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Hotter mann from director-engineering to assistant vice president- engineering. Hettermann joined Delta in 1946 as a mechanic in Memphis, Term. He rose through the ranks to lead mechanic, assistant foreman, foreman, and was transferred to the Engineering department in 1956. He was promoted to superintendent- aircraft and liason engineering and later to chief engineer- aircraft and propulsion prior to his 1968 appointment to director-engineering. Hettermann is a native of Mc- Henry and a graduate of Mc- Henry high school. At a meeting of the board of directors of National Tea Co. Oct. 29, the regular quarterly dividend of 20 cents per share was declared payable Dec. 2, 1968, to shareholders of record Nov. 15. THE CUSTOMER SAID: There once was a lady, according to lore, who called on a telephone operator for help in shortening what she thought was an extra-long cord on her telephone. "Fli hold my end of the line," she told the operator, "and you pull hard on yours. That should take up some of the slack." The lady is a legend who comes alive whenever the subject turns to funny things that happen at the telephone switchboard. Such as this exchange, reported verbatim, between an operator and a customer calling for information: Caller: Can you help me? Pm trying to call my doctor, and Pm having trouble. Operator: What kind of trouble are you having? Caller: I have a pain in my side and it's going up my back: Qrthisone> , £ Caller: cUn you*ge?*me Dr. Jones? NATIONAL BEAUTIFICATION WINNERS: The American Association of Nurserymen's annual landscape awards were presented in Washington, D.C. by Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and Dr. Melville B. Grosvenor, chairman of the board and editor-in-chief, National Geographic society (right). W.S. McConnor (left), accepted one of the top awards for the Pure Oil Company's Calumet truck stop, McHenry. Shop In McHenry WOMAN'S CLUB PLANS ANNUAL KICK-OFF DINNER Next Wednesday, Nov. 13, is the date of the third annual Holiday Hills Women's club kick-off dinner. Payment of the , dues ($3) entitled you to 1. year's membership and also a delicious chicken dinner with all the trimmings. Cocktails, which are extra, will be served from 6 to 7 p.m., dinner will be served at ? p.m. Hie Holiday Hills Women's club is a service organization, as well as a social club, and supports many of the activities in the subdivision, such as Girl Scouting, Brownies, swimming lessons, beach equipment and many others. SNOWFLAKE SWIRL No -- we are not advocating an early snowfall, but -- to put you in a holiday mood, the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association presents a fun filled evening of dancing and holiday cheer. Saturday, Nov. 23, just before we really plunge into holiday activities, Dennis Kosup, chairman of the dance, and his committee, have planned the Snowflake Swirl. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock to live music. Plan now to attend this gala affair. NEW OFFICERS FOR BLOOD DONORS CLUB The last meeting of the B&SH MPS MP ^ Opening November 11th Books Stationery Office Supplies WM- Book & Stationery fred Cfiernikoff 1325 N. Riverside Df. j MODEL M401WD tifflt isn't 1IG about the DESIGNER *139.95 • • • • INSTA-VIEW . . . picture and sound are almost immediate. • 18" Diagonal Picture Size. 172 sq. in. viewing area. • Beautiful walnut grained finish. High impact polystyrene case. • All channel UHF - VHF reception. Brilliant COLOR TV iTA • COLOR PURIFIER MAKES IT TRULY PORTABLE • "MAGIC MEMORY" COLOR CONTROLS Only $229.95 Model M 224 C GOODYEAR SEHTICE STffiE 4400 W. Rfe. 120 Phone 385-7300 Mon-Fri 8:30/9:00 Tues, Wed & Thur. 8:30/6:00 • ' ' OVER 400 FREE PARKING SPACES McHenry 8:30/4:00 blood doners ctyb resulted in the election of the following officers: President, Bill Malum, Vice-president, Bill Boettcher, Secretary, Kansr Maras; Corresponding Secretary, Lorraine Bemis; Directors, Gerry Breede, Harry Schroeder and Jack White. CALLING ALL BOYS <8 YEARS AND OLDER Calling all boys 8 years old or in third grade. We need Cub Scouts. Cubmaster Jack White held a meeting recently with his committee and £en mothers and they find thattfiey.need boys to join the Scouts. Serving with Jack White are Hal Breede as institutional representative, Jack Emerson, as committeeman; Mae White, secretary;. Pat Hughes and Mary Mullins, den mothers; Helen Bcettcher, and Leone Kathanas assistants and Marge Connell as den mother coach. Mary Mahon has volunteered to fill the vacancy left by Hank Haufe, as treasurer. Hank as served the scouts well for many years. and will be sorely missed. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Sunday, Nov. 3, was a very special day in the lives of Mark and Diane Bosttcher as they made their first Holy Cook munion at 8 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church in Mc- Henr£ This special day was chosen because it is Grandma Boettcher's birthday. On ,hand for the special occasion and the family dinner which followed were Grandma and Grandpa Boettcher and Aunt Linda and Uncle Dick Banks and their children, Jimmy, Tommy and Laura. GET WELL WISHES A 'please hurry and get well' wish goes to Marge Krueger this week. SPECIAL DAZE A belated, happy birthday to Jean Catanzaro on Oct. 31, anniversary greetings to Joan and Harry Schroeder who celebrated their special day on Nov. 3 and a special happy birthday to my friend and neighbor, Vi Abbink, whose birthday is Friday, Noy. 8„ . i Initiate School Concept Program WED;y Kfoy.," 6, 1968 - PLAIN DEALER - PQ. 7 A j will be a valuable addition to the J J/) total educational goals under / j the Community School Concept. Mrs. WELCOME A warm welcome to Agnes Jonasen, Mae White's mother, wfyo will be staying at the White home at least until Christmas. IT PAYS TO SHOP IN McHENRY A new program has been initiated by the board of education of Districts 15 and 156, McHenry, which permits Senior Citizens 62 years of age or older to attend school functions free of charge. - ' Organized under the Community School Concept, the program's goal is to aid the districts' senior citizens through the issuing of a complimentary pass which will permit individuals holding the card to attend athletic contests, plays, musicals and .other school functions. In addition to free admission to school functions, senior citizens will receive free tuition to all adult education classes. Hiere are no fees, dues or formal meetings. The only requirement is that individuals 62 years of age and older phone the community school office, 385-7210, extension 9, and request;a complimentary pass. If it is convenient for them to do so, they may also stop by the administration office, 3926 W. Main street, and pick up the pass. The advantage of the complimentary pass are as follows: 1. For athletic events, the card will serve as a pass for senior citizens. Ibey will not need reservations. 2. For Adult education courses or programs they must register as every other participant, however, the card will serve as the fee. 3. For musicals or plays, seats are reserved; therefore, notice of your intention to attend is necessary so that you may receive an advanced ticket or they can be left at the door the evening of the performance. 4. For any school production at which seats are not reserved the card will serve as a free pass. District 15 and 156 school beards and the Administration hope that the school -community program will provide these important members of the community with new interest and will aid those on fixed incomes. It is also hoped that each senior citizen will help publicize this program by calling it to the attention of their friends. tt is also hoped that the p rogram APPROVE PROJECT FUNDS Ray Page, Illinois Superintendent of Public Instruction, has announced that eighty-six additional Title I projects have approved for educational programs. Total appropriation for the projects amounts to$l,617,- 308.04. Title I programs include such programs as remedial reading, arithmetic, teaching of English as a second language, shop work and counseling services. McHenry High School District 156 was listed for $8,614. •, *'• SCHEDULE MASSES St. Francis Polish National Catholic church, located on Flanders road east ofRingwood road, will hold their masses every Sunday, at 9:30 a.m. The Masses will be said in English on the first and third Sunday of the month, and in Polish the second and fourth Sundays, hi months of Qve weeks, the Mass» will be in English. Confessions,! both private and general, will; be heard before Mass the first! Sunday of each month in Eng-; lish and Polish. Father John; Strzalka is pastor. / / \jiv- n MEMBER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION fc- LQBBY HOURS" Mon., Tues . Thurs. 9 - 4:30 Closed Wednesday Fri. 9 - 4:30 ,Fri. Eve. 6 - 8 Saturday 9-3 ^ DRIVE-IN HOURS Mon., Tues.. Tfjurs. 9 - 4:30 Closed Wednesday Friday 9 - 8 p;i Saturday 9 weve got you Now is the time to make your move to Crystal Lake Savings and Loan. If you've been thinking of moving your savings account--do it now. because now we have you covered in more ways than one. First, YOUR SAVINGS are covered with up to $15,000 worth of insurance protection by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation. Second, YOU can be covered with a colorful, comfortable 72" x 90" CANNON blanket if you open a new savings account for $200 or add $200 to an existing account. REMEMBER, ALL OF YOUR FULLPASD PASSBOOK SAVINGS EARN A BIG 4%% DIVIDEND AT CRYSTAL LAKE SAVBfMGS. SAVINGS CERTIFICATES OF $15,000 OR MORE EARN 5X% AMD $5,000 CERTIFICATES EARN §%. OPTIONAL 4% Come down soon and choose your FREE CANNON blanket while the selection is still colorful. Hurry, offer is good only while supply lasts. One blanket per family. Gry:lal Lab Sa'ngs & Loan Association i Crystal Lc ie Like, lis Phone 459-1400 -- Siiimty -- iiilability A ' M J