Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1968, p. 17

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XVUNOz, THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE t87S" ni V 7< n t 7-/* Head Hospital Auxiliary *• K\ ^ 2. ^ f ^ f 5£> *2 **T*^* * < r < Z T ? < f - ; '"r . 1-^ , J - . j *: £ l'r'^^f'W'95- -7> XV : ft'-v 3 "•>••1 vNtf ,. * <t J«V „f 4 i » , ' /X V'V. i -' *<* V/ DON PEASLEY PHOTO New officers of the Woman's auxiliary of Mc- Elmer Stange, president; and Mrs. Eugene Mil- Henry hospital are shown following election at ler, second vice-president. Back row: Mrs. last week's annual meeting. From left, front: Russel Weyland, recording secretary and Mrs. Mrs. Donald Heldt, first vice-president; Mrs. Roland Herrmann, corresponding secretary. Country Club N iWI Geri Neubauer 385-7194 ANNEXATION PETITION ON FUTURE AGENDA •? Since the annexation petition Sas rejected several suggests have been made as to the signing and presenting of a new petition. Among the suggestions Was a door to door campaign for the purpose of answering questions and listening to various opinions on the issue. While tftis suggestion does have merit it also involves a great deal of time consuming effort on the part of the backers of the annexation petition. Most of the questions have been answered in this column in the past few weeks and if you have an opinion that as yet has not been heard please let us hear it. Most of the past week's callers have been residents who were originally opposed to annexation and recently have become more interested and determined to find out more about it. The new petition has as of this writing, not been drawn up yet. Since it would be impossible to present it to the City of McHenry for consideration until after Dec. 10 this should give ample time to draw up a petition, under the supervision of qualified attorneys, that would be strong enough to withstand the opposition of some of our more out-spoken residents. The Dec. 10 date mentioned previously is the date set for the presentation of the sewer bond referendum to the City Council for approval or disapproval, for MEN When selecting a gift for him.... let us help! STORE for MEN 12$£ N. Green St. McHenry, III. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. 'til 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS _ _USE^THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA , flaanwwwwwmwwpr nnnoo •••••••' young. I'm sure each of us wish Mrs. Schwarz our very best on this special occasion. Till next week. .. . after which time the Council will be in a position to hear new petitions for annexations. There is still time to voice your opinion if you have not done so. TEENS IN P.J.'S. Mike Joza celebrated his thirteenth birthday last week by hosting an over-night sleepin for several of his friends, among them Jim Cole and Kevin Weiss. Not much sleep but a gr^at time was had by all. COUNTRY CLUB COUPLE ENJOY VACATION TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frett of 2919 W. Victoria motoredto New Port, Rhode Island, last week where their son Richard, Jr., is stationed on the Naval vessel Cadimus. They spent the first three days visiting all the various points of interest and touring the "Cadimus", guided by young Dick, who at the time was working towards his 2nd Class Petty Officer rating. They returned thru Canada, visiting Niagara Falls, both on the American and Canadian sides. They arrived home last Thursd$ y in time to hear the news that their son had made his 2nd Class Petty Officers rating which made them proud indeed. They hope to see Dick, Jr., again during the Christmas holidays. MANY HAPPY RETURNS A very happy birthday to Danny Joza on his fifth birthday (Oct.22) and very, very special belated birthday wishes to Mrs. Schwarz who was 84 years GRACE DICKER Memorial services were conducted at the First Presbyterian church, Oak Park, for Mrs. Grace Dicker, 73, of 7611 South drive, Wonder Lake, who was pronounced dead on arrival at McHenry hospital Oct. 16. Private burial followed. Survivors are a son, William of' Wonder Lake; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Lawsen, Lombard; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. MILK PRICES Exceeding the August figure by 10 cents, a minimum order blend price of $5.08 per hundredweight will be paid producers for Grade A milk delivered during September to plants within Zone 1 of the Chicago regional federal milk market order, Pure Milk association has announced. Zone 1 includes the Illinois and Wisconsin territory within 85 miles of Chicago city hall, plus Milwaukee county, Wis., and Winnebago county, Illinois. The higher September blend price is due mainly to an increase in the utilization of milk for Class I (bottling) and a three-cent increase in the Class n (manufacturing) milk price. Donald Dohertv R.Fh. LIONS CANDY DAY RECEIVES RECORD RETURNS Bright, autumn skies stimulated record contributions to Lions Candy Day for the Blind on Oct. 11 as more than 27,000 Lions and volunteers statewide worked for the sightless. The successful campaign enables the Lions to continue their wide ranging program of training, education and therapy for the visually handicapped. Hadleiy School tor the Blind is one of the rapidly growing projects aided by Candy Day contributions. The Winnetka school teaches the sightless to see with the eyes of the mind and instructs more than 3,000 students throughout the world. World - famed, Hadley instructs over 300 students in Illinois from a curriculum offering more than 100 courses in Braille and recorded from. Although the school is working at capacity, any blind person in Illinois may enroll because of Lions' support to the Winnetka institution. Another Candy Day project, Leader Dog School is fast becoming the No. 1 organization for its type in the nation. Last year, Leader Dog led all other guide dog schools in training and placing guide dogs with the blind. Both Leader Dog School and Hadley receive about 25 percent of their annual operating expenses from contributions to Liqns Candy Day for the Blind. Often called a "Windowtothe ^World" dialogue is a recorded service for the blind distributed in all fifty states by regional libraries of the Library of Congress. Written iand edited by the blind, it offers humor, poetry, short stores, current fiction and non-fiction. Dialogue too, is helped by Lions Candy Day. Recreation figures strongly in the Lions program for the blind. Illinois Camp Lions for Visually Handicapped Children at Hastings' Lake offers a full range of camping thrills for two separate groups of children. About 150 visually handicapped youngsters attend each of the two week periods. Fifty percent of the blindness is preventable, according to the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Aided by Candy Day funds, the Illinois Society mounts a year-round campaign to safeguard vision and detect eye problems that may later become serious. Lions Candy Day contributions are used at the local level in a broad spectrum of actitivites helping the sightless. These include eye surgery - transportation - braille writers - tape recorders and tapes - eye banks, corrective glasses - job placement for the blind - vision screening. Describing this year's campaign, State Candy Day Chairman, George Lazansky said, "The Lions Candy Day program helps the blind toparticipate in normal life. It brings them independence and mobility and new freedom. We deeply appreciate the generous support we received this year all over the state." BOY'S CLUB BENEFIT Tickets are going fast for the biggest Country and Western Music show ever bodied to play the Fox Valley Area on Sunday, Oct. 27 for two performances only, one at 2 p.m., the other at 7 p.m. The show will be staged at the Irving Crown high school in Carpentersville for the benefit of the Keith Andreas Boys club of Dundee township. Bill Blough, one of the "good guys who wear white hats" and chief record spinner for radio station WGSB ofSt.Charles, is one of the leading per sonalities of radio, TV, and the recording field who will appear in the two performances of the three-hour spectacular. INVESTIGATE THEFT The sheriff's office reports the investigation of the theft of two revolvers from the home of John Looze, 2920 Wooded lane, McHenry, which were taken in a two week period during which he was away. Maybe the reason dogs have so many friends is that they wag their tail, rather than their tongue. News About Our Servicemen Army Sergeant Edward D. Erwin, 21, son of Mrs. Betty J Erwin, Spring Grove, was assigned Oct. 3 to the 25th Infantry division near Dau Tieng, Vietnam. His father, Lawrence E. Erwin, lives on Route 2,Blue Eartl\ Minn. His wife, Susan, lives at 3511 W. Broad street, McHenry. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS WATER SOFTENER SALES - SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES • Service • Cleaning Out t Repair ® Installation • Overhauling * Removal • Reromlitionhitr • Rebuilding --ALL WORK GUARANTEED-- Phone: 385-5566 [1/ n A SOFTENER I\OwnX> SALES WATER SOFTENER SALES/SERVICE McHenry, Illinois Robert Schultz, R-Ph. WARTS .... Those little protuberances that the kids used to be soproud of, come in many varieties and not from the same cause. It has been said that there are as many superstitions and old wives' tales as there are ineffective cures. Some scientists believe that the cause is a virus. If so, the wart virus is highly infectious as can be seen from the fact that a child with one wart is apt to develop more. There are many wart removers available. They should be used with care -protect the healthy tissue surrounding the wart with petroleum jelly before applying. Always consult your doctor if the situation warrants. Ask your doctor about us too. TTie BOLGER'S DRUG STORE . . .1259 N. Green . . .prides itself on complete prescription drug inventory. See your physician for advice and treatment. See us for reliable prescription service . . .Call 385-4500 for prompt delivery. ft Stamps TOTAL SAVINGS WITH Wi i*Mm Hit BIG CHANGE" right to llaH quonlltiai. Prices •fftcllvi Thurs. thro Sat Oct. Mth The big change at National is REALLY big. Enjoy TOTAL SAVINGS for the first time in any food store. The total savings of famous miracle prices plus the extra bonus of S&H Stamps. It pays to be thrifty and National shoppers are twice as thrifty . . . they all save cash plus S&H Stamps. So, join the big change today .. . Where else do you save two ways? FKMB CHECK CASHING at all NATIONALS MIRACLE PRICES+ NATIONAL FAMOUS FOR FINE MEAT Detergent 10c Off Label b •: -7/ 10c Off Label Bleach OWN.. •» 8 10, OH lob.l Daiergenl G..n> 03 I rail UNCH - lit CP 10c Off Label Spray Starch 22-OX Mil c,n 25c Off Label Laundry Detergent King S Hickory Smoked Fully Cooked Butt Portion... Lb. 49c ^ 5omfary Nap* & ut Coupon. . . B9c Colorado Brand Corn-fed ) 0c Off Label 7c Off Lobe Motts APPLESAUCE • Ocean Spray Strained «e 'ANBERRY SAUCE c- Ocean Spray Whole Berry 15 ANBERRf S«E <•" Lemon Juice HALE Chunk White Meat SSlSiA TUNA <•" 32-oz. (Q Corn Country Pork 1 "i to 3-lb. Avg SPARE RIBS INSTANT COFFEE.. "95' 49* h Tailless ... LB. 1 **9 GROUND CHUCK IVORY KTiRSiNT. B"-I (S Y DifliillT. .p,M,ieBH 32-oz Liquid Detergent--15c Off Label PmmOLIVE p SMOKT11 32-oz. Co SAVE CASH SAVE ^STAMPS X DETERGENT.. 32>ax O 9 33^ 1112 BABY FOOD . . . • 9/ x Qi X Sparkling Bo Peep GOLD MEDAL ho„l Coupon II OA Ba Peep tt-Gil Btl SAVE CASH SAVE^STAMPS All Varieties Strained Bieach VANITY fAlt IviKhmo* \00-Cl NAPKINS Bleach Bleach u Bp TOP TASTE F1UTCS GLO-COAT DAWN-DEW" FRESH PRODUCE *5°° or MORE 11 MO00 or MORE HVojhwwrf&rt State R&d WINNERS IN EVERY STORiSlVERY WEEK! A«cn. ThKM HEINZ KETCHUP *100,000°* IN MINK TV's *25,000°° mm GRAND PRIZE NIOE¥ CHimr II NOTOS INDIAH SUMMC* 1250 LEWYT APWii Qalton ®9s SEMI E1S+*W S

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