THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 9 tendent, "on a recent Sunday morning, there were ninetyeight pupils brought to the First ; Baptist church by the three • buses". "This is only the beginning", was the enthusiastic observation of Robert Branson, new deacon and director of the bus ministry program for the church. "I pan see that very soon we will be operating ten routes, into the surrounding areas- every Sunday morning". The Sunday morning program at the Baptist church is somewhat traditional among Bap- I tists. The church school begins at 9:45 a.m. and continues into a morning worship service at 10:45. The Bible, considered to be the divine Word of God, is the textbook. Adult Bible classes are also conducted at the same hour. "Space here at the church is a big problem", the pastor stated. "We want to provide a Bible study program for anyone who will participate in it, but we are having to make adjustments all the timp." The church is renting a portion of the Junior high school at the present time to provide needed space. "We will soon need to provide two different school hours or enlarge our building" , continued Pastor Chappell „ At the present time the buses are serving McHenry Shores, Riverside Park, Island Lake, Holiday Hills , Oakhurst and Emerald Park, also Eastwood Manor, Kent Acres, Lilymoor and Lakemoor. A third route includes Heumann's, Johnsburg, Sunnyside and McCullom Lake. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the service are asked to call the church. Shop In McHenry Kiwanis News| WONDER LAKE CLUB Wonder Lake Kiwanis hosted five clubs last week. Attending were delegations from Sycamore, Belvidere, Woodstock, DeKalb and Fox River Grove- Cary. The latter brought the travelling gavel. ft ; Lt. Gov. Joe Bussone said a few words to encourage Division 20 clubs making an interclub when the giavel is presented to Dundee. He also spoke about the international convention to be held in June in Miami Beach. Art Lau will attend. STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.jn. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 - 6 Sun/10 - 5 spurgeons Mc He nry Market Place Above is a scene at the {'irst Baptist church on a recent Sunday morning. Bus pastors, Robert Branson, Charles Bryant, and I.efand Parvin are preparing to leave on their respective routes to bring pupils to the church Sunday school with the buses purchased by the church for this purpose. Pictured also are the teen-age assistants who work with the bus pasf tinrrl* Rue bscause of the increased de- " ^ ^D U5 mand for transportation, a lar- $0pvjC0 15 £e r t h^r C l b u s w a s purchased Provided Just a year ago the members of the First Baptist church decided to begin a bus route to provide free transportation for anyone who was interested in worshipping at their church on Sunday morning. A bus was rented by the church and the route was established serving the areas to the east of McHenry. The venture proved to be of such value that the church soon purchased two small buses and an additional route was established to the south of McHenry. In March of this year, tors. These include Jimmy McMillan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan; Ronald Chappell, son of Pastor and Mrs. Chappell; and Dann\ Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Miller. Front row : Branson. Ronnie Chappell and Miller; back row. Pastor Chappefl. McMillan, Bryant and Parvin. STARTING OUR 63rd YEAR OF KEEPING PRICES DOWN! This Anniversary Sale Proves Savings Are Better Then Ever! Last Week! for the east route and a new route was begun to the north of town. ;'To show how effective this ministry is", commented John Lynch, Sunday school superin- T H E 'Br World If Of Pharmacy Robert Schultz It. Ph. Donald Doherty R.Ph. GENERICS The trend, the publicity, the consumer awareness fostered so ^strongly by the press and interested public officials, have brought generic prescribing and generic drugs to the fore. The pros and cons have been heated and shrill, the controversy still rages; but some physicians, with full professional integrity, want their patients to have the more economical medication. This inevitably increases the pharmacist's responsibility. He must be sure! The doctor writes a generic, and fully implied is his confidence that the product the pharmacist chooses will be of the highest purity and potency. And, as always he has in the past, the pharmacist will live up to this trust. To do so he must be very critical of the responsibility, the ethics and the integrity of the supplier and the manufacturer of the generic. With as much zeal and fierceness as the brand name manufacturer guards his label, the pharmacist must guard what he dispenses under his own. This is how we believe, how we think. With full confidence, as does your doctor, you may rely on us. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE.. 1259 N. Green...Phone 385-4500. Whitman Candy..Fannie May Candy Norcross Greeting Cards...Shulton.. .Delivery THIS WEEKS HELPFUL HINT: An ordinary bushel basket lined with an old plastic tafcflecloth makes an ideal clothes basket. PASS BOOK SAVINGS THE BEST WAY TO SAVE REGULARLY Any amount will open a passbook savings account. Additions or withdrawals may be made at any time in any amount. Compounding of earnings quarterly makes your savings account grow faster - net effective rate of 4.8 5%. So easy to add or withdraw by mail - and postage paid both ways. Current dividend rate per annum Passbopk Savings Savings Certificates 43/4% 5% MARENGO federal savings and loan association 200 East Grant Highway • Marengo, Illinois 60152 Sit coto Phone:815-568-7258 WHERE MORE PEOPLE SAVE MORE MONEY THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN MC HENRY COUNTY Girls' Sleepwear Sale! Gowns, pajamas, delightfully styled, solids and prints in sizes 4 to 14. Easy-care! 2.99 Val.,277 or 2 for *5 Save! 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