Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1968, p. 10

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PG. 10 - PlAINI^EALER - FRI. DEC. 20, 1968 PLA1NDEALEB 4- A LIMITED NUMBER OF ^OPENINGS EXIST IN ASSEMBLY ' i£-j LIGHT MACHINE B WOHK i * , Apply Daily 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. B&e Motor Corporation 6801 W. Eft. mT McHenry, Illinois 12-18/12-20-68 BABY SITTER, 7 a.m. to 5 p,m. after 5 p.m. 5 days week. Call 385-9657 12-18/12-23-68 WOMEN for nurses aid in nursing home on, Pistakee Bay near McHenry. 4 p.m. to jmidnight or midnight to 8 a.m. Part or full time. No experience necessary. Will train. Call 815-385-0461. 12-18/12-20-68 Wanted To Rent FARM HOUSE minus land or 3 or 4 bedroom house' in the cbuntry by Jan. t Call 385- PETS FOR SALE GIVE Instant love for Christmas: Weimaraner pup, the famous grey ghosts, AKC registered, championship linej&lQO. Call 312-381-3259. * 12-13/12-25-68 COLLIE PUPPIES, 6 weeks old. Will hold for Christmas, Crystal Lake, 459-6789. 12-18/12*20^68 AKQ REGISTERED Alaskan amutes. Wolf gray and seals. From X-rayed champion stock. Bring special holiday joy to your family with a new puppy. From $100. Call 385-1938. 12-20/12-23-68 MALE AND FEMALE Poodle puppies. Also several yearling Shetland ponies. Rodewald. Call 385-4419. 12-20/12-23-1 Shepherd puppies for Christmas. No papers. $15. Call 653-3146. 12-20/12-23-68 For Rent or For Sale II--<11 II ilH 3 BEDROOM ranch, attached garage. Newly decorated. $135. Security deposit required. 1763. 12-20/12-23-68 ' Call 338-2900. 12-20/12-23-68 HELP WANTED HEVI-DUTY ELECTRIC needs a • Testing Technician High school education plus electronic training and experience. Top wages plus benefits. APPLY IN PERSON 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. HEVI-DUTY ELECTRIC 1009 Wells SL Lake Geneva. Wis. Call 414-248-8881 12-20/12-31-68 lOlKB NOTICES THE (^gip9H;W.Main'St.; • .•: • / " •* .. McHenry : CARRY OUTSt cjy OPEN: 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. ^ mm Call (815) 385-1530 k . , . HELP WANTED £>| Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted OAK HAS A NUMBER OF PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR WOMEN IN SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS. J Secretaires ' Requires good typing & shorthand skills and ability to handle heavy telephone contact duties. Typists Good typing speed. Will also be doing general office duties, such as filing, etc. Key Punch Operators Prefer 1 to 2 years experience in Alphanumeric key punch; If yon qualify for any of these positions, why not call or drop by our Personnel Office today. We offer many fine benefits Including: • Free Proflt-Stasimg • Hospital & life Insurance • Company Paid Education <ft Training Program OAK MANUf ACTURIMO CO. * DIVISION OP OAK ELECTRO/NETICS COW. • Straat Mnm 4S9-MM CRYSTAL LAMS. ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER , • - , ( M • -- HELP WANTED HELP WANlgP Our oyees Invite Ypif To Them At BRAKE PARTS COMPANY NOTICES NOTICES 11 j i '• ii' ; LICENSE PLATE SERVICE DRIVERS & CHAUFFEUR'S RENEWAL License and Bonded Remittance Agent fpr Secretary otState Hi. 120 & 31 McHenry* Illinois CALL 385-9803 FOR BENT BEDROOM house in McCullom Lake. $85 a month. Call &L2-595-0068. 12-18/12-20-68 APARTMENT HOUSE. 2 bedrooms, wall to wall carpeting, central air conditioning. $135 month. Call 385-4010 after 6 p.m. 12-18/12-20-68 BEDROOM home in McHenry. Close to shopping, schools and churches. Full basement, gas heat, fireplace, den, 1 car garage, on large lot. $160 per month. References required. Available Jan. 15. Call 815- 338-1303 between 8 a.m. and p.m. . 12-18/12-20-68 BEDROOM Apt furnished. 2nd floor. 1410 N. Riverside Dr. No children. All utilities paid. $130.00. 385*0905. 12-20-68 NOTICES HEY FELLA1 Stuck for an idea? Your loved one says "Sure wish he would buy me a wig for Christmas!" Go ahead _ be the hero she thinks you arte. ASK US (SALLY, BARB and ELEANORS) 385-7112 We're "Snitchers" 12.13/12-25-68 SA'NTA CLAUS is available for hire on Christmas Eve. Call 385-0111. 12-18/12-20-68 NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts pertaining to Quick Snack Restaurant after Dec. 24, 1968. 810 W. Rand Rd. McHenry. 12-20-27/1-3-69 RESPONSIBLE for my debts only as of December 20, 1968. Mrs. Wayne (Pat) Gay lord 12-20-27/1-3-68 FOB BENT 3 BIG ROOMS, first floor apartmerit, 1 bedroom, basement, heat, water, stove furnished. $85 month, near store and church. Call 385-4139 after 6 p.m. 12-11-68TF1-2 FOR RENT HALL ALL OCCASIONS , UP TO 200 v CASEY'S 2601 S. River Road Grlswold Lake McHenry, Illinois CALL 885-2497 11-1-68TF1-2 HOME on Fox River. 3 bedroom, full basement, 2 car garage. $1T5 month. Glenn Draper Real Estate, 385-5661 12-20/12-23-68 Pots' Hat,.. .... ... Need A Home S MEN ICesfiMcin 1st shift (experienced in machinery and electrical repair) Holders Ass 1st shift 2nd shift Stock Men ' / 1st and 2nd shift Precision Inspectors 1st and 2nd shift (with a minimum of 3 yrs. heavy machine shop experience) WOMEN ie Operators OR Looking For Their Master Aa a public service of the McHenry Plaindcaler all ads ran tinder "Peti That Need A Home" are Ttm. The @a!y stspskements are: The rwHwIi as© So be given away to good homes witemas charge ©? you are trying to find the owner -2 a that has stayed Into your potuwion TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY 10 WEEK OLD housebroken kittens, short haired, multicolored. Call 385-2566 after 4 p.m. 12-13/12-20-68 PUPPY, part Labrador and Great Dane. Call 385-2310 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or 385-1698 after 5 p.m. 12-20-68 4 MONTH OLD mixed Toy Collie and Shepherd. Good with children. Call 653-3146. \. 12-20-68 IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORYpr our; husband and father, FRANK| S. MAY. ^ ' - r - / i ' V a Our hearts are heavy j«g sad today. It's one year since God called you away. " J ;: Beautiful are the memorial* you left behind ' 4 ' Of one who was sincere, faithful and kind. ' j; Lonesome Wife" ,'Snd Daughters. ^r 12-20-68 ROOM furnished apartment. First floor. Call 385-1079. 12-20/12-23-68 ROOM duplex, gas heat. Call 385-1079. 12-20/12-23-68 SITUATION WANTED The McHenry Plaindealer will not fas able to accept ads from people who want to do baby sitting in their home unless the individual person has obtained a license from the State Department of Children and Family Services. This means that anyone providing day care for youngsters in their home for more than 10 hours a week must have a .license. If, however, the individual wishes to go to the youngster's home to baby sit, no license is re< quired. This license is at No Charge to the individual, and information regarding it can be obtained through the McHenry Plalndealer Office. WILL DO, from my home: Ad copy rewriting and revision work, IBM coding, etc. Call 385-5771. ; 9-27-68TF1-2 CARPENTER will do remodeling. Call 385-1523. 12-13/12-25-68 SITUATION WANTED. • Baby sitter for working mo ther. 5 day week. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Prefer baby's home but not necessary. Call after 5:30 p.m. 385-6014. 12-20/12-31-68 Drivers MMpMMG^SCSS WANT® t. PUPPIES AGAIN! Wt tm, call me and Fll come and pick them up. Good homes guarant e e d ; also for your long faalred kittens. Call 385-7897 12-4-68TT1-2 WANT mixed puppies that an to be given away. M weeks old. Littters preferred for Pet Shop. WQl pay JL50 to 93.00 if they are delivered to Pet Shop in Chicago. Call 312- 463-9856 or 312-472-2958. 12-4-68TF1-2 WANTED - Electrical Wiring Jobs. Garages, basements, etc. Phone 653-7608. 12-11-68TF IT m /ER E Jack-in-the-box hazards are waiting to pop out at you when you drive at night. Most fivers are somewhat familiar with many of the hazards encountered at night, These include reduced visibility because of reduced light* fatigue, headlight glare, a grimy windf shield or dirty headlights, smoking too much (It denies oxygen to the brain tnd limits vision), and carbon monoxide poisoning (from a leatar exhaust system). knowing the hazards helps you to compensate for them. But here are a few you may not be familiar with: --Your age. As you age, your ability to see at night decreases. A driver at age 39 needs four times as much illumination as a person 13 years old. He needs eight times as much light at age 52. --Drunk drivers. They are more common at night, and 50 percent or more of all highway fatalities involve a drinking driver. Watch those roadside bars! --Secondary and rural roads. These roads, fraught with hazards, should make drivers doubly cautious. They have many unmarked curves, sharp hills, "blind" intersections, narrow bridges and poor shoulders. They frequently lack reflective road edge markings and reflective traffic signs, which drivers are used to cm major routes and expressway systems. --Stalled, parked and unmarked cars. With their taillights off, they are much harder to see at night. Don't overdrive your headlights. --Unmarked, slow-moving vehicles. Be especially wary of this danger in rural areas, where loaded trucks, tractors and farm machinery may be using the roads after dusk. --Speed. Drivers unconsciously tend to speed up at night, studies show, possibly because of light traffic conditions. A creeping increase in your speed can kill you, so check that speedometer. --Tailgating. Some drivers also tend to follow more closely -- too closely -- at night. Allow them to pass. --Pedestrians and animals. Both are always a potential driving hazard because they are harder to see at night. If you have any choice in the matter, drive during the day. There are hazards enough when the sun is high and bright. LET'S LOOK AT THE ^ -S WORDS** > »V LtNOA MORRIS 2nd shift (light to medium machines) Sorters 2nd shiit (minor product inspection) Order PkCiers 1st shiit «®prs 2nd shift (kit and small boxes) Ass@( 2nd shift OFFICE HOUHS: Monday thron§Ih Saturday* §s@© Fricfef* HID a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - &,ssa. 2® Why not work here in McHenry? & DRAKE PARTS COMPANY WE CARt^BOUT PEOPLE "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 1600 N. 1NDUSWM.DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-385-7002 Female Help Wsated Female IMp WanSed F©miie Help WMled M O D I I S I S ACCOUNTING DEPT. NEEDS: Aid in factory payroll preparation and backup keypunch. Key punch experience not absolutely necessary, but would b^ helpful. Hours may be arranged for a possible 6 hour dayr Phone Personnel Manager for appointment or call in person between the hours of 7 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY -V-l- !; > CALL 653-2841 or 385-3964 MOOINE ' 0 • 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road "an equal opportunity employer" RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS 12-18/12-20*68 Wanda Jackson has been a star from her very first recording . . In her new album, Cream of the Crop, she sounds fresher and more creative than ever before . . . She provides us with a look at her great talent in such songs as Little Boy Soldier, Together Again, I Talk a Pretty Story, Wishing Well, and No Place to Go But Home. . . To every selection Wanda Jackson provides an example of elegance, sophistication and true talent. Merle Haggard is an entertainer who brings a brand of entertainment to his listener that provides refreshing newness coupled with long ago memories . . . Originals in his new Mama Tried include You'll Never Love Me Now, The Sunny Side of My Life, I'll Always Know and Mama Tried . . . Haggard has, deserves and, in this album, proves that he has the admiration of everyone in the country music profession . . . It's easy to see why after listening to this LP. , B I Ain't Good Looking, but I'm Mighty Sweet, could easily be the unalterable description of the character in the Andy Griffith show known as Goober . . . As it is, it is. the title of his first LP in which, Andy attests, Goober does himself mighty proud . , . George Lindsey, who. portrays Goober, does Good Morning Sunshine, My Way of Life, Moccasin Branch, Write Me RFDr and his own title song • • . As George says, When I came to town, I didn't want to be just another pretty Holly- ?°°d face . . . The same can be said about his singing . . And George didn't have a thing to worry about--he sure isn't just another Hollywood I pretty face or pretty voice. \

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