dy Russell, junior custodian; Kathy Mueller, \ inner guard; and June Campbdll, outer guard. Connie Safimap, past honored qiieen of Bethel 98, acted as Peggy's installing officer for the evening, with the following other past honoredqueens assisting, Lorilee Klontz, installing guide; Ruth Lighter, installing Bethel No. 98, McHenry, 111 inois International; Order of Job's Daughters, held installation of officers on Saturday^ Dec* 21, at Acacia Masonic He mple, Peggy Peterson was installed as honored queerr. Serving as line officers were Vickie Lagios, senior princess; Donna Weichmann, junior princess; Valorie Vicek, guide; Lois Nelson, marshal; Merideth Hill, recorder; Louine Klontz* treasurer; Diane Dearmont, as chaplain; Mary Kelly, librarian; Martha Mauck; musician; Kathy Tessendorf, first messenger; Jeanne Schultz, second messenger; Lynn Tomlinson, . third messenger; Mary EakinS, as fourth messenger; Sharon Davidson, fifth messenger; Diane Bradley, senior ctistodian; Cinmarshal; Karen Larson, stalling chaplain Libby Stiner PEGGY PETERSON spring, installing recorder; Kris: Fourhier,installing escort; Joann Weichmann, installing senior custodian; and Pam Frank, installing junior custodian. 1 '• .. - ,'•*'.' Installing soloist " was Janet Drayton, with Gwen Hill as installing organist. The ode to the flag was presented by Jack Weichmann, Bi- Santa uaus is snown telling a Christmas story to youngsters at the Easter Seal Therapy center who attended the Christmas party Saturday. Hie event was staged by the Easter Seal auxiliary. An estimated 100 attended. Household Drugs May Cause Defects, S£;. ' - ¥- March of Dimes Physician Warns LSD and thalidomide tome to mind immediately when we think of drugs jiyhich may cause birth delects. But more and more. scientists are* equally suspicious of the commcmplace ^dedications found in the family medicine chest. ! Even simple remedies such as aspirin are under investigation. So are vitamins in excessive doses, nose drops and many other over-the-counter Medicines. s Some experts fear that overemphasis on the; -dramatically dangerous drugs overshadows, a far . more important fact-- until scientists understand more clearly how chemicals jaffect the child in the womb, pll drugs are suspect. 5 • A "terminology gap" in the popular definition of drugs has fclouded' this important point, according to Dr. Virginia Apgar, vice president for medical affairs of The National- Foundation- March of Dimes. "The word 'drugs' has come to mean only the«^addicling narcotics and barbiturates, or Gaye Vinsik Chairmans Party *Sr~- For Handicapped . Ma'cMurray college student residents of Main hall recently hosted about twenty-five handicapped children and their parents from the Jacksonville area at a Christmas party. Students made all the necessary arrangements and a MacMurray student played Santa Claus. Gifts for the party were furnished by the Main hall social fund with over twenty-five students acting as hostessed for the occasion. Miss Gaye Vinsik, a counselor was chairman and Jim Baker played Santa Claus. Gayeis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Vinsik of Rt. 9, McHenry. CLASS REUNION Friday, Dec. 27, the 1964 class of Marian Central "high school will hold its first reunion. Beginning at 8 p.m. they will enjoy dance music at the VFW Hall in McHenry. For more information call 815-385- 6043. PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - Open Parent Classes Jan. 6 The next session of the free "Preparation for Parenthood" class at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County will begin Monday, .Jan. 6. A second session will be held Jan. 13, Mrs. Carolyn Stratton, R. N„ in charge of the program, announced. This is an advance notice for mothers-to-be planning to attend should obtain a routine permit slip from their physician sometime before the classes begin. Fathers-to-be are encouraged to-attend. The free sessions begin at 8 p.m. and are held in the hospital dining room; > The ftfst class concerns prenatal care with a film on the topic, followed by discussion. The second session includes movies on labor and delivery. Care of the mother and newborn baby are stressed in the final cl^ss. Staff doctors and nurses take part in this program, giving their time anjcl service to aid parents-to-be. This course is part of a continuing service program at Memorial Hospital and is held quarterly. ISv ble escort by Peg Arnold and the Rose Ceremony by Paul Schwegel. Susan Melenius presented Peggy with her doll and Terry Cantwell, her flowers. Pastor David Aliin of Nativity Lutheran church of Wonder Lake gave the benediction. Peggy reigned as a veryj#- vely and gracious queen and is now looking forward to her term of office. She has chosen the theme, "God's Will be Done". Her jguests of honor tor the evening were her parents. Following the ceremony, refreshments were served to her many Jobie friends and guests. Entertainment was provided by her father at the organ and her brother at the guitar. Chris Newkirk In Fraternity's Announce Engagement Holy Name Father-Son Communion The Holy Name society of St. Patrick's church will have its annual father and son Communion breakfast in the church hall on Sunday, Dec. 29, after 8:30 Mass. An installation of Holy Name officers will folldty. A fine turnout of fathers and sons is expected. Betrothal Told */*; > : SANDRA LEE BERKLEY t Mr. and Mrs. Herman Berkley of McHenry annoyince the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Lee, to Frederick C. Kupstis, son of Mrs. Irma Gunther of Sunny side. Miss Berkley is a 1964 graduate of McHenry high school and Mr. Kupstis graduated in 1963 from Marian Central school IP'Woodstock. Both young people are presently - employed in McHenry. A fall wedding is planned. N O T I C E McHenry School of Beauty Culture will be open for patrons all day Monday, Dec. 23 and Dec. 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Christmas Eve day and New Year's Eve -.;.Open from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. LINCOLN AND CHARLES AVES MALFORMED ARMS AND LEGS of a patient at a March of Dimes Birth Defects Center resemble those of thalidomide victims. Scientists suspect that other drugs found in the average medicine cabinet may cause bther birth defects. the mind-expanding marijuana, LSD and 'speed.' But the truth is that drugs include the whole range of chemicals human beings may take in the form of pills, powders, capsules, injections, inhalents or by absorption through the skin," Dr. Apgar says. One reason for increased suspicion of all drugs is the relatively recent medical awareness that the womb is not a perfectly safe haven. Physicians once thought it to be completely protected by the placenta, preventing harmful agents from being passed by the mother to the unborn child. Today, doctors who used to speak confidently of the "placental barrier" as an im- . pervious, natural protective agent, know that the theory and the barrier are full of holes. In its prenatal care literature, The National Foundation- March of Dimes, which entered the field of birth defects after the conquest of polio, warns all women of childbearing age against selfmedication, home remedies, and "borrowing" pills from friends and relatives. Even prescription drugs normally taken without ill effect should be re-evaluated by a physician when pregnancy is a possibility. No woman, of course, should refuse to take medicine which her doctor considers essential to her overall health. Indeed, failure to take needed medication may be as dangerous to a developing fetus as random self-medication. If an expectant mother is under the care of more than one specialist, each doctor NAIM Chapter WilJ.f Jn^tall New Officers •* St. Margaret chapter of Nairn will have installation of officers and a smorgasbord on Jan. 8 at 7:30 o'clock at the McHenry Country club. Members are asked to bring a friend. Reservations must be made by Jan. 5 by calling Mrs. Bernard A. (Anita) Freund. Meetings are held at St. Mary's school in McHenry on the third Friday of each month. should know what has been prescribed by the other since some chemicals of relatively low risk.by themselves may be hazardous in combination with other drugs. Taking exactly the prescribed amount is also important -- twice what the doctor orders does not do. twice as tnuch good. -Many people are surprised that such things as vitamins are considered drugs. But vitamins are chemicals. Too much vitamin K, for example, sometimes causes jaundice which can damage an unborn child's central nervous system. Too much vitamin D during pregnancy can cause excess calcium in the baby, a condition which may be relateqj to defects of the heart and bones as well as to mental retardation. Using nose drops is not generally recognized as "taking drugs." Yet nose drops which are powerful enough to contract the blood vessels of the nose may also be strong enough to contract the blood vessels of the placenta and placental bed, reducing the oxygen and nutrition the fetus receives. Many drugs, whether they have been available for a long time or are new developments, have great merit as aids to human health and comfort. Dr. Apgar admits. "But before we take or freely prescribe any chemical, new or old, it behooves all of us--doctors, laymen and, especially potential parents--to consider first what the ultimate cost might be to future generations." rs< Mrs. Paul Yanda is spending two weeks during the holidays with relatives fri Minneapolis and Winnebago, Minn. LET'S LOOK AT THE ^ & RECORDS J- •» V BY LINDA MORRIS ,<s> Things happen suddenly in show business . . . Suddenly, for example, you look around and find hundreds of Tony Bruno fans ... He happened fast ... In Tony's second album, I'm Feeling It Now, his fantastic originality with his musical interpretations range from Didn't We by Jim Webb to Little Green Apples by Bobby Russell . . . to songs by Lennou- McCartney, Tim Hardin and most importantly, five original songs written by Tony . . . Tony, like his new album, is original, confident and a truly remarkable performer. Sweet Rosie Jones is Buck Owens' newest and possibly his greatest album sucess . . . Buck wrote it, Buck plays on it, Buck sings it and it has that unmistakable Owens sound that comes only from that pure country freshness. . . Hie album contains nine new Buck Owrens originals . . Each of these is not only songwriting at its finest, but also solid singing entertainment at its best, by one of the most versatile, creative and talented acts- in the history of country music--Buck Owens and His Buckaroos. Will You Visit Me On Sundays? is a ballad of a prisoner's last hours on earth and of his farewell wish--that his sweetheart remember him fondly after he's gone . . . Dallas Frazier wrote it and Charlie Louvin sings it and gives it the honesty and simplicity that makes him a truly great country artist . . . Three of the cuts The Proof Is in the Kissing, Tears, Wine and Flowers and Still Loving You are songs written by Charlie and these, along with the others, are indeed sounds of a first class professional which will provide a very special listening treat. ii® k - , r , ' 4 ' ' N M ( I A ' MARILYN JO SMITH Hie Milton college Delta Gamma chapter of the Sigma Pi National fraternity announced that Chris Newkirk, McHenry, has been elected as its Sage, the highest office in a local chapter. . Other officers elected for this year are: Robert Foote, Wauwatosa, first counselor; James Cheatham, McHenry, second counselor; Dennis Pufahl, Harvard, third counselor; Sidney Bliss, Jr., Fontana, fourth counselor; and Jerry Poweleit, Lake Mills, herald. The Greek organization also announced a five-man pledge class for this semester. They are Alan Olsen, McHenry; Hardy Penzer, Lawrence, N. Y.; Dennis Pitcher, Peoria; Joel Winn,- Fort Atkinson; and Mike Zank, Woodstock. The pledge class brings the total membership of the fraternity to fortythree men. i t -4$ '-not Home-School Plans Festive New Year Party A festive evening is being planned by St. John's Home and School association for New Year's Eve this year at the Johnsburg Community club. The evening begins at 9 p.m. with dancing to a fine band. A smorgasbord will be served at midnight. Shop In McHenry Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith of 235 S. Mechanic, Winchester, 111., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Jo, to James E. Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Meyers of 2406 W. Johnsburg, McHenry. They plan an August wedding. Miss Smith attends Western Illinois university at Macomb, where she is a junior majoring in home economics. Her fiance is a senior at the school, majoring in physical education. Early Birds Breakfast at BH1 Lindwftll's Lamplighter Cafo SS1S W, Elm Street Open Every Day 5 a.m. WE'LL, FILL YOUR THERMOS HAVE A BALL New Year's Eve at the Mc Henry V.F.W. DEADLINE FOR REFUNDS AND EXCHANGESiON CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE IS 8 SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 AT$ P.M. I I 1219 N. Green St. - McHenry c°Mnm rfSS- 8 9 9 9 9 Bob Freund, & His Orchestra Proms Weddings . Summer formats Phone 338-4030 on the Square BeudAfUstovall > & Famous Brands - Woodstock r * Midnight Buffet , 9 9 $5.0Q per Person, 1 : A. / ' -V i •• ' ' • . ' Call 385-9860 Noisemakers Adv. Reserv. Limit 300 •V