j£k;T 10,: - PLAINDEALER -WED., OCT., 23, 1968 THE McHENHY PIAINDEALER emaleHelp Wanted AUTICIAN wanted, full tifje. QUI 385-9717. m, ,x ,v- 10-23/10-25-68 WOMAN for part time work. Excellent working conditions. For appointment call 385-0170 0j , 10-23-68TF1-2 .WOMAN TO WORK in nursing* home on Pistakee Bay, n§&r McHenry, 2 or 3 nights atveek, midnight to 8 a.m. Not* experience necessary, will tcaiit-iCall 815-385-0461. 10-23/10-25-68 •3f Male Help Wanted MALE HELP wanted, Althoff s, Inc., 903 Front St., McHenry,. 3^-5700 10-23/11-8-68 MARRIED men to w>*rk part time. 6 p.m. to 10 pi?m. Apply in person. McHenry5 Eby Brown, 3923 W. West Stf/ McHenry, 111. 10-18/10-25-68 Male Help Wanted WE NEED 8 GOOD MEN • 3 CARPENTERS • 3 MASONS • 2 LABORERS Year around work, paid vacations, profit - sharing plan. Only experienced construction men need apply. Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. 9716 N. Route 12 Richmond. 111. 10-2-68TF1-2 Jnh Male Help Wanted Mai® Help Wanted S: HELP WANTED -sijbThe City of McHenry has an opening for a PATROLMAN in the Police Department. ^' Application blank may be secured from the City Clerk's office. elm* Pension plans fthose who qualify. 1, City of McHenry rftod 10-9-68TF1-2 TO T9S DRAFTS! - MECHANICAL artiGood opportunity for man experienced in "Stampings and assembles. Permanent job aid with future. fld am ^ Modern plant, excellent pay, liberal in- .-ns! surance plan and other employee benefits. ~irn jo Apply 8 Bjn. to 5 pan. eau: son: ailt ©rf+ John Sterling Corporation 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois S1S-678-2031 "Follow U.S. Rt 12 north of Richmond, past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. 10-23/10-25-68 Male Help Wanted Has a Job FOR YOU! HOURS 8:30 A.M. - 3 P.M. ASSEMBLERS v SPOT WELDERS If these hours are not conveneint, come in and discuss the hours you can be available! BIG BEAM 290 E. Prairie St. CRYSTAL LAKE 459-6100 an equal opportunity employer 10-23/10-25-68 Male Help Wanted VETERANS 9500-700 Free Now is the time to apply for- training in the field of your desire. Our organization wants to help you find the position that you want and the position you are qualified to handle. Regardless of your education, we want to help you find a trainee position in accounting, traffic, drafting, credit, sales, computers, etc. Do yourself a favGr and give us a call now. WIDE Phone: 815-SS8-S200 J 235 Benton St. I Woodstock, III. I Persounel, file. I Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 I Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 | Sat 9:00-Noon | 10-23/10-25-68 j I ENGINEER | | JUNIOR | S Opportunity for a drafts- m g man with at least 2 yea|rs Bexperience to work with • our process engineering de- • Ipartment. Candidate should I have experience in ink! I drawings. Call now! | [wTOE | I Phone: 815-3S8-S200 285 Benton St|. | Woodstock, 111|. •Personnel, Inc. | §j Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 • H Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 I 1 Sat 9:00-Noon m I 10-23/10-25-68 I WANTED EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Good pay plus benefits. Apply at Service Office. COLLINGBOURNEBUICK OLDS 907 Front McHenry, HI. 885-7200 10-9-68TF1-2 GET INTO DESIGN $500 - 600 Free Start off handling the detail and layout of precision machine parts. After a brief orientation into the company, you'll be completely on your own, heading toward design. Any mechanical background earns you a good design beginning. Act now!! WIDE Phone: 815-388-8200 285 Benton St j Woodstock, 111. | Personnel, Inc. i Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 . Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 I Sat 9:00-Noon | ^ 10-23/10-25-68 | PART TIME male bartender, evenings. Pago Pago. Call 653-9129. 10-23-68 Male Help Wanted • PROGRAMMER J TRAINEE , | $700 • H.S. Grad. with good fig- • ure apt Complete train- | ing in the facinating field • of automated equipment. • New class starting. Call I now and you will be on | your way in this earn and | learn program. I WIDE • Phone: | &T 815-388 8200 | ^ 285 Benton St. | Woodstock, I1L |Peno<ind, Inc. • Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 • Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 | Sat 9:00-Noon | 10-23/10-25-68 CERAMIC TILE MAN WANTED Steady Work. KADISAK TILE CO. Call 385-7310 10-2-68TF 1-2 y 1 MM napa FSWS I SYSTEMS I TRAINEE | $700 | |N o experience necessary|. | Will learn all types of " n equipment-computers, pro- 1 gramming and wiring. ® Raise in 3 months. Com- 1 pany will send you to I school free. WIDE g*> Phone: S15-SSS-S200 235 BeBtom St. I Woodstock, III. | Personnel, be. 1 Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 1 Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 | Sat 9:00-Noon | 10-23/10-25-68 Male Help Wanted DRAFTSMAN • Layout and detail of parts • for components and fabri- I cation and general detail | in engineering department • of growing electronic com- • pany. Experience with mil- I itary specs, valuable. Salary | open. 1 WIDE Phone: 815-888*3203 2S5 Bentoa St | Woodstock, HI. | Personnel, Inc. I Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 • Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 • Sat 9:00-Noon 1 10-23/10-25-68 & WaJLFJB* SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Prefer person under 60 years of age. Year around empployment On school days - working hours: 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Good working conditions, insurance program, paid vacation. Write: BOX #175 c/o McHenry Plaindealer stating name, age, experience, references, address and phone. 10-16/10-25-68 M Mi BT1RW'^ MM WEEKEND OR ARMCHAIR ATHLETE?? Chicago based sporting equipment firm has the job for you! This is a sales job for the sports enthusiast. Company car, expense account and a good starting salary. Chicago and HI. territory. First year man can make 10,000 very I easily. I | WIDE 1 g«*° «lB-8S§-82®0 S85 Benton 3t Woodstock, HL Personnel, Inc. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 Wed. ft Thurs. 9:00-7:00 Sat 9:00-Noon 10-23/10-25-68 Male Help Wanted FULLTIME GENERAL CUSTODIAN Hours: 10:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. Employee Benefits APPLY McHENHY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. Green Street McHenry or Gall MRS. LtUETH 885-1050 10-23/10-25-68 • SHEETMETAL MAN • ELECTRICIAN • PLUMBER Experienced only, for expanding shop. See or call TRI SERVICE HARDWARE Richmond!, Illinois 815-OT0-2861 10-2-68TF1-2 FULL TIME experienced service station attendant Call 385-0533. 10-23-68 INSTALLERS TECHNICIANS COMMUNICATION & SOUND SYSTEMS Communications or telephone company experience required. • Top Union Scale • Over Time • Pcee Insurance • Car Allowance SCAN-AM COMPANY 4108 W. Crystal Lake Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS 815-385-3499 , 10-23/10-25-68 Male Help Wanted SALESMEN COMMUNICATION 4. SOUND SYSTEMS Experienced salesmen required for Northwest Chicago and suburbs. Steady growth oV®r 9 years forces us to move to larger quarters and add to our sales force. Qualified leads furnished. liberal draw and car allowance. Excellent income potential for creative self-starter. Send your resume today or call for a prompt appointment SCAN-AM COMPANY 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, Illinois 885-8499 10-23/10-25-68 RETIREE to handle incoming and outgoing tools in our tool room. Could be on a part time basis. Contact Ray Pollist at Althoff s, In6., 385-5700 10-23/11-8-68 MAN to work full time in service station. Experience preferred. Inquire at Schreiner's Standard Service, 3817 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. 385-0720 10-23-68 SITUATION WANTED The McHenry Plaindealer will not be able to accept ads from people who want to do baby sitting in their home unless the individual person has obtained a license from the State Department of Children and Family Services. This means that anyone providing day care for youngsters in their home for more than 10 hours a week must have a license. If, however, the individual wishes to go to the youngster's home to baby sit no license is required. This l i c e n s e Is at No Charge to the individual, and i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g i t can be obtained through the McHenry Plaindealer Office. WILL DO, from my home: Ad copy rewriting and revision work, IBM coding, etc. Call 385-5771. 9-27-68TF1-2 WILL DO ironing. Call 385- 5151 10-23/10-25-68 6 1 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanled MpleHelp Wanted I_ _I_J_ _v_r'j iT-irU < 'Er' Jri J - ' I"' ----f i' * r frr r Male Help Wanted • " Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted h'i fti Ojl fei | •1 YT aii 9i< -* : n* -o -fc;. a'f MEN Why Fight This? Work right here in McHenry. We will train y@® for th§§e immediate openings. FULL TIME We Offer You? Job security in our expanding automotive business. 1. Good wages. 2. Complete benefit program. 3. Paid holidays. 4. Paid vacation. 5. Advancement based on merit, 6. Company paid pension plan Plus New Wage Rates Molders 1st and 3rd shift T@@l and Iter Grind * 2nd shift Packaging Machine Set Up Man 1st and 2nd shift Tool Crib Atfeniiint 1st shift Maintanc® Mil 1st shift (experienced in machinery repair) ck Men 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift PART TIME liiiiiMtrs 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 18 years or older OFFICE HOURS: Monday thrugh Friday* 7:00 ajn. to 6:00 p.m. -- Saturday, 8:00 aon. to Noon Why not work here in McHenry? A Good Place To Work B8AKI 1-AmS COMPANY 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) 815-385-7002 /