM A word that has' come to mean noise and confusion was once a place in"Olde England". It was a most horrible place, an institution where the mentally ill, or those thought to be, were incarcerated. No deferentiation was made as to degree of mental illness. Those with slight emotional disturbances were thrown in with the criminally insane and soon were driven to the peak of madnests. The treatment consisted of frequent beatings and starvation, in an environment of undescribable filth. Those poor wretches whose behavior annoyed the wardens came in for an extra share of beatings. So much for the "good old days". Contrast this with our modern clinics and hospitals 'or the mentally ill. Here a staff of trained psychologists works around the clock with these patients. As a result many are cured and restored to their families. If you have an emotionally disturbed member in your family, consult your physician. piie old days are gone in pharmacy also....instead at BOLGER'S DRUG STORE our investment in your health consists of thousands of modern drugs. When your physician prescribes for you, bring his order to us for proper and competent filling. We are at .. 1259 N. Green...Phone 385-4500. Delivery...Gas Light Telephone bills paid here..Money Orders.. eas ve selected from northern Illinois. Each of these families will be treated toa"Dayonthe Town" - a day in Chicago with an appearance cm WGN radio and tickets to a Cub baseball game. Then two grand winners - (me from northern Illinois and one from southern Illinois - will be selected with the final prize t being a "Week-end in Chicago". The soil interpretive maps have been completed for Grafton township and are now available at the SWC district office. Other areas in the county have been mapped on a similar basis but the maps for Grafton township, the first township in the United States so mapped, have been simplified and refined to four basic soil interpretations which are adequate for any purpose. The four interpretations are agricultural, urban, flood hazards and waste disposal. Plans are now being made by the SWCD directors to present these completed maps to the board of supervisors and the County Plan commission. The work was a joint effort of the Plan commission, the Soil Conservation service of the United States Department of Agriculture, the McHenry County Farm extension service and the SWCD. The expanding metropolitan population, and the services, businesses and industry that are concurrent, is beginning to make a strong impression in this county. The type of interpretive mapping done for Grafton township can b© used by businessmen, private individuals, county and city planners to aid in their decisions to make the test possible use of each piece of land. Economically the benefits can be far-reaching. < Land best suited for agriculture will be used as such as .i the flood hazard maps give a complete picture of the bottom and top water situation. Land showing a high possibility of ; Hooding or littie water at aU <. will be developed accordingly. , The main water reservoirs in the county will be pinpointed > and only those watersheds will j be developed in the proper' places for the Mure needs of > our county. "These are only a few of the uses of these maps", explained District Board Chairman Kenneth Fiske. The SWCD office is now located where the Drivers License Examination center used to be on East Calhoun street. The office is also now open five days a week from 8:00 until 5:00. Mrs. Mable Aavang, " office secretary, is in the office during these hours to answer any questions. Mrs. Aavang stated that there are seven new district co-operators. They include Loren Freund, McHenry. Another service provided by the SWCD technicians is technical assistance to public agencies. The most recent request came from McHenry high school for aid in solving drainage problems on their land. They also have asked for conducted tours to be held in the county ior their summer school students. New auto claim service in with four bill my cheV On the spot, I can trade you a claim settlement check for State Farm's share of your final auto accident repair bill. This new service covers most damages up to $250.00. Another good reason for calling me about State Farm Insurance right now! Joe EP^cipora 1212 Green Sf. McHenry, 385-4080 JNSUBANCI Revlon...Max Factor. English Leather... .Coty... STTOTE FQGC3 P oooe.1 Mirtiil tatamc&SD tzzzrczzi I J>--OHteq: A ' -<&