RANkLirsi-3 V K MATTEL'S TOG'L A new idea in creative playbuild toys and people that move. Hours of fun. SfRANGE C Mysteriously converts tiles'laped capsules into ancient relics of the Lost World. 61 SET 999 Now Open...And brimming with today's most wanted toys and gifts from Santa's pack! Jh &££ TIPPIE nr , SMVTV' *'*, TODDLER DOLL A very talented tot who moves and looks like a real baby. Actually plays with her hobby horse and tricycle. Runs on D-cell batteries. 17-in. tall. 999 MAGNUS Chord ORGAN 3995 • With Hardwood Bench Childre,n quickly learn advanced'" songs you'll appreciate hearing. Three octaves (37 trebel keys); 12 button chords in bass. 9V8x28-5/16X107/8. 6) i&f r- P ss Electric FOOTBALL GAME 999 Quarterbacks really kick, pass and run. Dad wjll want to play this game! GAMES GALORE Come in and browse through our complete collection of everyone's favorites. Dreamy Angel Doll 14-Inch 666 Doll Drink-and-wet baby with complete layette. Fully jointed; rooted hair. THINGMAKER SETS Complete Set A favorite^with both boys and girls. Two new styles: Picadoos and Mini Dragons. 999 KEEN STREET MALL Battery Operated MYSTERY EXPRESS J 5 V2-Inch Long 399 Whistle, bell, animated engineer, flashing boiler light and headlight! LITE-BRITE SETS 699 Create lighted pictures with colorful pegs--a whole new kick for youngsters. Miniature Twinkles String Of SO 1. Weatherproofed -- so they can be used indoors or out! multi-color. * * BILLY BLASTOFF Battery Operated Astronaut with four exploration vehicles, gun and radar. What fun! Extra Heavy Duty Batteries 30$ §a. Battery toys are popular this year. Be prepared for your c h i l d ' s g i f t s . To list ever/ gift item Ben Franklin has would take many pages. Take our word for it - we have, the most desired items for Christmas giving!