Wm m xvvInq,, THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-UAKE S REGION SINCE 1875 CONTEST | VOL. 91 - NO. 48 FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1969 14 PAGES, 10 <? Seek State Aid For Drainage Include Area Residents On Health-Service Board 44 Team Teaching" In Vietnam MinMaMrtiMk* . -L , •" • ;• '«mv'i--* .. .vlMls** BEIN HOA, VIETMAN, December, 1968 - TROOPS ON THE MOVE - Men of 101st Airborne division vie for position at game board during informal recreation program staged for American Red Cross Photo by James Caccavo them by American Red Cross workers Sandy Krumme (left), 2805 South River road, McHenry, and Rosemary Thunder, 1290 Sun Ridge drive, Pittsburgh, Penn. Meanderin The gala inaugural balls are over, and a new President and Governor have settled down to more problems than the feature players on the Excedrin commercials. Most of the publicity has been given to the man in the Capitol at Washington, but our sympathy also extends to Springfield. Most top office holders can expect their chief opponent in the other major party, the Democrats in the case of Mr, Ogilvie. But he has more immediate problems than even the loyal opposition can provide. We became aware of his big headache this past week with (Continued on page 11) It's not quite like the "team teaching" that Sandra Krumme (B.S., '67) learned about before becoming a math teacher at forest View high school in Arlington Heights. But she and her team partner, Rosemary Thunder, do conduct programs with audience participation at centrally- located "classrooms." The difference is they are in South Vietnam, and their purpose as Red Cross clubmobile workers is to help break the routine of military life for U.S. servicemen stationed there. On a regular weekly schedule, the girls present their informal recreational programs. Their "classroom": a recreation center or mess hall, or even a tree stump in the field. The sight of these pert American girls in their fresh, light blue uniforms often brings a smile to the unshaven face of a weary young man. The average age of the American soldier in (Continued on page 11) School Board In Active Session • A quantity of miscellaneous business came before the board of School District 156 in meeting Tuesday evening. As the result of an executive session, it was announced that two boys suspended recently for smoking marijuana in school will be reinstated this semester. The provision, however, was that suspension would •be permanent if they are apprehended again. After considerable discussion, members approved the expenditure of $17,727 for equipment designed to update the bookkeeping system and develop a time schedule and accuracy not possible now. (Continued on page 11) PMA Manager Sees Good Year For Dairy Farmers McHenry County Dairy Princess Mary Rath of McHenry pours a glass of milk for Arthur L. McWilliams, general manager of the Pure Milk association, at Tuesday's District 6 annual meeting held in McHenry. Looking on is Charles Weingart, McHenry, vice-president of the district. PLAINDEALER PHOTO A good year for dairy farmers was foreseen by A. L. Mc Williams, general manager of Pure Milk association, at the annual meeting of PMA District 6 at the VFW hall in McHenry Jan. 21. McWilliams said that 1969 should bring improvement of milk prices to producers as a result of greater bargaining efforts by <dairy farmer cooperatives and several actions taken recently by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Officers elected to serve for the year ahead are president, Ralph L. 'Nichols, Rt. 1, Hebron; vice-president, Charles P. Weingart, McHenry; secre- (Continued on page 11) Propose Fleck New Director CSWC District Election of two directors will take place Saturday, Jan. 25, at the twenty-second annual meeting of the McHenry County, Soil and Water Conservation district at the American Legion home, McHenry. The roast beef dinner will begin at 7:30 and the business meeting at 8:15. Those whose terms will expire are chairman, Kenneth Fiske of Woodstock and Howard Ruth of Huntley. Nominated for re-election is Fiske and for a first term, Robert Fleck of McHenry, in place of Ruth, who has served four years and will retire to being an associate director. Heck, who lives on west Mason Hill road in McHenry, operates a 95 acre farm and raises purebred beef Angus. Fleck has been a farmer only since coming to this area fi'j years ago from Chicago. He is a member of the Crystal Lake (Continued on page 11) McHENRY COUPLES ATTEND ILLINOIS INAUGURAL BALLS The glamor of a Governor's inauguration was enjoyed by a number of McHenry area residents last Friday when Gov. Richard Ogilvie took office in Springfield. Attending from here were County GOP Chairman A1 Jourdan, Jr., and wife, Carrie; Mr. and Mrs. John Licastro, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Varese, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schmunk, Mr. and Mrs. William Martinek. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Levesque, Debbie Varese and friend. A fund raising reception sponsored by the Illinois State Central committee was held at the St. Nicholas hotel at 4:30, attended by Mr. and Mrs. Varese andMr.andMrs. Levesque. Gov. OgiLvie and Mrs. Ogilvie arrived late because of adverse weather conditions while returning from the funeral ol Robert Shaw in Dixon. There were three inaugural balls, held at the Armory, Holiday Inn East and the Rotunda in the Capitol building, the latter for the younger group. Gov. Ogilvie and elected state officials appeared at all of the balls and led the grand march and dancing. City Proposes Lakeland Park Area Project The McHenry City Council, at the meeting Monday night, directed Attorney John E. Looze to draw a resolution to the State of Illinois seeking financial aid in the proposed project of cleaning the drainage ditch which runs through the Lakeland Park area. It is felt that drainage through this area can be greatly improved by clearing the existing ditch. A letter from Baxter and Woodman, Civil and Sanitary Engineers, accompanied by a letter of agreement from Lakeland Construction, brought approval of the sewer installation in the new Fairway Green subdivision. A television inspection of the lines showed one connection point that will be corrected after the frost is out of the ground and not later than May 15 of this year. Approvals also followed engineer's reports on water mains in Boone Valley Unit No. 2 and sewer and water extensions to the West Campus high school. ' Word of continued efforts to connect Bull Valley road and Idyl Dell road was encouraging to the Council. The city will be represented at a meeting Feb. 3 in the State of Illinois Division of Highways office in Elgin for advance planning of highways. McHenry >has particular interest in this since traffic on some roads has reached a stage where action is needed. In Chief Espey's report, he advi sed that stationing a policeman at the Illinois Rt. 120 - Crystal Lake Road corner at certain hour^ has greatly improved the traffic problem. With improvements completed in Ladd's Unit No. 2, the $125,000 subdivision bond was released and a $5,000 maintenance bond accepted. A request from the Woman's auxiliary for the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County to sponsor a tag day May 2 was approved. Approval was given to the purchase of two used radios, at a cost of $75 each, to be installed in city trucks. Seventy-five persons attended the annual dinner meeting of the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic at the Timbers restaurant in Woodstock last week. The annual reports ofthe clinic were given by W. H. Tammeus, president of the board of directors; John Sterling, secretary- treasurer; Dr.Salvador Martinez, medical director; George Mally-, administrative director; Gerald Pettera, Mental Health educator; and Mary Ladd, president of the Women's auxiliary. Mrs. Ladd also presented a check for $325 to the clinic to purchase a fire proof file cabinet. Robert Fleck, chairman of the Nominating committee, then presented the membership with the slate of the board of directors for the coming year. They include Deno Buralli, ^..Robert Fleck, Dr. Lee Gladstone Dr. Peter Griesbach, Elizabeth . Nolan and Joan Varese, McHenry; and Taluth Tesmer, Spring Grove. George Mally, administrator, pointed out. the achievements of the clinic by the fact that from 1966 to 1967; there was a twenty percent increase On calls received for services and from 1967 to 1968 an increase of twenty-five percent. Total YMCA In Sixth Annual Meeting (Continued on page 11) An entertaining, pleasant social occasion, combined with some important business, is being prepared for the 113 governing members and guests of the Lake Region YMCA at the sixth annual meeting on Jan. 30. The ?:15 p.m. dinner meeting is scheduled for the Crystal Lake Country club. The gathering will be treated to gourmet dining with fruit cup, waldorf salad, chicken Kiev, asparagus with hollandaise sauce and cherries jubilee for dessert on the menu. The meeting'will also provide an opportunity for persons to view the new facilities of the Crystal Lake Country club, which has recently been completed and is of special interest to the YMtA as they begin to plan their own building project. The important business on hand for the evening includes the election of new board members for the YMCA's twentyone- member board, a review of the Lake Region YMCA's growth and financial affairs during the past year, and a look at plans for the year ahead, including the 1969 finance campaign, which begins on Feb. 15. Also on the agenda will be information about the Lake Region YMCA's Strategy board. This is the group of ten men from the service area who have been selected to prepare the way for all facets of the 1970 Capital campaign, which will conclude in the construction of a permanent home for the Lake (Continued on page 11) SANDRASENTER WILL TOUR WITH TALENTED TEENS number of patients served from 1967 to 1968 increased fourteen percent. Mr. Mally then recognized ttfe work of members of the clinic staff. Dr. Salvador Martinez, medical director, indicated that\he staff of the "clinic is £eady to go ahead in the planning for mental health - services in the county, but it is up to the community to decide whether or not it wants to have its needs met. Gerald Pettera, Mental Health educator, announced the formation of an Education committee co-chairmaned by Mrs. Herbert Lange of Woodstock and Mrs. P. E. Snead of Harvard. Interested citizens have been asked to participate in its activities. Mayor Frances Kuhri of Woodstock, William Ward, Harvard, and Dr. Edward Wilt, McHenry, were introduced to thewnembership. Mr. Ward is chairman of the McHenry County Mental Health Board which controls funds to the clinic. Merger of Family Service and mental Health became official by vote from the membership. The meeting was adjourned, which was followed by a talk on "Drugs and Alcoholism" by James Renz, Director of Community Concern for Alcoholism, Elgin. Harvey Meyers, Marengo, Program chairman of the annual meeting, served as master of ceremonies. SANDRA SENTER Sandra Senter, a 1968 graduate of McHenry high school, has been selected to be included in the "Talented Teen European Tour" to be held next July. Sandra, a pretty teen-ager, is the daughter of Mrs. Wanda Senter of 1109 N. Fourth street. The young people will fly by jet to London and spend the summer furthering-4heir education. They will be coached in the performing arts and will appear before many live audiences during the European tour. After their arrival in London, they will continue on by motor coach to Holland, Germany, Switzerland and France, acc- (Continued on page 11) Three Charges In True Bill The grand jury, meeting earlier this month, returned a true bill of conspiracy, burglary and theft against Robert W. Menolasino, Widoff drive, Wonder Lake, and Harold T. Caley,. Oakleaf drive, McHenry. The two are charged with conspiring to commit a burglary, with committing a burglary by entering a boat belonging to Peter Galdoni, and with theft of a transistor radio from th£ boat. This is the second burglary indictment returned against the men in connection with entering boats docked in xMcHenry. The first found Caley not guilty. ®lill§ 4 i $<£! V:'* Reminiscent of London on the Thames is this photo of McHenry's old bridge early Wednesday morning. The historic PLAINDEALER PHOTO structure, rejuvenated in recent years, was erected in the winter of 1880-81 at a cost of $8,200.