Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1968, p. 12

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r,:* - • !£>$&&• i- ( • 2 - Sec 2, P l a i n d e a l e r - Fri. Dec. 6# 1968 LAKELAND PARK NEWS Carole Hormuui 385-1605 man's Club Sponsors Annual Snow Ball Dance ^Saturday itigit is the night for the highlight of the social season in our own little neck of tte woods. It marks the ttitrteenth annual Snow Ball dance to be sponsored by the Lakeland Park Woman's club, ft wUl be held in the lovely setting of the American Legion home on Eingwood road and will feature dancing to good music, or listening if you prefer. Tickets will be sold at the door or can still be purchased from ticket chairman, Lyda Radisch. The festivities are due to begin at 9:30 p<m. and will continue until 1:30 p.m. Refreshments will be available to revive the tired flesh and all that's needed to complete the scene is you. Tomorrow night, Dec. 10; irt 9:30 at the Amer- . ican Legion home. See you there. GIANT FIRST STEP Take a giant step and go to your polling place on Tuesday, Dec. 10, and vote Yes for the bond issue. This referendum is for the expansion of the sewer plant and is the giant first step in the path to get sewers for our community. Only registered voters are eligible to vote in this referendum. If you are still not registered and can meet the requirements please call one of the two registrars in this area, Vickey Bottari at 385-2262 or John Licastro at 385-1703. Hie City Clerk, Earl Walsh, is also at your service for registering and his office is open from Lee & Ray Hotpoint Special $299.00 acceptable save $50. Rolls out on wheels for easy cleaning, sweeping and waxing Family-planned 13.7 cu. ft. combination refrigerator- | freezer • Completely frost-free • Separate 102.6 lb. capacity freezer* 21.4 sq. ft. of versatile shelf space* Two slide-out shelves • large slide-out meat pan • Twin slide-out porcelain crispers • Covered dairy storage » Ejector ice trays and bucket • Magnetic door gasket Hotpolfit. first with the features women want moil McHenry, III. 3850883 8:30 to 5 pan. Monday through Saturday. If you are unable to vote at your polling place between the hours of & a.m. and 6 p.m. absentee ballots are available at Mr. Walsh's office until Dec. 7. Requirements for registering include residency in the state for one year, in the county for ninety days and in the ward for thirty days. Hie polling place for Ward 4 which is Lakeland Park and Shores cm the north side of the highway is the community house. For Ward 2 which is Unit 3 of Lakeland Shores on the south side of the highway, the polling place is Buss FordonWaukegan street. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancellations for the community house must be made in advance by calling 385-2728. Monday, Dec; 9 - Lakeland Merry-Makers 4-H club, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10 - Sewer Referendum - Polls open from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. Boy Scout meeting - 7 p.m. to 9p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11 - Girl Scout meeting -. 3:30 to 5:30. Monday, Dec. 16 - Cub Scout Pack meeting - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 17 - Boy Scout meeting - 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, Girl Scout meeting - 3:30 to 5:30. DIXON DRIVE Have you make an effort to find even one gift for the annual Dixon Christmas drive? Dec. 10 is the deadline set for this important event. It can be called important because for some of the children this is the only gift they receive each year. Won't you please make a child of Dixon happy just with a minimum of effort on your part. You can deliver your contribution to either the Eckhart home of the Daurio home or call Mr. and Mrs. Daurio at 385-3160 or Mrs. Eckhart at 385-1308. There are only a few days left before the drive is over for another year. RIGHT UP YOUR ALLEY Hie teams are all set for position night on Dec. 14 which marks the end of the first round and then the battle can start again. Each team will bowl on the alley corresponding to its place. Tlie 8-Balls emerged in first place with 18%-9%with Sock It To Me's in second with 18- 10. The Klik is third with 16- with ^15-1$. imcir'e Ys a three^ fair' fifth #it!rftieCrooke Cranes in number 5 position, the Ten Pins in six and the Pandas in seventh with 14-14 each. The positions are decided the total number of pins. The Mosquitoes are eighth with 12&-14& Bierman»s Bombers are ninth and the Er-Ki-Gr-Ki's are tenth with 12-16pointseach. The Bugs are eleventh with 11-17 and Jack's Team is holding the league with 10-18. CURL SCOUT TROOP 320 . We opened our meeting with the flag ceremony given by patrol 1. Everyone gotthings in order for investiture and we practiced the,, ceremony. HOhos and cookies were served for treats. Mrs. Stilling then had the business part of the meeting. Patrol 3 cleaned 19 the kitchen. We were given pointers on the proper dress for investiture on Dec. 4. Parents are invited to attend our imresture. We ended our meeting with taps and the Girl Scout friendship circle. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Kamp, Scribe. 4-H NEWS The Lakeland Merry-Makers 4-H club held their meeting on Nov. 25 at the community house. Jim Curran led the pledges and Larry Fergen gave the treasurer's report. Carol Curran gave the secretary's report. Marvin Fell told about the local achievement we held on Sunday, Nov. 17. Carry Schultz gave the report about the Halloween party. New business; we talked about the Christmas party. The committee for the party is Tom Erber, Colleen Godina, Beth Ridan and Marvin Fell. These people are to meet at Kevin Schultz* s home on Dec. 3. The party is planned for Dec. 22 and we will go Christmas caroling. The meeting was adjourned by Beth Riden with Laurie Backhaus seconding. Recreation was led by Karen Fergen. Your 4-H reporter, Colleen Godina. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS A very happy birthday to Jack Lavin who celebrates on Dec. 7. Dec. 8 is the big day for Meg Oakford who will be six, for Cindy Kamp who will be twelve and for Greg Mayer and Diana Crabill. Phil Bucaro cuts the cake on the ninth and Kurt Lauer will have twelve candles on his. Joyce Braun celebrates. David Wickenkamp will also be twelve on the tenth. Busy week for twelve year olds. Michael Johnson celebrates on the eleventh and the twelfth is the big day for Ed Gladman. Big birthday meetings , to all of them. -- ANNIVERSARY WALT^ Etta and Fran Clark will add another year to their growing collection when they celebrate 's a year's wor trie heat Hint Think The fact is, electric heat costs have come down so much in the last ten years, that sometimes it surprises even us. Of course, we've done our best to help, by lowering electric rates dramatically during that period. Actually, you pay about $200 a year for electric heat in a typical six-room house with proper insulation--the kind most people buy. It all boils down to the fact that you don't have to make a lot of money to have electric heat in your home. - _ S° don't be surprised if someday we say "Think tiny.' Commonwealth Edison Company The are Electric. ' O* E. Co, their wedding anniversary on Dec. 10. bur best wishes for many mora- V; STORK GRAM S : 'Thanksgiving 1968 wiUP fang be remembered in the Grandt home when instead of turkey dinner, Donald Charles made his first appearance to the world. The little fellow who is the second son born to Pat and David Grandt was born at Memorial hospital in Woodstock at 3 p.m. Hei weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and measured 20% inches. Hie has a brother, David,wtrois 22 months old. 7W maternal graiMfearents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates of Lakeland Park and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Lillian Grandt of McHenry. Mfs. Gerber of Lakeland Park is the baby's, maternal great-grandmother/Pat and Dave moved to Woodstock several months ago. CONDOLENCES Our very deepest sympathy is offered to Mr. and Mrs. Hansen on the death of their grandson, James Grovak, 18, who died in an auto accideflt in Chicago on Sunday. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK Now that the wishbone is all dried up and can be wished upon and the last turkey sandwich is down the hatch and the stomach remedies have been all used up we can legally begin, the new rat race to beat Santa Claus to Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates have announced the engagement of their son, Bob to Miss Gwen Wilson of Chicago. They are planning to be married on Dec. 21 at Community Methodist tirarch. Our best wishes Jar lots of happiness. The Girl Scouts from troop 320 are planning a swimming jparty at the new West campus swimming poolon pec. 14. They are working for their water fun badge and will have a swimming (!) time doiig it. That was terrible. John and Dorothea Zimny and the kids polished tq> their specs last Thursday so that they would be sure to. see Johnny in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade on television marching with the1 AirForceacademy band.He was accepted into the Air Force academy in Colorado and has completed basic training. He is there - as a member of the academy marching band and made the first line. This is the primary part of the band and the section that makes all the fob trips, such as to New York for the parade. Little Linda Rose Dolenski was baptized last Sunday at Zion Lutheran church by Pastor Oraef. Her / sponsors were Charles Ritzert of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Lottie Wrecke of McHenry. She Was dressed in a white gown, hat and shoes from Roxanna Fox and a shawl from Aim Zellhoffer. Later in the day sandwiches and cake were served to Mr. and Mrs. John Ritzert. Mr. and Mrs. John Ellison and fiamily, and Bill Dolenski and children of Woodstock* and Mrs. Lola Meyer and daughter and Grandma Ritzert of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Egon Wrecke and daughter, Mrs. Elsie Gale and Mrs. Duffy and Danny. John Miscovic celebrated his second birthday on Nov. 24 in his new home in Sunnyside Estates. Guests for his special day WATER CYCLING . .;. Miss America, Judith Anne Ford Tai"»« to the water on a Hydrocycle at Cypress Gardens, Fla. were Grandpa and Grandma Roshay of Chicago and Granc^a and Grandma Miscovic and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Jim Miscovic spent the weekend in Chicago visiting his brother, Ed, who has an apartment in the big city. Lots to do. * the Roaches officially ended their bird show season with the National show in St. Louis Nov. 21 through 24. Their birds took fifth, seventh and tenth to give them a grand total of five rosettes and eleven trophies for the year. This was done/with five birds and they are! justifiably proud of their accomplishments. Jim judged] the American Singer show in Cincinnati, Ohio, last weekend so they didn't enter any of their singers, but Ray's Pekin Robin was entered in a different class and took second in Section for a rosette which made them very happy. Ray has been visiting with Grandma over the weekend which made it fun for him too. Please don't forget to vote on Tuesday. It is most important to you and to your future. Hie polls are open from 6 6 p.m., - GIRL SCOUT NEWS , V Patrol leader training will be held on Saturday, Dec." 7 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the afternoon at the Zion Lutheran church. 11iis training sessibn which is being organized by Senior and Cadette Girl Scouts is open to all Junior level Girl Scouts and interested Cadettes. All girls attending are to be in uniform and supplied with pencils and paper . Registration for the training session should be made with troop leaders. SHOP $ IN McHINRY BaaBBBQQOBBBBHBBBBBOQfflD McHENRY OOOO-BQiWia SERVICE CENTER £ * gtj i Ornamental Iron and o Structural 11 Steel 11 ADAMS Bros. Hopeiir 3004W.Ri.120 385-0783 ! ! 11 GET THE PABTS YOU WANT - WHEN YOU NEED THEM from Community Auto Supply Phcmc §85-0778 FOES SERVICE 5 COUNTERMEN MikeKaite Frank Maimer Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Sim Pankiewicz .. Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin last! Lakeland P<§ CAR WASE Next to Phillip's 66 Barber Shop ^ • Hair Coloring • Hair Styling • Hair Pieces • Razor Cats 885-7711 Geowj© P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4103 W. Crystal Lake Rd. Home Cooking Hotteimann's Good Food - Fine Prinks Package Goods Edwin Hettermann Johnsburg • McHenry 385-1787 Bus. 335-842D Res. 9§§4!227 General Contractors . McHENRY Phone 385-7851 or 5634 TSATMCH) <3 W SMffi <S gESSWDEl 4605 W. Mb. 120, McHenry We service all makes • TV's • Radio • Stereo • Tape Recorders 385~@f79 • FREE PEEKING tfidxofux James Van Fleet 2501 Martin US. FIcHenry 385-1027 w:.i SmWA FOR AN AD-TAKER Phone 815-385-0170 JACOBSEN lAWfJ MU'.VIR SAUS AND SIRVICI i Exprl Rtpair--Factory treinad roschanics Fall <tock ot gsnuinilactory roplacamant parti . Engiit. tunt-up and complttt uf*ty dwdi . Fm precision tharptninf-- * CawplaH nlcetion o! 'CI Jacabmi lam • S@S-9434 Adams Sepair Sh@p 3102N. Chaps! HUlRd. Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Stofo with a selection of over 1,000 gnns in stock McHENRY Insurance ft Real Estate Earl R. W@lsh life FIra Anto Homeowners' Liability PlaS® QBoss Bonds Mftrinw Workmen's Accident ft Compensation Health Offlca SSS-8800 Rresidemce SS5-8821 842® W. Elm Street Mcfifeaaffy, Illinois, 60050 Complete SoIecM®® Also Regtotes? JM . Our Bridal Regfiote* Agatha ^ 1242 Green St. S85-0097!1 Having Radiator Troubles? Let us FLO-TEST i t ! Our Inland Flo-Test Machine will quickly determine if your trouble i« in the radiator. Most radiators over a year old are partly plugged--soma carioualy. This can cause heating and costly damage to your engine. Wa specialise in "Factory Method" radiator cleaning, repairing and recoring. . ' iVriii^TiTmnTi ms Iroi. Rtpair S«rv» NnttoV.F.W. SOMW. Boole 130 IS VEASS EXPEMENCE Dally 9 \V. Elm ft smEB. 0- 6 Ph. S85-7S20 TMtcan M mad* without removing ndMor from your car PhOM 385-0783 McHsmy. m.<. Be Wise ? Shop fa McHenry PORT-© = CALL ' FeGtEMrMg- PILOT BAR CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS MM N. BircnMa Dfc' MoHsny, Dlinofti ^. HOSTS: W^ft lion' - ' OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11:00 AM. to Qosihg 885-9100 (

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