PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. APRIL 11, 1969 S: 7-*' ^ * * J tt "X\ Style Show And Music To Entertain SCClub The next regular meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club will be held Monday evening, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the East campus cafeteria. Following the business meeting there will be a style show, - and selections by the McHenry Choral club. The Kitchen band held its practice session on Friday evening at 7 p.m. at the Lakeland Park Community house. Even though the weather was inclement and there were a number of the members missing, everyone had a good time. They feel the band is making fine progress. The nextpractice session will also be at the Lakeland Park Community house at 7 p.m. on Friday evening, April 11; thereafter the band will practice in Room 112 at the East campus. The enthusiasm of this group is really remarkable. -*> *' •y*'5 wy s " J Grandma -to * "i""1-'515 GLENDA HALCON PLAN WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hal con of 1402 W. Pine, Holiday Hills, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Glenda, to Ronald Malcom, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Malcolm, 2900 Hickory drive, McCullom Lake. An April 12 wedding is planned. Congressman Will Address Women's Club A cordial invitation is extended to all interested persons to hear Congressman Robert A. Taft, Jr., of Ohio, address the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club. This annual spring dinner meeting will be held in the Illinois room of the Illinois Beach State park in Zion on Sunday, April 27. A reception will be held during the social hour, at 1 p.m. for Congressman and Mrs. McClory and the guest speaker, Congressman Taft. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. Mr. Taft is the son of the late Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, known to many as "Mr. Republican". Robert McClory, U.S. Representative from this Congressional district, will introduce the guest speaker. McClory will have just returned from the spring Interparliamentary Union Spring conference in Vienna, Austria, where he will be a member of the United States' delegation. The invocation will be given by Dr. William A. Young of Waukegan. Tickets are available from Mrs. Grant Ernst, Wonder Lake, phone 653-7451. The deadline for reservations is Wednesday, April 23. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norman Hager, Jr., of Mundelein, are parents of a daughter, Christine Ann, on April 2 at Condell Memorial hospital, Libertyville. The baby has for a playmate, her sister, Cynthia Ann, age 3. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hager of Wonder Lake. McHenry Woman To Review Book For Area Church The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the United Methodist church of Woodstock will hold its annual spring luncheon on Wednesday, April 16, at the church, South and Throop streets. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m., with the program following. Mrs. Harry Stinespring of McHenry, well known book reviewer, will present "Home Has A Heart" by Thyra Bjorm. Mrs. Stinespring is well known in the area for her dynamic programs. Ladies of the community are invited to attend. Reservations may be made by calling the church office, 815-338-0521. MR. AND MRS. NICK B. FREUND N.B. Freunds Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 20, when they hold open house at 8 o'clock in the evening at the Legion home, 2505 fN. Ringwood road, McHenry. A Mass in their honor will be sung at St. Mary's Catholic church at 5 o'clock that afternoon, followed by a dinner and reception for family and invited guests at 6 o'clock. Nick B. Freund and Delia Scheid were married April 24, 1919, in St. Mary's church by Rev. Fr. Berthold. Attending them at the ceremony fifty years ago were Margaret Masquelet and Math Scheid. The couple farmed in this vicinity for twenty-five years of their married life, and since that time have resided in McHenry. They have four sons, Charles and Floyd of Woodstock, Lawrence and Merle of McHenry, and two daughters, Dolores Hunt of Wonder Lake and Sylvia Blowers of Fox Lake; also thirty-five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Both are active in the American Legion, Mr. Freund serving the post and his wife taking an active part in the auxiliary. MILLIE Never ' S Coffee Shop and Restaurant 1218 Green St. - McHenry Ph. 385-9788 Serious thoughts come into a body's mind, a sittin' here, rockin' and thinkin'. Wi' the passin' o' our great friend and 34th president, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, comes a lot o* memories of the wonderful things he wuz responsible fer, in improvin' conditions fer folks in many places in this old world. I kin recall a "State o' The Union," address, when he wuz president, in which he stated that at that time, not a single American serviceman wuz engaged in combat. After so many years strife and /trouble, I guess that remark - made an indelible mark on my mind. I'm a waitin' fer the same statement t' be made, again, soon. Libra, sign o* the peacemaker, and birth-sign o' Mr. Eisenhower, wuz well depicted in his aim fer peace in the world. I feel that he had hoped t' see it before he died. In this old lady's mind is a thought that he hoped that the man who served with him, in the Whitehouse, would carry the banner to a peaceful conclusion, and help to establish peace fer human-kind throughout the world, as president of the most influential government in the world, today. May God see it come to pass. Some years ago, I had the great pleasure & visitin' the home o' a little lady who had been brought up in the same neighborhood as Dwight Eisenhower; in fact she had lived Reservations For April 16 '• Luncheon Urged Have you bought your tickets? Have you reserved tables for your party? If not, there is still time to make reservations and obtain tickets for the Lakeland Park Women's club annual spring salad luncheon and card party to be held on Wednesday, April 16 at the American Legion home, 2505 North Ringwood road. -Serving will start at 11:30 a.m. Business people are particularly urged to call and reserve tables, so there will be no delay in getting served and back to work. Men are most welcome, not only for the luncheon, but also to stay and spend the afternoon playing cards. Tickets can be* obtained from any club member, orfromLyda Radisch, 1712 North Knoll avenue, ticket and publicity chairman. right across the alley from his home. She took great pleasure in showing me a large album of clippings and pictures, which she had saved from the time he had entered West Point, to that time when he wuz engaged m the European struggle. We both had agreed that he would make a fine president, though we had not the slightest idea that it would come about. So, I wuz pretty pleased when it did happen and only wished that he could have accomplished his dream. May we take example from the lite of-this good man, and let the sadness we feel in the loss o' him, affect our attitude toward mankind in general, reminding us to keep alive the image of dignity in our American way of life. Grandma Radtke Mrs. Heldt To Model For Local Hospital Schedule "Y" Dance Friday The Lake Region YMCA has scheduled its monthly Junior high dance for Friday, April 11, at the Lakewood village hall, 2500 W. Lake avenue, Crystal Lake. The dance begins at 7:30 and ends at 10 p.m. Doors to the hall open at 7:10 p.m. The Junior high dances are open to all seventh and eighth grade residents of the Vs fourteen- community service area towns. There is no admission charge to members of the Lake Region YMCA. Refreshments are served free of charge during the evening. Hie YMCA requests that participants wear school clothes. Parents are requested to pick up their youth promptly at 10 p.m. Notice To Brides In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been announced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days prior to the wedding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement announcement has not been published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. MRS. DONALD HELDT Mrs. Donald Heldt will represent the McHenry hospital auxiliary as a model in the annual fashion show sponsored by Grant hospital, to be held April 11 in the Palmer House, Chicago. As one of forty-five models from Chicago area auxiliaries, Mrs. Heldt will be judged by a board of fashion experts who will pick three winners from among the models. Each winner receives $500 for her auxiliary. Mrs. Heldt, formerly of McHenry and now of Downers Grove, has been vice-president and membership chairman of the McHenry hospital auxiliary. Currently she is first vicepresident of the auxiliary and also co-chairman with Mrs. August Ro3setti of the fashion show Forecast *69, scheduled for April 30 at MartLnetti's in Crystal Lake. - • 'J t ,« JtSSSa ^ Plan Lilymtfor Rummage And Antique Sale 8 Mrs. Jacob (Connie) Johnson, secretary of the Lilymoor association, has announced Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19, as the dates for the Lilymoor rummage and antique sale. The sale will be held at 810 W. Southside avenue, (corner of Southside and Lily Lake road) in Lilymoor. Mrs. Johnson stressed; "This will be one of our biggest sales, with clothing, furniture, appliances, and antiques." Proceeds from the sale will be used to improve the subdivision roads. Anyone wishing to donate items may call 385-3908 or 385-0536.V Woman's Club To Hold Bake Sale April 19 LINDA JEAN COOK ENGAGEMENT TOLD -- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook of Elmhurst announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Jean, to Robert L. Townsend, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Townsend of Lakeland Park. Linda is a junior at Northern Illinois university, where she is a resident assistant at Grant Tower, North. Her fiance is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school. He is also a junior at Northern Illinois university and is affiliated with Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity. A June wedding is planned. The McHenry Woman's club is sponsoring a bake sale for the benefit of the McHenry County Mentally Retarded, to be held Saturday, April 19, starting at 9:30 a.m. at Justen's furniture store, corner of Green and Elm, McHenry. Members of the McHenry Woman's club are asked to bring home-baked items for the sale, to the store by 9:30, if possible. Benders Home After Memorable Winter Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bender of Fair Oaks subdivision returned last week from a three-month winter vacation which took them to such far away places as Los Angeles, Calif., attendance at the Tournament of Roses parade and two weeks of sight-seeing in San Francisco. On Jan. 23 they sailed on the SS Mariposa on a forty-six day cruise to Bora Bora, Tahiti, Rarotonga, New Zealand, Australia, Noumea, Fiji, Niuafo'ou Pago Pago and Hawaii, all very interesting locations in the South Pacific. After a three-week stay in the Islands of Hawaii, they returned home. Job's Daughters News March was a very busy month for the Job's Daughters of McHenry Bethel 98. Included was the girls' go-to-church- Sunday. They attended their honored queen's church - Nativity Lutheran church in Wonder Lake. After the church service there was a progressive dinner. The girls travelled from house to house, served one course at each home. March 13 was a stated meeting and the election of the Guardian council. March 22 was the reception for Miss Valorie Vicek, grand representative to the state of Utah. It was a very beautiful night, with entertainment provided by the more talented members of the Bethel. On March 25, the officers performed the Eastern Star ceremony for the McHenry chapter of Eastern Stars No. 547. March 27 was Miss Vickie Lagios' Advance Night. Many girls from different bethels in Illinois held stations. It wac a very nice meeting. The public is invited to Bethel 98's rummage sale which is being held April 18 and 19 at the McHenry Masonic temple located at 1309 North Court street. The sale will take place on Friday from 9 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Juvenile Girl Forester's Hold Installation The Johnsburg Juvenile Girl Foresters of Court 777 will have a meeting and installation of officers on Monday, April 14, from 6:30 until 9 p.m. in the Community Club hall. Each family is asked to bring a dish to pass for a pot-luck supper. All second grade girl Foresters and others who have not been initiated are invited. Pins will be distributed. NAIM Chapter Plans Pot-Luck St. Margaret chapter, NAIM, will meet for a pot-luck supper at 7 o'clock Friday, April 18, in a room of St. Mary's school. Meat will be furnished, but those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass. New members may call 385- 2835 for more information. Shop In McHenry Tuna Filled Pancakes Are Fun Dish That Is Thrifty When prices rise, let your imagination rise with them. It will help you to serve a delicious dinner at low cost. Try Tuna Pancakes, a main dish fancy enough to encounter in a French restaurant, yet made only with budget ingredients. Canned tuna is one of the great bargains in protein foods. It is comparable in complete protein to lean meat, but tuna's price tag is so tiny. A can of soup makes delicious sauce for the tuna filling in the pancakes, and the pancakes themselves are a thrifty food. Brighten the season with luscious, tuna-filled pancakes, and you'll brighten your budget, too. Tuna Pancakes 1 cup pancake mix 1 egg 1 tablespoon salad oil 1% cups milk, divided 2 cans (6V2 or 7 ounces each) tuna in vegetable oil 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup, divided Combine pancake mix, egg, salad oil and V/4 cups of the milk. Beat only until smooth. Pour batter on a hot, lightly greased griddle, making pancakes about 4 inches in diameter. Bake to a golden brown, turning only once. While pancakes are baking, combine tuna, and V4 cup of the soup; heat. Put a spoonful in the center of each pancake; fg|d pancake over filling. Place tuna filled pancakes in shallow casserole or on oven-proof platter. Add V2 cup milk to remaining soup; heat. Spoon over tuna filled pancakes. Bake in moderate oven (375°F.) 15 minutes. YIELD: 6 servings of 2 pancakes each. VAL J. BUDD, JR. Candidate for the Board of MCHENRY .COUNTY COLLEGE VOTE at your local*polling place for College balloting. APRIL 12, 1969 12:00 Noon until 7:OQ P.M 7TlcyeelA* for MEN When selecting a gift for him.... let us help! 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS "» USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA iOOBQOOOOQOOOOOgQQOOOP