Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1969, p. 8

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PG. 8 - PLAINDEALER - WED. APRI L 16,-1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER COPY DEADLINE Office Hours Daily 8:S0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. Friday Paper • Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 9:80 a.m. Friday Paper Thursday 9 :30 a.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted to * Rent must be paid in advance. The Plalndealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first Insertion. Check your ad the first week and call our attention to any mistakes. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELPWANTED ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 60604. AUTOS^ 1966 YAMAHA, absolutely like new. 305 cc, low mileage, turn signals, $400. Call 395- 4292. 2-12-69TF1-2 Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY •« ^ ROUTE 120 1 Blk East of the River Bridge N--Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-67TF1 AUTOS BUSINESS SERVICES 1965 VOLKSWAGEN eonver-. tiblo- Fine condition. New muffler, $1095. Call 385-3527 4-11/4-16-69 1967 YAMAHA Big Boar Scrambler with helmet, $475. Call 385-1329 after 5 p.m. 4-11/4-18-69 1965 FAIRLANE 500, 289 engine, automatic transmission. Let's make a deal. Call 385- 0170 ask for Gene. 4-16/4-18-69 1966 JEEP | WAGONAIRE, low mileage, air conditioned, all power. Exceptionally good condition. Best offer. Call 459-5797. 4-16/4-18-69 1965 HONDA, 300 super hawk, good condition. Low mileage. Call 338-4972 after 8:30 p.m. 4-16/4-18-69 1938 FORD coupe body and chassis; model A engine and transmission. Call 653-4971. 4-16/4-18-69 •1968 VOLKSWAGEN, excel' lent condition. Approximately 12,000 miles. Owner must sacrifice. Call 312-ME9-4090. 4-16/4-18-69 1965 HONDA 3D5 Super Hawk. 7,000 actual miles. Excellent condition, $375. Call 385-3215 after 5 p.m. 4-16/4-18-69 1969 FORD truck, 8 cylinder, white. 3,000 miles, $2400. Call 385-1329 after 5 p.m-. 4-11/4-18-69 1959 FORD V2 ton pick up with 1963 motor. 420 N. Lake View Dr., Lakemoor, McHenry, 111. 4-11/4-16-69 ^B^tcTmotorsJ 14 FT. RUNABOUT with 30 h.p. Johnson motor. $150 firm. Call 385-5752. 4-16/4-18-69 Buinissim^CES POHERTY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SERVICE 1011 N. Beach Rd. McHenry, 111. CALL (015) 385-9704 or (015) 305-2396 4-2-69TF1 • IIELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALIJS • prens New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES I'biu SUB-MS* or IBS-8I1I McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (H mils east of bridge across from Dos A Suds) 0 RUG AND UPHOLSTERY Cleaners. Duraclean, world's safest process. Call 338-5109 or 338-4233 Woodstock. 4-2-69TF1-2 SHOP IN McHENRY SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St., McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282.. - . 4-2-69TF1-2 G. C. BLACKTOP SERVICE. Driveways and parking lots. We specialize in sealing and patching. For a small investment, sealer will make old driveways look like new. Free estimates. Call Fox Lake 312- 587-2053. &21/4-16-69 FREE ESTIM ATES ROOFING - SIDING FURNACE Expert Installations Call FRANK GANS Montgomery Ward Co. 385 1878 McHenry Days or Evenings 4-2/4-30-69 HORSES BOARDED. $30 per month. Nice riding area. Good care. 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood Rd. 385- 1298. 4-2-69TF1-2 HIGH prices paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., Call 385-6236 all day Saturday. 4-2/4-25-69TF1-2 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 4-2-69TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 1134 West Elm Street McHtnry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. 4-2-69TF1-2 WAYNE MEYER lawn mowing and roto tilling service. Call 385-4140. 4-16-69TF1-2 DOHERTY Sand & Gravel * Black Dirt & Fill • Driveways • Parking Lots * Sodding Phono 915-995-9704 4-2-69TF1 INCOME TAX SERVICE PROMPT, ACCURATE HANDLING OF1 YOUR INDIVIDUAL TAX SITUATION McHENRY ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICE 4410 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-4410 9 - 9 D a i l y SEWING MACHINE tune up. clean, adjust & lubricate in your home. $7.50 plus parts. Call 385-1561 for appointment. 4-2/4-16TF1-2 Business Opportusille# DUSTY'S Pizzeria and restaurant established 8 years. Good financial income. By owner, $11,000. Call 385-4853 or 653-6310. 4-2-69TF1-2 FOR SALE Business Services L I L Y L A K E L a n d s c a p i n g . Tractor work, seeding and sodding. Call 815-385-0161. 4-4-69TF1-2 FOR SALE USED LUMBER for sale. Ix6's. Phone 385-5839. 3-21-69TF FURNITURE of 11 model homes. Must sacrifice. Will separate. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 3-26/4-30-69 8 PIECE walnut dining room set, $700 original, 2 months old, $350. Living room sofa, 1 chair, 3 tables, 2 lamps, $195. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 3-26/4-30-69 EARLY AMERICAN maple furniture. Living" room, bedroom and dining room. Builders samples. Up to 50% off. Terms. Mundelein, Call 312- 566-6550 3-26/4-30-69 Picture F rames Original Oil Paintings. Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt. 12b MoHenry 385-7100 10-23-6 iTF 1 EVERGREEN TREES Scotch, White and Red Pine. DIG YOUR OWN $5 and up CALL 385-1079 4-11/4-23-69 N O T I C E We Offer for Sale 1. White crushed stone 2. Local field stone boulders 3. Imported colored stone crushed-chunks-boulders specialty: black and white Georgia Marble boulders. 4. Flagstone in great variety. FOX RIVER STONE CO. Rte. 31 - South Elgin 812-742-6060 We Deliver 4-2-69TF1 ONION SETS - Seed potatoes - bulk vegetable garden seeds, 15c pkg. Bohn's Ace Hardware, Woodstock's Garden Shop. 4-16-69 FOR SALE* NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 385-0170 McHonrv. iil. FOB SALE OAK FIREPLACE wood. Split and delivered. $25 per ton. Call McHenry Fence & Supply Co. 385-1469. 4-2-69TF1-2 18 AND 26 roohV martin and wren houses. Call a<g5-6319. >4-9/4-18-69 afnp< . Dq: use of rooms. Rent our Racine Machine. Lakeland Paint . 4-16-69 MOTHERS love shafnpooing carpet without water. Instant IXDSE WEIGHT safely with Dox-A-Diet Tablets. Only 98c at Bolgers Drug. 4-16-69 CROWN gas range, $25; antique buffet, $10; antique chest, $5; 7 piece dinette set, $50; maple trundle beds, complete, 560. Call 385-0233. 4-16-69 3 PIECE SECTIONAL couch with slip covers. Call 385- 1635 after 6 p.m. 4-16/4-18-69 19 IN. lawn mower, recoil start, used 2 seasons. Good condition, $20. 35MM Mercury II camera, 2.7 lens, $20 or best offer. Call 385-9671. 4-16/4-18-69 REMOVE EXCESS body fluid with FLUIDEX tablets, only $1.49 at Bolgers Drug. 4-16-69 WALNUT twin beds, complete. Bookcase headboard, wagon wheel footboard. Excellent condition. Original price $130 asking $35. Call 385-1731 4-16/4-18-69 HAGSTROM electric guitar, 3 pick-up, hand vibrator, $75 or best offer. Sub-zero refrigerator freezer. 1966 model, $125 or best' offer. Call 385-2748 after 5 p.m. 4-16/4-18-69 25 GALLON aquarium with or without equipment. Call 385- 5412 4-16-69 SALES Garage Rummaget Backyard Lint your Garage, Rummage Basement or Backard Salt In the McHENRY PLAINDEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plalndealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in ut the Plaindealer office for q Free brochure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find thia brochure helpful. Great Garage Sale: Something for Everyone! Hand painted figurines & wall decorations to suit all types ' of furnishings, also wonderful gift ideas. Brica- brac galore, collector's items, a large assortment of antiques galore, collector's items, a large assortment of antiques and misc. REASONABLE. Located 3% miles East of Harvard, 111., on Rt. 173 and Reese Rd. All day Sat. and Sun. April 19th and 20th. 4-16-69 RUMMAGE SALE. Very reasonable, clothing, misc. items. Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p»m. 2806 Old Oak Dr., McHenry, 111. 385-1912. 4-16-69 BACK YARD SALE. Saturday and Sunday, April 19 and 20, from 11 a.m. 3018 W. Crescent Ave. 4 rooms furniture and TV, garden tools, power lawn mower, mouton jackets and other furs. Fur pieces by the box 50c and up, and many other articles. Leaving town. 4-16/4-18-69 SHOP m McHENRY FOR SALE WENDA air conditioner, 8500 B.T.U./'$75; paint srayer, $50, new. (Call 385-0266 ) 4-11/4-16-69 1 ROBINS MYER 18 inch window fan, $10. Kelvinator refrigerator, $35. 500 Bally Road. 4-16/4-18-69 SPEED QUEEN 2 speed yvringer washer, stainless steel tub, 2 years old. Reasonable. Call 385-2342. 4-16/4-18-69 USED automatic Kenmore washing machine. Good condition, $35. Call 385-6267 4-16/4-18-69 5 h.p. Bolens tractor and sulky, 36" front mounted. Mower & snowblade. Sofa bed, antique china cabinet. Call 385-5477 4-16/4-18-69 EXCELLENT BUY. 36" Crown gas stove, $25. Call 385-0222. 4-16/4-18-69 DOUBLE BED, complete. Good condition, $35. Call 385-7739 after 5 p.m. 4-16/4-18-69 EXCELLENT, efficient and economical, that's Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 4-16-69 /REAL, ESTATE T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Wonder Lake Extra large living room and kitchen/dining room. Two bedrooms, huge 2 car garage ahd large lot on a dead end street. $14,400. Need 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, with a big family price tag? PLUS full basement and garage near beach. Big closets and storage space. $18,950. Chain Of Lakes Area Ideal for young family, or retirement home for active folks. 2 large bedrooms, family size kitchen with separate utility room. Attached garage, 1% blocks from beach of Stanton Bay, private beach and boat rights. OWN IT FOR 514,000 McHenry Area Come see for yourself! Country buy! 11/10 acre, Brick Home, 3 bedrooms, basement, 2% car attached garage, walking distance to train and grocery store. Built in oven/range, automatic dishwasher. Well landscaped and only $25,500 OPEN 7 DAYS WEE^ TILL DARK T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone: S85-6341 653-2061 4-16-69 FOX LAKE, 4Yz room cottage, gas heat, beach and pier rights, $6,000. Call 653-4971 4-16/4-18-69 "rHalestaSe" CARD OF THANKS A very large thanks to all who hllped me in the April 12 school board election. I will do my best. ANNIE CUDA. 4-16-69 I WISH TO THANK all my friends, relatives and neighbors for the cards, visits and prayers I "received while in the hospital. Also to the entire staff of the hospital and to Father Rudden. Sincerely, MRS. EVELYN BLAKE 4-16-69 WE WISH TO THANK our friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. We are especially greatful to Father Dording and Father Rudden. THE FAMILY OF ANN CHELINI 4-16-69 MY SINCERE THANKS to relatives, friends and neighbors for the. many kindnesses extended during my stay in the hospital. A special thanks to Fathers Baumhaufer, Rudden, Tierney and Binsfeld for their spiritual support. CLARENCE J. ETTEN 4-16-69 IN TOWN 3 BEDROOM, den or 4th bedroom, brick ranch home. Fenced and landscaped yard. 2% car heated garage, 1% baths, built in kitchen, dining area, full basement, central gas, air condtion. Near all schools. Mid $30's. Call 385-0220 4-16/4-18-69 WONDER LAKE -- 2 flat lots, lake rights, for sale or trade. Call 312-244-6028. 4-4/4-30-69 3 BEDROOM home. Call 385 1160. 4-2-69TF1-2 HURRY OUR BUYERS WANT your farm, vacant acreage or rural property. call our Rural Pwptrti Department T. P. MATHEWS 385-6341 ov 653-2061 4-2-69TF1-2 McHENRY SHORES: Bi-level 3-4 bedrooms, lxk, baths, 1 car garage, sun deck, panelled family room with bookshelves, carpeted, drapes, gas heat, utility room, river rights, boat dock. Assume new FHA loan, low equity. $25,900. 606 S. Meadow Rd., McHenry, call 385-5934. • 4-16/4-18-69 5 BEDROOM farm house, 1 acre fenced in. Large kitchen, carpeted living room, basement, gas heat, large shed, $19,000. Call 815-653-9150. 4-16/4-18-69 Female Help Wanted KEY PUNCH | OPERATOR I Immediate opening for am- ^ bitious woman in small ^ data processing dept. E^y; J; perience a prerequisite. Ex* v! cellent working conditions. Company benefits include: • Superb profit sharing • Hospitalization plan • Sick leave • Paid vacation • Salary commensurate ^ with ability. If Call 459-5500 4-16-69 HOUSEKEEPER. Live in. No children. For elderly lady. Write to R. Gottwald, 326 liberty Street, Wauconda, 111. 4-11/4-16-69 IF YOU ABE INTERESTED in teaching exciting specialized make-up techniques with Vlrlane Woodard Coemetics having fun and making money too; call PAT SMITH 4-2/4-4-69 McHenry Medical Group needs ACCOUNTING CLERKS Full and part time Permanent positions. Will train Typing helpful. Call MRS. LUETH 385-1050 4-9/4-18-69 WAITRESS, full or part time. Call Al's White House, 385- 9892. 4-16/4-18-69 EXPERIENCED hostess for busy dining room, Saturday and Sunday. Call 385-2671 4-16-69TF1-2 SALESLADY, full tme. Apply in person, Vycital's, 1228 N. Green, McHenry, 111. 4*16/4-18-49 WOMEN, part time days. Call 385-9874. Riverside Laundry £ Dry Cleaners. 1304 Front S& McHenry, 111. 4-16/4-18-69 WANTED TO LEASS GOOD HUNTING land & northern Illinois. Write . full details. Mr. Paul Partak, 55Q8 W. 23rd St., Cicero, 111. 6065$ 4-16/4-18-69 REAL ESTATE , " 1 • " • • ' COUNTRY CLUB area, 3 bedroom brick ranch, family room, fireplace, attached heated garage. River rights, $23,750- Call 653-4971. 4-16/4-18-* REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE oqooqooqoqoooooooqqqocoqqqoqooooqqqoooqocqoqc I REAL ESTATE WANTED For our many many prospects who come to us for homes anywhere in McHenry county. WE OFFER THESE SERVICES •FREE PROFESSIONAL APPRAISING ^GUARANTEED ADVERTISING •THE BEST FINANCING Call ut for • frw mark ft appraisal-ami dbcuss our plan to sail your property P K7 AN KSS 401 Rollins Road. Round Lake. Illinois Kimball 6-3100 Evenings • JUstice 7-8663 q juuoornnnnnnnrnnnnfinnr HnnnnnnnooouiZ > K I

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