# PLAINDEALERU WED., NOV. ' A * By Bert; Hagemann * ^ ^ ~ *1 j- %. ^ ZX « "< ^ 1 if: if-* „ ' j" ,»• v. t J I1 f "The fighting Warriors, in a typical example of hustle and desire, played their final foothall Song of the year with a conevincing 20-0 win over the Zee- Bees from Zion Benton. The conductor of this final ballad was coach Bill Day as he saw his scrappy Warriors finally put their running game into gear like he thought they could all season. • Hie offensive line came alive with all trumpets blaring as Wahl, Cristy, Fry, Shelton, Borchardt and Jerry Freund opened gaping holes for the hard charging backfield men. Phil Owen had perhaps his finest hour as he ground out 105 yards in 23 rushes, most of which came off tackle as quarterback Don Reinboldt ran the belly series to perfection. Ted Jost chipped inwith 50 yards riisli^ ing, and 3 pass receptions as the Warrior aerial game was well night near perfect. The total yards on the ground was 236 yards to 5 .for the outplayed Zee Bees, as the offense and defense combined for their most perfect melody of the season. After receiving the opening kick-off, the orange and black moved the pigskin in precision like manner, rigit down the field to score; the culmination of the drive coming on a 3 yard run by Reinboldt. the blocked kick gave the Warriors a 6-0 lead, and this stood up until halftime as McHenry stifledthe Zee Bees offense quite effectively. The composers of this defensive sonata were the namps Warrior fans have become accustomed to all sea- Santo-Beckert Sports Night At Woodstock son. Senior Mark Ciamasta, and ferocious Mike AnUmicelU led in tackles. as usual, but their mates chipped in with some fine assistance to completely smother the high flying offense that Zion is capable of mustering. Names like Thurwell, Thomas, Freund, George, Janik, and. Kuechel rang over the loud speaker all evening long, as the. hard charging defense men snarled one Zion attempt after another. McHenry added another touchdown in the third quarter on a neat 2 yard scamper } by Owen, and after a pass in-j terception in the fourth quarter, Reinboldt bolted over for the last Warrior score of the night. The victory starved Warrior faithful mobbed the squad after the gun sounded the defeat knell for Zion, and the delirious team and coaches were happily pummeled for a good ten minutes following the victory. The Warrior trademark of this season, spirit, was never in more evidence than last Friday night, and the 110 percent efforts of the seniors and their underclass team mates wove a beautiful victory song for the season's finale. Credit must go to the whole football team, coaches Scott, ous support foi* the team. The minds during the rapidljr ap- ' 3. Dundee >,> * "5 ' u2 Warriors ended in a Sixth proaching days of winter. : 4. North Chica^, 4 2 place tie as Barrington won the Conference standings: ;j; ; ; 5. Zion Benton vy 3 conference championship, and ,,W *1 ^ H- f certainly this last victory mer .1. Barrington 6 1 / 7. Libertyville g- I ; ,-2 lody will linger sweetly in our 2. Crystal Lalte. 5 ' Z..";' 8. Woodstock ? SPORTS Soccer Club To Hold Pre-Holiday Dance The Wonder Lake MUSTANG Soccer club Will hold their preholiday dance onSaturday, November 16th at the Johnsburg Community Hall in Johnsburg. Dancing starts at 9:00 p.m. Tickets for this event may be obtained from any member or at the Community club the night of the dance. The Soccer club, who have their field at the grounds of the McHenry American Legion, hold two dances each year to Swanson, Ludwig and Day, the raise funds to support their spirited cheerleaders, and the club. Their Sfrring dance will Soccer Team to enter Chicago's North Side 3rd Division. This will guarantee the club games every Sunday when the regular schedule is set up. The team will be playing at their own field on Ringwood road on alternate Sundays when the new season starts in Spring. There is always a good gay crowd in attendance at these Soccer dances and this one promises to be the best. Why not come out and get in on the fun. Nov. 16th is the big date. marching band of John Leighty which always provides booster- LETS LOOK AT THE \ JS RECORDS >' BY LINDA NORRIS ,<s> be March 21st at the Legion MOST PERMANENT clubhouse. Funds from the Fall dance will go towards enabling the About 80 per cent of all the shirts manufactured today are In permanently pressed fabrics. Freshmen Football The last game of the season was a victory for the McHenry freshman against Zion Benton. The score was 12-6. There were only 3 penalties through the whole game, two against McHenry and one against Zion. They were only for the teams being offside. The boys sure played a wonderful game. The B squad lost by a score of 31- 6. The freshmen team should look pretty good next year. A job well done, fellas, and the coaches should be mighty proud. The standings ended up as 4 wins, 3 losses, and 1 tie. Thank you one and all for watching and cheering our freshmen during their season. •••••••••••••••I Hie: above picture was taken at the Woodstock Elks Club dinner as many McHenry sports fans were in attendance to hear Ron Santo and Glenn Beckert, Chicago Cub Stars, relate experiences on the diamond and answer many questions fired at them by well-wishing baseball fans.. Pictured left to right: Earl Walsh, Plaindealer sports editor; Jim Freund, Ron Santo, Glenn Beckert, Bert Hagemann, and Dick Rabbitt. DON PEASLEY PHOTO ir • f k - $ <MGBS Freeh-Soph Harriers Late In Invitational Meet •fm HEAR By Bert Hageman ; What a difference a win ipakes! ; The football Warriors of McHenry High haven't tasted the sweet nectar of victory too much of late so when they beat Zion - Benton here last Friday night it was cause for joy. ; Hie Warriors ground out yardage on the ground all night and the defense rose to the occasion when the Zee-Bees started to roll. J ______ I When watching a football game, you have to watch the work in the line. Without a strong line play a team cannot move. » ! Have you ever thought how jfast a center has to react on Offense? He has to pass that Iball back to the quarterback or jUie kicker, then take care of jthe big rush against him. He's in the middle of action. » i It looked like the Warriors iwere ready for this game. Woul- Jdn't want to single out the play- Jers who stood out. It was truly ja team victory. • When the game was over, the •players carried their coach, tBill Day, off the field (Hi strong I shoulders. School spirit ran 'high. The fans loved it. ; Speaking of spirit, Barb • Morenz is referred to as "Miss School Spirit" at McHenry 1 high. They tell us she leads j the way in showing our athletes 'the student body is allforthem. i \ John Leighty* s band went J through some tricky forma- ' tions, making us wonder if he j shouldn't diagram some of them | for the team next year. ' Now comes basketball boui ncing into the sports picture, Grant Township High will be here a week from Friday night (Nov. 15) to open the season in a non-conference game. Hie wrestling schedule starts on Tuesday, Nov. 19 at Lake Zurich. Think we printed sche- Sports Editor .J dules way back when, but will do it again. Hie Bear-Packer game had everything and looked like it would .end in a tie before the m&n of the hour, Percival, came through with a boot through the bars for three points with only seconds remaining. Writers relate that Percival was a basketball player who turned to teaching school. He won a field goal kicking contest and went, to the Bears 'cause his wife insisted. This should send a lot of teachers into secret practice. Sportsmen to Hear Talk on Htsifer S Sportsmen are invited to attend a hunter safety course Wednesday night (Nov. 6) at 7 p.m. at the West Campus high school, Room 111. Hie guest speaker will be in Jim Lockart, public relations man from the Illinois Department of Conservation. Films will be shown and a talk given cm wild life conservation in the State of Illinois. FUNTtME IS V nmrnrnzmt Y0GXJI2 SPECIAL 3 Lines $ 1.00 Start Nov .6, 10 A. M. Til Closing. No Age Limit Johnsburg 3312 Chapel Hill Rd. Make your reservation early Disaster struck last week at the Crystal Lake Invitational frosh-soph cross country meet as McHenry finished in a dismal 7th place. Hie heretofore unbeaten little Warriors did not have the team punch this time to bring home a victory as they finished in 7th place, far behind the host school's winning total of 27 points. Keith Hutchinson managed a 2ndplace CHILD ABUSE Brochures calling attention to an amendment to Illinois' Child Abuse Law have been mailed to physicians, child welfarepersonnel, hospitals and law enforcement agencies. The amendment specified evidence of malnutrition as a form of suspected child abuse that must be reported. Doctors and hospitals must report all cases of suspected child abuse to the Department of Children and Family services. The brochure also is being distributed to officials in the schools, courts and to news medias. It provides answers to 10 questions about child abuse most frequently asked by those required to report such cases. You'll get careful insurance counseling! We'll provide you with the soundest protection tailored to fit your specific needs. call on OVi cmmmc, persqsal INSURANCE SEBVICE! •AUTO DHOME . • BUSINESS > Stoffel it . R®ihansp@irger V 385-0300 J finish, but the next Warrior t runner, Eric Weiss, came in 3rd * and John Seaton garnered a 37th| followed by Terry McGibbon in 4 39th,; Ray Cook in 40th, John f Oeffling in 43rd and Leo Thomp- ^ son in: 44th. Illness to some members hampered the effort, " but coach Don Seaton felt that his charges could have been second or third. However, in retrospect it was a very sue- • cessful season for the little Warriors. If they train hard and run next summer, we certainly will have a varsity team next' year with great depth and talent. Heaven Says Hello, written by Cindy Walker, It's Over by Roy Orbison and Love Is a Happy Song by Richard Hollingsworth are all convincing sounds that Sonny James has recorded in his newest album, Heaven Says Hello, to transmit a classic country sound . . . Sonny is a great performer, dedicated to his art and possesses a great devotion to his religion which will not permit him to work where alcoholic beverages are sold. . . He has turned down work in Las Vegas, Miami and Hollywood because of his standards for good conduct . . . Sonny, like the music in his album, is a credit not only to the profession, but to today's young r_. people well. The Chaparral Brothers are '^iSexcelleht new talents . . . They who can sing a v vari^,tyr.qf,.iAongs and do so in styles as they MM*;ve, their debut, Introucing the .Chaparral Brothers . . They have a distinctive and great sound . . . Standing in the Rain, Love of the Common People, Down Came the World are sounds, experiences and blends of truly a unique and distinctive pair of singers. She Wears Mv Ring should firmly establish Solomon King as a big new star in the international world of entertainment . . . This album offers a full program of the many interpretative talents of this new and great artis* . . . The program includes \ Stranger in Paradise, Be M. Love, Hava Nagila, Donkey .Serenade, and many other great standards . . . All of them have been selected to showcase the big voice and the monumental power and artistry of this new and incomparable singing star, Solomon King. Athletes Away • • • • • • • • • • • Northern Illinois University lists three McHenry girls on the NIU extramural field hockey team this year: Kathy Bolger, Susan Farr and Constance Rits jQ/se ro 'OMMEA/C€ /-V 7W& 4FI. VMS 7Z> 7TJ£ tcpUKs/rwA/ OP &X MRYLE LAMM Travel Travel AFFasgements LAMOMCSIS MLdE TO WS XA/DEXtS M/AS UAJDer#U/y£P BY tf/S i3ei£Cr/aH A3 /J.r.i. W.4YZ-# or THS re*# W &$&$£•£> FO# 322 e &XAS Mp so roucrt- DOH/sjs //V ) Legal €11© ol lys VETERANS DAY THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS VACATION ------ November 11 November 28,29 - December 21 through Jan. 3 (inclusive) FEBRUARY 12 Lincoln's birthday EASTER VACATION Good Friday, April 4 through April 7 (inclusive) MEMORIAL DAY -- May 30 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL June 11 Anyone interested in joining American independent Organization of Illinois (formerly the American Dliitiois third party) CALL 385-6015 EeaeTvatlons and Tickets $w all Alrlinea Steamship • Toon Railroads • Car Cruises Rentals Hotels & Motels flight, Travel and Baggage Insurance American Express Travelers Checks Traw©! 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry 885-7000 I C-3tu-J~ESH THREE YARDS TO A TOUCHDOWN/ BUT THEY'RE HOLDING/ SO YOU GET M THERE AGAIN, LlfCKYJ H/T EM AND TAKE/T OVER' J ^ +' c ** CARPETS-RUGS IMMEDIATE DELIVER! OYER 600 ROILS IN STOCK ANNS ALL W y^ftY SALi NOW Is The Time To Buy Your Rug or Carpet In Time For The Holidays. There is a shortage of carpet... many mill* taking as long as 3 months for delivery. Used'Trade-In" Rugs TIDY Remnants CARPETS & RUGS Roll Balances THE CLASSIFIEDS { I A June. Hwy. 120&Ciiy 14, W©@*Mock rnfa rra BMIB REGULAR HOURS: .8 a;m. to 9 pjn. Mon., Hinrs., Fri. 8 a.m. to 5, p.m. Tues., Wed., Sat. Closed Sunday Flnimdng Phone , 815-338-1000 I i-' < " "1 t' 1| ICZ3 CZ3 C-D d3I