. 6 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. V >>• NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER - 15 MCHENRY AND LAKE 3 COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ^ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been called and will be held in and for Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties,, Illinois,, on Saturday, the llth day of Jan, 1969, at which election there will be submitted to the legal voters bf said School District the following proposition; Shall the Board of Education of Community Consolidated . School District Number 15, , McHenry and Lake Counties, : Illinois, acquire a new school 4 site near the junction of Ringwood Road and State Highway Number 120 in said District and build and equip thereon a new junior high school building and repair, alter, improve and equip the Landmark School Building and issue th6| bonds of said School Districts to the amount of $2,200,000' for said purpose? That for said special election * said School District has been divided into four (4) election precincts, the boundaries of which and the polling place for each are as follows: ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 1 That part of Community Consolidated School District No. 15, McHenry and Lake Counties Illinois, lying in Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian,, McHenry County, Illinois, except that part lying in Sections 21 and 22; also that part of said District lying, in Township 44 North, Range 8' East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois; also that part of said District' lying in Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, except that part lying in Sections 31 and 32; also all that part of said District lying in Lake County, Illinois. Polling Place: McHenry Community High School Building, Boys Gym Entrance, McHenry. Illinois. ELECTION PRECINCT NO.2 That part of Community Consolidated School District No. 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois, which is situate^ within Sections 5 and 6, Township 44 North, Range 9, East of. the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Ulinois, aria also all that part of Community Consolidated School District No* 15 which is situated within Sec* tions 31 and 32, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. Polling Place: Fire House in the Village of Lakemoety^llinois. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 3 That part of Community Consolidated School District No. 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, niinois, which is situated within Sections 21 and 22, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. Polling Place: Beach House in the Village of McCullom Lake. Illinois. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 4 That part of Community Consolidated School District No. 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 7,8,17,18,19 and 20 Township 44 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Mgri^n, McHenry County, HPolling Place: Casey's Hall 2601 S. River Road, McHenry. Illinois. Voters must vote at thtfpolling place designated for the election precinct within which they reside. The polls at said election will be opened at 8:00 o'clock A.M. and will be closed at 8:00 o'clock P.M. mi said day. By order or the Board of Education of Community 'Consolidated School District No. 15, McHenry and Lake Counties. Illinois. DATED this 17th day of December, 1968. \ "v v• J4 Thomas L. Lawson i Secretary, Board of Education Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties^ Illinois . 30;. . A.J. Uttich^?:v,;^-^-.-,i,;-r.^ • President, Board of Education Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties. Illinois. BUB.: Dec. 20, 1968 IEGAI NOTICE NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on December 2nd, A.D. 1968, a certificate was filed fn the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and postoffice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as BUNGALOW INN located at 620 West Rand Road, McHenry, Illinois. Dated this 2nd day of December, A.D. 1968. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk. t Publish: Dec. 6,13,20, 1968 Only Lights Antartica's only street lamps glow at McMurdo Sound, the United States base there. The lights are powered by an atomic reactor. • * * Low Water The lowest body of water In the Western Hemisphere, Bad water Pool, lies 280 feet below sea level in Death Valley, California. Wary Christi Offer... Brjng your children. Visit with Santa from your carl Sat., Dec. 21st 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. AT JEFFERSON Gas for Less Rte. 120 & RR Tracks McHenry I FOIIA HEME SMORGASBORD MONDAY, ECEMBER23,! 968 All you can eat 12 different kinds of meat 10 different salads $1.75 Homemade bread served. Homemade dessert included 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p, , m, VINCE AND RICHARD Depot Restaurant \ I look for an old Milwaukee Road Depot Building at the intersection | of 12 & 31 .,| (We will be closed et 8:00 p.m., Decflmber 23 I To January 2nd for vacation and remodeling) j Mrs. George Phalin has returned from a week's visit in the home of her daughter^ Mrs. Jack Zola, in Minneapolis, Minn., and while there had the pleasure of attending aCourtof Honor and seeing her grandson, JohnZoia, being made an Eagle Scout. Mrs. Agnes Wissell accompanied her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Heike, and children of Mundelein, to Watertown, Wis., to spend a recent day in the home of her son, Robert Wissell, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zickus spent a few days this week With their "ions and families^'th Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Schimian of Palatums spent a recent day in the Arthur Hoppe home and their guests on Sunday were Mr. aild Mrs. Alfred Hantel of Skokie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schoenholiz of Carpentersville and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hogan, Tom and Felicia, Crystal Lake, were entertained at a pre-Christmas party in the M. L. Schoenholtz home Sunday. Mrs. Martin Stoffel of Omaha, Nebr., who is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Angela Ruesch, in Milwaukee, Mrs. Catherine Hintz, Mr* and Mrs. Charles Stoffel and Harold Steber ofMIlwaukeewereguests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel Monday. Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Emma King were Mrs. Pauline Temp and son, Milton Scroggins, and children ofWaukegan. Mrs. Helen Heuser has moved from the Blake apartment at 1511 Richmond road to the Justen apartment at 1S08B N. Green street. : x Henry Heuser of Chicagoand Richard Heuser of Bellwood accompanied by their families ; spent a recent day with their mother, Mrs. Helen Heuser. 'Mrs. Earl Brown has returned from a five weeks visit in the home , of her granddaughter, Mrs. Donna Dethorne, and son, Tod, in YuMpa, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer spent a recent day in Waukegan where they visited friends and she attended a meeting of her pinochle club. Misses Myra and Edna! Speaker of. Richmond were recent guests of their sister, Mrs. Leslie Olsen. Miss Maribeth TTiompsonwas j. weekend guest of Mykell and Clarify taw Announcing ElectionFiling Dates MAKE YOUR OWN TV TIST Dates governing filings for municipal jrimaiy electiwB are. those "given in the election calendar compiled by his Office, sixty-nine through fifty-nine days prior to the primary election, Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced. Mr. Powell said he was making the announcement because Butch Olsen in Dubuque, Iowa. John Thompson of Kansasville, Wis., visited his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Saturday. Bill \ Petersen of Hastings, Minn., who is attending a national cash register school at Waterloo, Iowa, was a weekend guest in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen last Friday evening honoring the birthdays of their grandson, Richard Olsen, of Crystal Lake, and their son-inlaw, James Kline, of Woodstock. The evening was spent in visiting, refreshments of birthday cfake, ice cream and cotfee served and the honored guests presented with gifts. the Index division, the unit which compiles the election calendar, has been flooded with inquiries from news media, city clerics and attorneys asking for claarth fication of the law following issuance of a news letter from the Illinois Municipal League' saying the filing period was 55 through 45 days prior to the election. Don Ed, head of the Index division, said that the 69through 59 filing period as carried inthe Secretary of State's publication is' correct. He stated that the filing days were advanced^ the 1967 session for/estate, county and municipal elections. He further stated that House Sill No. 359 advanced the period for municipal elections. Therefore, the 69 through 59 day filing period as carried in the Secretary of State's publication is law and should apply to the municipal election to be held in 1969. Senate Bill No. 1887, signed into law Sept. 6, 1968, merely consolidated three separate enactments passed in the 1967 regular session that amended Section 7-12 of the Illinois ElectioniCode. 1. Copt. Greer of The Mod J:V-Squad.V-<;• JorPepitone Bill Dana Tige Andrews 2. Star of movie "Guerillas in Pink Lace.". Dave Garroway . George Montgomery : V David Niven 3. .He's1 often in roje .of George Appleby. ^ - Jack Benny Red Skelton u V Bob Hope 4. Star of Four Guns to the : Border,."-- . ' . _ Rory Calhoun Cliff Robertion David VVayne 5.. Star of movie, "El Cid." Chariton Heston ; / ' Tyrone-Power ; • Dick Powell ;uoj ou - | .'J9A9 A|pJOL| - ^ OOMBjA euijjeiuos-- 0 'jeipjDM jusnb -eji - p 'liedxe - 5 =3llODS :uo|se^ •unomo^ uoj|G))s Ajeaio6 -JUOW SM9jpuv :SM3AASNV •'W ristmas Ml Court Of Honor Held Scout Troop No. 145 If a filing period is used other than that provided by statute, the validity of the municipal election could be questioned, Secretary Powell pointed out. Cub Scouts John Emerson, Tom Hughes and Roy Breede, of Pack 458, with Den Mothers Marge Connell and Helen Boettcher, Cub Scout Reader Jack White and VFW auxiliary President June Schmunk gather around some of the canned goods which were collected by the Cub Scouts in Holiday Hills. The ladies' auxiliary sponsors the Cub Scouts, members of which collected these foods to be used in the Christmas baskets for the needy to be distributed by the VFW Post 4600 and the ladies' auxiliary. The Boy Scout Troop 145, Wonder Lake, Court of honor opened with the tenderfoot ceremony. The following boys were inducted in as tenderfoot: Kendell Street, Richard Healess, Mike Bird, Dwight Lagoo, Alfred Gerick, Tom Lindgren, Matt Schuster, Casey Wright and Kevin Neilsen. • ' J ": ; Kevin O'Brien,--William Dicker and Steve May received their second class award. First class awards werepresented Dan Smutney, Tom Van Kanegan, Scott Topp, Mark Schuster, Jerry Palko Jr., Vie*; tor Hopp, Tom Low, Ed Weisen-' berger and Jim McMillian. k Mark Ehredt and David Betts received their Star awards. A Life award was presented Ed Betts. v Warranty officers were presented their insignias. They included Mark Ehredt, senior patrol leader; George Smutney, assistant senior patrol leader; Tom Van Kanegan, scribe; Ray Wenk, librarian; Mike Jones, quartermaster -and Mark Kaefer, instructor. The following boys _ were introduced as patrol leaders: Jim McMillian, Tom Low, Ed Weisenberger, Mark Schuster' and Jerry Palko. / Earl Betts, committee chairman, introduced Ward Ehredt as institutional representative; John Doherty, scoutmaster; George Smutney and Jerry Palko, assistant scoutmasters; John Hendricks and Terry Biroschik as committeemen; Bob Betts, treasurer and Ray Wenk, secretary. ; The E^tarera, ubder the supervision of Tom Kaefer, Earl Betts Jr. and Bob Betts, had, charge of the presentation of colors. , " " v Waird Ehredt resigtted hil position as institutional representative, becoming president of the institutional body Kiwanis. Terry Biroschik will succeed Mr. ESiredt. ' •'a SIX TO VISIT TAIWAN FROM ROTARY PROJECT • Six young business men from the Chicago area who will visit Taiwan for eight weeks include two policemen, a YMCA director, a minister, a manufacturer, and a phone company manager. The sixsome are "the winners" among forty nominees for the trip, sponsored by Rotary International. Individual interviews culled the list to twenty, then more interviews, plus "miles of applications" finally brought forth the finalists, who'll travel under guidance of Glenview Rotarian Ken Ramsey as the district governor's representative. The American team making the trip comprises the; other half of the Rotary project when six men from TaiWan spent eight weeks this past year visiting schools, churches, businesses, municipal facilities and industries in the Chicago area. Purpose of the Groiq> Study Exchange program of Rotary International is to provide the opportunity for young (31-35) non -Rotarian businessmen to become acquainted with other peoples of the world; and promote world understanding. The six team members include: Illinois Bell Telephone company manager, David Brown of Harvey, sponsored by Oak Lawn Rotary club, has indicated an interest in analyzing Taiwan THIS ;m* q-- 1,872-page Encyclopedic ;^wa«lD College Dictionary with the purchase of an OLIVETTI UNDERWOOD Permanent Portable Typewriter.* The ideal Christmas gift for students, businessmen and housewives. A welcome bonus for Christmas and for all the many days after the holidays. SHOP EARLY; we could run out of dictionaries. 'Available only from participating Dealers with the keyboard tabulation Letters 32, Lettera 33 and Underwood 21 - from $69.50 iHct/eHtif Cwhtif Office tHacftineJ, Jhtc. 93 Grant Street Crystal Lake, 111.60014 Phone :815-459-1226 Gifts for his Easy - Cam living fashioned in the ditiomal Ma Sport Co by Hart Schaffner & Mam from by Curlee Contrasting Slacks by JayMar Schaffner & Marx by Curlee from $19.95 Levi's Sta-prest $7 Van Heusen Shirts Vanopress - permanently pffebsed. Stripes - cheeks - solid calint and white. $5.50 t<kM8 Van Heusen Sport Skirts mMmM Vanopress fabrics-no-iron. n^tifaper 417 styling. Solid Golors^-BtHpies and checks. $6 US' Carter & Holme* T4ks Colors to blend or contrbsi-rwith tne new shirt and coaf shades! II Swank Jewelry Cuff links/tie bars regor Sweaters from Tie Bars or from Tacs Pullovers fine Wools from dfrrt Worsted Wools Country Squire Jantzen Pullovers Paris Belts - .1 "J? '»». %-v Fine Leather from $2 to $6 i.« From Jockey Socks Alpaca & Wool $22.50 ih fine Vfeol 13 . Ban Ions Triumph Or Ions $1.50 Umbrellas of Fine Quality from $5.00 Pass Port 360 by Van Heusen Cologne from $3.50 After Shave from $3.00 If you are still in doubt Give him a GIFT CERTIFICATE in any amount you wish Curlee >coats Water repellant finish All wool worsted GABARI1E All Weather Coats 50% Dacron with Zip-Out Orion Liner 5>TORE for MEN Evenings Till 9:00 - Sat. 9 - 6 - ClMMSui 1245 N. Green 5t. McHenry Phone 385-0047 FRI. DEC. 20, 1968 - communications sc Dennis Johnson, rector of Elgin YMCA, sponsored by the Elgin club, has shown a desire to study social agencies and what they aredoirg for the urban problems in /Taiwan. Terry O'Brien of ParkRifee, industrialist, sponsored by Niles Rotary club, has indicated he hopes to visit many factories and business offices, with interviews with the owners and managers. Visiting Temples, and educational institutions will be the prime target for Tom O'Connor, pastor of Watson Park United church in Chicago. He is sponsored by Rotary club. ' Sgt. Robert Popeck of the Batavia police department, and sponsored by Batavia club, has indicated a desire to study the courts, all phases of police work, and local government procedures. Sgt. Richard Reidof Arlington Heights police department has expressed the wish totour penal institutions, review judicial and court systems, and visit with amateur radio enthusiasts. Special attempt will be made for the American team members to talk to their families in the U. S. via amateur radio. He is sponsored by the Arlington Heights Rotary club. Leader of the group, Ken Ramsey, insurance executive, plans to visit recreation areas PLAINDEALER-PG. 7 Complete Travel Arrangements Reservations and Tickets for all Airilnea Steamship • Toon Hallroads • Car (Cruises Rentals Motels ft Motels Flight, Travel and Baggage Insurance American Express Travelers Checks Chain-O-lak Travel Servii ce & 3405 W. ram St. McHeuys 385-7500 A extra sidetrips on the way back. Upon their return the men will speak of their experiences and impressions to Rotary clubs, Make Study On, Highway Patrol The Illinois State Police conducting an eighteen study on specific for interstate highway patrol oil Interstate Highy bert S. Hinds said that will cover 150 miles of the new Interstate highway and will be the first of its kind in the nr'Jon, linking patrol results to a computer data bank in the Department of Public Safety. "This detailed study will determine new standards for effective law enforcement on an Interstate highway," Superintendent Hinds said. "We will define patrol coverage for optimum use of men and methods. Data from the early stages will be used to construct a statistical model for allocation of resources. "Later stages will see these facts checked out in the prediction of work loads and evaluation of various patrol techniques. We will be able to evaluate effects of all enforcement tools against the growing volume of Interstate traffic." - Director of Public Safety Ross V. Randolph said that the study would also assess the requirement for police services to motorists. "Some squad cars will be equipped with fuel transfer equipment and with a bumper suitable for pushing stalled vehicles. Experience has shown that the longer a stalled vehicle remains on an Interstate, the more probability of additional vehicles and people being involved in an accident," Randolph explained. •WUMmMMMMMK SANTA'S C®MING Al's While House 2028 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. DECEMBER 22 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Gift for all the Children Yes We Are Open Christmas Day Make Your Re^|£.vation Early gpecia2,^W^to S a g . C h m b r v r f V JMP m&w dbnnUcMHiu mrcmmsMw* riiiwri J See Our Fine Selection Of Christmas Cards BOL(GEM*S Drug Store 1259 N. Green McHenry 385-4500 rii'-f us •r'fl ni alii wi