PLAINDEALER - WED., r 1968 \ *v I 2 r i f t : T r v ^ n r i f o v ) \ / V A < . Mjss Benocher On Saturday , V; ' The line was long, but the sun shone brightly and youngsters didn't seem to mind waiting since the reward for their patience was a visit with Santa. This scene was captured on film in the city park last Saturday, where the jolly saint visited with hundreds of children. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Miss Mrachek Wise Selection Of Holiday 'STSSTii Toys Parent Responsibility St. Patrick's Catholic church 1 McHenry, was the setting for a late November wedding last Saturday, the thirtieth, when Miss 2 Mary Pat Mrachek exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. William Anthony Cunningham. Rev. Fr. Leonard Guzzardo officiated at 5 the 2:30 afternoon ceremony. • Miss Mrachek is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, of 4206 W. Ponca Henry, and Mr. Cunningham, * who resides at 5715 W. Martin road, McHenry, is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Helmers of Rockford, Iowa. Fr. Guzzardo bestowed the papal nuptial blessing from Pope Paul VI. The pretty bride approached the altar wearing a white peau de soie, floor length, empire style s gown- styled with scoop, rounded neckline, long sleeves and straight, A-line skirt. Peau cPange lace motifs decorated . the bodice, sleeves, skirt and jfull, detachable sweep train, with the lace accented 'by seed pearl trim. She wore on her head a pillbox adorned with lace and pearls, which held in place the blusher veil of two tiers in silk illusion. Miss,Mrachek carried a bouquet of mums and stephanotis. Miss Betsy Kilday, a close - friend, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Kathy Covalt, a friend, and Diane Benson, cousin of the groom. Linda Aim, also of McHenry, a godchild of the bride, was flower girt. f . s Miss Kilday was attired in gold and the bridesmaids in olive green gowns of identical styling. They featured a cut velvet bodice, empire waistline, short sleeves and scoop neckline, with slim skirt of chiffon over , taffeta. The chiffon formed a redingote effect over the back and shoulders of the gown. Headpieces had loops of chiffon and taffeta in colors to .match the gowns and held four tiers of short bouffant veiling^ The attendants carried green colonial carnations surrounded with yellow roses. The flower girl had a basket of carnations and rose petals. Robert Mrachek, the bride's brother, served as best man and groomsmen were Dan Strack of McHenry and Larry Parcher of Rockford, Iowa, close friends. Tom Heck of Chicago and Nick Parcher of Rockford, Iowa, were ushers. Mrs. Mrachek selected a tan knit dress trimmed in brown, with matching coat, and bronze mum corsage. Following the nuptial rite, 190 guests gathered for a reception at the Legion home. Later, the couple left on a two-week honeymoon trip through the southern states. Upon their return they will reside in Cary. The bride is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school and is now a keypunch operator for Uprco, Inc., Harrington. Her Toys are responsible for many children's" eye injuries yet play is a learning experience and toys are important in a child's life, according to the Illinois Spci<£y for the Prevention of Blindness. There are several good rules which should be followed when buying toys that will help in selecting reasonable, safe^e^ W '• " ' ' iStry laboratories, yet very little attention is paid to this in the home. 6. Of course, individual use and ownership of all fireworks is strictly prohibited by Illinois law. Compliance with this law is still a serious problem which requires the cooperation of alert adults. Even more serious than stress that these expolosives are not only dangerous but deadly for they do kill. .,„.rTT_r fireworks is the problem of M ^ sure that for which the af&«row> of tte*Qhii&?V^^ purchased mightten- to 12 ";%£ough Parents should year old could be highly dangerous for a four or five-yearold Child. 2. Don't choose a toy with sharp corners or protruding, pointed parts, especially if there are young toddlers in the home. An accidental fall against such a toy could be hazardous. 3. All types of toy guns and rockets that eject anything should be avoided. Many of these toys come with plastic pellets and are most tempting. Children replace the pellets with small stones or metal shot and , accidents occur. 4. No young child should be given bows and arrows, sling shots, BB guns or dart games. Rubber tipped darts and arrows are equally dangerous. Hie rubber tips are frequently lost and the darts and arrows then become weapons capable of destroying an eye. In fact, this has happened too often. 5. When a chemistry set is given to a teenager, eye protection should be provided. State law requires that every students teacher and visitor wear eye protection in all school chem- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yegge and family of Waukesha, Wis., spent the Thanksgiving holiday with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge. Other dinner guests on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Motulewicz and son, Mark, of Wonder Lake. Jeffrey Yegge remained at the Yegge home until Sunday when his grandparents took him home. McHenry Girl Back On Campus After Assignment Nearly 400 Northern Illinois university students are back on campus after nine weeks practice teaching in the northern Illinois area. According to Dr. Max Huebner, student teaching director, each of the students spent nine weeks at his assigned teaching area. Students lived either in the , community to which th# were assigned or at hoihe.' Experience was gained not only in actual teaching but also in planning units of work and in dealing with the students and their problems. For most of the students, the first two or three weeks were spent in classroom and teaching observation as well as in consultation with the cooperating teacher. From about the fourth week on, student teachers actually assumed the role of the classroom teacher. Student teachers included Connie Ritter, 704 W. Columbus, at Downers Grove school, Indian Trail elementary. DEAF CLASS MEETING The Mothers Group of the preschool deaf class held a meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at the Woodlawn school. Psychiatrists Jane Podell and Mr. Bitner were the speakers for this meeting. RESIDENCE CHANGES The Alvin P. Blake family has moved from 2502 N. Ringwood road, McHenry, to 540 Bake Sale Planned ^02 Parkway' BouMer' Col° By Scout Troops The Wonder Lake, Ringwood and Richmond Girl Scout troops will hold their annual bake sale at the East Wonder Lake firehouse on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A white elephant sale also will be held in connection with the event. Proceeds will go toward council and camping expenses. Details on the sale will be carried in the next issue. The coins, dollars and checks dropped in The Salvation Army Christmas Kettles provide holiday dinners for the hungry, gifts for children, food and clothing for needy families and Christmas remembrances for the sick, elderly, lonely servicemen far from home and many others. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK On Nov. 28 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson became parents of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beranek of Wonder Lake are parents of a daughter Nov. 25. A daughter was born Nov. 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anzinger. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Cusack, HI, of Oak Park, announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Erin Marie, on Nov. 20 at Oak Park hospital. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Cusack of McHenry and the maternal ones are Mrs. Mary Quinn and John Quinn of Chicago. Maternal great grandfather is James F. Conway of Chicago. Miss Jeannie Jo Benoche was a lovely bride on Saturday, Nov. 30, when she walked iq> the aisle of St. Patrick's Catholic church at noon to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Eugene Daniel Stilling. Miss Benoche is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benoche of 1203 N. Cir cle drive, McHenry, and Mr, Stilling is the, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Stilling of 1638 N. Riverside drive, McHenry. Rev. Fr. Leonard Guzzardo officiated at the wedding ceremony, with a benediction given by Rev. Christian Doenecke. Their wedding bands were replicas of the wedding ring worn by John Stilling^ grandfather of the groom. Mrs. Carl^Veber was organist and accompanied Catherine Emma, who sang "Ave Maria", •«« The Lord's Prayer " and «Patiis Angelicus". ^ Bouquets of pink and white gladioli decorated the altar and pink pom poms and carnations marked the pews. v \ Miss Benoche chose a princess style gown with detachable, / full sweeping court train fashioned of delustered satin accented by appliques of reembroidered, imported Spanish lace in candlelight. The bodice had a high fitted neckline of Spanish lace and wrist length sleeves adorned with lace appliques. Her satin, sweeping court train, also with lace appliques, fell frqmtfie shoulders. She wore on her head a split mantilla imported from Portugal, draping cathedral length from a peau de soie pillbox. It was fashioned in lace to match the gown. She carried a bouquet of white Amazon lilies in a crescent cascade. Miss Susanne Benoche of McHenry acted as maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaids were Miss Merri Schaffer, Miss Nancy Fisher and Mrs. Marilyn Adams, all of McHenry. They wore garnet velvet, floor length gowns with slightly raised, gathered waistline, adorned with coral pink, crushed satin sash and bow. They were detailed with cap sleeves, a wide ruffle of velvet at the hemline and a stand-up, ring neckline. Each wore in her hair pirik' hand-braided satin bows with loops' for .a. tiWa effects They carried one single pink, long stemmed rose. . Kristin Matt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Matt, as flower girl, wore a matching garnet velvet, floor length dress, detailed with shoi*t, puff sleeves and a matching pow, in garnet velvet, inhervbair. She carried a pink biasket witli white pom pom mums and garnet roses. Richard Stilling of River Grove served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Daniel Frey of Crystal Lake, Gary Adams of McHenry and Joseph Sanford of Spring Grove. James Hill of Wauconda and Bennett Waites of Roselle were ^"^u^hers. Master Terry Stilling of River Grove, nephew of the groom, was ring bearer. Mrs. Benoche 'selected for her daughter's wedding a champagne and mocha brown dress with jeweled trimming and a corsage of pink cymbidium orchids. Mrs. Stilling wore a three-piece ensemble of bronze silk, a gold pillbox hat with matching^ccessories and white cymbidium orchids. A reception at the McHenry Country club was held at 1 o'clock, with 200 guests in attendance. Following a trip to Costa The: McHenry Woman's club will hold its annual Christmas pot-luck luncheon at 12:30 Friday, Dec. 13, at Zion Lutheran church. Each member is asked to bring a dish to pass, tt will be impossible to invite guests for this meeting because of : Hospital Auxiliary Out Membership Renewals lack of room. A lovely program Of holiday music will be presented by Mary Rita Stilling and Jeanne Hopfear. Each member is asked to bring a holiday project that is part of her family tradition to put on display if she wishes. Simple directions for assembling or the recipe should ac- ' company the item so other members may copy, if desired. Woman's auxiliary members are mailing membership renewals to present members of the Memorial Hospital for McHenry County association, The mailing started last week and includes a special announcement concerning ".thfe.planned expansion of Memorial hospital. The hospital board is not planning a fund drive to finance the expansion, Kenneth Schuh, president, said. "However, we know many people in the-area might purchase interest ing bonds to assist in devel ing the program, To determine* the scope of interest in purchasing bonds, the membership renewal letter to association members invites those willing to purchase bonds in denominations of $500 each with an interest rate of almost 6 percent, to signify this support by returning an enclosed questionnaire. Further study since mailing the letter indicates the rate may be 7 percent or higher. Membership in the association stands at a record 679. The total has risen markedly the past few years. Former members and newcomers to the community are being invited to join the association, Mrs. Virgil Smith, public relations committee chairman for the board of directors, said. "This news story is also a cordial invitation for residents of McHenry county served by Memorial hospital to join the association," she continued. The need for members is vital. Members of the association comprise the legal entity which is charged with the responsibility of governing the Qu O'ld i £ boiiojioo not* Installation The McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star,, will hold Installation on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 8 p.m. in Acacia hall, 1309 N. Court street McHenry. Vivian Bassett will be installed as worthy matron and Lisle Bassett as worthy patron, with Jacqueline and Robert French as associate matron and associate patron for the ensuing year. Itie public, and all members of the chapter, are invited to attend this special meeting and make it a success. Del Solin Spain, the newlyweds will reside in McHenry. The bride is a 1965 graduate of McHenry high school, attended Northern Illinois university and is now employed as secretary at Mattco Associates, Inc., McHenry. Her husband graduated from MCHS in 1959 and from Western State university, Gunnison, Colo., with a BA degree in business administration. He is teaching in the Wauconda Junior high school. Out of town guests included Mrs. Rose Powers of New Hampshire, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Leakey of Dallas, Texas, and Bruce Koepke of Duluth, Minn. hospital. From the association membership comes the board of directors and officers,, "This gives the hospital an informed, interested board to guide an operation that involves more than a million dollars a year," said Mrs. Smith. One reason memberships are stressed now is the deadline to renew or join and be eligible a voting member at the anil meeting in Dec. Those members who promised to bafre cookies to donate to the Boys' home are reminded to bring them in a decorated coffee can if possible. , Mrs. Gladys Flicek is the tea hostess for the luncheon. 0SRITAL Present . Winter Concert The McHenry County College choir and Chamber Singers, under the direction of Marie Ann Vos, will present a concert of Christmas music on Dec. 15 at 3:30 p.m. at the First Congregational church, 461 Pierson street in Crystal Lake. The program will feature soloists and a small orchestra in a performance of Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantata No. 140, as well as familiar carols and other Christmas music. Students will be admitted free upon presentation o{ ID cards. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK During the past week patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included John Russell, Master Mark Ehredt, Jean Kasting, Dorothy Smith, Athleen Strong, Ronald Magnine and Sybil Johnson, Wonder Lake; Alois Graff, Ringwood: and Jangs Peloquin and Ola Branham, Henry. HARVARD HOSPITAL Alfred Deitz was a patier Harvard hospital during the] week. VISIT LASCH HOME Mrs. Dorothy White, her daughter, Christie Dauphin, and the latter's 7-year-old daughter, Jane, all of Chicago, visited Mrs. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasch, last week. "• APPRECIATION DINNER An appreciation dinner is planned for 6:30 on Dec. 7' at the Universalist Congregational church in Woodstock (corner of Dean and Rt. 14) for Loren Massey, a 4-H leader for nineteen years, who is leaving the state. All interested persons are asked to call 338-2165 or 338-2763 for reservations. ' What you don't know may not hurt you, but it often amuses others. Announce Engagement need bsri mi#** £1 "v; "v j „ i"'* Ji 1 f MARY LOUISE PENCE Mr. and Mrs. John Pence of 113 Koa street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Nicholas Hedge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sy Hedge of Spring Grove. The couple plans a June wedding. husband is a graduate of Rockford high school with the class of 1965 and is a shipping clerk for the Sauganash Corp., Chicago. Friends and relatives attended the wedding from Iowa and Minnesota. Some 6,000 tons of water fall each year on each acre in the Great Smoky National Park area. "the odd couple" • Upcoming production announced by the Harvard Players will be "The Odd Couple." You can see it Dec. 6,7 and 8 at Washington school at 8:30 p.m. Professional Photography By LEONARD STUDIO McHENRY PORTRAITS - WEDDINGS - COMMERCIAL *85-5579 Inventory 507. to on over 200 h All 100% hu % off 0 WIGS 11 start at II WIGLETS start at HURRY QUANTITIES LIMITED Starting December 9th Open Evenings ANNEL C< 1311 N. .Riverside 50 & Wigs McHenry 885-3444 id I ' m/mm' i 1219 N. McHenry, III