• 'Is I ' 1 * * ~\ ^ "" \ * *• £PG; 4 - PLAIN DEALER - MON., NOV. 25jf 1968 Record Corn Yield %TV "Gen Nirobeuer 385-7194 ;. . f AW * >»r?^ •' 5s' : ?M •V.. j . .-c W/T wO. Loren Freund of McHenry has been given special recognition "for producing a corn yield of 167 bushels per acre. This is almost double the Illinois state yield average for the past seven years. Freund harvested - 501 bushels of No. 2 corn from a measured 3 acres for his high yield. In producing his outstanding corn crop, Freund used the hybrid Funk's G-4444, planted in 38 inch rows with 25,000 plants per acre at harvest. He fertilized with 225 pounds of actual nitrogen, 138 pounds of actual VISCOUNTS TO OPEN HOLIDAY SEASON NOV. 30 The Mc Henry County Viscounts Drum and Bugle corps will help to open the Christmas season in Crystal Lake on Saturday, Nov. 30 when they will put on a full' scale exhibition at the Crystal Lake shopping plaza at 2 p.m. The Drum corps is sponsored by the American Legion of Mc- Henry, Post 491. Membership is open to any bqy or girl, 12 to 21. A new recruit does not need to have any musical training or experience. The instrument is supplied at no cost while he is in the corps. Uniforms are also supplied by the corps. The only fee that is asked is a small fee per month for professional music Instructors. During the summer season when the Viscounts travel from Wisconsin to New Orleans, all transportation and - : housing are supplied' by the corps. Qualified adult supervision and chaperones accompany the Viscounts on all their turnouts. Anyone who would like more information about the Viscounts may call Tim Koleno. RECOGNIZE ATHLETES More than 100 of Illinois' greatest living athletes were named for recognition at Champaign - Urbana Friday, Nov. 22 by the Illinois Sesquicentennial commission as part of the observance of the state's 150 years as a member of the Union. Included are figures from a wide variety of sports, both professional • and amateur. Wilfrid Smith, retired sports editor of the Chicago Tribune, was chairman of the committee making the selection based on contributions to the state's athletic fame. Ceremonies were in the University of Illinois Huff gymnasium during the evening prior to the Illinois - Iowa game when officials of the commission made presentations to the nominees. MEG*,'* EXPERT GROOMir 9 BOARDING (Individual Kennels) ° TRAINING * BATHING RoastySselicsr's Kennels 1018 W. Lincoln gd. McHenry Phone S85-24S6 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) for MEN When selecting a gift for him.... let us help! 5TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111." Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. 'til 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA phosphate, and 150 pounds of actual potash per acre. He also used a pre - emergence herbicide and a soil insecticide. Herb Kemp, Salesman for R. C. Knoll, Inc. Woodstock, Funk's G-Hybrid corn dealer in his area, presented freund with a Documented "Weld Award following certification of his yield. ASK DONATIONS TO FORGOTTEN CHILDREN FUND One of the heartwarming collections of the pre - holiday seasons is one for the Forgotten Children's fund, 445 N. Michigan avenue, Chicago, 60611. Most of the dpnations this year as always, will be in small amounts, $1, $3, $5 and $10. The giving is from the heart and not for publicity because no lists of donors are published. Every penny of every dollar is used for the direct benefit of mentally retarded individuals. Nothing is extracted for promotion, office expenses or transportation. This is a gift that continues to do good throughout the year and one that children appreciate most. While a trip to the snack bar may not be a big treat to . many people, the thousands of mentally retarded in the state institutions in Dixon, Lincoln, Centralia, Dwight and Harrisburg find it one of the biggest events in an otherwise very empty life. 77 Anyohe "ae^Hng~t6assist may leave dfthations at TedTs Bribtery on Green street, McHenry, ASSOCIATION PLANS BEACH FOR MEMBERS The beach lot at 620 Country Club drive will continue to be open for swimming and fishing next year. The road association in the past has paid the taxes and cost of maintenance and has decided to continue to do so in order that the members of the Country club road association have a private beach for swimming and fishing. The beach is available to paid members of the road association. GET YOUR CALENDAR The Girl Scouts in our area are selling 1969 calendars to boost their fund drive. These calendars are your area. attractive and otrtl like one Girl Scouts |n f ^ -V GET YOUR CANI»iP I The Cub Scouts in Country Club are having a drive too. Den 3 and Den 6 are selling tins of candy. They're called Polly - Woggs, and they're great. They make real nice Christmas gifts, especially if you want a special treat you cab mail. Tty some, I guarantee you'll come back for seconds. If you'd like to try some, contact any of the Cub Scouts from Den 3 and 6. WEDDING BELLS Raymond WisnieWski of 3014 Wi, Victoria and Valorie Irene recently in St, Mary's Catholic church. Raymond is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Wisniewski. Valorie Irene is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph (Esther) Karbin and the late Major Karbin of the U.S. Air Force. After a honeymoon trip the «couple plan to live in McHenry* :Our best wishes to the bride and groom. ; , -- i'; ' • HOLIDAY WEEK - END CHORUS PREPARES WINTER CONCERT This Sunday evening, Deb. 1° at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of Central school, 131 Paddock street, Crystal Lake, the Northern Illinois Choral association will present its annual winter concert. Mrs. Russell T. Griffith, conductor, has. announced that this year the program will consist entirely of operatic . complete the program. DON' T I&PERIfttENT Tickets are available ' now / A Medical science has learned a :from chorus members or bjy lot about deaUng jwith those calling Mrs. Griffith Mrs. Ere- troublesome allergic diseases, derick C. Foster, pr Mrs, M. asthma and hay fever. Don't Kendall Bird. V- experiment with drug§ or medy ^; ; * * * icines. See your physician and "'let him prescribe your treatment. It ean make the difference f- between misery and comfort. Shop In McHenry ' * > I v s Some people think curbing titeir emotions means parking by the roadside;. nwuu/nX WMiR £ilw ' •' .J With the Thanksgiving Day muslc> "* «h°™» weekend here Pdliketowishyou Single choral works on the all a very happy holiday and put program will be the Sbldiers* in a little reminder to drive saf- chorus from "Faust" by Gouely. The National Safety Council nod; "Rejoice, Ye People" an says that the Thanksgiving weekend is one .of the most ' dangerous on the high - way, particularly if you're traveling in an area with ice roads, rain, snow, sleet and the like. Drive Easter Alleluia from Moussorgsky's "Boris Godounov"; the '•Pilgrims' Chorus" " from "Tannhauser" and the "Festival Chorus" from "Die Meistersinger von Nurenberg" both 9 --w VV* DiUfcVl *WM carefully, we'd like to have you by Richard Wagner. "Old Joe's all around at Christmas time. Gone Fishin" from "Peter Gri- Till next week .... mes" by Benjamin Britten will ^I'm Thankful" ; A" s, for the many privileges and, opportunities thqt are<mine in this. £reat country. It's indeed time we all paused to be "thankful". R«pr«a«n ting - WOODMEN ACCIDENT ^ AND* LIFE COMPANY Robert Pagan * 396 McHenry 385-2705 Save Cash Everyday WithfMfracle Prices" Save Cash Everyday With "Miracle Prices- "Miracle Food Prices" Accent"Freshnessv From Jewel's Produce Mdirket For Holiday Meals! O f f « » « o r * . "••"I Cr»att £T-"ssr sS, OCEAN SPRAy Ctanberri Could four Holiday Budg@ff Stand A Boost Mayonnaise 23, )9M PT. v JAR ONE LOW PRICE ON THESE SIZES, 17 TO 25 m POUNDS GRADE"A" V CVwH ERRYT VV AnLLLLEt YI 08AHGE MICE » 29t CRANBE0 > SAUCE REG. \A 16 OZ p*»ct im.. SM FRESH 1RUSSEL SPROUTS ONLY LB. FANCY "YAW Sweetpotatoes Deans All Flavors Ice Cream ^ ^ ; ^TTr CDf C\1 GOOD THftU SAT . NOV. 23, 1968 TfOYAL PRINCE (IN SYRUP) JEWEL TURKEYS PR\CE 8 To 13 Pounds TURKEYS 6 To 7 Pounds TURKEY; BAKERS "Angel Flake" COCONUT Only Grade "A" JEWEL MAID STUFFING MIX LB. 8 oz. pkg. 16 oz. pkg. JEWEL MAID STUFFING BREAD 33^ S9e 2 7< PASCEL CELERY ONLY FRESH, JUICY EA. I0 ,_\176SIZE |POLV I EACH CALIFORNIA MAVEL ORANGES BO.N.U..S. -SnPctrCiAIAlt 1] GOODTMRIJSAT. NOV. 23,1^8 H|UFARM - Sour Cream WHIPPED CREAM CAKES Choc. Chip Strawberry Devils Food Coconut Custard Sgumgjj^ 29 inter's AO MIKE® MUTS OOl FRESH DAILY! 3ANDWICH BREAD COFFEE CAKES JEWEL DELUXE Assorted Chocolates 1 lb. 13 oz. #^|From Your Jewel til] Pastry Shop! Reg. 39c? FOR DON'T FORGET YOUR HOSTESS! L . If you've been invited out for Thanksgiving Dinner ... surprise your 'I, V hostftts with a beautiful fruit gift batket, bowf or.troy. Jewel hat a wide selection vv of delicious arrangements that'll be long remembered by your hostess! From $2.98 to $6.98. JfWEtMAlO WAKED CHOICE litabagas or FRESH LB. h Jewel TWINS BUTTB1 12 Pack IRACIS PWCE"^' - ^ ' JtWELMAID IHt HOME Of Prices" pun*** 3718 W. Elm Street McH©nry Store Hours: Mon. thru FrL 9 £o 9 S a t . 9 - 6 S u n . 9 - 2 Meat Dept.: Mon. - Tues. - Wed. 9 - 6 Ttas's. - Fri. 9 So 9 R£g. 89« HARRIS CROWN DELUXE PIES MiRc^ Apple Pumpkin, E)ytch Apple, BIRDS EYE pH COOL WHIP * 59 lEWSIi'S CHEF'S KITCHEN CAN G YOUAHELPiHemE If On Half Pint Carton Of^ Millfariii Whipping Cream WITH PURCHASE OF A Chefs Kikbsra Pumpkil It's so much easier to Include all the extra holiday treats your family looks (or . . . when you're a Jewel Shopper! That's because Jewel's "Miracle Prices", born over two years ago, were specially designed to help price-concerned shoppers lower their total food bills. Here's how YOU too, can cadi in on Jewel's Savings Plan! Scan the hundreds of items you see on these pages . . . notice the many ways you can save at JTewel. "Miracle Prices" -- plus_ the "extra-special" savings on Jewel's Bonus Specials, all add up to some pretty terrific savings for your family's food budget. FROM THE FOLKS AT YOUR McHENRY JEWEL . . . HAVE K HAPPY THANKS05VIN© DAY JR