"U"l- ' s1' i >' ' • "l * >'x i ' •: t r ,'&1 , X V£-k.~ if "A'.'ir-vi.' ft*' *•'. vit'A^r. '• i..,:'.?£ £,-v«u H 3 v f'JO '•** ' t •«' i £ "H vi , 4+ fL' 4 J • i " „ i << "WT ; wpmtmim 1. iV5i,f' "' 'W • ;'"W37 >' ?if'.<},• .<> 4 -s •/ ^ •(.'* ' . x •'llpl 'SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to "use this column as ain expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300~words or less signature, full address and phone number. \Ve ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each mopth. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) ON WARNING SIGNAL "Dear Editor: "Last night after a happy family reunion, I lay sleepless and saddened. One of our relatives mentioned that the young man who recently opened The Pet Shop on Rt. 120 had been killed at the intersection of Chapel Hill road and Lincoln road. I had met the young man only once and do not even know his name but my husband and I had admired his ingenuity and hard work in renovating an old building into an attractive building in the inside as well as outside. His pleasant manner and industrious nature would have been an asset to the community. "This dangerous intersection has only a stop sign on Lincoln road. In the five years .1 have been a permanent resident, there have been at least four deaths and several injuries incurred at this corner. There are now two churches and a drive-in theater at this corner. It also is one of the main exits of the resort area around Pistakee Bay as well as two golf courses, and is used several times a day by drivers of school buses. . "We believe, at the very least it should have a four-way stop sign, but feel it actually requires a flashing red and yellow, warrting light, or a four- JN&y stop light. Chapel Hill road continues on through Johnsburg and exits at Rt. 31, which is also a dangerous intersection, as it has absolutely no lighting of any kind and is difficult to find at night when turning in from. Route 31 to Chapel Hill road (or Johnsburg road.) The residents are very appreciative of the many new bright overhanging lights at side roads, and believe that if a flashing red and warning light is not feasible, this corner shouldat least have one of these bright overhanging lights. , "I sincerely hope thg above conditions can be remedied. My one regret is that I haven't written sooner. "Mrs. Arthur C. Eberhardt "2917 Regner RcU "McHenry, 111." EMMA LAZARUS "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to be free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The New Colotsua: Inscription for the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor Buy U.S. Savings Bonds, new Freedom Shares lllilii ms Men's Night at 1219 N. Green St. - McHenry [ Dr.SIMS says... SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH A PUBLIC SERVICE OF THE ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY; SPARE THE SHOVlJ AND SAVE THE HEART! Ingredients for a heart attack: One heavy, wet snowfall; a raw wind blowing across the driveway; and one poorly conditioned, middle-aged man laboring furiously with a shovel. Unfortunately, this is a scene that will repeat itself countless times across the chilly plains of Illinois this winter. Why is this combination so dangerous? First pf all, the energy output in shovelling a moderately heavy snow is approximately the same as if the individual were running seven or eight miles an hour. To the ovef-weigtt» middle-aged man lacking inplgr-" sical fitness, this unaccustomed strain in itself may be sirfj ficient to cause a heart attacK or produce the painful symptom called angina pectoris* Exposure to cold causes the blood pressure to rise. Ait to this the extra effort-of walking through snow, burdened fey the restrictive weight ofatleast ten pounds Of overcoat, galoshes, sweater, scarf, hat and gloves, and the net effect becomes considerable. '%•; Vigorous physical exercisetb which the individual is urate? customed should be discouraged, regardless of an apparent absence of heart disease. Exercise, particularly for the middle-aged and elderly, should be done regularly and in stages according to ability as fitness progresses; however, in severe weather vigorous exercise should be restricted to the home. One reason for this lies in the anatomy of the heart itself. The heart is a muscular pump that is nourished principally by blood flowing through the coronary^ arteries. In some persons, the coronary arteries become partially obstructed by a thickening of the arterial walls, resulting in a reduced supply of blood to nourish the heart muscle! Under normal conditions, even this reduced blood sup- Ply may be adequate to meet the demands of the heart muscle. However, with vigorous exercise, such as shoveling heavy • ;!iSS'Mf.iVft snow or pushing a stalled automobile, the heart must pump much faster and the muscle therefore needs more blood than the partially obstructed coronary arteries can supply. The result is an undernourishment of the heart muscle, producing pain in the chest which we call angina pectoris. If severe, the change may result in a fatal heart attack. Unless you are accustomed to vigorous activity through regular exercise, leave the snow shoveling tso the younger 'generation. If you insist on being a "he-man", tackle the shoveling in reasonable stages. Easy does itf McHenry's Most Complete'^/ Cosmetic Selection The Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness recommends that all reading and sun glasses should be ground from safety glass. GREEN STAMPS R that you take the time to visit our store, and talk with me about a lovely gift for your wife from the most cdfogtete cosmetic selection in McHenry. Perhaps we can assist you in malting the perfect gift selection. TO OUR CUSTOMERS, AN EXTRA SAVINGS ON THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW. . .THANK Ytkj FOR YOUR PATIENCE W TRU PAINT CLEAN-UP • ODDSN' ENDS LIMITED SELECTION Offer good thru Dec. 10 #• SAVE NOW! !ISTMAS W! DECORATIONS OFF Make Your Gift Selection At Our GIFT WORLD VISIT OUR COSMETIC DEPARTMENT.... Mc Henrys .Most .Complete .Cosmetic .Selection RUSSELL STOVER AND MRS. VOOGT'S Fine CANDIES SAVE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS NOW Offer good thru Dec, IQ VX... MYAt S0!§| OF ALil DO*OTH¥«RAY w^tSKSSSBa M^lena Rubinstein .,,, Jean D'ALBRET MAX FACTOR CARON LANVIN w FREE GIFT WRAPPING GREEN STAMP'S OPEN AT NYE'S SHOP EARLY...AT NYE'S GIFT WRAPPING...FREE HARDWARE STORE 1325 N. Riverside Drive Ms Henry Phone 385-4426 -2040 1325 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE MeHENRY ' • n