i$lm^ / bjxzx&A m\> J. WHISPERING OAKS <. .if' l< - Gertrude Disney 385-7515 NEW FAMILIES RESIDING IN WHISPERING OAKS - Moving here three weeks ago jhwb Sylvius and Ann Marie "Simonson of 4710 Cumberland Circle. They are from Chicago's north west side. They have two soi\s, Edward, who lives in San Francisco, and who Has .a little girl named, Laurie^ and William, who lives in Des- Plaines. k New are Mr. and Mrs. John Dumelle of 4708 Ashley. They have three children, a daughter, Kathryn, who lives in Des- Plaines, a son. living in Ivy Hills, Arlington Heights, and a , daughter who lives there also. June and Art Kuehn, of 4709 Cumberland Circle, live in a large, different syle house than the regular ones out here, a sort of homestead m<xlei, and the folks living in it are as homey as can be, so friendly and so cheerful. They have a son, Allen, who is 19 years old. He is attending the University of Illinois Circle and is employed by an airlines. Then there are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schroeder of 1114 Cumberland Circle, from Chicago. For Thai Old Fathioned Flavor - Come To JumwrntMin Sausage Company • IS Varieties of Sausage • Trae Gctmu Flavor* • Lean Hickory Bmm • Country Made ®a«afe • Delicious Hickory Smoked Hum Phono 385-6260 Roete 1*0 Jut East of RL It Vol©, Illlaate Mr. Schroeder will retire-in a month. Mrs. Schroeder says it is delightful here and the folks are so gracious. WHISPERS ABOUT FOLKS Mr. Boetter is getting better. He is still in the hospital "but * shows improvement. We know God answers prayers. Sister Dervase from Milwaukee has been enjoying her stay at the Welker home on 4506 Ashley. Mrs. Welker is Sister Dervase's sister. Mrs. Yvonne Wilson has the ladies over to her home for their calnasta club. There is always a winner, also a booby prize for someone. Mr., and Mrs. James Zednick of Chesterfield Circle announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to James Mayer of Sagaunash. The best of every thing for them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ward,had their grandchildren spend the weekend with them at Manchester Mall. Our grandson spent the weekend atour home. Hie weather was not so nice so he spent the time learning to play Christmas medleys on the organ. He learned Silent Night and was he happy to tell his daddy as soon as he got home in North Lake. OUR TRIP OUT WEST First thing we did in the morning was to move out of our hotel into another one, where the rates were more reasonable. Later in the morning,-after we were set-): highest point in the city. We sa4 - tied, Howard and Paul picked , amid gorgeous surroundings us 19 and took us on a tour of the city, beginning with lunch at the Fisherman's Wharf. We ate a fine seafood lunch on the third floor over looking the wharf. We then walked over and toured the Cannery which is a complete shopping center under one roof. Uiis was an abandonded cannery before they workeditover. There were many beautiful shops, restaurants and boutiques. We then took an auto tour through the beautiful residential section of the city, saw the palace of Fine Arts, Cliff House, and Seal Rock cm the ocean, and saw the view of' the, city from Twin Peaks, the highest spot in San Francisco. We then drove through the Haight - Ashbury district where we saw thousands of yippies and hippies, an unforgettable sight. Yippies and hippies are seen all over San Francisco. They are coddled there and the climate is , good there. TTien we drove over the beautiful Golden Gate bridge and to the Art Museum to look at the Rodin Sculptures. then we walked through the Japanese Tea Garden. A truly beautiful experience with varied foliage, pools and water falls. By now we were tired and stopped for lunch. Then we returned to our hotel to change for the evening. The boys then drove us to Nob Hill where we had refreshments in a famous hotel, the the center ofthe room that slowly revolved and gave us all a constantly changing view ofthe city at night. Sparkling lights and black velvet bays with jewel like bridges were almost too much. Two unplanned sidelights ..were a Jewish Bar Mitzvah held in one of the glassed interraced dining rooms at the hotel, the colored fountains and waiters carrying flaming swords were "spectacular" and a small civil disturbance on a cable car. We then went from the sublime to the ridiculous, eating a glorified hamburger at a nearby restaurant. By this time it was time to go to our hotel to retire. Continued next week. WHITE OAK SUPPLY The Illinois cooperage industry has begun a program to increase the supply of white oak in the state. The quantity and quality of the (Mice abundant wood - second in value to black walnut -- is down. Landowners who plant white oaks will receive financial assistance. To cooperate in this phase of the program, a landowner must contact a farm forester for the Department of Conservation to determine if the area where the trees are to be planted is suitable. Not less than 500 nor more than 50,000 seedlings may be planted on one farm. MON., NOV. 1968-PLAINDEALER - PG. LAKEMOOR -LILYMOOR NotedMedical Authority Area SHIRLEY SCHUERR 385-2645 AUXILIARY HOLDS CHRISTMAS PARTY ON DECEMBER II The Woman's auxiliary has postponed their December meeting till Wednesday, Dec. 11. At this time they will have a short business meeting then enjoy a Christmas party. Any member who did attend the November meeting and is interested ingoing please contact Pearle Stineman for full details. ASSOCIATION NEWS The Lilymoor association will hold their general meeting and installation of officers Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. Meeting will take place in the large dining room of Club Lilymoor. £ LADIES LEAGUE Held their social evening Wednesday, Nov. 20. The ladies played bunco. Prizes went to Olive Corbett first, Sophie Paterson second and LuGravenstuk third, booby went to Rose Zelenka this time. The ladies are planning their Christmas dinner, Dec. 7. The ladies sang happy birthday to Jessie and Olive Corbett. Hie twins ce- PEOPLE AT OSCO Kls9@W YOUR NiiDS & OFPER THESE Household Values! Ycm'SH find Osco a convenient @s»e-st©p> snapping store. Whether you need bathroom or closet accessories, medications or vitamins to keep you in A-1 condition, beauty products, or sewing supplies, you'll find them in abundance at Osco. Come in and browse through all our Osco Departments. You'll be thrilled with our everyday low prices, and even lower special prices like in this ad. Make that pleasant one-stop shopping trip today! You'll be glad you did. $1.49 SIZE 2.5 OZ. BTL. AM Ban Deodorant ©# REG., MENTHOL OR LIME " Colgate Instant Shave Only 0^ ^Jjj£ •m. ci7c i i r\-7 acdacai /-a** M PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1968 REG., SUPER, OR UNSCENTED - 13 OZ. CAN HAIR SPfMY $1.25 SIZE 15.5 OZ. Lavoris MOUTH mm ONIY VapofRuis Oisreto MOUTH**?* /USjDGAR01* TABLETS EXtRA'STRENGTH PAIN REUEVB Hhontw $2.94 SIZE BTL OF 100 79c SIZE BTL. OF 36 Exce Extra- Strength Pain Reliever One-l-Day S177 shampo» 98c SIZE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BliATH SPiSMY cifpM $1.05 SIZE 6.75 OZ. Csl©< Multiple Vitamins f @4>thpaste AJc Only "P# *1.10 SIZE 2.7 oz. Yiik's Yaporub AT 59c Size , 1V2 oz.„Jar Only DANDRUFF oulds Only 57 ECKO GOLD FINISH Doiit Miss Osco\s Bathroom & Closet Accessories Sale This Week . . . EKCO CRYSTAL CLEAR POLYSTYRENE $1-49 Haste Towel Rinf" 99c EKCO SPRING ACTION -GLEAMING GOLD $* 29BBf Hf toilet Tissue Holder# # EKCO GLEAMING GOLD Onlv ^ V 1 O "1" Twin T®is®0 Bar 1 >" t owei liar Value EKCO GLEAMING GOLD all isip li§lt s^'vl' 'tv 1 r"" \ f; ; EKCO GLEAMING GOLD Toothbrush & Tumbler EKCO METAL Miller §or I $1.00 Value $1.00 Value 1W@EF< EKCO ADJUSTABLE Ladies'1 Shoe Tree 59C 59C Only mi i 89C 89< 98c Value 98c Value v- ' • "iffv «>f 9B "i'Si EKCO ROUNDED EDGE • EKCO ADJUSTABLE Black or White 300 Yds.-Reg. 29c No. 50 MERCERIZED T SPOOL Si . . UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED - IMPORTED MI7S , Sale 1 14 STYLES C\* m ii m II 'tyPERlAin Liquor Prices Good Thru Wednesday November 27 3T2Q W. iln St. Hours Daily 9-9 Sun. 9-5 Phone 385-7030 lebrated their big day Saturday, Nov, 17. Many happy returns Jessie and Olive. r ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Frank and Lu Bitterman. Frank arid Lu will be celebrating their twenty - fifth wedding anniversary on Thursday, Nov. 28. This will be the second time Frank and Lu " 1 will be celebrating their anniversary and Thanksgiving on the same day. Congratulations, Frank and Lu, and may you celebrate many more together. VACATION Terry Morrison arrived home Thursday, Nov. 21, to spendtwo weeks visiting with his parents, Norman and Pat, and sister, Sundae, and friends. He is enjoying his semester break and Thanksgiving at home. GET - WELL Wishes go to all those who have had their bout with the flu. In talking with different ones there are so many it would be hard to list them all. BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Julie and Billy Cassell. Julie became a great big five years old Monday, Nov. 25. Billy will become a great big two years old on Monday, Dec. 2. Greetings also go to Connie Johnson, who will celebrate her day Tuesday, Dec. 3. Many happy returns Julie, Billy and Connie. DEMONSTRATIONS A demonstration was held on Monday, Nov. 18. Hostess for the evening was Madaline Wijas. Coffee and cake were served to those who attended. A demonstration was held at the home of Eunice Tobey on Thursday, Nov. 21. Those who attended were served coffee and refreshments. 4 IN CLOSING May you all have a nice Thanksgiving day. SHOP IN McHENRY DR. JEREMIAH STAMLER Jeremiah Stamler, M.D., controversial head of the Chicago Board of Health's division of Adult Health and Aging and director of its Heart Disease Control program, will speak Friday, Dec. 6, at a noon luncheon meeting of the Upper Kane County Heart association to be held at Elgin's Holiday Inn, 345 River road. He will speak on thq relationship of proper nutrition to the prevention of heart disease. A brilliant researcher and public health administrator, Dr. Stamler, during his approximately twenty - five years in the fields of heart disease and nutrition, has authored or coauthored over 200 articles and eight books. In addition to this he is an associate professor in the Northwestern University Medical school, a consultant to a number of major Chicago hospitals, western hemisphere editor of "Journal of Atherosclerosis Research" and a member of nearly 100 medical and scientific organizations. He has received a dozen awards for his contributions to his particular fields of endeavor. Tickets for the luncheon may be obtained at the Heart Information center, First Federal Savings and Loan building, in Elgin. FUNT1ME tS • \V80tVifN6 V wm TiMB SPECIAJ. 3 Lines $ 1.00 Til Closing. No Age Limit WED. ONLY Johnsburg 3312 Chapel Hill Rd. Make, your reservation early DEDICATE COLLEGE MARKER A marker giving a brief history of Shimer college in Mt. Carroll (Carroll County) was dedicated Sunday, Nov. 17, in a cerreroony( at 4he college.,!^ Illinois State Historical sooiety, the > Carroll County Historical society, and the Mount Carroll Community club were co-sponsors. Mount Carroll seminary, as the college was originally known, was founded as a coeducational institution in 1853 by Frances Ann Wood, who later married Henry Shimer. After the Civil War, the seminary enrollment was limited to women. Rechartered in 1896, as the Frances Shimer Academy of the University of Chicago, the school pioneered a junior college program. It became coeducational again in 1958. In that, year the affiliation with the University of Chicago was dissolved and the present name became official. NOWEMBER SiSSIAL (Birch - $1111 Son deliwer ik - ton deliver (In lots of one ton or more) These logs have been seasoned for one full year and are now offered as the finest logs you can burn in your fireplace. SPECIAL OFFER: With Your Purchase of Two Tons of Logs-- A FREE LOG TOTER KIlffiUKli WOOD 75c bag PRESTO LOGS $1.49 For 6 slow burning logs GIVE TO THE UNITED FUND ISERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1906 ROSENTHAL'S LUMBER CO BUILDiie SERVICE CENTER MAIN ST. & CRYSTAL LAKE AVi. CRYSTAL LAKE 459-2700 !m;IUll