PG; 2, - PLAINDEALER - FRI., OCT., 25, 1968 Hold Bazaar-Lu ncheon Present Slide Lecture Program In Area Church "East Africa, Last Major Stronghold of Wildlife" will be presented by Norman Myers in a slide-lecture program at the Congregational - Universajist church in Woodstock on Sunday evening, Oct. 27 at 7:30. His slide lectures cover East Africa in general, peoples, wildlife, mountains, scenery, the size and nature of a game reserve, methods employed in conservation such as rhino-darting, game management and other such procedures. "The animals were there when Europe was still a bog", he points out. "Some of them were there 50 million years before man got up off the. ground". Africa's wildlife is the most prolific and varied to be found on earth. Once the huge wild herds roamed all over the African continent. Now there is Only 1 percent of what there was within living memory. Once gone, it is gbne forever.. The race is on between the poachers and those determined to save this tremendous wildlife heritage. It is only a remnant of what it once was, but it is a remnant of the most splendid and variegated display of animal life the world has ever known. fe, , Senior Citizens Hold Costume Party Monday McHenry Senior Citizens are planning for their Halloween costume party Monday evening, Oct. 28, at 7:30 o'clock at the east campus of the high school. Prizes will be awarded for the most unusual costume. Members are encouraged to see if they can identify those behind the masks. There will be cider, doughnuts, and coffee, as well as community singing. IRENE HAEGLER Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bogdan announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Irene Dorothy Haegler, toL/Cpl. Harold David Turner of the U.S. Marine corps. The wedding will take place Saturday, Nov. 9 at 5 p.m. in St. Bonaventure church, 16- 15 W, Diversey, Chicago. HOLY NAME TO HEAR CURRENT EVENT PROGRAM ITie Holy Name society of St. Patrick's Catholic church will meet Monday, Oct. 28 at 8 clock in the church hall. August "Bud" Uttich, program chairman, will speak on a current event. Hie executive board meeting will be at 7:30 prior to the general meeting, for which a good attendance is expected. Refreshments will be served. rt Shown at the annual U.N. bazaar and luncheon held last 'fflursday at the Community Methodist church hall are Mrs. Raymond White, Spiritual Life secretary; Mrs. A.M. Kinsey of Both decorations and tasty dishes at the annual United Nais bazaar and luncheon held the Community Methodist church proved attractive to the lqjige crowd in attendance last Thursday. / i n o b s e r v a n c e o f U n i t e d N a tions Week, Oct. 20 to 28, tables were decorated with flags o^ each country and culinary tf^ats familiar to many of these countries were enjoyed. _A program in keeping with the theme was also presented when Ronald F. Wittmeyer, former Red Cross volunteer Water Safety and First Aid Instructor, talked on "The International Red Cross". He also showed a film, "Red Cross on a Field of ,as he discussed current activities around the world undertaken by this organization. 5frs. Charlene Tonyan announced that again this year the . W.sfds. will be offering as a •; service, to interested persons, 'pigment of orders for '; Ufy!CEF Christmas cards. She 'Jtiointed out that this is a fine aikeihod of extending holiday Ipfieer and at the same time contributing to a worthwhile bene- PLAINDEALER PHOTO Addison, 111., district officer of Christian-Social Relations; Mrs. Donald Gerstad, president of the sponsoring W.S.C.S.; and Mrs. Henry Tonyan, Christian Social secretary. Turkey Trot Is Fall PTA Event The Annual Turkey Trot and Dance is the name for the event to be held on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Johnsburg Community club, sponsored by the Johnsburg PTA. Tickets may be purchased from the PTA officers, Bill Neumann, president; Frank Leon, vice - president; Glenda Wieck, secretary; and Ann Selof, treasurer, or from any committee chairmen. In addition to dancing, refreshments will be served and prizes will top off the evening. All members of the Johnsburg PTA as well as the public are invited to attend for an evening of fun and relaxation. Everyone is encouraged to purchase tickets early and then dust off those dancing shoes for a gala evening. }" Friendship Club Enjoys Program Of Ventriloquist The Friendship club of the Community United Methodist church met in the church dining room "on Saturday evening, with an attendance of fifty members and guests. The menu included Swiss steak, salads, casseroles and all the trimmings, including a variety of very delicious desserts. President Elmer Stange presided over the short business meeting, Clara Swanson presented very inspiring meditations, and then the program was turned over to ventriloquist, Mrs. Doris Chambers, who gave a very lively and interesting skit with her little friend, "Rocky" whom she had to reprimand several times when he became unruly in front of his large and enthusiastic audience. However, he didperform exceptionally well and settled down once the program was under way. It is hoped by all that Mrs. Chambers will pay a return visit and soon. Inasmuch as the evening was still "young" the group participated in a spirited game of Pass Word, and needless to say, everyone had fun. All were very sorry to see the evening draw to a close. Panhellenic To Hold Benefit McHenry County Panhellenic will be holding its annual dessert card party benefit on Nov. 19 at the VFW hall. Fashions fronj. the Casual Shoppe will be modeled informally during the evening. Proceeds allow a deserving senior girl to receive a scholarship. The Panhellenic group is comprised of sorority alumnae who have worked on various community projects for the past twenty years. Scholarships have been presented the last thirteen years. McHenry Rmhellenic is grateful for the support of all those who have attended these card parties in the past and hope they will continue to enjoy the evening this year and in the future. Tickets will be sold by members and at the door on Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. Choose Makeup For Masking The Halloween Sprite Halloween will be more^ fun to your child if he is allowed to choose his own costume and paint his own face. The National Safety council recommends that makeup be substituted for masks, which can slip and impair visibility. Clowns, hobos and pirates can be created easily with pancake makeup, lipstick, rouge and burned cork. Be sure to have cold cream on hand for easy removal. To prevent falls, be sure that costumes are not loose or too long and that shoes fitproperly. Check for a flameproof label when buying a costume and use flashlights rather than candles to light jack-o'-lanterns. Charm Class Offered By Lake YMCA The Lake Region YMCA is. offering an opportunity for high school girls to become a prettier, more poised, better dressed and better cared for through the Charm School Class, which begins on Monday, Nov. 4,atthe 'TP Program center, 65 N. Williams street, Crystal Lake. The class will continue for four Mondays i n November, and the meeting time is 7:30 to 8:30. All high school girls in the Vs ten-community service area are invited to participate in the course, which through the cooperation of local merchants will stress hair styling, fashion coordination, cosmetic care, posture and personal selfanalysis. Registration for the class may be completed by contacting the Lake Region YMCA, 65 N. Williams street, Crystal Lake, telephone 459-4455, week days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Plan November Rite Thomas Russells Welcome Daughter Into OES Chapter Tuesday evening, Oct. 22, was a very special occasion for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell. As Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of the McHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, they welcomed into the local chapter their daughter, Miss Debbie Russell, who was initiated at the regular meeting this Week. The proud Mr. and Mrs. Russell will conclude their year in the East in December. FEATURED IN PLAY Wally Nor in of McHenry plays the psychiatrist and Mary De- Mar of McHenry is his daughter, Leslie, when "The Girl in the Freudian Slip" plays for one more weekend, Oct. 25 and 26 at Twilight Ridge Playhouse* located at Rt. 31, just north of Rt. 14. * CATHERINE L. JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Catherine L., to Clay Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson of Wauconda. A Nov. 30 wedding is planned. MR. AND MRS. KLAUS MEULLER £ In a pretty cerembny performed in St. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox church, Glenview, 111., on Saturday, Oct. 12, Miss £ Marie Pergioudaki became the bride of Mr. Klaus Mueller. £ Miss Pergioudaki, a resident of Athens, Greece, is the daughter t of Mrs. John Pergioudaki and the late Mr. Pergioudaki. Mr. t Mueller is the son of Mrs. Gerhard Mueller of 4407 W. Prairie * avenue, McHenry, and the late Mr. Mueller. Fr. Latto officiated at the 2 o'clock nuptial rite. | Following a reception at Poppe's Alpine House, Lake Zuri .ich, the couple took up residence in Chicago. Both young people received degrees of Bachelor in Architecture from the University of Illinois and are employed as architects. LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Snug Harbor Boat Club WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 LUNCHEONS & DINNERS SERVED 807 RIVER ROAD, McHENRY PHONE 385-2671 lliiit for the TO L O V E - every minute we spend planning your wedding photographs with you TO HONORyour budget to the last penny TO OBEYyour slightest whim in assembling your photographic record of this moment of moments in your life Recommended Photographe Grandma As I sit here, observing the world from my rockin' chair, it occurs t' me that some o* the passive attitude, on the part o' parents, in regard to the deportment o' the younguns is a catchin up wi' society, ft jest don't seem right t' expeeriment wi' children's personalities. Permissiveness, applied in the wrong direction, kin ruin a whole life. We all know thet the laws o' society which hev been proven, over many generations, t' be good fer the individual, are good fer the many. One rule, which seems t' be entirely disregarded by some, is regard fer public property. From things I see, the basic principles o* this important theory should be taught as soon as the youngsters are old enough to crawl, and right on through the years o' growin' 15), Ye cain't wait until a youngun gits t'- thinkin' he 4tin do anything he wants to, ..and then correct the sitiation. By then, it is too late. A good example 0* what I am a gittin' at, is the way the young folks abuse the very things put at their disposal, in the way cf their schools, and public conveniences. I cain't see, fer the life o' me, why sech luxurious surroundings are needed, fer educational purposes, when the chances are, thet they will be misused and abused, in the same manner as the other, older school buildings. Seems a pack o* foolish extravagance f furnish sech elaborate trappin's fer kids t' demolish. It appears thet the young folks 're runnip' things, these days, and the adults don't seem t' realize thet they are bein' taken in. I like t' see progress, but t' my mind, it don't necessarily mean how much money is spent fer things which're necessary t' larnin'. It ain't no wonder thet taxes are so high. The luxuriness o' the schools don't necessarily mean a better education. Seems ter me that it kin be right distractin* t' be surrounded wi' so much, in the way o* comfortable surroundin's.The old theory was a purty good one and it required the student t' sit erect, on the old wooden seats and shoulders straight and the attention on the instructor. Tilings sure hev changed, and it is mighty distractin' t' see the students loungin', wi' feet in the aisle. It displays, t' the observer, the lack o* discipline which should heve been taught in the home, t' be carried out fay the teachers, who should have free reign to demand certaui deportment from the students. Grandma Radtke J Come to VW "1 | and get a Chevy. j I No matter what the make, every • used car we get that passes the 5 | VW 16-point safety and perform- | Iance test is completely recondi- I lioned. Then we guarantee 100% • |t he repair or replacement of all major mechanical parts* for 30 days or 1000 miles. How many | places give a deol like that? • 'engine • Ironsmiiiion _ • rear axle • front axle assemblies • brake system • electrical system • ! 1966 CHEVROLET 4 dr. I Biscayne, 6 cylinder with | powerglide trans. This • light blue beauty is a 1 - owner and drives like a I dream. We wouldn't put | our 100% warranty on | it if it wasn't an excep- • tional car. • Full Price $1295 J Cry© I Rte. 14 West Of 3) Crystal Lake 815-459-7100 Open Evenings 'til 9 (Closed on Sunday) Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sal es & Service Honey is good on Ice cream. Don't forget to drizzle a little over custard or raisin bread pudding, too. If you're out of salad dressing, toss crisp greens and fruit in honey. Easy and tasty. Arrange Norway sardines on thin toast strips which have been spread with pimento cheese. Serve hot or cold. Ar\-' other variation is mashed Norway sardines blended with jartype sharp cheese. Add a dash of lemon juice and serve on crackers. Fresh vegetables can be' fashioned into many delightful, sandwich concoctions. Try tomato slices, onion rings and cheese on toasted muffin. FAT HT Available to you without a cfocior's prescription, our'product called Odrinex. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallow?J. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and (s sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, just, return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinax io oold with this guarantee Bolger Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street. - Mail orders filled. P68-.6 infl Has ion in! ted insurants, it^o? Chances are, inflation has ballooned the value of your home, as well as the cost'of replacing losses. Your insurance may no longer be enough. Call me for. a free survey. Dennis Conway 3315 W. Elm St. Phone 385-7111 STATI FARM NSUDANCG Fire and Casualty Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois^ State Farm is all you need' • Miaca caea ,