I* Youths CrOttl PG. 4 - PLAINDEA.ER - FRI. JAN. 24, 1969 'fed Joan LaFontaine, Barbara Himpelman and Counselor Jerry Tobin preparing for the door to door drive for cerebral palsied conducted by the Catholic youth pf Johnsburg. Sitting, left to right, around table, preparing for the cerebral palsy drive are Ralph Novak, Joan Farr, Patsy Meyers, Don Reinboldt, Nancy Sompel and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tobin. On the The Catholic youth of Johnsburg, who last week conducted a door-to-door drive for the cerebral palsied of the area, raised more than their projected goal, despite bad weather. Under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tobin, youth counselors, about fifteen of the young people turned out to request donations of citizens of Johnsburg and the surrounding areas. They were successful in raising an estimated $250, with two marchers still to report. The marchers met at the Johnsburg Community club, which was donated for the occasion, and after completing their assignments, were served hot chocolate and rolls by Jackie Tobin. The young people of Mt. Hope Methodist church at Pistakee Highlands, who held their drive one week later under the direction of Rev. Walker, raised $114 in their subdivision. United Cerebral Palsy associations commends these young people for their great community spirit, and for their willingness to assume adult responsibility despite the bad weather being experienced. Mr. Tobin, when asked about the success of the drive, commented, "Though the number of marchers was small, the enthusiasm and great spirit of these youngsters was felt by all-the combination had to create a successful venture." Some of those who marched with the C.Y.yF. were Joan Farr, Ralph Novak, Patsy Meyers, Don Reinboldt, Joan LaFontaine, Barbara Himpelman and Nancy Sompel. CORN CONTEST WINNER Roy Jeffers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Jeffers, rural Harvard, has been named winner of a gold medal in the 1968 FS Services corn growing contest. The award was given in the junior division of the contest, with the medal being presented to the 4-H or FFA members with the highest yield in each county. Ceramic Wall Tile Wouldn't this be a good time to review your home insurance „ protection? Maybe you've added on to your house. Or purchased new furnishings. Well then . . . take stock of things. And see toitthatyou're fully covered. Call me now for the full story about State Farm's safe-sensible home insurance. (Comprehensive protection that can provide coverage in case of lawsuits.) It's-another good deal from State Farm. Granville Sornson 1212 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 385 - 1627 STATI FARM INSUftftNCI t- STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY * HOME OFFICE. BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 'P-6529 sq. ft. 1" X 1" CERAMIC Asbestos Floor Tile ,/16" , lQf 12 x 12" sq. ft. I 7 y SPECIAL Solid Vinyl Tile sq. ft. 24( Tile & Supply 5002 W. Rt. 120, McHenry 385-7310 MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE 385-4141 right of Mr. Tobin is Rev. Walker of Mt^Hope Methodist church, sitting in on an instruction period. -- PLAINDEALER PHOTOS. ELECTRONICS COURSES ADDED, COUNTY COLLEGE Dean John Garrett, dean of Applied. Arts and Sciences at McHenry County college, announced that two new courses have been added to the Electronics Curriculum for the 1969 spring semester. Introduction to Amplifiers and Circuits II are the new additions. Introduction to Amplifiers covers the considerations necessary for the design of transistor and tube amplifiers. Circuits II includes the study of the basic building blocks of an electronics system. Other electronic courses being offered are: Introduction to Electronics and Circuits I, an introductory circuits course. Additional information regarding the Electronics program can be obtained by calling Dean Garrett or Thomas Witte at the college, 459-6800. VOLUNTEERS SOLICIT FUNDS FOR C.P. DRIVE Your help is needed to help the more unfortunate victims of Cerebral Palsy this weekend. Volunteer workers will be calling at your home for much needed funds including today and continuing through Sunday, Jan. 26. Strides have been made in this field, but more can be done with your contributions. Most of the money collected," is put to work in this area. Only a small portion is used elsewhere. . Marie McKim is chairman of the' local drive and former resident, Mrs. Gerry Boehm, is president of the McHenry County C. P. group. These women give their time on a voluntary basis to help the unfortunate victims of cerebral palsy. Your contribution will help to carry on the vital work. FORMER RESIDENT ENGAGED TO WED With a great dealof plea sure, we announce the engagement of Mr. Dennis L. Huff, 3706 W. Grand avenue, McHenry, to Miss Sandra Muller of McHenry. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Muller of Wilmot, Wise., and Denny's parents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Nick Huff of the village. The two who are planning April nuptials, became engaged at Christmas when Denny presented his intended with a diamond. Both young people are employed at McHenry hospital. Denny will long be remembered by local small fry with his intense interest in them and his favorite Christmas project. He brightened the Yule season for many boys and girls. We couldn't be happier for this sensitive and nice young man. CONVALESCING IN WAUKEGAN Mrs. Theresa Schimz, who underwent surgery in Waukegan, just under two weeks ago, is recovering in St. Therese's hospital. Her sense of humor is still very much with her, we are happy to report. Those who wish to remember her with a cheery greeting, should address cards to Room 688. The zip code is 60085. Her family is hoping she will be transferrd closer to home. TALENTED TEEN WILL TOUR EUROPE The exciting allure of Europe looms large on the horizon for Sandy Senter. She will be touring the continent this summer as a result of a tryout for talented teens, sponsored by the Talented Teen foundation, recently. The young lady is the daughter of Mrs. Wanda Senter of McHenry, and former resident of the community. Her very proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crj^ck of W. Parkview. ' For her special presentation, Sandy sang "What the World Needs Now, is Love." She is also a talented organist and pianist, and is a member of the McHenry Choral Club. The young Miss graduated from McHenry high school, class of'68. At the tryouts in Itasca recently, Sandy was awarded a one hundred dollar scholarship which will apply against her trip. She flies to London in July with other talented teens. By special coach, they will also tour Holland, Germany, Switzerland and France. In the selection of the contestants, character plays an important role and Sandy is tops in thiS field. We couldn't be happier for this very nice family. A JOLLY GROUP Last weekend was a joyous one for several area couples who attended the inaugural ball in Springfield. Most of us were quartered under one roof, which heightened the holiday atmosphere. The camaraderie started on the trip to Springfield when many members of the group met at a restaurant, located on Route 47 at the junction of 66. Some had late breakfast, or just paused for coffee, but there was conversation about the color of each woman's ball gown. Making the memorable trip to the State Capitol were County chairman A1 Jour dan, Jr., and his lovely Carrie; Polly and John Licastro; Florence and Wally Dean; Joanne and Tony Varese, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kays, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cowlin; June and SamSchmunk, Mr. and Mrs. William (Curly) Martinek, Miss Debbie Varese and her date; and Jake and >, myself. Highlight of the trip was greeting Governor R J chard Qgilvie and his lovely and gracious Dorothy. NATAL "DAZE" 'N* MAT. MILESTONES Happy birthday to Frank Surz and Irene Sales, Jan, 26. Penny Miller will be 22, also this date. Eight candles on the cake for Pamela Kasper, Jan. 27. The Arnie Berrys are wed 1 year, Emii Gibsons married 8 and their son, Henry, will be 6, Jan. 28. Donna Godina turns 9 and Bill Aalto will be 20, Jan. 29. Best wishes to all. With January just about over, can Spring be far behind? Oh well, we can dream on. See you next week. BOOOOOO eve got the new one from Toyota Corolla $1,666 P.O.E. 4-on-the-floor all synchromesh transmission Nylon carpeting Comfortable room for five Styling that gets you a second look Check the shape...the statistics...and smile. • 30 miles to the gallon • Lifetime lubrication • 60 horses • Bucket seats • Quiet performance • Hits 87 mph when you want 5ee and test drive Toyota Corolla... the new one to beat performance- wise and styling-wise today at Europa Motors 3318 W. Pearl St. McHenry 385-070(0 TfOlYlOfTlAl i ' n ' 1,1 Japan's No. 1 Automobile Manufacturer Jboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop DRUG POLICY OF SCHOOL DISTRICT IS ANNOUNCED The District 156 board of education recently issued a statement concerning action which will be taken if the drug policy of the district is violated. The following procedures will be followed in the event a student, while attending school or a school-sponsored activity, is found in possession of, control of, using, or under the influence of drugs or marijuana: a. Local, county and state law enforcement authorities will be notified* of the student who possesses, controls or is under the influence of drugs. b. The student will be immediately suspended from school Spending disposition of the violation by the school board. c. If the school board determines that the student has violated the drug policy, the minimum expulsion period will be for the duration of the semester. d. Before the termination of the current semester, the expelled student will be evaluated and may, at the discretion of the school board, be readmitted to school for ^ the following semester. * In ordel' to be readmitted, the following procedure will be required: A. The parents must submit a written application to the board of education stating that the student has completed rehabilitative readings and courses on drug problems. Other facts may also be included. b. The letter must be accompanied by supporting documents such as a report from a social agency or from a licensed psychiatrist. c. The school board will consider the request for reinstatement during a regular meeting. Parents, representatives, the student and other interested persons should attend. After deliberations, the board will decide if the student will be permitted to re-enter school the next semester or if the period of expulsion will be continued. • • Volume I of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1967, page 1553, lists what compositions are classified as narcotic drugs and may be examined on request at the city hall. Most of the people who want to earn big money spend too much time trying to figure out a way to get it without working for it. Despite the theory, local situations often require special solutions in a democracy; there is no rule by which all people can be governed alike. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS HOLD OPEN HOUSE < On Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 25 and 26, from 11 a.m. to 4 p. m., open house will be held at White Deer Farms, Miller road, between Spring Grove and Johnsburg, in a new, large confinement cattle barn. It is a revolutionary building with h new concept of keeping th£ cows in completely confined area where they can eat cafeteria style, with resting, free stall* and automated feeding. SHOP IN MCHENRY ar if* 4 < ^ ! McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 8812 West Elm Street Phone S85-0170 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, 1H. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher NEWSPAPER Adele Froehlich, Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER uiufiijujitM.'.u.Hnn Subscription Rate* 1 Year $T50 1 Year $9.00 In McHenry and Outside McHenry Lake County and Lake County the KEY TOi IS AT Marengo Federal Passbook Savings Compounded quarterly yields 4.84%. Savings Certificate Account $17000 minimum with multiples of $100 over that. Six month maturity - Automatically renewed, Compounded quarterly yields 5.09%. Per Annum h% Per Annum Savings Certificate Account $10,000 minimum in multiples of $100.00 over that. Ci/ Of Six month maturity -Automatically renewed, 9 54 /O Compounded quarterly yields 5.35%. Per Annum & All earnings paid quarterly Open or Add to your account today - In person or by mail A $28,000,000*00 Mutual Association serving Northern Illinois since 1925. ARENGO federal savings ami loan association 200 East Grant Highway • Marengo, Illinois 60152 Phone: 815-568-7258 )oooooo@Q@8>oeaooQoooooc