•"(' r L HELP WANTED kELP WANTED Mid-County Employment's Experience CAN SAVE YOTJ TIME AND EFFORT ^ MORE MONEY .--MA LiB--r -FEHALEIndustriaJ Engineer Key Punch Operator, excellent opportunity ^ to , must have experience on have responsible assign- 029-059, at least 6 months ments minimum 5 yrs. ex- experience. perience in methods. Top Salary $85 - $100 Salary to f18,000 > " Product Designer Secretary Qffeet opportunity with must have good typing and 'en That Steed A Home >„V WED;, JULY 3, 1968 - PI INDEALER- PG. II expanding North Shore Co. . small Parts B/G. ^ f Salary $9,000 pins Technician Electro/Mech. with some optical B/G. Keep data pn tests. . Salary to $10,000 shorthand, Dictaphone helpful. Good office skills. Salary $90 . $110 We need a girl who has a real good figure apptitude, and who enjoys working with figures. ® Salary $75 - $90 %' . N. LAKE STREET LICENSED 312-566-1600 ^7-3-68 HELP WANTED ineefi lo- i MANAGEMENT TRAINEE J Do you feel your present • position otffers you poor g alary, no advancement gj or no security? Whatever p the case may be v/e have several management trainee positions open in this cality. These promotable || positions include sales, of- S fice, electronics, data pro- [J cessing, production and the n I chemist field. If you have H I completed your military 1 8 obligation and have a high g 1 school diploma don't hesi- j| I tate to call us for more ra i information for these pro- § Imotable trainee positions. 0 |Sa lary range $450 to $550 U a month. No charge to Q LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Set of car keys. Owner must identify. Call 385-0170. 6-28/7-3-68 LOST: 1 male Collie dog, June 23. Sable and, white. Reward. Call 385-1705 evenings. ' 6-28/7-3-68 LOST: Female Brindle Boxer. Name of "Sam". Sunday night in vicinity of Riverside Dr. and Elm St. Call 3854611. 7-3-68 FOtJND: BLONDE PUPPY, Cocker type. Vicinity of Mc- Henry Dam, Call 385-7182 or 385-4451 for more information. 7-3-68 I I applicant J WIDE I I Personnel, Inc. I Hours: M-Tues-Frl. 9-5 ! W & Thurs. 9-7 Sat 9-noon Vi mmhbJ Phone: || 815-S88-S200 I 235 Benton St. g Wood8tock, IH. gj 1ST GRADE Teacher needed for St. Patrick School. Anyone interested and qualified Call 385-0025. 7-3/7-5-68 moncm TUESDAY WOMEN'S LEAGUE Open to all at CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB LADIES GROUP GOLF LESSONS by the Chapel Hill Golf Staff For information Call 385-0333 7-3-68TF1-2 PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES at the V I N C E N T STRAWBERRY FARM 7:30 A.M. to 1 P.M. Dally Beginning around JUNE 15, 1968 3% miles north of Richmond, Illinois on highway P No Children Under 10 CALL 414-279-6691 6-12-68TF 1-2| ST. PATRICK'S Altar and Rosary Sodality card party and luncheon, Wednesday, July 17, at 12 noon in church basement. 7-3/7-5-68 EXPERIENCED first, grade teacher, Northwestern grad, wishes to tutor pupils in elementary reading and mathematics. Call 385-3604. -7-3/7-5-68 SAVE Big! Do your own rug and upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 7-3-68 ADS ARE donated for Ring- Mvtood's Chicken Barbecue, July 14th. 'Good eating is guaranteed. Tickets sold in advance: $1.50 per plate. 7-3/7-5-68 AVON - Ringwood area. Call 653-9316 for your AVON products 7-3/7-5-68 CHICKEN barbecue at Ring wood Church July 14th. PLAN TO ATTEND. 7-3/7-5-68 WANTED: Friends to call Aldermen and Mayor to keep Waukegan Road residential. Residents of Waukegan Road, T-3/7-5-68 WANTED ELECTRICAL WORK wanted House, garages or additions Very reasonable. Phone 653 7608. 6-7-68TF WANTED: Benjamin Franklin 177 pellet pistol and holster. Vic's Tap, 3944 W. Main, Mc- Henry, to be seen. 6-28/7-3-68 PETS FOR SALE GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AKC registered. Black & Silver and Black and Cream. Call 815-385-7648. 6-5/7-3-68 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups. Good breeding, $25. Call 385- 0876. 7-3-68TF1-2 NORWEGIAN Elkhound pups. 8 weeks old. A.K.C., beautiful, friendly.' Can be seen anytime. Call 385-4565. 6-28/T-3-68 BEAtrTIFUL 8 week old mixed breed puppies. Partially houseibroken. Call 385-4711 after 5 p.m. 7-3-63 BLACK LABRADOR, male, 8 months old. Housebroken. Excellent with children, $30. Call 385-4790. 7-3/7-5-68 SITUATION WAITfEID WILL DO IRONING, sewing or baby sitting. Reasonable. Call 385-3541. 6-14/7-12-68 WOMAN will do ironing, $1.25 per hour. Call 385-0587; 7-3/7-5-68 EXPERIENCED baby sitting, week days. Located in Oakhurst Subdivision. Call 385- 5525. 7-3-68 17 YEAR OLD desires baby sitting for working mother. Call 653-9316. 7-3/7-5-68 TEENAGER wishes baby sitting. Experienced or mother's helper. Call 385-3963. 7-3/7-5-68 tod To Reni RESPONSIBLE party desires 3 or 4 bedroom home in McHenry or Woodstock area. Must accept children. Call 943-5737. 6-28/7-3-68 TEACHER wants to rent 3 or 4 bedroom home in Crystal Lake, McHenry or Woodstock area. Will sign lease. Call collect 312-799-6283. 6-28/T-10-68 GARAGE to rent for one month. Needed by July 12. Call 653-9420. 7-3/7-5-68 BOATS & MOTORS ENJOY your fishing. Rent a 1968 motor. Day-week-month. Triton Marine, 385-1076 7-3-68TF1-2 16 FT. THOMPSON, 75 h.p., electric start, tilt trailer, mooring cover, convertible top, many extras. Excellent condition. Always stored inside. 1 owner. Call Crystal Lake 815- 459-5750. 7-3/7-5-68 22 FT. OWENS inboard cabin cruiser. Galley bunks excellent shape. Must sell this weekend. Make offer. Call 815-385-7806. 7-3/7-5-68 CARD OF THANKS I WANT TO THANK all who were so* kind to me and my family while I was hospitalized for the gifts, cards, masses and prayers, for the understanding of all our customers. To nurses, aides and doctors for all their help and kindnesses, to Father Michael Binsfeld for his spiritual help. Gratefully Marion Donnelly S 23 / OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The anirflfcls are to be given away to good homes without ct&rge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. Due to the tremendous response to our subscription drive we have added to the list of- $IOOO's of dollars in prizes--•--a GE Color Television. This color TV will go to the candidate that turns in the most subscriptions this week by Friday/evening, July 5th. Hurry and subscribe now and give your favorite candidate your vote. - j m M TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY COLOR TV 15 KITTENS. All colors and types. Call 385-0878. 7-3/7-5-68 5 CUTE puppies. 5 weeks old. Call 385-5763. 7-3-68 FOUR 6 week old male kittens, all light colored. Call 385-7326. 7-3-68 MALE part Cocker puppies. 8 weeks old. Call 385-1502. 7-3-68 7 PUPPIES, male and female, part Beagle.. Call 385- 6445. 7-3-68 i ' BLUE male "parakeet. Call 385-0668. 7-3-68 5 MIXED breed puppies. Miniature Collie and Shepherd. 2 females and 3 males. Call 385-0651. 7-3-68 Only 2 weeks left "to subscribe at $5.00 per yetfr Model 14" color M235 GWD 9 WEEK OLD mixed breed puppies. Call 385*1693. 2 males, 1 female. 7-3-68 COLLIE PUP and Norwegian Elkhound to be given to good home. Good with children. Call 385-0679. 7-3-68 OBSERVE * dULY REDED1CATION JOIN US IN PLEDGING TO • Practice the principles which made America ^strong. • Fly the American Flag. • Show respect for law and order. • Practice tolerance and understanding. • Assure that all Americans have equal opportunity. Speak out against extremist groups which seek to divide our country. • Insist on fair and honest political activity which allows freedom of expression. • Demand full and impartial enforcement of olir laws. 'if • Teach our children to obey the law and respect the rights of other§. \ • ••• • Help those less fortunate. "X K| The McH 1 ': 'sab %