Office Honrs 8:S0 ftjn. to B:00 CliiiBM Display •, ;;:p)Wed»*aaay Stepss / '" ; ' :; -Monday f p.®, U Wednesday 4 pa. line Ads -- : ' Wednesday Paps? •• Tuesday ©sSl© ojn. Friday Pape r Thursday 0:30 ajn. No Refunds on Prepaid ado Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent must be paid 1b advance. The Plalndealer b not responsible for error* In elaa* slflei aio after 15a® first In* serttea. Cheek prat? ad the first ueslis and call onr at* tentta e© SE3J7 mistakes. WANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered l>y the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More Information may be Ob* tained from the Wage and Hoar Division, USDL. Boom 783, New JFederal Bulldixig* 2^9 Sonth Dearborn St., Chic a g b » 1 1 L 6 0 6 0 4 . v y ' - FOR SALE: used roof boards, 1x6, cleaned and in good eon* Idition. 385-5839. 11-20*681? AUTOS RtplacemcpJ Parts For Cat© Accessories and Seat Coven COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 1 BIk East o? the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-67TF1 1960 4 DOOR Chevrolet Bel Air. Leaving for service. Call 385-3934. 11-27/11-29-68 1961 PLYMOUTH wagon,. 9 passenger, $150. 1957 Ford pick-up % ton 6 ft box, $125. Call 385-7270. 11-27/11-29-68 1957 CHEVROLET, black, automatic, <1 door, new tires, V-8. 1200. Call 385-4292. 10-4-68TF1-2 WHAT A Christmas Gift! Yamaha motorcycle, 1966, candy apple red, 305 cc. Like new. (450. Call 385-4292. 11-20J8TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES ELECIROLUX Sales and Service. James Van Fleet, 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, ZD. Call 385-6027, 11-1-68TF1-2 1966 JMC heavy duty handy van. 24,000 actual miles, $1325. 1959 Cessna 172 airplane, dual Omni radios. Call 385-1009. 11-29-68 1964 PONTIAC LeMans convertible V-8. Power steering, bucket seats, 4 speed transmission. Very sharp. 312-497-3024. Pistakee Highlands. 11-29-68 1964 CORVAIR - 4 door. Excellent running condition. Call 385-0628. 11-29-68 1959 FORD, 4 door. Good condition. Call 385-1649. 11-29-68 B^iiiss^ERvici^ HORSES BOARDED. Quality care. 3209 Ringwood Road. Call 385-1298. 11-22/11-27-68 H 8s 3D GAS 5? mATrnm mama mi W. Main St HeHesisy, miosis Furnaces St Boiler*, installed - serviced - cleaned Wall heaters, water heaters, incinerators LP. Gas Ron Weed MS-1M9 JotaSSnox 11-1-6STF1-2 DECORATE 1 room or. all Prices to fit your pocket. Johnson's Decorators. Call 385-6325 11-27/11-29-68 SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and re* calibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St, McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 11-1-68TF1-2 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Inrus trial, commercial and domestic. Rickert, Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Hi. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65TF Business Services UPHOLSTERY 1635 N.Park St McHenry p 11. ART'S © EEOOVERING • © EE3TYUNG All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 11-1-68TF 2 DAY CARE CEMfll State Licensed and Approved Hourly Bates Full Day* Half Day or Hot Meals and Snacks Activity Teaching AGES S through 6 Registration now being taken for September 3 opening BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 509 Front Street Phone 38&SIS3 < 11-22-68TF 2 i ? jmEimom BUSINESSMEN For pennies a da^ wSsgf miss those important calls. WESTERN UNION SERVICE McHenry Telephone Answeslmf Service 11-1-68TF 2 FOB SALE OAK FIREPLACE wood, split, delivered, $15 per ton. Call 385-4282. 11-22/12-4-68 2 WING BACK CHAIRS, $30. Call 385-7515. 11-27/11-29-68 2-8.15x15 Weatherguard snow tires, like new, with rims. Will fit '66 Buick $40.00; 4-7.60 xl5 regular tires, fair condition, $2.00 each. Call 385-1971. 11-27/29-68 ROYAL SAFARI typewriter, 2 years old. Like new, used 3 times, $60. Call 385-7090 11-27/11-29-68 CLEARANCE SALE All remaining combination windows, §8.00 Used (S@mb. Alum. ©oors Completely reconditioned CHUCK'S GLUSS & MIRRO® 385-3560 KEEP Y@Ufa SEPTIC TANK CLEAN with co\il> '()ittgTh|i or pumping. Hujrt'i vmirkV' kasytoapply. | nn spniil equipmcnl needed. ACE HMKDWAME 372® W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 5-3-68E.O.W.2 McHENBY SCMMMI# OF BMUIT CUUHHUB NATIONALLY A STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln E6L B Chart es St. 885-MN Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color MQChine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EHCILUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of sMMed instructors. HOURS : TUES., WED., and FRI. © A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. © AM. to 5:30 5P.M. -- Ooos^l Mosa. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROiXMO NEW STUDENTS 11-1-68TF 2 LADIES, do your winter coats, skirts, dresses need shortening? Phone for appointment. Also other alterations. Call 385-0376. 11-29/12-6-68 FOE SALE USED LUMBER 385-5839 Wanted To Buy POOL^T^S^lJusPbe in good shape and reasonable. Call 385-5839. 11-29/12-6-68 Business Services OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, split and delivered, $25.00 per ton. Call 385-1469. 11-1-68TF1-3 YOUNGSTOWN kitchen ciablnets, 3 wall and 4 base, sink and faucets, good condition. A Voice of Music tape recorder, like new, only used 3 times; 20" wide aluminum storm door, $10; Blonde formica cabinet for any use. Call 385-2810 11-27/11-29-68 FURNITURE of 9 homes. Must sacrifice. Will separate. Tesma. MraSsleln. Call aiMMSHK THE TREASURE CREST. As&> tiques, gifts, candy, schooi supplies. 3909 Main St, Mo- Henry, HI. 385-7240. 10-30/12-11*68 s a v Emms UP TO 50% NEW TOYS 1968 Name Brands Buy now while limited supplies last at this savings. Also new furniture, bedroom sete, emielh sets, furniture o£ all Idnds. Over SCO new slightly soiled mattresses in stock. Twins, bunks, doubles, queens and king sizes. Also a complete line of usM tenifcure. Refrigerator appliances. Some antiques. 3 large bams full of various merchandise, new and used. Boy from a barn and asm CREDIT - Easy payments. Anything we sell we finance. New or usesL Credit cards hoRore^L • V0L0 8ALE8WT ft COMPANY Rt ISO & Mies east of McHenry ©pan Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday H© .to S jrpciiHiio Of J3y Appointed 81&-885-38S3 11-1-68TF 2 SPECIAL SALE 25% off GIRL'S JACKETS AND COATS 7 thru 14 DRESSES 3 to 6X T to 14 THE 3430 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phont 3S5-0746 NEW FLOOR for only .28"* *(A NEW BATHROOM FLOOR r COSTS ONLY $16.30) n • -- - - •'.-'.•ftMilOi FREE KMOHSTRATON seamless KAtne FLOORING tnnu A Permanent Floor . . . PAINT IT ONI Flecto Seamless™ is * new permanent flooring system that paints on right over any floor! No expensiuo installation costs . . . Flecto Soamlcas™ is a colorful combination of random-shaped flakes laminQtod between layers of plastic . . . and any houscwifo can do it without closing down tho room! B Flecto Seamless1" con be applied ovor almost any surface inside or outside, including linoleum, wood, concrete and resilient tile. Vou con quickly ahd. easily add lasting beauty that never needs waxing to your hitchen, bathroom, hallways, patio, torrace -- any floor or table topi See a free demonstration of thlr new flooring system at: Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 385-0722 _______ 8-16-68TF2 FOB Si&S McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street MCHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. ^ 11-148171-3 FOE SALE (*«•»< NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on • one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things ... SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pfeo^e 385-0170 McHenry, 111. DEER SKIN GUTCS aft prices to fit your Budget Slippers- Gloves - Jackets - Handbags - Coats - Caps - Billfolds - Moccasins on display at TMton Marine Service. 1206 North Riverside Drive McHenry. 11-13-68171-3 POWDER ROOM DRAIN STOPPED? Use FIREWATER the Liquid Drain Opened designed for Women. Buy it today at: Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, McHenry. 385-0722. ll-29-6» BLUE Lustre not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer $1. MCHenry True Value. 11-29-68 BEAUTIFUL 8 ft pool table. 1 year old. Used very little. %" slate, full accessories. Or. iginally $800.00. Will sacrifice for $450.00. 815-385-5627 11-29-68 TELESCOPE. Gall for description, $200. Call 385-2458. 11-29-68 ONE SET of Keepsake diamond rings and one dinner ring. All for $65.00. Call 653- 9992. 11-29-68 SEEBURG electronic selecta rhythm. Perfect accompaniment for any instrument Gives any beat desired. Complete with 2 station tremolo amplifier. Wonderful for small combo. New condition, $400 value. Both for $200 firm. 385-6191. 11-29/12-4 22 INCH Blonde, human hair fall. Call 653-9528. 11-29-68 ROPER GAS STOVE, also refrigerator. Call 385-0798. > 11-29-68 PORTABLE BAR and 4 scoop chairs; 6 yr. crib, used 2 yrs.; 3 maple cocktail tables; older Kelvinator refrigerator; Hollywood bed frame. Also assorted smaller items. Call after 3:30 p.m. 385-4395. 11-2^68 BRONZE tone dinette set - 8 chairs, $50. Swivel rocker $25. Call after 5 p.m. 385-1655. 11-29/12-4 2 WHEEL trailer in perfect condition, $75; 1 davenport like new, $50. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 385-1016. 11-29/12-4-68 FOR SALE USED LUMBER 885-6889 AUCTION LADIES AUCTION. 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 1. Light lunch. Clothes, furniture, appliances and misc. items. Bring your own things and sell them for 70% of sale. 2404 Manor Lane, McHenry, 111. Call 385-1980. 11-29-68 AUOTOIf • Only $400 Down OVER&OOKS SPARKLING LAKE ? Year round 3 bedroom hornfe. Large birch cabinet kitchen, 12x20 living room, oak floors, tiled bath with shower, full basement private beach, nice fenced yard with fruit and shade trees. Widow will sacrifice for below cost at only $12,500 Vacant move right in. ALGONQUIN REALTY 216 S. Main Street ^ Algonquin, ]!!. CALL 312-658-5554 or 812-658-5551 11-27/11-29-68 Wonder Lake No down payment to Vets. CAPE COD 3 beds ©@m and den, 2 car attached garage, large lot. ONLY $14500 -- CALL -- 312-656-7723 DAYS ll-29/12-4r68 T.P.MATHEWS BBALTOSS 160 ACRE GRAIN FARM BOONE COUNTY Illness forces sale of this top-producing farm. Rated 2nd In Boone County. Also set up for dairy farming. Located approximately 18 miles northwest of Belvidere in Poplar Grove, 12 miles west of Harvard. 2-story. 4 bedroom home with full basement plus complete set of farm buildings - all in A-l shape. Can be purchased for $42,500 down. Price $128,000 WONDER LAKEi&BEJA Lake Front Tri-Level Home. This 4 bedroom homfe features a large living room with a stone fireplace and a scenic view of Lake and Countryside. Level, well shaded homesite. Set today $26,000.00 This home will sell fast - 3 bedrooms, bath and Vi, full basement 2 car attached garage, large level wooded homesite and in area of nice homes. Call today! $21,900 SEE OUB ADS Wf SUNDAY IN °HI£§ TBIBUNB T.P.I Since 1980 WOC&22 ILalHb pins^p §03*0001 OPEN 7 DAYS 11-29-68 &WCTION XCLUSlfl ISTING ERVICE Planning To S*U Your Hom»? Place your listing with any of the following Realtors and you automatically are listed with all 13 participating Realtors. Planning To Bay Pnptrty? Visit any of the following Realtors and immediately you have access to the listings of all thirteen Realtors. Wleser and Associates 1326 N. Riverside Atlas B&aSty 2914 W. Rt 120 385-3710 Glenn Draper Real Estate 4410 W. Rt 120 385-5661 Eases ft CoateDo 3717 W. Rt 120 385-7050 John Fuhler Real 1303 Richmond Rd. 385-3250 Kent Corporation 3322 W. Rt 120 385-3800 MeMeasy Realty 3818 W. Main 3854922 2914 W. Rt 120 385-7100 Pollock-PMEUps Realty Serr. 3412 W. Rte. 120 383-2500 ©any Realty 3106 W. Rte. 120 385-7100 Twin Oaks Realty 3436 W. Rt 120 385-2443 Joe NiscSum Reel Estate 2301W. Johnsburg S§3-0037 Earl Walsh Real Sateite 3429 W. Rt 120 SB3-S300 AUCTION Discontinuing farming, the undersigned will sell the folioo1w ing personal property on premises located 3 miles North of McHenry, 111. being on the corner of Rte. 31 and Pioneer Rd. on SUMDAY, DECEMBjSE 1 at CATTLE: 8 bred Holstein heifers, 4 springing, balance bred ii} August & September. HORSES: 5 yr. old Sorrel mare; 4 yr. old Budcskin Appa* loosa Gelding. FEED: 600 bu. oats; 500 bales straw. FARM MACHINERY & MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: J.D. 720 Diesel tractor, recently overhauled; Ford Major Diesel trac tor with 3-point hitch, 3-14 trip-bottom plow; MH 44 tractor; Farm all "B" tractor with 2-row cult; NH 77 baler with engine; J.D. 4-14 trip-bottom plow; Oliver PTO combine; New Idea manure spreader; MH 2 and 4 row cult.; MH 4-row corn planter; New Idea 1-row picker; Oliver & New Idea 4-bar hay rakes; McC #35 10% ft wheel disc; 30 ft. Farmer's Friend elevator with PTO and motor mound; 40 ft. elevator without carriage with 3 h.p. motor; 2-24 ft. 4-section harrows; 2 - row rotary hoe; 2-section spring tooth; McC. 10 ft grain drill; 10 ft. Ezee Flow spreader with grass seed attach.; running gear with gravity box; 2 wagons & racks; New Hoi land semi-mount mower; hyd. wagon hoist; 20x4 auger with motor; 3 saddles & bridles; water heater; 2 stock tanks; snow fencing; vice; tools; feed bunks; air compressor; some household items & antiques; other items. ARTHUR ANDES, Owner Auctioneers: GORDON STADE, Grayslake, 01. - S12-223-5155 W. H. RUSSELL, Woodstock, 111. TERMS: Cash. Nothing removed until settled for. Settlement on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Louie's Lunch on Grounds. 11-29-68 This is the season of Thanksgiving and I believe it is only fitting that Rita Hahn and Glenn Draper of Glenn Draper , Real Estate take this opportunity to thank all the people i who have listed their property with us and also those * people WhO'hkVe purcWs&^d property through our office. Without your listings we would be unable to be in business and I cannot express our appreciation enough for your confidence and trust you have placed in us, by listing your property with our office. Our sincere thanks goes out to all the people who have been so considerate in purchasing property through our office. It is our only hope that we have served you with the utmost courtesy and Integrity, if we have failed in these endeavors, we would be grateful to have you so inform us. Again we say thank you Sellers and Purchasers for your making this our most successful year, and we shall always strive to serve you better. Our best wishes for a happy holiday weekend. LISTINGS NEEDED AT ONCE. PLEASE CALL US <f9DA? FOR FREE APPRAISAL WREN LISTING YOIM mmm with us. & GLENM DRAPER SEJULSHAIB Nest to MeSIsoiijz OosDsel Haae 4110 W. BGa ES® H&Heuy, OHMte CaEONE MM661 r&A. Financing Available • Mum Ifr 11-29-68 BE WISER - SEE WIESER HOME FOR THE LARGE FAMILY j'+'.i JUST LISTED--LIKE NEW 8 room frame ranch on large corner lot. 4 bedrooms, living room, large dining room, excellent sized kitchen & beautiful family room.1 1% baths, 2% car garage w/attached screen house for summer living, chain-link fence, blacktop driveway. If you are in NEED of a LARGE home in EXCELLENT condition, COME IN and look at this one for ONLY .< . . $21,000.00 INTERESTED in a Short Order GrUl & Restaurant PRICED RIGHT? Call NOW for more information. -- WE NEED LISTINGS -- AND LET US SELL YOUR HOME 1826 N. RiveraMo Mve McHenry, HHlMs >85-4880 11-29-68 J