Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1969, p. 6

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PG. 6 - PLAINDEALER- FRI. JAN. 3, 1969 I I \ iULtJti Earl Walsh SO I HEAR j Sports Editor McHenry Sophomores Make Good Showing In Wrestling Tourney - • J » 1 ^Most of us will slip and write i 1968 for a while, but most are • ahxrous to Rive 1-969 a chance to ' produce less turmoil^and more ^peaceful times I \ In this day of supposed civilization, it is hard to understand man's inhumanity to man. Reports of mistreatment of prisoners of war make us think that civilization has a long way "to go. The Rose • Bowl parade and others showed us the brighter side on New Year's day; The flowers were beautiful so were th$ girls. However, it was the beaut i ful horses .that took qur eye. After all, you don't see beautiful horses every day!' V The spirit was great in the I football games and teams were £ well coached. Ohio State left no ^ doubt as to the No. 1 rating. t. Southern C al is said to have , lost on fumbles. We have to remember that ball carriers don't " just- drop the ball. They are hit hard and tackles are desjgneclto tug their arms, away from the y ball. It's all in the game. That Texas-Tennessee „g3me was billed as a close battle, but somebody goofe.d ontheodds making. Tennessee didn't look like they belonged on the same field, with thoae prancing •Texans. Had to dig out our schedule on high school athletic events. On Tues., Jan. 7, our wrestlers will be at home to Antioch. Friday, Jan. 10 shows basketball games at Crystal Lake. On the same date, the Crystal Lake wrestlers will be here. So starts Young 1969. -Tow--trucks, are, busy--thasfion edge the last, few days. We were happy to have pur daughter, "Trish", home for Christmas, but prayed her all the way back - to Detroit on Monday. We hoped h6r guardian angel would " fly above her car all the- way. Guess it worked out that way. With the holidays, over we may now kpow which day is Sunday. We are grateful for all help on the sports page the past year. If you have any sports news for the 'page or any little gems for "S.I.H." , pleas? send them to us. Woodstock Frosh Beat MCHS In Two Overtimes McHenry Warriors suffered their second defeat of the season at the hands of Woodstock fresh- * men. But it took the Woodstock Cagers two overtimes to ,hand the scrappy Warriors the defeat, 34-32. McHetiry trailed throughput the contest and was six points behind with 50 seconds left. But, tlie Warriors never quit and were rewarded with a tie but could not pull it out as they took 5 shots, hitting only 1 to Woodstock's 2 shots, hitting none. Their - next contest win be January 11 against Crystal Lake at McHenry High East, 9 a.m. Rogers and Weingart Awarded First Place Champions Trophies &by Paul Palmateer At Wauconda, Sat. Etec. 21, twelve McHenry wrestlers represented McHenry Community High School. Only six of these twelve wrestled with McHenry last year. Nine were able to qualify for the championship round. - At the end of the first round, McHenry led by five Points. Winners for McHenry in' this •round were Rick Rogers* at 95, t)on Ratliff at 103, Ken Congdon at 112, Terry Beno at 133,Scott; Anderson at 138, Dennis Hovseth at 145, Bob Weingart at 154, Dean Heise, at 180 and Tom Fry atjjwl. The field was narrowed to six in the second round. These went into championship round: Rogers, Ratliff, Congdon, Beno, Weingart, Heise & Fry, with Rogers and Weingart coming out victorious. Wrestling in the consolation round were Congdon, Anderson , and Hovseth. The surprise wrestler of the tourney for McHenry was Dean Heise, at ISO, who, with only two weeks of practice pinned his Ice Skating Don't risk skating on frozen bodies oi water until the (-rust is at least lour inches fieep. If possible. skate only in supervised areas; preferable - on ice rinks not deeper than a foot or two. If u r n a r e p l a n n i n g t o s k a t e o n j j frozen lake, river or pond whpfc the water is "nenerallv deep, make sure the ice isD strong enouuh to support vou. Also, '•ykato with a--^iaimpaninn as a days. Weather reports kept us safetv precaution. Life Begins * » ' 'v# l 'jr • mmm 'first two opponents, after trailing by as much as 10 points during the matches. Trophies were awarded to Rick Rogers and Bob Weingart. Second Place Medals went to Don Ratliff, Terry Beno, Dean Heise, and Tom P ry. Third Place Medals given to Scott Anderson, arid 4th place ribbons were received by Ken Congdon and Dennis Hovseth. Coached by Paul Palmateer, McHenry took 81 points, placing them in 3rd place for the tournament, out of a field of eight. Deerfield, with an outstanding reputation; took first, while Glen Brook squeezed into second in the final round. The next outing will be at home "against Antioch, a tough team, Tues., January 7, at 6:45 in the West Campus wrestlihg room* Tourney Results 1. Deerfield 91 points „ 2. Glenbrook South 85 points 3. McHenry 81 points 4. Wauconda 33 points 5. Grayslake 32 points 6. Libertyville 32 points 7. Lake Park 17 points ^ 8. Lake Forest 16 points MISSILE WAtCHDOG OF THE NORTH . .'. Three radar sites make up the North America Air Defense Command's Ballistic Missile Early Warning System, which scans the top of the world to give warning of an intercontinental ballistic missile attack against North America. Locations of the sites are Clear. Alaska: Thule. Greenland; and Flyingdales Moor in Northern England. The teujge stee. antennas are the si/e of a football field on its side aqd) have an effective range of more than 3,000 miles. The Drivets Seat There ate, certain hours when the driver of an automdbile is more likely to fee killed in an accident than at other times of day. V Says the National Safety Council: "During the first few hours after midnight, fatal motor-vehicle accidents reach a peak rate nearly ten times higher than the low rate' for the day, which. occurs during the late morning hours." v "The Fatal H6urs," they can be called. Why is driving after midnight much more dangerous than driving during the day? Some of the answers are: 1. More drunken drivers. 2. Generally reduced visibility of the dangers on unlighted highways. 3. Speeding. With less traffic .on the highways, drivers tend to drive faster. f 4. " Highway hypnosis" induced by darkness and isolated lights in darkness -- even dashboard lights. 5. People are tired. People driving after midnight are more likely to be tired in the first place, and likely to get still more tired from the tensions accompanying night driving. 6. Shadows can play optical tricks on the eyes of a person accustomed to driving a road only "during the day. The basic solution to the night-driving problem is greater visibility for drivers. Headlights and artificial highway lighting help, but the greatest advance in night-driving safety has been reflectivity! The alternative to providing more light for night visibility. (Can you imagine what it would cost to light every, mile of road in this country?) is to make objects -- cars, signs, bridges and the road, itself -- more visible in the light that exists. This is where the principle of retro-reflectivity -- the directing of light back to its source -- comes in. Retro-reflective coatings are applied to traffic signs, highway centers, lanes and edges, and many other thiijgs the night-driver needs to see. 'And thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have adopted reflective "safety" license plates to make the cars on their roads more visible at night. But there still remain two things the night-driver can do for himself -- plan his route, and stay awake jyicl alert. SPORTpOMRfjj TAeDOA* D'C7~EZ> £LVW HAYES LLAMD TOMASELLCS THURS.NITE LADIES T.N.T. LEAGUE 12-19-68 K. Edstrom 196; P. Hiller 235- 511; D. Hiller 192-483; M. Hettermann 174-499; J. Kennebeck 184-481; L. LaBay 180-180-528; -C. May 475; L. Anderson 174-; J. Fischer 199-482; E. Smith 218-503; M. Johnston 172; H„ Thelen 180; V. Smith 190-192- 526; L. A. Smith 211. -12-26-68 J. Kennebeck 189-512; V. Smith 196-490; £ Rad 170-488; M. Smith 181-220-552; M. Freund 207-472; M. L. Olson 478; A. Oeffling 193-484. * Hails: _ 4-10 - J. Fischer „ LET'S LOOK AT THE K n RECORDS s j* 0 BY L I N D A MORRIS - ' 'BOOQOOCQQOOQOPOOOOOOOOOOOQBMSOOOOftOPtf One of the most popular and respected groups in the recording business is The L e t t e r m e n . . . T h e i r a l b u m s sell big with both young and old and their choice of songs is varied and fxesh . . Their ' l a t e s t a l b u m , I \ i t Y o u r H e a d On My Shoulder is no exception . : . A little bit of nostalgia with the old and a strong d a s h o f t h e m o d - - w i t h p o p <?ongs arid The. Lettermen find themselves with another hit . . . 'l*his time around, they do such favorites as the title song from way back and the new _and soothing (ientle On My Mind, as well as Harper Valley PTA, Woman, Woman, Hey, -Jiide, Mary \s._. |{.uija_h..o s^macL. Scarborough I'air. Another favorite of the 'twist young and old set is Al Martino who fills the air with his fine voice and good music,. . . In Wake I'pTo'Me Oentle, Al soothes and entertains0- with such balming melodies as Dream a Little Dream of Me, I Can't Help It If I'm Still in Love With Vou, The Look of Love, The Impossible Dream, Didn't We, If Vou Are Hut a Dream, I Can't Helieve I'm Losing Vou and My Oyn True Love. . (lather 'rourid", m'ufirry'nwestern' fans. Jodv Miller has a real treat for you in her new LI', The Nashville Sound of J o d v M i l l e r . . . I n c l u d e d i n her repertoire of heartbreak and joyous ditties are It's My lime. Over the Kdge, 1'rge for .Ooing, Hack in the Race, The Wishing Tree. Long Hlack L i m o u s i n e . I R e m e m b e r L o v i n g S o m e o n e . O d d s a n d Knds, Dorvt You Ever < let Tired. Right Kind of Fool. For the Life of Me and Every Passing Heartbeat. Carbon Monoxide Check your car's exhaust system frequentk for leaks. The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty exhaust system is much greater during winter. Leave one of your car windows open slightly when driving an extended period. of time. Above all. never allow the motor to run in any enclosed area, particularly a garage. McHENRY r*. SERVICE CENTER NOW PLAYING! CLINT EASTWOOD I Viewed through a life preserver, this s-i ne ( start's life for the M.' '.H.S. first swirrin.n>r'V;ini in the history of the school. It is a niemoi ahh PLAIN UFA LEK PHO'f O '1 1 'Jii' li Lberhardy closely watches ' "1' '"n I u'htner, as Jim concentrates mi I * ihe pool. "COOGarrs BLUff" Week I>ays - 7:30. Friday- Saturday -Sunday 7 and 9 M MA'I. " Hi 11 billys In i'.h irrtjbfj House". OPEN J - VfAIH 1:30. % * Ornamental Iron and Structural Steel ADAMS Bros. Repair 3004 W. Ri. 120 385-0783 GET THE PARTS YOU WANT • WHEN YOU NEED THEM from Community Auto Supply Phone 385-0778 FOR SERVICE 5 COUNTERMEN Mike Kalfus Frank Meisner Arnold Anderson } Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin . .. .. fast! Lakeland Park CAR WASH Next to Phillip's 66 Barber Shop • Hair Coloring * Hair Styling • Hair Pieces __ • Razor Cuts JAKE'S by appointment S85-7771 2 Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4102 W^Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 RAYCRAFf & PATZKE BUILDERS General Contractors McHENRY Phone 385-7851 or 5534 Home Cooking Hettermann's Good Food - Fine Drinks Package Goods Edwin Hettennann Johnsburg - McHenry 385-1787 FM RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Rt. 120, McHenry We service all makes • TV's • Radio ^ • Stereo • Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING £fcctco(iix Sales & Service James Van Fleet y - \ j f u JACOBSEN LAWN MOWER SALES AND SERVICE Eiptrt Rtpair--factory trained mechanics Full stock of genuine factory replacement parts Engine tune-up and complete safety check Fast precision sharpening -- Complete selection of '68 Jacobsen lawn mowers 385-0434 Adams Repair 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete GUn Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHENRY GUN CENTER Daily ft - 9, Sat. Si Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 Having Radiator Troubles? Let us FLO-TEST it! Radiator - Heaters Auto-Truck-Tracjtor Cleaning -Repair- Recoring 15 years experience u I 4 fifilii ZoOl Martin Rd. McHenry 385-6027 Phone 385-0783 McHenry, ni. Next to V.F.W. 3004 W. Route 120 Adomf Brot. H«pair StrvJ Test can be made without removing radiator from your FOR AN AD-TAKER Phone 815-385-0170 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident Si Life Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Compensation Health , Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois, 60050 Complete Selection Also Register In Our Bridal Register Agatha 1242 Green St. 385-0097 Be Wise Shopr In McHenry POR^-O Featuring PILOT BAR CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS 1406 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois HOSTS: Wally A Dora OPEN, 7 DAYS A WEEK 11:00 ftvM. to Closing 885-9700

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