„<'? t& '. ,~ , '. •, '.. Jf I'.J. ,-%"' 2.1 > •• , * " '"'^ "'" 'W • -'^b' •• WED. FEB. 26, 1969 - PL^I NDEALER - PG. 5 HOSPITAL BOARD -- Here are members of the 1969 Memorial Hospital for McHenry County board of directors. The new board meets this week to^speed expansion plans following membership approval of financing last month. From left, front: Robert Olson, Kenneth Merley, of McHenry, Mrs. Henry Mann, Mrs. Warren Shoemaker, Jr., Kenneth Schuh, president; Mrs. Richard Cooley, Richard Thompson and Donald J. Still. Back: Andrew Kuby, Jr., Milton Olson and Anton Grill of this area, Gordon Thurow, Harold Beth, William Tittle, Ludwig Kulvosek, Ralph Nichols, George W. Frame and Bert Hanson, administrator. Absent when photo was taken: Roger Reichert, Harold Nye, and Charles Ridgway. DON PEASLEY PHOTO COUNTRY CLUB NEWS Geri Neubauer 385-7194 AREABOWLERS RATE TOP HONORS AT LOCAL ALLEY Our congratulations to Neal Giuntoli for his 279 score cm the high game board of McHenry Recreation. Honors also went to Mr. Giuntoli's son, Tom Warren, for his 251 game. Our best wishes for their continued success on the lanes. TEENS VISIT METHODIST HEARING AIDS Batteries and Service M.illorv bat lor it's tor a l l mikes Call 385-0125 I-1H7. \. ( , I ' d ' ! ! CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pintozzi took their St. Patrick's church teen religion class on a visit to the Community Methodist church last Sunday. The teens exchanged views on various aspects of their services asked and answered questions regarding their faith and had a get acquainted period followed by rolls and milk. The class plans to visit other church schools in the community in order to learn more about them. The teens all enjoyed the visit and looked forward to discussing what they had learned next class. REMINDER * IT'S COOKIE TIME The Girl Scouts in our area are again preparing for their ^anmiaf Jdootae sale. Welcome them witfr an order 'to help their project. Orders will be taken from Feb. 27 thru March 6 and delivered April 18. This project helps the Scouts carry out their various projects throughout the year in addition to being a real delicious treat. Let's all help them out. SMOKEY HOLIDAY Lincoln's birthday proved to be a smoked up holiday in our area. The grass fire which broke out just south of Country Club drive sent billows of smoke through the air. The rapidly spreading fire was quickly extinguished by the fire department, the cause is as yet unaccounted for. WELCOME MAT Our sincerest welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mullally who recently moved in on John street. Patrick and Kathleen are recent newlyweds and we extend our best wishes and hope they will read and enjoy our column and join in contributing bits of news and special occasions. BIRTHDAY TIME Belated birthday wishes to Greg Suthers, Feb. 13, to Ricky Suther, Feb. 21 and oh yes, George Washington, Feb. 22. , Till next week... Cancer is, sneaky. It doesn't*announce itself loud and clear until it's often too late. Beat it at its own game. Yearly visits to your doctor are cancer's worst enemy. Help yourself with a checkup. And others with a check. American Cancer Society $ What's a year's worth of electric heat cost? Hint: Think small The fact is, electric heat costs have come down so much in the last ten years, that sometimes it surprises even us. Of course, we've done our best to help, by lowering electric rates dramatically during that period. Actually, you pay about S200 a year for electric heat in a typical six-room house with proper insulation--the kind most people buy. It all boils down to the fact that you don't have to make a lot of money to have electric heat in your home. So don't be surprised if someday we say "Think tiny.' Commonwealth Edison Company The bright new ideas •e Electric. m C. E. Co I Legion Auxiliary News UNIT 491 By Mary Nolan President Reba Owen presided at the February meeting of the McHenry American Legion Auxiliary Unit 491. Guest speaker for the evening was A1 Bianchi, president of the House committee. Mr. Bianchi expressed the posts' appreciation to the auxiliary for its cooperation in forwarding the aims and purposes of the American Legion. Congratulations to Membership Chairman Doris Walker and all the ladies who helped her achieve our quota plus, in the recent membership drive. McHenry Unit 491 now has a membership of .392, which includes ninety-two junior auxiliary members. Over 100 members enjoyed a fine dinner prepared and served by Chef Bernard Matchen and members of the Rifle squad. Special guests for the evening were Eleventh District Director Elaine Murphy and McHenry County President Mable Schultz and their secretaries. Junior Activity Chairman Lilliam Miller stressed the need for a larger attendance at future meetings. Besides the many worthwhile projects carried on by the Juniors, Mrs. Miller provides a time for entertainment and refreshments. Mothers are urged to remind their daughters of the meetings. These meetings provide excellent training to make our young ladies into fine citizens and good Americans. The annual father- daughter banquet will take place at 5 p.m. March 9. Phone your reservations to Mrs. Miller at 385-1999 before the 4th of March. Pat Borcavan, Americanism ctiairman, reported on the efforts being asserted by some 'individuals to change the National Anthem of our Country. The American Legion auxiliary is highly against any suggestion of change in this melody which has been a part of our American heritage. In this time of stress in our nation as well as the whole world, it would seem "The Star Spangled Banner" should mean more than ev- 6r before. Plans are being made ,to write to our Representative jand Senators protesting any such change. Plans are going forward to promote Poppy Day in McHenry May 23 and 24. The American Legion will cooperate with the VFW as in the past. The headquarters will be at the VFW clubhouse. Chairman Marge Mikota reported the slogan is "Show you care. A Poppy red please wear". On March 15 the post and auxiliary will celebrate the goiden anniversary of the American Legion with a pot-luck supper. Dancing will follow. The past presidents of McHenry Unit 591 will hold their yearly dinner March 16. Past President Pauline Pickett is accepting? reservations for members and their husbands. Rehabilitation parties are held every moncfch at Downey hospital. Second Vice-president Celia Violett asked that more members try to attend these monthly parties. The group leaves the Legion home at 6:30 every third Thursday of the month. Malaysia has been selected as the foreign country to be studied this year, stated Chairman Eleanor Reid. Contributions will be made for an infant hospital in. this country. Helen Birmingham will serve as kitchen hostess for the March meeting. Ceramic Wall Tils sq. 1" X 1" CERAMIC Asbestos Floor Tile When the living is easy That's the time of your life when you're retired. And have enough money left to enjoyji^ing. It can easily turnout that way if you own 3s Country Life retirement income policy. It's- the sure and systematic way to save for retirement. And it gives you life insurance protection between now and then. And if you' re' selfemployed. a Country Life plan can qualify you for income tax savings under the Keogh Act. So give me a call. 1/16" 12 x i2n sq. ft. 19t SPECIAL Your Country Companies Agent Solid Vinyl Tile sq. ft. , 24( Kadisak Tile & Supply 5002 W. Rf. 120, McHenry 385-7310 Lee B. Kartemeier Off. 338-2000 Res. 338*0975 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Crystal Lake Savings & Loan Association announces a New Savings Service employed The Insured Savings Retirement Plan and Trust ioo% tax deduction DOCTORS, DENTISTS, LAWYERS, STORE OWNERS ... any self-employed person ... can save income tax dollars by adopting a new retirement savings Plan now offered by Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association. Under recent revisions of the Keogh Act, selfemployed individuals can make a 100 (/u deduction on retirement savings paid into a retirement trust. The Insured Savings Retirement Plan and Trust enables you to fund these tax-free retirement savings in this local association -- where you gain the benefit of insured safety of your principal, while earning Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association's generous and dependable return. For complete information on this new tax-favored Plan to help you build the financial resources you will need during retirement years, talk to one of our savings officers. Or -- send the coupon below for our booklet which explains the highlights of the Plan. Act now, to save tax dollars this year! Crystal Savings & Loan Association 1 EAST CRYSTAL LAKE AVENUE CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS PHONE 459-1400 FREE BOOKLET ON THE PLAN Mail the coupon today for your free copy of this booklet from Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association. Learn the answers to these 10 questions: What are the tax savings under this Plan? Are there other benefits besides the dollar savings ? How do you invest your retirement funds in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association? Why is it advantageous to adopt this Plan ? Will the standard Plan fit your individual needs? Must your employees be covered, too? What is the maximum annual amount you may save ? When may the benefits be withdrawn ? What are the distribution options ? What is a self-employed individual ... an owneremployee ... a common law employee ? Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association 1 East Crystal Lake Avenue Crystal Lake, Illinois Please send me a free copy of your booklet, "How to Build a Tax-deductible Retirement Pension Trust." Name ... Address City State Zip OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO