PG. 16-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JAN. 31, 1969 NAME COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN FOR LAKE KIWANIS Musiri9 and Meanderin (Continued from page 1) son, promising that we would soon set about the task of corralling some mechanical-minded young man who passed our way. Apparently all the young men we know had ESP for they have avoided the path to our door. Now the deadline is approaching, and we will join the growing number of "putter-offers" who either must become acquainted with some screws and tools or beg, borrow or steal the valuable time of a service station attendant to do the job. For the sake of these overworked individuals, do as we say, not as we do, get those license plates on now! By the time this column reaches the reading public, the recommendation on the court house site, with a little luck, will be revealed. We hesitate to pursue a subject which has undergone too much wordage even at this point. However, after predicting the Annex site because of rather broad hints by the steering committee, we feel it only fair to express an opinion that some second thoughts on the subject may give us another answer. A broad smile on the face of one supervisor who has not been too favorably to that site indicates that possibly the architects and committee may have decided on a compromise that would have a better chance of. support. When six sites are offered, there is seldom a one-and- : only except in the minds of individuals or groups who stand to gain by one or another. Therefore, we are beginning to believe the site may ,be dif- • ferent than indicated by a cbmmittee member who was overheard recently inviting a county employee to be on hand at the Annex site when the first shovel' of dirt was turned. ^ If we lived in Woodstock, we're sure to have made an all-out attempt to save this historic building. After all, it has been the hub of Square activities for over a century and still stands proudly on its west side. Most of the objections we heard - and our own - were only to procedure in assuring that this site would be retained. K.A.F. YOUNG SOLDIER BEATEN, ROBBED (Continued from page 1) When Kloeckner foiled toreturn, Nurse went into the wash room and found him, his leg bleeding badly. 'They returned to Crystal Lake by train and then by taxi to McHenry, where eleven stitches were required to close the leg wound. Pvt. Kloeckner was accompanied to the airport Wednesday to be sure he was safely en- /FAMIIY POT lUCkp For the gourmet in the family, add finely c,ut slices of tongue to hashed creamed potatoes, serve With mayonnaise to which prepared mustard and Worcestershire sauce have been added. S p i c e your meat d i s h e s properly when cooking. Bay leaves are for beef stew and pot roast. Caraway seeds pompliment liver or pork dishes. Use basil in pork and beef entrees. Time To Spare By GERALD ANDREWS - Retirement Adviser Social Security is More than So don't hesitate to drop in if Statistics you're in the vicinity. You'll The other day I handed a probably be as impressed as I clerk a piece of paper with was by the methods and my name and birthday on it. mechanisms that are used -- He went to a microfilm index elaborate filing systems, chatrecorder that contains 200 tering key punch machines, million entries. And before I whirring computers. had time to turn around, he The whole thing is a marvel was back with an appropriate of statistical computation, number. Mathematical accuracy is of A p p r o p r i a t e ? I ' d r a t h e r t h e e s s e n c e -- a c o l d - h e a r t e d say vital. Because this was system if there ever was one. my Social Security number, It's also warmhearted when something I'm very attached you consider the system from to, and never want to lose, the standpoint of the people Or -- have lost on me. That's who rely on Social Security to one fear I've kicked since my keep their heads above water visit to the Social Security Ad- financially. The number of ministration headquarters, people who benefit from where the demonstration in monthly checks has long since question took place. passed the 20 million mark. The clerk spent about forty Large-scale humanitarianism, seconds, by my calculation, you might say, the largest in And he came back with my our nation's history. Social Security number, right The individuals who run the smack on the nose. system are well aware of the I was at the building in humanitarian side. That's one Maryland, where we Americans of the pleasant things about a are tabulated and filed, but tour through the Maryland not forgotten. It sits back on headquarters. You feel that a piece of land near Baltimore, America really cares about its and is easily accessible from men and women who have the highway. Quite a lot of reached the golden years of other visitors were there at the their lives. same time, ordinary citizens For further information, like myself, who were anxious write: Visitor Information -- to see Social Security in action. Room G-52, Socia 1 Security Anyone has a right to stop Building, 6401 Security Blvd.. off for a tour of the premises. Baltimore, Md. 21235. Replace that old one now! Old, obsolete equipment costs you money in slow, inadequate production and down time for repairs and service, so invest sound economy with new equipment from Geo. P. Freund Inc. Prices have never been lower nor trade-in allowances higher. Complete service facilities and easy payment plan. Depend on George P. Freund for the BEST DEAL IN TOWN For the next 2 weeks we are offering all models of tractors at the lowest prices ever. See %us and be pleasantly surprised CASE 1030 GENERAL PURPOSE » SEE US FOR DETAILS George P. Freund 4-j02 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 385-0420 McHenry President Ward Ehredt ofthe, Wonder Lake Kiwanis club has announced committees for the year. ^Chairmen include LenFreuncL achievement and new club building; Bob Rowley, education and attendance; Phil Kinzer, ^nance; Joe Novak, house and reception; Bob Stangl, inter- cLub relations and fellowship; Gordon Gran. law*:. mediations and resolutions; and Joe Schuler, membership development. Also Allen Vogt, programs and music; Art Lali, citizenship, services and churches; Terry Biroschik, youth services; Bill Cristy, agriculture and Conservation; Art Lau, convention promotion; Horace Wagner, bulletin; Bob Myers, public and business affairs; Joe Schuler, peanut day; and Allen Vogt, merit award dinner.. LETS LOOK AT THE, \ a RECORDS J- * ' 0 BY L I N D A M O R R I S Popular and good-looking,.., Michael Dees has a new album in Talk to Me, Baby that will please his young fans--and p o s s i b l y even t h e i r p a r e n t s . . . Songs he does in his own inimitable style include the title s o n g , Make Me R a i n b o w s , Eleanor Rigby, For Once in My Life, A Beautiful Friendship, The Windmills of Your Mind, Nice'n Easy, The Gentle Rain, Somewhere, Sweet Memories and Leaves Are the Tears of Autumn. Capitol doesn't only take c a r e of t h e young s e t -- t h e y also remember moms and dads and they have come up with a great album which parents will treasure and their teenage children will find interesting proof that the folks were swingers in their day, too . . . The album is Artie Shaw Re-Creates His Great '38 Band . . . Need we say more? Well, we will . . . Included are such favorites of yesterday as Begin the Beguine, Lover Come Back to Me, Zigeuner, What Is This Thing Called Love?, It Had to Be You, Softly, As In a Morning Sunrise, Nightmare, Back Bay Shuffle, Jungle Drums, Traffic .lam and Copenhagen . . . Head for the record shop Pronto--this is a rare treat for everyone. While you're at it, ask for Jackie Gleason's latest--Irving Berlin's Music for Lovers. . . It's only the finest thing on wax in many years . . . Berlin songs are recreated in romantic fashion, including Lady of the Evening, A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody, Let's Face the Music and Dance, All By Myself, The Song Is Ended, Say It Isn't So, Remember, Marie and How Deep Is the Ocean. REPUBLICANS FINALIZE PLANS FOR '69 CAUCUS (Continued from page 1) Levesque added, "We have made it known and requested that all interested Republicans who are qualified and desire to become candidates for any of the above offices should contact him, A1 Jourdan or Joe Stanek." Levesque stated fur- ^ ther, "This offer includes all Republicans - those who have never held public office and those who now hold office as so-called Independents are welcome." SYNDICATE ASKS FEB. 5 HEARING ON ZONE CHANGE A petition has been filed for hearing before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals for E. F. Jacobsen, F., A. Gilbert and C. A. Dahlquist, trus- ' tees of the Wonder Lake Syndicate, for reclassification from "F" to "R", properly located in Greenwood township, south of Harrison road, a mile east of Greenwood. The hearing will be held Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 3o'clock in the afternoon at the Schneider - Ufeucht - Merwin - Cooney funeral home, Woodstock. Be Wise Shop In McHenry The Place To Get Bank Rate AUTO FINANCING IS AT THE BANK ^2 McHenry State Bank McHenry County's Largest..... The Area's Finest Financial Institution ARREST FIVE IN CONNECTION WITH BURGLARIES (Continued from page 1) Numerous household appliances were recovered, including three motorcycles of considerable value. The juveniles at present are in what is known as house detention, which enables them to attend school and church. Petitions are being drafted and »vill be channelled through the Family court of the county., TELEVISION COURSE McHenry County college in cooperation with Rock Valley college, Rockford, is offering a televised course in Business Law over WREX-TV, Channel 13, Rockford, which began Mon - day, Jan. 27. The course is televised from 6:30 to7:15 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday mornings. The course includes units on the Historical Origins of Law, Legal Administration, Contracts, Agency and Employment and is similar in content to Business Law I at the college. Students who successfully complete the TV course may enroll in Business Law n at the college. STEER, CHICKENS PERISH IN FIRE (Continued from page i) Other portions of the building contained a small amount of feed in the grainary, some machinery, and a car andtruck in the garage. Firemen remained at the scene until 4:30 to be certain there was no further danger. INTER-FAITH ASSEMBLY AT MARIAN HIGH Friday, Jan. 24, an interfaith meeting"and prayer service was held at an Assembly at Marian Central high school, Woodstock. Rev. JohnMcIntyre of Faith Presbyterian church in McHenry, Father Richard Bennett of Christ Episcopal , church of Harvard, Rev. George Moore of Calvary Baptist church in Woodstock and Rev. Ronald Conro of Christ the King church in Wonder Lake, were guest speakers. After explaining the origin, history and salient doctrines, the students questioned the reverend gentlemen. Some very interesting questions were discussed. All were pleased at the similarities in the religions. There was a genuine hope that all Christian religions might be one in doctrine, though not neces- ^ sarily uniformly one. A prayer session followed at which Rev. Moore preached the homily. SCHOOL ADVISORY GROUP WILL SEE FILM SHOWINGS The next meeting of the Citizens' Advisory council for the McHenry public schools is on Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. in the West campus high school auditorium. Two film strips will be shown, "Sex Education in the USA" and "Sex-A Moral Dilemma for the Teen-Agers". Richard Swantz will discuss the Mini-course now available to high school students on the subject of sex. All persons are invited to attend, as well as the members of the Citizens' Advisory council. Sheriff John Carroll and Detective Hummel were the guest speakers at the Jan. meeting. Their topic concerned "dope" and "drugs" in McHenry county, Sheriff Carroll also gave a brief resume' of county government and the growth of the sheriffs department, which included the alert and warning system connected with schools. Sheriff Carroll stated that narcotics in McHenry county, in connection with young people , is not at the present time a big problem. He cited a few isolated cases which had come to the attention of the sheriff s department over the last few years. Sheriff Carroll feels the main problem today, as far as young people is concerned, is their total disregard for authority. ANNOUNCE FUND GOAL FOR YMCA CAMPAIGN (Continued from page 1) teen-community service area for its goal of $18,000. The General Solicitations section of campaign which canvasses individuals has a goal of $13,000. The tremendous rate of growth of the Lake Region YMCA is clearly evident by the fact that the 1969 operating budget has increased to $63,627. Because of the need to meet all aspects of the 1969 budget requirements, a successful finance campaign becomes very essential to the future development of the Lake Region YMCA; therefore, a large task force of sincerely dedicated workers is needed this year. Campaign leadership is working towards a goal of 250 persons involved in the canvassing, with forty workers in the. Special Gifts section and 210 workers in the General Solicitations section. Set Deadline To Fill Adult AFS Positions (Continued from pagei.) ;he entire program at this time. Among those attending, Mrs. " Jerome Buch accepted the position of host family chairman and Mrs. S. Winters, the office of Americans Abroad chairman. Unfilled positions atthigtime are coordinating AFS president, AFS treasurer and AFS publicity chairman. Mrs. Firth expressed confidence that there will be a response to these needs locally. Those who are able are asked to be present at the Feb. 10 meeting. Anyone who is unable to attend but would like to contribute to the program may secure further information, by calling Mrs. Hjolmar Sundin. Friday, Jan. 31, is the deadline for host families to apply for housing a student in 1969- 70. Interested persons may call Mrs. Jerome Buch for an application or Information. Honor Veteran Employees Of Local Hospital (Continued from pagel) The total climbs rapidly since then; 1967, 5,428; 6,778 in 1968 and 8,400 in 1969. The demand on emergency room facilities is one worry for officials since the load seems to climb steadily. A study of expenses shows 67 percent goes for salaries and 18 percent for supplies, food and drugs. Thirty percent ofthe patients are on Medicare in terms of patient days recorded. People must learn to get along with less than perfect persons. Correction For McHenry osco \ Night Light 2 for 'i Papst Beer Glasses 12/$1 00 ALL ITEMS ON SALE WHILE THEY LAST ow FfrCTCm^FRESty SEE US FOR ALL YOUR REMODELING NEEDS NEW SH PMENT Just Arrived MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM 4' x 8 AND UP FLOOR TILE CEILING TILE 12" xl2" EASY TO APPLY AS LOW AS as low as sq. ft. McHenry, 385-1040 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424