PG. 4 - PLAINDEATER - WED., JULY 3, 1968 Headed Far High 6^ Headed for a took! an unexpected high ride is ride upward the driver of this car, which when heavy winds uprooted a tree beside it Saturday morning. PLAINDEALER PHOTO : Fred IJterrafcfl was guest of honor at a surprise gathering at his home on Monday evening of last week, the Occasion being Ms birthday. Helping him celebrate the happy occasion were Mrs. Clair Klnsey, daughter, Linda, of Hazelcrest; Mr. and Mrs. William Dunker, Mrs. George Conklin and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fopenhagen of Woodstock; Mr. and Mi's. Walter Wendt, Crystal Lake. Mrs. Tillie Jerak of Chicago spent the past week in the home of her brother, Peter J. Schae- Mrs. Pat Booth of Daleville, Ala., was a recent guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Guffey, in Richmond and her grandmother, Mrs. Irene Guffey, here. Her brother, Bill, who graduated from the eighth grade in Richmond, this year, returned home with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J.Schaefer entertained a group of relatives on Sunday, June 23. Dinner guests were Misses Anna Mon-Fri 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5 jVbrkef Place Shopping Plaza - Route 120, McHenry - Phone 385-4100 urgeon^ DRESSES - DRESSES Hundreds of cool crisp summer dresses drastically reduced - All sizes - Juniors, Misses, Women's 3.99 values 6.99 values 9.99 values 3.00-5.00-7.00 LADIES PERM, PRESS SLEEP WE AR Several fresh, new styles just arrived in time for you to save. Loads of shift gowns and mini-gowns with pants. Solid colors or prints. Values to $3.99. Sizes: Small thru X-Large 1.97 327 J - I !; /: ? •1 „•••<« \ 1 V . "5.< 'i •^sissssL WE ARE LOADED WITH MISSES & WOMEN'S SUMMER BLOUSES so out they go at big savings Group 1 G^oup 2 Group 3 97*-2.47-2.97 Shop our entire girls (sizes 7-14) and Ladies Sportswear Dept. for BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS! LITTLE GIRLS BABY DOLL / PAJAMAS Copl wash and wear and perm, press fabrics. Prints or solids. Sizes 4 thru 14 1.00 :' 100% NYL0M HOLLYWOOD BRIEFS Sizes 5 thru 10 in white. Ail 69c Values 59c ea or 2 FOR 1.00 CUSITY DIAPERS 21x40 size in soft absorbent gauze. Now is the time to stock up 2.77 DOZ. HAZEL BISHOP WIGS Save now on 100% Human Hair Wigs. Complete with case. Reg. $48.99 value 37.97 "Double Diamonds" Long Leg PANFV GIRDLE Bjr Playtex - Small, Med., Large & X-Large Save 2.00 off reg. price California Style Ensemble "Lacey Daisey" design in bright California colors. Extra large, extra heavy quality. KINO SIZE BATH MATCHING FACE TOWEL MATCHING WASH CLOTH 97$ 67< Summer Fabrics A great time for a siunmer sew in. Fabrics for dress or sports clothes. SAVE UP TO 0 \ O OFF REG. PRICES LADY PEPPERELL SHEETS 'Bleached White Muslin TWIN SHEETS FULL SHEETS 2.17 PILLOW CASES .. $1.00 Pr. Cotton Combination Mattress Pads and Cover Set 4.89 - TWIN SIZE SET 3.88 5.39 • FULL SIZE SET 4.88 <. Bonded Fiber Bed Pillows Full size with printed zipper cover. Will not get lumpy. M jjF SMALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES •FACIAL SAUNA • HAIR DRYER • PORTABLE MIXER • ELECTRIC KNIFE BOYS ran SPORT SHIBTS Beg. 89c Values -- NOW 77c Reg. 1.39 Values -- NOW 1.09 Reg. 1.99 Values -- NOW 1.66 •' J 7 • BOYS DRESS SHUTS Reg. 1.59 Values -- NOW 1.37 Reg. 1.99 Value's -- NOW 1.66 DRAPERIES Now's the time to save on all types of draperies in Fiberglass or machine washable fabrics. 4.99 val. 5.99 vaL 3.97 4.97 All 8.99 values 6.97 TIERS - CAFES - VALANCES All reduced for this sale 2.29 values 2.99 values Valances " OFF j Our Regular Low Low Prices OCPnSTKS* 1.87-2.37-97 Stamped Pillow Cases Discontinued patterns Reg. 1.79 value • Save 24c Save On Yarns 4 oz. Wool Knitting Worsted Orion Sayelle Yarn SKEIN 1JS 92( 1.09 LUGGAGE - 1st Quality fr Discontinued Styles Train Cases * Pullman - Jtoernites OFF • ' • and Marie Kunze, Grace M8rtin, Mrs. Berniece Klamunt and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spatz of Chicago. Later they were joined by the William H. Molter femv ily of Genoa City, Wis. Mrs. Robert Kenny of Elkhorn was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. Her mother, Mrs. Joseph J. Millert who has been" a guest in her home, returned to McHenry with her. Mrs. Freida Bienapfl of Skokie was a guest of McHenry friends Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arnold of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagner of Rochelle and Mr. and Mrs. C.R. White of Stewart spent a few days the past week in the home of their nephew, M.L.Schoenholtz, while here in company with Mr. and Mrs. Schoenholtz they motored to Oconomowoc, Wis., to visit his mother, Mrs. Edna Leonhart; and siter, Mrs. Lois Aucutt. Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meyer returned to their home in Michigan, Thursday, Alter a visit frith Ms Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer, other relatives. While herethey were guests of honor at a family get-together and dinner at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Laura Knaack. Mrs. Velma Douglas spent a few days the past week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. JA Godwin, In Villa Park. Mrs. Godwin, her husband, Dr. J.S. Godwin, and daughters, Cathy, 4, and Carolyn, 2, have since moved to California where he will be associated with a clinic in Stockton. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bauer, daughter, Aran and sons, Joseph and Paul, of Tulsa, Okla., spent the past week with his^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L„ Bauer. On Saturday they were all guests in the home of the tatter's son, Joseph Bauer, and family in Oshkosh* Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Scholl of Winnebago# Minn., and their daughter, Mrs, Russell Johnson, of Amboy, Minn., were weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. Paul Yanda. There are said to be but 7 types of jokes - only 6 in Adam's time. He didn't have a mother-in-law.. DISASTER AID APPROVED A federal-state disaster agreement announced by Gov. Shapiro will allow governmental units in eight counties to receive compensation for damage caused by tornadoes and flooding in mid-May. Counties in the disaster area may be eligible for aid for damaged roads, bridges, schools and utilities and for debris removal. The program will be administered by toe Illinois Civil Defense. Be Wise In McHenry BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO NYE3. |Yo U r prescription I s| [worth 50 extra S&H| [Green Stamps at Nyes. lOffer expires July 7th. MtHINRY'S FOREMOST HOLIDAY LIQUORS 45T2 W ROUTE 120 Phone 385-3200 McHENRY• ait wm VHut m m 8 or« ItZL * to n p.m. BLATZ Draft-brewed BEER 24 - 12 oz Bottles 89 Plus dep. not iced oz. win 2 ANCIEN1 AGE 6 year old KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON 29 1/2 gal. IV?M DV. 8 Popular Brand GIN « VODKA 2 98 FULL at. COCA-C3LA or FRESA 12 oz Cans 10C POPULAR BRAND •S y°ur choice REG. KING OR FILTER 2 89 carton Pebbleford Straight Bourbon Whiskey 2 79 FIFTH BED SPREAD CLEARANCE 4.33-6.11-8.88-5.22 GREAT SAVINGS ON THESE Three feathers „FFT.AHTRHEEEB S BLENDED WHSSKEY FULL QUART Southirn Comfort 100 proof LIQUEUR 398 fifth Paisaao A mellow red table wine Gallon L IMPORTED y SCOTCH WHISKEY 98 Fifth 2 Draff or Reg. 6 - 12 oz. cans not iced L MEISTER-BRAU BEER 3 Draft or 24 - 12 oz. cans not iced 39 J