•L PG. 8 - PlAI NDEALER - FRI. FEB. 21, 1969 THE McHEHRY PXJUNDEALER HELP WANTED * RECEIVING CLERK * MACHINE OPERATORS * ASSEMBLERS Part time evening workers " Drill Press, etc. (JBeginners Welcome) Steady Employment • Air Conditioned Factory . • Employee Benefits GEARMASTER INC. 1809 S. Route 31 McHenry. HI. 2-19/2-21-69 NIGHT SHIFT Hours 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. * Assemblers " Paint Sprayer and Helper * Material Handlers BIG BEAM A Teledyne Company, manufacturers of emergency lighting equipment and portable hand lanterns 290 East Prairie St. Crystal Lake# 111. 815-459-6100 an equal opportunity employer .2-19/2-21-69 * WAITRESSES * BARTENDERS * DISHWASHER A new family restaurant in Wonder Lake opening soon is seeking responsible, experienced personnel to fill the above positions. For appointment call liffr. Strike 653-9900 2-5-69TF1-2 Male H«lp Wanted Male Help Wanted WELDERS MAN & WIFE with farming background to help in maintenance of large estate in Northwest Chicago area. House furnished, salary and benefits. References required. CALL 312-381-0735 2-12-69TF 1-2 Male Help Wanted Openings for experienced arc welders. Steady work, good starting rate with automatic increases. • Free life and hospital insurance • Paid Vacation • Paid holidays • Profit sharing retirement plan. I ARCHITECTURAL Draftsman. Growing, progressive office for man who wants responsi- | bility Sutter-Gomoll Assoc., Fox Lake, 111. Call 312-JU7- 17400. 2-19/2-21-69 Wanted To Rent Apply FARR CO. 500 S. Main Crystal Lake 459-6600 an equal opportunity employer 2-21/2-28-69 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE or apartment. In and or near McHenry. 2 adults, 2 grown (children. Call 385-9892 or 385- 4939. 2-19/2-21-69 COUPLE in early 40's need 2 bedroom house or apartment. Excellent references. Call 385^ 9624 after 5 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday after 1 p.m; 2-21-69 MAN'S diamond ring,- 180 pt. retailed at'$695. Will trade for registered quarter horse or Arabian, well broken. Call 385-7429 after 6 p.m. . 2-19/2-21-69 NOTICE DRILL PRESS OPERATORS TURRET LATHE OPERATORS (days or nights) Prefer experienced operators, but will train mechanically inclined,persons. Permanent positions with high starting rates plus production bonus. Excellent employment benefits. -- Apply -- AEROQUIP CORP. BARCO DIVISION 500 N HOUGH ST. HARRINGTON DUnkirk 1-1700 "an equal opportunity employer" 2-21-69 SITUATION WANTED The McHenry Plaindealer will not be able to accept ads from people who want to do baby sitting in their homes unless the individual person has obtained a license from the State Department of Children and. Family Services. This means that anyone providing day care for youngsters in their home for more than 10 hours a week must have a license. If, however, the individual wishes to go to the youngster's home to baby sit, no license is required. This license is at No Charge to the individual, arid information regarding it can be obtained through the McHenry Plaindealer Office. U SIIIRTS AND PANTS washed and lnand finished. Also hand ironing, near McHenry bridge. Call, 335-6228. 2-19/2-21-69 DO YOU NEED an experienced cleaning lady? Write to Box 201, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 2-19/2-21-69 I HAVE as of February 1, ~ ~ ~ WANT£D taken over the Stanley Schmidt trucking and will continue to ri'PFIES AGAIN! Don't fret, do livestock trucking business call mo and I'll come and pick as usual. Call Blumhorst th-ri up. Good homes guaran- Trucking, Alvin Blumhorst ! Call 385-7897 owner, 338-4280. 2-5/2-21-69 1 2-5-69TF1-2 NOTICE NOTICE r? OQoeQQQfl,eoooQCK5,eooo<MOOOgOQ AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC Excellent working conditions. Incentive plan. Top guarantee to right man. Apply In Person SUNNYSIDE DODGE 4810 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois 2-21-69 1969 LICENSE PLATE SERVICE DRIVERS & CHAUFFEUR'S RENEWAL License and Bonded Remittance Agent for Secretary of State SMITTYS SINCLAIR Rt. 120 8c 31 McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-9803 PERSONALS TOMMY: HELP, HELP -- My drains, are stopped up -- where did you hide my FIREWATER? Call me tonight {Buy it at: Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, McHenry, 385- 0722. 2-21-69 LOST AND FOUND GERMAN SHEPHERD mother and 3 month old puppy. All black. In vicinity of Holiday Hills. $10 reward. Call 385- 7046. 2-19/2-21-69 4 MONTH black and white kitten, white ring around tail. Call 385-5625. 2-21-69 FOR KENT FURNISHED second floor apartment, 2 rooms. Ideal for one adult.- Call 385-5760 * 2-19/2-21-69 6 ROOM furnished home on river near McHenry. Available March 1. Adults only. Call 312-352-3232. 2-19-68TF1-2 2 BEDROOM house. New wall to wall carpeting, central air conditioning. Stove and refrigerator. Call 385-4010 after 6 p.m. 2-19/2-21-69 DELUXE 2 bedroom apartment. $150 per month plus utilities. Adults only. No pets. Call 459-3778. 2-19/2-21-69 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, $95 a month. Hunterville Park. Call 385-0787 after 6 p.m. 2-21/2-26-69 3 BEDROOM, 1% baths, 2 story, newly decorated basement. City gas, oil hot water heat, IVz car garage, large wooded lot in Spring Grove, 111. to qualified party. J. Teutemacher, Box 282, Barrington, 111. or call 312-438- 2253 after 7 p.m. 2-21-69 !s i? t; i DAY SHIFT 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. * Assemblers * Spot Welders * Paint Dept. Helper * Punch Press BIG BEAM A Teledyne Company, manufacturers of emergency lighting equipment and portable hand lanterns 290 East Prairie St. Crystal Lake, 111. 815-459-6100 an equal opportunity employer 2-19/2-21-69 BUS DRIVER. Morning, afternoon runs. Harrison School, Wonder Lake. Call 653-5742 4 2-12-69TF 1-2 SHOP IN McHENST Male Help Wanted WE NEED 10 MORE GOOD MEN 5 CARPENTERS 2 MASONS 3 LABORERS Year around work, paid vacations, profit-sharing plan, overtime. Only experienced construction men need apply. ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS, INC. 0716 N. Route 12 Richmond, 111. 815-C78-2861 2-5-6 9TF1-2 CARPENTER WANTED- Retired or moonlighter for paneling kitchen and utility room. Call 653-9561. 2-21/2-26-69 Male Help Wanted TREE MEN, c l i m b e r a n d ground man. Call 385-5878 after 5 p.m. 2-19/2-21-69 nun GARMtt food' 3917 W. Main Si. McHenry CARRY OUTS OPEN: 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE PETS FOR SALE YORKSHIRE PUPPIES, guarteed for health, temperment and personality. Excellent gift Down payment will hold. Call 815-385-3926. 2-7/3-21-69 1 YEAR OLD Toy Poodle, female, black. Must sell, husband allergic, $65. Call 385-1185. 2-19/2-21-69 MAN for service station work. 3603 W. Elm St., Elm Street Service. 2-19/2-21-69 Call (815) 385-1530 Closed Mondays Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted TOOL ROOM MACHINIST or young men willing to learn. Top wages. ASTRO CRAFT INCORPORATED 3015 Ni Spring Grove Rd. McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-4800 2-14/2-28-69 CUSTODIAN Full time position with oxcollcnt starting salary plus fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Department McHenry Hospital 3516 \V. WAUKEGAN McHENRY, ILL. Call 385-2200 , ext. 645 2-19/2-21-69 EXPERIENCED service station man wanted. 120 S. Northwest Highway, Barrington, 111. 2-14/2-21-69 HERE IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an ambitious young man who would be interested in learning a trade with tremendous growth potential. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to join a fast growing Business Form Manufacturer by starting out as an apprentice trainee in the Collator Department. This would be forthe 2nd Shift, the Hours being from 4:30 p.m.--2:00 o.m. WE OFFER A PROFIT SHARING PLAN, AS WELL AS PAID VACATIONS AND A GROUP HOSPITALIZATION PLAN. please call for appointment PFEIFFER BUSINESS FORMS AT 815-675-2392 2-21/2-26-69 Pets That Need A Home % OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying1 to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY PART BEAGLE PUPPIES, 6 weeks old. Call 459-6592 after 4 p.m. 2-21-69 MUST FIND good home for our part Toy Collie. Excellent with children. Almost 2 years old. Call 385-1693. 2-21-69 FOUND FOUND GRAY & WHITE young male cat, with collar, near Green and Pearl St. Call 385-7189 or 385-7282. 2-21-69 TOY DACHSHUND on Lily Lake Rd. Call 385-2731. 2-21-69 CARD OF THANKS THE THOUGHTFULNESS and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks to all. The WALT MEYER family 2-21-69 THIS WEEK'! NEPATTERNS BY A U D E R Y LA I WISH to thank everyone for the prayers, visits and cards received during my stay in the hospital. CHARLES MICHELS 2-21-69 IN MEMOR1AM GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, AKC registered. Very good disposition, black and silver, black and cream. Call 815-385-7648. 2-19/3-14^0 POODLE PUP, black, male, top quality, AKC. Last of litter. Reasonable. Call 815-385- 3730. 2-21-69 TWO 2 year old registered Apaloosa. Good halter prospects. Very reasonable. Call 815-385-0346 after 4 p.m. 2-21/2-28-69 IN FONDEST MEMORY or our daughter and sister, Kathy Meyer, who on Feb. 23 three years ago went to eternal lift} and left us here on earth sad and empty. When it comes time for us to join you, be there to meet us and we shall once again be together and happy. Pray for us my darling. YOUR FAMILY, 2-21-69 Feauli Hilp Wmttd rwssssr' I SECRETARIES to $110. a WIDE kkMt-Orfi CMu I Personnel, Inc. 285 Benton St I 815-S38-8200 I Call anytime 24 hrs. § 104 TURTLENKI SWEATS The V necked jumper that s topi fc s f y / e and easy fo make Send h ef t i n c k fo school in t h i s and give her a good s t a r t No 3J35 comes >n sues 7, 10 12 14 /n s<ze fl /umpei takes 2 wards o' 35 tncH fob^c ot 1 \ 4 yards of 54 inch, b'ouse J 5 8 yards of 35 "></i Thu k n i t t e d sweater »oois rvs' yeo'« Wifh s/acfcs or wool s k i r t ) You (an make it m s</es 12 to 13 Se>'d Pattern No 104 Free p a t t e r n -s v*oi'"uj 'o' >ou Send 50 for ou' new Fa!' W,nter Pattern Boofc which c o n t a i n s coupo" 'o' p a t * e 'n oi y ru r c hoice Send 40 for each d ' e s s p a t t e r n 30c for each needlework paf ,em add 5c fo< each poffern for t h i r d ocm mailing and 18c for each p a t t e r n for ' < r s ' clan m a i l i n g ; to AUDfi F V LANE BURfAU Moiri s P'omes New Jenr > 07950 The Gentlemen from Buick Offer Drive a bargain -- Drive to Fox Lake "The gentlemen from Buiqk" < MURPHY-BABER BUICK-0PEL 91 S. RTE. 12 FOX LAKE JU 7-2555 SAT. 9-5 CLOSED SUN. lifwioryinnnononnnooniionfmnrmriTrmTnnnnnf 11» u mui